Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 1320: The end of the war


The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

So not long after Lu Shu heard the roar, he saw the blood demon army climbing up the mountain to look at the royal city in the distance!

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

So not long after Lu Shu heard the roar, he saw the blood demon army climbing up the mountain to look at the royal city in the distance!

They are extremely fast and use their bodies as tools. Even if there is a stone in front of them, they will crush it with one punch.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

Lu Shu's estimate of seven days not only included time for water to be released, but also time for the soil to dry up. However, by the second night, he had already seen the blood demon beginning to move.

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

Lu Shu turned to Zhang Weiyu and Li Liang and said, "Prepare for war. The river will dry up in less than seven days."

"Don't be impatient." Chen Zuan sighed: "It would be great if we were Grand Masters. I feel like if I were to be promoted to Grand Master, I could eat thousands of blood demons in one bite. Although it's disgusting to think about it, that's okay. It’s a matter of method…”

When the flood hit these walls of flesh and blood, some blood demons were instantly washed away. However, after the flood passed through several walls of flesh, the top-down impact was diluted layer by layer. When the flood came downstream, the impact The power has become much calmer!

However, the rest of Yulong Banzhi are all equipped with tridents. This kind of thing is easy to use in close combat, and it is also a magic weapon. It is indeed very powerful. One fork can stab the blood demon to the core, but the problem is if It's hard to deal with the blood monsters flying around.

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

If you just sing the small conch trumpet, I'm afraid it will be good to blow down three to five thousand. He has an advanced version of Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, but the problem is that even if he uses Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, Cheng Qiuqiao estimates that the most is Taking down more than 10,000 animals would be the limit.

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

However, the rest of Yulong Banzhi are all equipped with tridents. This kind of thing is easy to use in close combat, and it is also a magic weapon. It is indeed very powerful. One fork can stab the blood demon to the core, but the problem is if It's hard to deal with the blood monsters flying around.

"There are only a few thousand." Chen Zuan scratched his head and looked at the blood demons in the sky: "I'm afraid there must be more than a hundred thousand flying ones on the other side. Your power is not enough..."

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

"You can do it, go ahead." Cheng Qiuqiao was not happy, and he became very angry when he mentioned the little snail.

"You can do it, go ahead." Cheng Qiuqiao was not happy, and he became very angry when he mentioned the little snail.

The Imperial Dragon Squad pulled down their visors in unison, making a loud sound as the visors collided with their helmets.

They are extremely fast and use their bodies as tools. Even if there is a stone in front of them, they will crush it with one punch.

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

Then, after the flood discharge channel was dug, the subsequent blood demon legions stepped on the bodies of the advance brigade and continued to climb up. They never considered the life or death of their companions, and had only one purpose, to implement the will of the demon king!

He turned his back to the overwhelming blood demons and smiled at Zhang Weiyu and the other dragon squad members: "Are you ready?"

If you just sing the small conch trumpet, I'm afraid it will be good to blow down three to five thousand. He has an advanced version of Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, but the problem is that even if he uses Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, Cheng Qiuqiao estimates that the most is Taking down more than 10,000 animals would be the limit.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

Lu Shu turned to Zhang Weiyu and Li Liang and said, "Prepare for war. The river will dry up in less than seven days."

"Yes." Lu Shu nodded, and he solemnly said to Li Liang: "I will have to work hard for you from now on, but they are a little too naive to think that they can capture the royal city without the moat."

Lu Shu turned to Zhang Weiyu and Li Liang and said, "Prepare for war. The river will dry up in less than seven days."

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

The setting sun is like blood!

So not long after Lu Shu heard the roar, he saw the blood demon army climbing up the mountain to look at the royal city in the distance!

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

This is the world of spiritual civilization!

When the flood hit these walls of flesh and blood, some blood demons were instantly washed away. However, after the flood passed through several walls of flesh, the top-down impact was diluted layer by layer. When the flood came downstream, the impact The power has become much calmer!

