Space-time Traveler

Chapter 95: Witch Hunter 4


Su Ziyu's figure moved quickly in the night.

There were explosions in the distance and the screams of humans dying. It seemed that Van Tesin had encountered an enemy.

There were more than a dozen witch hunters scattered in front of Su Ziyu.

These witch hunters are very proficient in small-scale battles. They spread out in units of five people, and almost everyone is equipped with a crossbow. The physique, strength, and reaction speed of the witch hunters have also been enhanced by the magic potion. They move very quickly and have very good endurance. After determining the approximate location of the sorceress, they quickly spread out and surrounded her.

When Su Ziyu rushed over, the sorceress in a cloak was already in very dangerous condition!

She was trapped on a hillside by a dozen witch hunters. Crossbow arrows were constantly fired at her hiding place, and some people threw a kind of bomb in the direction where she was hiding. This kind of bomb is not very powerful, but after the explosion, it can spread a strange metal dust, which seems to be able to interrupt the sorceress's spellcasting.

The sorceress Su Ziyu was responsible for seemed to be proficient in some strange spells.

She can open an invisible barrier that is invisible to the naked eye. This barrier can block crossbow arrows, but it will quickly break after being hit by a crossbow arrow made of anti-magic metal. She also summoned a group of crows, and there seemed to be some wriggling vines on the ground, but these seemed to be restrained by weapons made of anti-magic metal. The witch hunters were slowly approaching her position.


These witch hunters should all be veterans. They threw a strange alchemical fire oil that burned on the ground and quickly burned the activated vines to death.

The ground was shaking slightly.

A witch hunter turned over to avoid it very quickly, and then the next second the ground collapsed and shook in his position, and a row of spikes emerged. They seemed to be very familiar with the witches' spells. They could at least determine the location of the spell attacks and how to deal with the things they summoned.


A cold blade flashed through the darkness.

Su Ziyu quietly approached a witch hunter and stabbed him through the heart in an instant with a knife. Then he shot out a short black blade and nailed the forehead of a witch hunter on the side directly.

As soon as he took action, two enemies fell down.


"An enemy is approaching! Be careful!" The witch hunters' perception was very good, and they noticed some movement.

But they couldn't see the perilla fish.

There was only the sound of some slight swaying of vegetation in the darkness. Su Ziyu found that when facing humans, his strength was more terrifying than imagined. They were not like those polluted monsters that could not be killed. As long as they hit the heart and head, they could not be killed. , even these witch hunters who have been strengthened by magic potions, he can still kill them with one blow.


Su Ziyu stretched out his hand and grasped it, and the black short blade that had just been thrown automatically flew back into his hand.

However, the reaction speed of these witch hunters was indeed very fast. When they could not see Su Ziyu, they took out the alchemical fire oil without hesitation, and then threw it out one by one towards his approximate location.

Boom boom boom!

These explosive and burning alchemical fire oils caused Su Ziyu a little trouble, and a little trace of his figure was revealed under the twisted refraction of the flames.

The next second.

Seven or eight crossbow arrows were fired in the general direction of Su Ziyu, forcing him to quickly dodge and move his position.

These witch hunters clearly have experience dealing with invisible enemies.


Several more cold lights flashed in the darkness, and Su Ziyu threw three flying knives, then swooped forward and chopped off the head of a witch hunter with one knife.

A headless corpse gushing blood collapsed.

Having lost so many people in a short period of time, these witch hunters were obviously a little panicked. They kept shooting crossbows into the darkness, and some people threw out the alchemical fire oil in their hands when they saw some trouble. But they still couldn't catch Su Ziyu quickly. If it were during the day with the sharp reactions of these witch hunters, they might be able to determine the approximate location of Su Ziyu, but now they can only become more and more frightened, and then in fear One after another fell down.

The psychic power combined with the throwing ability of Su Ziyu is very lethal to these witch hunters!

Not many of the witch hunters in front of him survived, and only the last three people were left directly in front of Su Ziyu, two of which were the men in black he had seen that day.

The three of them formed a back-to-back defensive formation, which made Su Ziyu feel a little helpless.

more importantly.

These people seemed to have strength that was no less than that of Fan Texin. They could actually block Su Ziyu's flying knife with the weapons in their hands just by feeling.

These three people are all wearing armor. If Su Ziyu makes a sneak attack, two other weapons will attack him in an instant. With the enhanced physical fitness of the witch hunter, he may not be able to withstand it.

At this time.

There was some movement from the other side of the hillside, and a sorceress in a cloak came out in a rather embarrassed manner.

She had unusually long emerald green hair, and she was staring at the battlefield in front of her in stunned silence. She had just been so shocked by the anti-magic bomb that she almost had a spell backfire, and it took a while before she could catch her breath. She was feeling that she might be doomed this time, and she couldn't help but feel regretful and regretful in her heart, thinking that she should wait until Enid came back before taking action.

But she didn't expect that she was so stunned that screams came one after another from outside!


Alice had said before the operation that there would be two very powerful demon hunters helping them this time.

But she never expected that these witch hunters could be so powerful. When she poked her head out, she saw the corpses of witch hunters lying on the ground. The battle lasted only two or three minutes.


Su Ziyu took off his invisibility cloak, and his slightly thin figure appeared in front of the three surviving witch hunters.

The other party's eyes were full of hatred.

"Witcher!?" The three witch hunters gritted their teeth and rushed forward with weapons. They scattered in three directions. No matter which one Su Ziyu faced, his back would be exposed to the eyes of the other two.

Even the most powerful witcher cannot face the best of three witch hunters at the same time.

But that's it.

Su Ziyu faced the three witch hunters rushing towards him, raised his hand and took out a rather strange silver-white weapon.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the dull gunfire, the three witch hunters fell down with unwilling expressions on their faces, and a bloody hole was already opened in their heads.

The battle is over.

Su Ziyu made a beautiful move of the gun and put away the weapon. When he turned around, he saw a sorceress with a stunned expression. Surrounded by him were a large number of corpses of witch hunters.

… … …

(End of chapter)