Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 1325: metaphysics


Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

At this moment, the flying brigade of the Blood Demon Legion finally took to the sky again, flying towards the royal city!

Now the door to the tomb is open for you!

"Tonight, I will leave my back to you." Lu Shu looked at the sky: "Let's go kill some great masters."

Lu Shu even wanted to directly search for the newly arrived commander's position on the battlefield, but he was hiding very deep, seemingly on the back of the mountain.

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

He could not let the royal city become the main battlefield of the Grand Master, because that would hurt Yulong Banzhi, and Mingyue Ye was always following him.

Lu Shu believed that Jianlu would definitely go further and further in deceiving its disciples, and he didn’t know if any Jianlu disciples would suffocate to death in the future.

As he said that, Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu: "Now that Wen Zaihou and Sun Xiuwen are gone on the west side, I'm afraid the blood monsters will attack there, but the Yulong Banzhi doesn't have enough manpower."

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

"As long as I am here, the city will not be broken." Lu Xiaoyu said.

Yun Yi suddenly smiled and said: "In this life, you and I will start with a bow and end with a bow?"

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

Mingyue Ye smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand how long I've been waiting for this day."

Li Liang suddenly had an unclear feeling: "Brother, you are doing metaphysics."

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

Lu Shu's smile gradually faded, and he looked at Yun Yi seriously: "It can't be over. Your lives are the most important thing in everything."

Lu Shu believed that Jianlu would definitely go further and further in deceiving its disciples, and he didn’t know if any Jianlu disciples would suffocate to death in the future.

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

Lu Shu and Yun Yi both laughed, and they remembered what happened when Lu Shu bowed and apologized to Yun Yi after recognizing Yun Yi at the airport.

It was actually a little late for him to confirm that Lu Xiaoyu was the founder of Jianlu, otherwise he would have taught...

You must know that the main body is a first-grade sword spirit, so the refined sword spirit is at least a second-grade sword spirit. Some people hold it in for a long time before opening the snow mountain, and they can directly grind out a first-grade sword spirit while grinding down the snow mountain.

Lu Shu and Yun Yi both laughed, and they remembered what happened when Lu Shu bowed and apologized to Yun Yi after recognizing Yun Yi at the airport.

Lu Shu handed the sword to Lu Xiaoyu and then turned to look at the blood demons who were about to arrive at the royal city. He shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

Yun Yi suddenly smiled and said: "In this life, you and I will start with a bow and end with a bow?"

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

Lu Shu and Yun Yi both laughed, and they remembered what happened when Lu Shu bowed and apologized to Yun Yi after recognizing Yun Yi at the airport.

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

In the past, Holding Qi Haixueshan only said that his achievements would be higher in the future, but you didn't have an intuitive standard to judge it. Now, the sword spirit level determines everything.

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

As he said that, Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu: "Now that Wen Zaihou and Sun Xiuwen are gone on the west side, I'm afraid the blood monsters will attack there, but the Yulong Banzhi doesn't have enough manpower."

Can having a helper of a lower level be the same as having a helper of the same level

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

At this moment, the flying brigade of the Blood Demon Legion finally took to the sky again, flying towards the royal city!

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

However, Lu Shu did not ask Jianlu for support, because once Qingkong takes action tonight, Yu Fuyao will not relax, and it will be a fierce battle for everyone.

However, Lu Shu did not ask Jianlu for support, because once Qingkong takes action tonight, Yu Fuyao will not relax, and it will be a fierce battle for everyone.

"Finally something interesting." Lu Shu reached the outside of the city in a flash and walked slowly northwest without panicking at all.

Lu Shu believed that Jianlu would definitely go further and further in deceiving its disciples, and he didn’t know if any Jianlu disciples would suffocate to death in the future.

Can having a helper of a lower level be the same as having a helper of the same level

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

The disciples of Jianlu have already researched that the biggest enemy of Qihai Snow Mountain is actually pooping, so when they teach their disciples in the future, once the disciples start to hold Qi Haixueshan, they will start to live without grain...

Lu Shu handed the sword to Lu Xiaoyu and then turned to look at the blood demons who were about to arrive at the royal city. He shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

Mingyue Ye smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand how long I've been waiting for this day."

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

He looked into the sky. At this moment, seven handsome young men were walking towards the royal city. Their eyes were fixed on Lu Shu, and blood was welling up in their eyes.

Even some Jianlu disciples had nothing to do after releasing the sword spirit last night. Dongzhou's several tests even failed to withstand the sword spirit. Dongzhou soldiers are not as brave as the blood demons and are not afraid of death.