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

Gradually, the mountains and plains were covered with red blood demon legions. Looking from a distance, the north turned into a coquettish red, and there were blood demons flying in the sky, covering the sky!

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

He turned his back to the overwhelming blood demons and smiled at Zhang Weiyu and the other dragon squad members: "Are you ready?"

Gradually, the mountains and plains were covered with red blood demon legions. Looking from a distance, the north turned into a coquettish red, and there were blood demons flying in the sky, covering the sky!

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

However, the rest of Yulong Banzhi are all equipped with tridents. This kind of thing is easy to use in close combat, and it is also a magic weapon. It is indeed very powerful. One fork can stab the blood demon to the core, but the problem is if It's hard to deal with the blood monsters flying around.

The blood demon legion did not attack immediately. They were waiting for the vast ocean to disappear. At that time, it would be the best time for them to launch an attack. By then, there would be enough blood demons to flood the royal city.

However, Lu Shu knew very well that this was only a small part of the Blood Demon Legion!

The setting sun is like blood!

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

However, Lu Shu knew very well that this was only a small part of the Blood Demon Legion!

The blood demon legion did not attack immediately. They were waiting for the vast ocean to disappear. At that time, it would be the best time for them to launch an attack. By then, there would be enough blood demons to flood the royal city.

The setting sun is like blood!

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

Then, after the flood discharge channel was dug, the subsequent blood demon legions stepped on the bodies of the advance brigade and continued to climb up. They never considered the life or death of their companions, and had only one purpose, to implement the will of the demon king!

The Imperial Dragon Squad pulled down their visors in unison, making a loud sound as the visors collided with their helmets.

"Let's give it a try. After killing everyone, I will take you home." After Lu Shu finished speaking, he turned around, like a young boy who was slaying dragons facing the dragons in the sky. The boy was still the same boy and had not turned into a dragon.

In the sky, the blood demon spread its huge flesh wings and flew towards the royal city. Dongzhou moved, and Xizhou also moved. Wen Zaichou commanded the army to collide with the Xizhou army where Sun Xiuwen was. Sun Xiuwen unexpectedly They gave up the siege and instead let the Xizhou army go head-to-head with the Nanzhou army!

"Don't be impatient." Chen Zuan sighed: "It would be great if we were Grand Masters. I feel like if I were to be promoted to Grand Master, I could eat thousands of blood demons in one bite. Although it's disgusting to think about it, that's okay. It’s a matter of method…”

When the flood hit these walls of flesh and blood, some blood demons were instantly washed away. However, after the flood passed through several walls of flesh, the top-down impact was diluted layer by layer. When the flood came downstream, the impact The power has become much calmer!

Lu Shu turned to Zhang Weiyu and Li Liang and said, "Prepare for war. The river will dry up in less than seven days."

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

So not long after Lu Shu heard the roar, he saw the blood demon army climbing up the mountain to look at the royal city in the distance!

Li Liang frowned and said: "If I were the opponent, with such a huge number, I would be completely willing to sacrifice some of the blood demons. When the Dragon Control Squadron thought that the blood demons would attack only when the river ran out, I would launch a surprise attack in advance. Don’t be defensive.”

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

The setting sun is like blood!

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

"Can't beat him?" Cheng Qiuqiao looked at Chen Zu'an and said with a smile, "If he can't beat him, then he will die here with Brother Shu! Let those blood monsters be buried with him!"

Gradually, the mountains and plains were covered with red blood demon legions. Looking from a distance, the north turned into a coquettish red, and there were blood demons flying in the sky, covering the sky!

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

"Yes." Lu Shu nodded, and he solemnly said to Li Liang: "I will have to work hard for you from now on, but they are a little too naive to think that they can capture the royal city without the moat."

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

However, Lu Shu knew very well that this was only a small part of the Blood Demon Legion!

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

Lu Shu's face was solemn, this was a great gift from the enemy, and he wanted to ruin all the plots here.

