Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 1327: Thousands of people have been wiped out


Chen Zuan spat out a mouthful of blood. Tianluo Diwang's practice method is to nourish the natal heart sword. Their swords are one with them. After the sword is broken, the sama will be severely injured. However, when Chen Zuan fell down, he looked at Cheng Qiuqiao hastily: "Don't say these words yet. After we win, we will go back and talk slowly!"

As he said that, he used his last strength to hold the blood demon and rushed out of the city wall, falling hard outside!

The blood monsters on the ground want to rush up to the city wall again and again. They want to rush to Chen Zuan and Inner Hall Zhi again and again. As long as they can kill Yulong Banzhi's anti-air ability, then sooner or later the other Yulong Banzhi will be killed. Gotta die!

Yulong Banzhi has been fighting for who knows how long and has killed many blood demons.

He took the initiative to rush into the blood demon with the tide of the world in hand, as if holding an eternal military flag!

Cheng Qiuqiao's blood vessels began to burst one by one, and fine drops of blood flowed down his face. The blood demon in front of him actually began to turn into powder as if affected by some kind of force majeure.

Blood flowers bloomed in the sky one after another. The Yulong Banzhi were all silent when they saw this scene. Li Liang sighed, because Zhang Weiyu had no place to fall, and there were thousands of blood demons waiting for him below!

The claw actually penetrated Yulong Banzhi's magic weapon armor and came out from the back. Yulong Banzhi coughed up blood and laughed in the communication channel: "Brothers, take care! Lao Zhang, I'm here to accompany you!"

The Yulong Banzhi on the city wall were fighting while watching helplessly as Zhang Weiyu fought his way toward the inner city for two miles among the blood demons. Zhang Weiyu killed many blood demons on the way, but he didn't know how many blood demons he killed. Finally, leaning on the tide of the world, he half-knelt towards the inner city, closed his eyes and breathed his last.

"Take care, brothers!"

When Zhang Weiyu jumped up again, more than a dozen flying blood demons flew towards him at the same time, trying to kill him at this moment!

"Take care, brothers!"

Zhang Weiyu looked at the blood demons who were about to move and shouted: "Come and kill me!"

Four thousand seven hundred and sixty-three.

One after another, Yulong Banzhi was pulled off the city wall. However, every Yulong Banzhi who fell would fight his way out without fear of death, trying to buy some breathing time for the brothers on the city wall!

King, I will only accompany you for one journey of a thousand miles. From now on, the wind, snow and sunshine do not need to say goodbye. My glory has returned.

Chen Zu'an took off his mask and wiped away his tears: "You're just fooling him!"

The magic weapons and armor began to show damage. Some people only had a spear tip left on the trident in their hands. Those without weapons would bite it with their teeth. How fierce the blood demon is, they will be even more fierce than the blood demon!

With the power of the Grand Master to fight to the death, Cheng Qiuqiao actually stepped over the realm of the Grand Master at the last moment and uttered the words "Destroy all traces of people"!

He knew that no one could come to save him, and he knew that this new journey with Lu Shu was finally coming to an end.

No one expected Zhang Weiyu to be so ferocious. He used the flying blood demon as a pedal again and again. In this forbidden space, he seemed to have learned to fly again, with the black figure jumping in and out of the sky!

Chen Zuan was stunned for a moment. At this time, his flying sword could no longer withstand the high-intensity battle and began to break.


With that said, Cheng Qiuqiao also turned into glittering powder and flew towards the sky.

Cheng Qiuqiao shook his head: "Nice to meet you, Cao Qingci, Brother Shu, Xiaoyu, Zhong Yutang, You Mingyu, Fengyun Lu, Feng Yeming, Li Yixiao... It's a pleasure to meet you. I have no regrets."

Chen Zuan cried bitterly and cursed: "What the hell are you going to do? I tell you, this world does not need heroes!"

Five thousand one hundred and twenty-four people.

Li Liang also understood this very well, so those Yulong Banzhi blocked the inner hall time and time again, allowing them to concentrate on killing the blood demon in the sky.

Suddenly, a stream of hot blood sprayed on Cheng Qiuqiao's visor, and the hot blood poured in from the eyes of the visor, turning Cheng Qiuqiao's eyes red. Cheng Qiuqiao looked out at the bloody world, and it turned out to be a powerful blood warrior. Yao Zang suddenly attacked in the advance brigade and wanted to rush in front of Cheng Qiuqiao and kill him!

"Ten thousand!"

As he spoke, Cheng Qiuqiao took off his helmet and stood on the wall. He looked at the endless blood demon army and his blood began to boil. This is the method of dragnet. Liu Xiu has used it, Zhao Yongchen has used it, and now Cheng Qiuqiao is using it. Then It is burning one's own blood, bones, muscles, meridians, and will.

Zhang Weiyu, who fell to the ground, was wearing black mountain-shaking armor. The blood demon beside him walked slowly, seeming to be thinking about how to kill this human being.

Li Liangfa said harshly: "If I don't kill all these blood monsters, I will die with my eyes in peace!"

Cheng Qiuqiao suddenly looked at Chen Zuan and said, "Brother Zuan, you know, when my spiritual energy just recovered, I learned that I could practice. I was so happy."



Zhang Weiyu waved his hand, and the tide from the sky returned to his hands. Zhang Weiyu looked very lonely among thousands of blood demons.

The blood demon legions all over the sky were wiped out, and the whole world seemed to be filled with sand. Cheng Qiuqiao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Brothers, take care."

Four thousand two hundred and thirty-one.

Cheng Qiuqiao smiled: "Later I found out that I actually had Grade A qualifications and I was very happy. I always thought that one day I could save the world, just like those superheroes."

However, the figure was getting farther and farther away from the inner city. Zhang Weiyu took the time to look back and glanced behind him. Since he couldn't go back, he should fight out!

"No, Yulong Ban always needs it." Cheng Qiu said with a smile.

The helmet's communication channel was silent at this time, except for the words of farewell.

"This world doesn't need heroes!" Chen Zuan yelled angrily. He wanted to pounce on Cheng Qiuqiao, but he couldn't stand up at all now!

Tonight's blood demon is much stronger than yesterday's. This is the strength of the follow-up troops of the blood demon army!

This is the number of people in Yulong Banzhi who are constantly decreasing and decreasing.

However, a Yulong Banzhi suddenly stood in front of Cheng Qiuqiao and blocked the opponent's sharp claws with his body!

Chen Zuan gritted his teeth on the city wall and looked at the sky. His flying sword kept flying back and forth, but he couldn't kill all the blood monsters in the sky!


Suddenly, the World Tide was split into seven parts again, flying towards the blood demons with their afterimages flying around them. The fragments of the World Tide were so sharp that they seemed to be able to split time and space.

Three thousand four hundred and sixty-seven people.

The blood demons that pounced on him later did not touch Zhang Weiyu's body, but actively moved out of the way! They were even a little afraid of Zhang Weiyu's corpse!

Zhang Weiyu's face hidden behind the black mask said with a ferocious smile: "You are the ones waiting!"

He, Zhang Weiyu, has been waiting for 23 years. Isn’t this the day he has been waiting for

However, Cheng Qiuqiao burned even more thoroughly. He said: "I couldn't use this trick before, but it should be possible now, right? Use my blood!"