Lu Shu lamented that the people in Jianlu really couldn't live without being crazy...

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

"Finally something interesting." Lu Shu reached the outside of the city in a flash and walked slowly northwest without panicking at all.

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Give me back the sword in your star map."

Lu Shu believed that Jianlu would definitely go further and further in deceiving its disciples, and he didn’t know if any Jianlu disciples would suffocate to death in the future.

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

"As long as I am here, the city will not be broken." Lu Xiaoyu said.

Even some Jianlu disciples had nothing to do after releasing the sword spirit last night. Dongzhou's several tests even failed to withstand the sword spirit. Dongzhou soldiers are not as brave as the blood demons and are not afraid of death.

Can having a helper of a lower level be the same as having a helper of the same level

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

When Lu Shu heard the news, he felt regretful that he should have taught the Yulong Ban Zhi swordsmanship in the first place. At that time, he thought that what Mr. Li taught him should not be passed on casually. Others' things belong to others after all.

"Tonight, I will leave my back to you." Lu Shu looked at the sky: "Let's go kill some great masters."

Lu Xiaoyu laughed: "Carol and I are enough."

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

It was actually a little late for him to confirm that Lu Xiaoyu was the founder of Jianlu, otherwise he would have taught...

Lu Shu said expressionlessly: "This is the art of committing suicide."

Lu Shu's smile gradually faded, and he looked at Yun Yi seriously: "It can't be over. Your lives are the most important thing in everything."

"Tonight, I will leave my back to you." Lu Shu looked at the sky: "Let's go kill some great masters."

Even some Jianlu disciples had nothing to do after releasing the sword spirit last night. Dongzhou's several tests even failed to withstand the sword spirit. Dongzhou soldiers are not as brave as the blood demons and are not afraid of death.

"As long as I am here, the city will not be broken." Lu Xiaoyu said.

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

Lu Xiaoyu laughed: "Carol and I are enough."

Lu Shu looked at Mingyue Ye: "Can I trust you?"

However, Lu Shu did not ask Jianlu for support, because once Qingkong takes action tonight, Yu Fuyao will not relax, and it will be a fierce battle for everyone.

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

In the past, Holding Qi Haixueshan only said that his achievements would be higher in the future, but you didn't have an intuitive standard to judge it. Now, the sword spirit level determines everything.

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

Can having a helper of a lower level be the same as having a helper of the same level

"As long as I am here, the city will not be broken." Lu Xiaoyu said.

"Anyway, I'll wait for them here. Kill as many as they come."

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

Lu Shu said expressionlessly: "This is the art of committing suicide."

Lu Shu believed that Jianlu would definitely go further and further in deceiving its disciples, and he didn’t know if any Jianlu disciples would suffocate to death in the future.

Lu Shu said expressionlessly: "This is the art of committing suicide."

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

After saying that, Yun Yi and Hu Zhi stepped through the void and left again. They saw each other in a hurry and then parted in a hurry. Yun Yi and Hu Zhi had long understood their mission.

Li Liang suddenly had an unclear feeling: "Brother, you are doing metaphysics."

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

Now the door to the tomb is open for you!

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

Lu Shu's smile gradually faded, and he looked at Yun Yi seriously: "It can't be over. Your lives are the most important thing in everything."

Li Liang was stunned for a moment: "How to judge?"

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

However, Lu Shu did not ask Jianlu for support, because once Qingkong takes action tonight, Yu Fuyao will not relax, and it will be a fierce battle for everyone.

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

Lu Xiaoyu laughed: "Carol and I are enough."

Li Liang suddenly had an unclear feeling: "Brother, you are doing metaphysics."

Lu Shu and Yun Yi both laughed, and they remembered what happened when Lu Shu bowed and apologized to Yun Yi after recognizing Yun Yi at the airport.

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

Li Liang suddenly had an unclear feeling: "Brother, you are doing metaphysics."

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

Now the door to the tomb is open for you!

He could not let the royal city become the main battlefield of the Grand Master, because that would hurt Yulong Banzhi, and Mingyue Ye was always following him.

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

Lu Shu's smile gradually faded, and he looked at Yun Yi seriously: "It can't be over. Your lives are the most important thing in everything."

At this moment, the flying brigade of the Blood Demon Legion finally took to the sky again, flying towards the royal city!

Lu Shu said expressionlessly: "This is the art of committing suicide."

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

At this moment, the flying brigade of the Blood Demon Legion finally took to the sky again, flying towards the royal city!