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

If you just sing the small conch trumpet, I'm afraid it will be good to blow down three to five thousand. He has an advanced version of Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, but the problem is that even if he uses Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, Cheng Qiuqiao estimates that the most is Taking down more than 10,000 animals would be the limit.

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

The blood demon legion did not attack immediately. They were waiting for the vast ocean to disappear. At that time, it would be the best time for them to launch an attack. By then, there would be enough blood demons to flood the royal city.

When night fell, when the sun set completely below the horizon, the blood monsters all over the mountains and plains actually launched an attack in advance. They paved the road in the river with the corpses of their companions. They were all the weakest blood monsters, and they were decisively sacrificed. Got it!

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

The blood demon legion did not attack immediately. They were waiting for the vast ocean to disappear. At that time, it would be the best time for them to launch an attack. By then, there would be enough blood demons to flood the royal city.

This is the world of spiritual civilization!

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

"Don't be impatient." Chen Zuan sighed: "It would be great if we were Grand Masters. I feel like if I were to be promoted to Grand Master, I could eat thousands of blood demons in one bite. Although it's disgusting to think about it, that's okay. It’s a matter of method…”

Chen Zuan and Cheng Qiuqiao leaned on the city wall and looked at the dense red on the distant mountains. Chen Zuan sighed: "The trident is still a bit weak against flying things in the sky. If the bronze torrent were here, a whole The volley of Rinnubei Swords completely harvested the enemy!"

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

In the sky, the blood demon spread its huge flesh wings and flew towards the royal city. Dongzhou moved, and Xizhou also moved. Wen Zaichou commanded the army to collide with the Xizhou army where Sun Xiuwen was. Sun Xiuwen unexpectedly They gave up the siege and instead let the Xizhou army go head-to-head with the Nanzhou army!

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

This is the world of spiritual civilization!

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

"You can do it, go ahead." Cheng Qiuqiao was not happy, and he became very angry when he mentioned the little snail.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

"Yes." Lu Shu nodded, and he solemnly said to Li Liang: "I will have to work hard for you from now on, but they are a little too naive to think that they can capture the royal city without the moat."

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

However, the rest of Yulong Banzhi are all equipped with tridents. This kind of thing is easy to use in close combat, and it is also a magic weapon. It is indeed very powerful. One fork can stab the blood demon to the core, but the problem is if It's hard to deal with the blood monsters flying around.

However, Lu Shu knew very well that this was only a small part of the Blood Demon Legion!

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.

"Let's give it a try. After killing everyone, I will take you home." After Lu Shu finished speaking, he turned around, like a young boy who was slaying dragons facing the dragons in the sky. The boy was still the same boy and had not turned into a dragon.

Li Liang frowned and said: "If I were the opponent, with such a huge number, I would be completely willing to sacrifice some of the blood demons. When the Dragon Control Squadron thought that the blood demons would attack only when the river ran out, I would launch a surprise attack in advance. Don’t be defensive.”

Then, after the flood discharge channel was dug, the subsequent blood demon legions stepped on the bodies of the advance brigade and continued to climb up. They never considered the life or death of their companions, and had only one purpose, to implement the will of the demon king!

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

This is the world of spiritual civilization!

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

"Can't beat him?" Cheng Qiuqiao looked at Chen Zu'an and said with a smile, "If he can't beat him, then he will die here with Brother Shu! Let those blood monsters be buried with him!"

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

Lu Shu's estimate of seven days not only included time for water to be released, but also time for the soil to dry up. However, by the second night, he had already seen the blood demon beginning to move.

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

Li Liang frowned and said: "If I were the opponent, with such a huge number, I would be completely willing to sacrifice some of the blood demons. When the Dragon Control Squadron thought that the blood demons would attack only when the river ran out, I would launch a surprise attack in advance. Don’t be defensive.”

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

The Imperial Dragon Squad pulled down their visors in unison, making a loud sound as the visors collided with their helmets.

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

The key is that these blood demons may not die when they fall to the ground, and they still have the ability to continue fighting.

Lu Shu's face was solemn, this was a great gift from the enemy, and he wanted to ruin all the plots here.

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

"There are only a few thousand." Chen Zuan scratched his head and looked at the blood demons in the sky: "I'm afraid there must be more than a hundred thousand flying ones on the other side. Your power is not enough..."

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

This is the world of spiritual civilization!

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

Lu Shu's face was solemn, this was a great gift from the enemy, and he wanted to ruin all the plots here.

"You can do it, go ahead." Cheng Qiuqiao was not happy, and he became very angry when he mentioned the little snail.

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

When the flood hit these walls of flesh and blood, some blood demons were instantly washed away. However, after the flood passed through several walls of flesh, the top-down impact was diluted layer by layer. When the flood came downstream, the impact The power has become much calmer!

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

When night fell, when the sun set completely below the horizon, the blood monsters all over the mountains and plains actually launched an attack in advance. They paved the road in the river with the corpses of their companions. They were all the weakest blood monsters, and they were decisively sacrificed. Got it!

"You can do it, go ahead." Cheng Qiuqiao was not happy, and he became very angry when he mentioned the little snail.

If you just sing the small conch trumpet, I'm afraid it will be good to blow down three to five thousand. He has an advanced version of Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, but the problem is that even if he uses Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, Cheng Qiuqiao estimates that the most is Taking down more than 10,000 animals would be the limit.

If you just sing the small conch trumpet, I'm afraid it will be good to blow down three to five thousand. He has an advanced version of Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, but the problem is that even if he uses Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, Cheng Qiuqiao estimates that the most is Taking down more than 10,000 animals would be the limit.

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

They are extremely fast and use their bodies as tools. Even if there is a stone in front of them, they will crush it with one punch.

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

"Let's give it a try. After killing everyone, I will take you home." After Lu Shu finished speaking, he turned around, like a young boy who was slaying dragons facing the dragons in the sky. The boy was still the same boy and had not turned into a dragon.

Lu Shu turned to Zhang Weiyu and Li Liang and said, "Prepare for war. The river will dry up in less than seven days."

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

When night fell, when the sun set completely below the horizon, the blood monsters all over the mountains and plains actually launched an attack in advance. They paved the road in the river with the corpses of their companions. They were all the weakest blood monsters, and they were decisively sacrificed. Got it!

The key is that these blood demons may not die when they fall to the ground, and they still have the ability to continue fighting.

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

This is the world of spiritual civilization!

"Don't be impatient." Chen Zuan sighed: "It would be great if we were Grand Masters. I feel like if I were to be promoted to Grand Master, I could eat thousands of blood demons in one bite. Although it's disgusting to think about it, that's okay. It’s a matter of method…”

In the sky, the blood demon spread its huge flesh wings and flew towards the royal city. Dongzhou moved, and Xizhou also moved. Wen Zaichou commanded the army to collide with the Xizhou army where Sun Xiuwen was. Sun Xiuwen unexpectedly They gave up the siege and instead let the Xizhou army go head-to-head with the Nanzhou army!

"Don't be impatient." Chen Zuan sighed: "It would be great if we were Grand Masters. I feel like if I were to be promoted to Grand Master, I could eat thousands of blood demons in one bite. Although it's disgusting to think about it, that's okay. It’s a matter of method…”

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

Lu Shu's estimate of seven days not only included time for water to be released, but also time for the soil to dry up. However, by the second night, he had already seen the blood demon beginning to move.

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

"Can't beat him?" Cheng Qiuqiao looked at Chen Zu'an and said with a smile, "If he can't beat him, then he will die here with Brother Shu! Let those blood monsters be buried with him!"

Gradually, the mountains and plains were covered with red blood demon legions. Looking from a distance, the north turned into a coquettish red, and there were blood demons flying in the sky, covering the sky!