Can having a helper of a lower level be the same as having a helper of the same level

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

In the past, Holding Qi Haixueshan only said that his achievements would be higher in the future, but you didn't have an intuitive standard to judge it. Now, the sword spirit level determines everything.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

Lu Shu looked at Yun Yi and Hu Zhi and said, "I'm afraid the opponent's main target tonight will be on me. I hope you can go behind enemy lines again to find the opponent's new leader."

Please die in peace.

Li Liang was stunned for a moment: "How to judge?"

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

Yun Yi and Hu Zhi looked at each other. This time the blood demon army was fully assembled. It was not an easy task to go deep into the rear to find the other party's new leader. But if we don't find a new leader, I'm afraid Yulong Banzhi will really be unable to hold on.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

In the past, Holding Qi Haixueshan only said that his achievements would be higher in the future, but you didn't have an intuitive standard to judge it. Now, the sword spirit level determines everything.

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

"Finally something interesting." Lu Shu reached the outside of the city in a flash and walked slowly northwest without panicking at all.

Yun Yi suddenly smiled and said: "In this life, you and I will start with a bow and end with a bow?"

The disciples of Jianlu have already researched that the biggest enemy of Qihai Snow Mountain is actually pooping, so when they teach their disciples in the future, once the disciples start to hold Qi Haixueshan, they will start to live without grain...

Lu Shu lamented that the people in Jianlu really couldn't live without being crazy...

He could not let the royal city become the main battlefield of the Grand Master, because that would hurt Yulong Banzhi, and Mingyue Ye was always following him.

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

Lu Shu and Yun Yi both laughed, and they remembered what happened when Lu Shu bowed and apologized to Yun Yi after recognizing Yun Yi at the airport.

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

The disciples of Jianlu have already researched that the biggest enemy of Qihai Snow Mountain is actually pooping, so when they teach their disciples in the future, once the disciples start to hold Qi Haixueshan, they will start to live without grain...

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

"Anyway, I'll wait for them here. Kill as many as they come."

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

"Anyway, I'll wait for them here. Kill as many as they come."

Lu Shu's smile gradually faded, and he looked at Yun Yi seriously: "It can't be over. Your lives are the most important thing in everything."

Lu Shu lamented that the people in Jianlu really couldn't live without being crazy...

When Lu Shu heard the news, he felt regretful that he should have taught the Yulong Ban Zhi swordsmanship in the first place. At that time, he thought that what Mr. Li taught him should not be passed on casually. Others' things belong to others after all.

Lu Shu's smile gradually faded, and he looked at Yun Yi seriously: "It can't be over. Your lives are the most important thing in everything."

Even some Jianlu disciples had nothing to do after releasing the sword spirit last night. Dongzhou's several tests even failed to withstand the sword spirit. Dongzhou soldiers are not as brave as the blood demons and are not afraid of death.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Give me back the sword in your star map."

In the past, Holding Qi Haixueshan only said that his achievements would be higher in the future, but you didn't have an intuitive standard to judge it. Now, the sword spirit level determines everything.

After saying that, Yun Yi and Hu Zhi stepped through the void and left again. They saw each other in a hurry and then parted in a hurry. Yun Yi and Hu Zhi had long understood their mission.

Please die in peace.

Now the door to the tomb is open for you!

Lu Shu handed the sword to Lu Xiaoyu and then turned to look at the blood demons who were about to arrive at the royal city. He shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

He could not let the royal city become the main battlefield of the Grand Master, because that would hurt Yulong Banzhi, and Mingyue Ye was always following him.

Yun Yi suddenly smiled and said: "In this life, you and I will start with a bow and end with a bow?"

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

At this time, Li Liang sighed: "Your Majesty asked Yi Qian and I to be wary of Beizhou a long time ago. At that time, these beasts had not yet torn off the human skin. Your Majesty is really aware of everything. I don't know how your Majesty knew about the old man Qingkong." There’s something wrong with the boy.”

Lu Shu looked at Mingyue Ye: "Can I trust you?"

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

However, Lu Shu did not ask Jianlu for support, because once Qingkong takes action tonight, Yu Fuyao will not relax, and it will be a fierce battle for everyone.

The commander was probably at the Grand Master level. The commander had already been beheaded once. He would probably be surrounded by masters from the blood demon clan, so he would be carrying his fortune and life on his back.

Mingyue Ye smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand how long I've been waiting for this day."

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

If there were more than five thousand sword spirits now, what would be the concept...