Gradually, the mountains and plains were covered with red blood demon legions. Looking from a distance, the north turned into a coquettish red, and there were blood demons flying in the sky, covering the sky!

Lu Shu's face was solemn, this was a great gift from the enemy, and he wanted to ruin all the plots here.

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

He turned his back to the overwhelming blood demons and smiled at Zhang Weiyu and the other dragon squad members: "Are you ready?"

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

When Lu Shu was in the Xiangdao ruins, he saw the scene of the purgatory blood demon sacrificing himself. It had to be said that this ferocity came from his nature and made people shudder.

"Can't beat him?" Cheng Qiuqiao looked at Chen Zu'an and said with a smile, "If he can't beat him, then he will die here with Brother Shu! Let those blood monsters be buried with him!"

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

In the sky, the blood demon spread its huge flesh wings and flew towards the royal city. Dongzhou moved, and Xizhou also moved. Wen Zaichou commanded the army to collide with the Xizhou army where Sun Xiuwen was. Sun Xiuwen unexpectedly They gave up the siege and instead let the Xizhou army go head-to-head with the Nanzhou army!

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.

The setting sun is like blood!

The blood demon legion did not attack immediately. They were waiting for the vast ocean to disappear. At that time, it would be the best time for them to launch an attack. By then, there would be enough blood demons to flood the royal city.

So not long after Lu Shu heard the roar, he saw the blood demon army climbing up the mountain to look at the royal city in the distance!

Lu Shu's face was solemn, this was a great gift from the enemy, and he wanted to ruin all the plots here.

Lu Shu's estimate of seven days not only included time for water to be released, but also time for the soil to dry up. However, by the second night, he had already seen the blood demon beginning to move.

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

He found that the blood demon took the initiative to open seven or eight more flood outlets after standing firm on the top of the mountain, and the speed of the water flow was constantly accelerating.

"Yes." Lu Shu nodded, and he solemnly said to Li Liang: "I will have to work hard for you from now on, but they are a little too naive to think that they can capture the royal city without the moat."

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

They are extremely fast and use their bodies as tools. Even if there is a stone in front of them, they will crush it with one punch.

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

"There are only a few thousand." Chen Zuan scratched his head and looked at the blood demons in the sky: "I'm afraid there must be more than a hundred thousand flying ones on the other side. Your power is not enough..."

When night fell, when the sun set completely below the horizon, the blood monsters all over the mountains and plains actually launched an attack in advance. They paved the road in the river with the corpses of their companions. They were all the weakest blood monsters, and they were decisively sacrificed. Got it!

Those blood monsters stand on the mountain like ferocious sculptures. They are the ugliest sculptures in the world.

The setting sun is like blood!

If you just sing the small conch trumpet, I'm afraid it will be good to blow down three to five thousand. He has an advanced version of Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, but the problem is that even if he uses Qianshan Bird Fei Jue, Cheng Qiuqiao estimates that the most is Taking down more than 10,000 animals would be the limit.

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

In the sky, the blood demon spread its huge flesh wings and flew towards the royal city. Dongzhou moved, and Xizhou also moved. Wen Zaichou commanded the army to collide with the Xizhou army where Sun Xiuwen was. Sun Xiuwen unexpectedly They gave up the siege and instead let the Xizhou army go head-to-head with the Nanzhou army!

To achieve your goal, you can sacrifice everything, even yourself!

When night fell, when the sun set completely below the horizon, the blood monsters all over the mountains and plains actually launched an attack in advance. They paved the road in the river with the corpses of their companions. They were all the weakest blood monsters, and they were decisively sacrificed. Got it!

Then, after the flood discharge channel was dug, the subsequent blood demon legions stepped on the bodies of the advance brigade and continued to climb up. They never considered the life or death of their companions, and had only one purpose, to implement the will of the demon king!

Cheng Qiuqiao's face turned dark when he said this, but he still answered the question seriously: "A few thousand is enough. The limit of the first-level peak is right here."

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

The blood demon legion did not attack immediately. They were waiting for the vast ocean to disappear. At that time, it would be the best time for them to launch an attack. By then, there would be enough blood demons to flood the royal city.

"Don't mention the useless stuff, just do the same things as the first rank." Cheng Qiuqiao said angrily.

The setting sun is like blood!

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

In the sky, the blood demon spread its huge flesh wings and flew towards the royal city. Dongzhou moved, and Xizhou also moved. Wen Zaichou commanded the army to collide with the Xizhou army where Sun Xiuwen was. Sun Xiuwen unexpectedly They gave up the siege and instead let the Xizhou army go head-to-head with the Nanzhou army!

The setting sun is like blood!

When the flood hit these walls of flesh and blood, some blood demons were instantly washed away. However, after the flood passed through several walls of flesh, the top-down impact was diluted layer by layer. When the flood came downstream, the impact The power has become much calmer!

Lu Shu's face was solemn, this was a great gift from the enemy, and he wanted to ruin all the plots here.

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

The setting sun is like blood!

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

The setting sun is like blood!

I have to say that Chen Zuan did mention Yulong Banzhi's weakness. Inner Hall Zhi's Tianxia Tide can be broken down into seven flying sword-like fragments, and it has both long-range and close-attack functions.

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

The seven advance brigades quickly gathered together, as if they really didn't dare to go against the will of the war supervising brigade. In just one minute, they formed walls of flesh and blood one after another.

The disciples of Jianlu have been guarding the east wall for a long time. This is Jiang Suyi's decision. As long as the disciples of Jianlu are still there, the east side will definitely not fall.

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

Then, after the flood discharge channel was dug, the subsequent blood demon legions stepped on the bodies of the advance brigade and continued to climb up. They never considered the life or death of their companions, and had only one purpose, to implement the will of the demon king!

It has to be said that the wall of flesh is effective and buys time for the follow-up troops of the Blood Demon Legion!

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

He turned his back to the overwhelming blood demons and smiled at Zhang Weiyu and the other dragon squad members: "Are you ready?"

However, no one expected that the blood demon would come faster than expected!

Gradually, the mountains and plains were covered with red blood demon legions. Looking from a distance, the north turned into a coquettish red, and there were blood demons flying in the sky, covering the sky!

The Imperial Dragon Squad pulled down their visors in unison, making a loud sound as the visors collided with their helmets.

"But what if we can't defeat you?" Chen Zuan was also unhappy: "Shouldn't I just imagine all the possibilities?"

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.

They are extremely fast and use their bodies as tools. Even if there is a stone in front of them, they will crush it with one punch.

The key is that these blood demons may not die when they fall to the ground, and they still have the ability to continue fighting.

Chen Zuan looked at Cheng Qiuqiao: "How many blood demons can your little conch trumpet blow down?"

The blood demon army's war supervisor brigade did not let the advance brigade go up and die, but let them block the flood with their bodies to buy time for the large troops in the rear. The backbone of the blood demon army in the rear began to dig ditches on both sides to release the flood.

"Let's give it a try. After killing everyone, I will take you home." After Lu Shu finished speaking, he turned around, like a young boy who was slaying dragons facing the dragons in the sky. The boy was still the same boy and had not turned into a dragon.

Lu Shu thought that the blood demon would wait any longer, but the blood demon didn't want to wait any longer!

"Can't beat him?" Cheng Qiuqiao looked at Chen Zu'an and said with a smile, "If he can't beat him, then he will die here with Brother Shu! Let those blood monsters be buried with him!"

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

Zhang Weiyu put his hand on the tide of the world and said calmly: "My glory, I have been gone for a long time."

But until this moment, the water surface is still waist deep. If you step into the underwater soil, you will sink into a pit, and it will pull people down continuously.

Li Liang didn't ask Lu Shu if he had any backup plans. He didn't even prepare too many defensive equipment for this battle because there were too many blood demons. How many blood demons could a crossbow kill? At that time, the equipment will become a drag.