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

He looked into the sky. At this moment, seven handsome young men were walking towards the royal city. Their eyes were fixed on Lu Shu, and blood was welling up in their eyes.

"Tonight, I will leave my back to you." Lu Shu looked at the sky: "Let's go kill some great masters."

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Give me back the sword in your star map."

After saying that, Yun Yi and Hu Zhi stepped through the void and left again. They saw each other in a hurry and then parted in a hurry. Yun Yi and Hu Zhi had long understood their mission.

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

As he said that, Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu: "Now that Wen Zaihou and Sun Xiuwen are gone on the west side, I'm afraid the blood monsters will attack there, but the Yulong Banzhi doesn't have enough manpower."

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Give me back the sword in your star map."

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

"Anyway, I'll wait for them here. Kill as many as they come."

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

Lu Xiaoyu laughed: "Carol and I are enough."

It was actually a little late for him to confirm that Lu Xiaoyu was the founder of Jianlu, otherwise he would have taught...

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

Lu Shu lamented that the people in Jianlu really couldn't live without being crazy...

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

As he said that, Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu: "Now that Wen Zaihou and Sun Xiuwen are gone on the west side, I'm afraid the blood monsters will attack there, but the Yulong Banzhi doesn't have enough manpower."

He just went to take a look at Jianlu, and found that Jianlu was much easier than Yulong Banzhi yesterday. More than a thousand little sword spirits were released and killed a wave of blood demons.

Li Liang was stunned for a moment: "How to judge?"

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

As he said that, Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu: "Now that Wen Zaihou and Sun Xiuwen are gone on the west side, I'm afraid the blood monsters will attack there, but the Yulong Banzhi doesn't have enough manpower."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shu bow to her: "Please."

The disciples of Jianlu have already researched that the biggest enemy of Qihai Snow Mountain is actually pooping, so when they teach their disciples in the future, once the disciples start to hold Qi Haixueshan, they will start to live without grain...

"As long as I am here, the city will not be broken." Lu Xiaoyu said.

Lu Xiaoyu laughed: "Carol and I are enough."

Lu Shu lamented that the people in Jianlu really couldn't live without being crazy...

"Do you need anything else?" Lu Shu was still a little worried after all.

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

After saying that, Yun Yi and Hu Zhi stepped through the void and left again. They saw each other in a hurry and then parted in a hurry. Yun Yi and Hu Zhi had long understood their mission.

Lu Shu believed that Jianlu would definitely go further and further in deceiving its disciples, and he didn’t know if any Jianlu disciples would suffocate to death in the future.

He looked into the sky. At this moment, seven handsome young men were walking towards the royal city. Their eyes were fixed on Lu Shu, and blood was welling up in their eyes.

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Give me back the sword in your star map."

Li Liang was stunned for a moment: "How to judge?"

Even some Jianlu disciples had nothing to do after releasing the sword spirit last night. Dongzhou's several tests even failed to withstand the sword spirit. Dongzhou soldiers are not as brave as the blood demons and are not afraid of death.

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

Lu Shu said expressionlessly: "This is the art of committing suicide."

After saying that, Yun Yi and Hu Zhi stepped through the void and left again. They saw each other in a hurry and then parted in a hurry. Yun Yi and Hu Zhi had long understood their mission.

It was actually a little late for him to confirm that Lu Xiaoyu was the founder of Jianlu, otherwise he would have taught...

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

He looked into the sky. At this moment, seven handsome young men were walking towards the royal city. Their eyes were fixed on Lu Shu, and blood was welling up in their eyes.

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

Li Liang suddenly had an unclear feeling: "Brother, you are doing metaphysics."

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

After saying that, Yun Yi and Hu Zhi stepped through the void and left again. They saw each other in a hurry and then parted in a hurry. Yun Yi and Hu Zhi had long understood their mission.

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

You must know that the main body is a first-grade sword spirit, so the refined sword spirit is at least a second-grade sword spirit. Some people hold it in for a long time before opening the snow mountain, and they can directly grind out a first-grade sword spirit while grinding down the snow mountain.

Lu Shu handed the sword to Lu Xiaoyu and then turned to look at the blood demons who were about to arrive at the royal city. He shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

Can having a helper of a lower level be the same as having a helper of the same level

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

"Anyway, I'll wait for them here. Kill as many as they come."

Mingyue Ye smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand how long I've been waiting for this day."

There are no gorgeous words in real war, only blood and fire!

At this moment, the flying brigade of the Blood Demon Legion finally took to the sky again, flying towards the royal city!

When Lu Shu heard the news, he felt regretful that he should have taught the Yulong Ban Zhi swordsmanship in the first place. At that time, he thought that what Mr. Li taught him should not be passed on casually. Others' things belong to others after all.

He looked into the sky. At this moment, seven handsome young men were walking towards the royal city. Their eyes were fixed on Lu Shu, and blood was welling up in their eyes.

Now the door to the tomb is open for you!

"The city cannot be broken," Lu Shu said.

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

In the past, Holding Qi Haixueshan only said that his achievements would be higher in the future, but you didn't have an intuitive standard to judge it. Now, the sword spirit level determines everything.

However, Lu Shu did not ask Jianlu for support, because once Qingkong takes action tonight, Yu Fuyao will not relax, and it will be a fierce battle for everyone.

Please die in peace.

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

Even some Jianlu disciples had nothing to do after releasing the sword spirit last night. Dongzhou's several tests even failed to withstand the sword spirit. Dongzhou soldiers are not as brave as the blood demons and are not afraid of death.

Lu Shu and Yun Yi both laughed, and they remembered what happened when Lu Shu bowed and apologized to Yun Yi after recognizing Yun Yi at the airport.

Now the door to the tomb is open for you!

When Lu Shu heard the news, he felt regretful that he should have taught the Yulong Ban Zhi swordsmanship in the first place. At that time, he thought that what Mr. Li taught him should not be passed on casually. Others' things belong to others after all.

Lu Shu said expressionlessly: "This is the art of committing suicide."

Mingyue Ye smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand how long I've been waiting for this day."

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

As he said that, Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu: "Now that Wen Zaihou and Sun Xiuwen are gone on the west side, I'm afraid the blood monsters will attack there, but the Yulong Banzhi doesn't have enough manpower."

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

Chen Zuan thought for a while and said, "This is a good judgment."

Mingyue Ye smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand how long I've been waiting for this day."

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...

Yun Yi said: "Okay, don't worry."

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

On the front of the sword, it says "I want three points of the world's scenery." On the back, it says, "I don't want any part of the world's scenery, but only on people."

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

"Are there any normal people next to Brother Shu?" Chen Zuan said: "There is no normal person. It can be proved by the same token that Qing Kong, who looks very normal, must not be one of us..."

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

Lu Shu didn't look there. Lu Xiaoyu said that if they could hold on, they would be able to hold on.

He looked into the sky. At this moment, seven handsome young men were walking towards the royal city. Their eyes were fixed on Lu Shu, and blood was welling up in their eyes.

Lu Xiaoyu laughed: "Carol and I are enough."

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

When the sun was about to set below the horizon, all the Yulong Banzhi stood up on the city wall and looked at the distant mountains: "Those beasts don't know when they will come."

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

The moment the blood demon army hit the royal city, blood began to splash to the ground. Just as Lu Shu imagined, the blood demon army split into two bloody rivers halfway, half of which headed towards Lu Xiaoyu and Carol. The guarded west wall surged forward.

Lu Shu looked at Yun Yi and Hu Zhi and said, "I'm afraid the opponent's main target tonight will be on me. I hope you can go behind enemy lines again to find the opponent's new leader."

Lu Xiaoyu hadn't held a sword for a long time, it seemed like a century had passed, but today Lu Shu needed her to hold a sword, so she took it.

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Give me back the sword in your star map."

"Finally something interesting." Lu Shu reached the outside of the city in a flash and walked slowly northwest without panicking at all.

"Anyway, I'll wait for them here. Kill as many as they come."

The Jianlu disciples who originally believed that the Qi Sea and Snow Mountain should be suppressed are now even more convinced of this.

Lu Shu looked at Mingyue Ye: "Can I trust you?"

Please die in peace.

At this moment, the flying brigade of the Blood Demon Legion finally took to the sky again, flying towards the royal city!

Yun Yi suddenly smiled and said: "In this life, you and I will start with a bow and end with a bow?"

He could not let the royal city become the main battlefield of the Grand Master, because that would hurt Yulong Banzhi, and Mingyue Ye was always following him.

Lu Shu did not sleep when everyone was sleeping. He was always staring at the blood demon army on the distant mountains. As long as the distance between the blood demons and him was not more than a hundred miles, Lu Shu could see clearly.

The sword spirit will not really die, and it will only condense out after a day after being destroyed. However, the speed and power of those small sword spirits are superior to the Dongzhou soldiers. A slap can even give the brains of the Dongzhou soldiers. Fan me out...