Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 21: Form a team to maintain world peace


As a result, there was such a bumper harvest...

The confrontation between the two sides had a strong meaning, but Lu Shu felt that it was very possible that without the awakened person present, no one could really do anything to this student.

A few days ago during the Chinese New Year, it was a distant thing that we talked about after dinner, but now we meet it!

At this time, a lot of teachers from the Academic Affairs Office and the Vice-Principal came up, but everyone had heard that students were awakening and causing trouble, so they didn't dare to get close for a while.

Not only the three people involved, but also the other students who were watching were a little bit at a loss. Just as they were watching the excitement, they suddenly became confused. Should we fight? If not, we will go back to write papers. Got it!

Just as Lu Shu was squeezing back, he received the income record: negative emotion value from Shi Qingyan, 179...

Negative emotion value from Li Qi, 212…

Lu Shu hid in the crowd and quietly looked at this female classmate who had fluctuations in her body, while the other girl was calmly watching the farce.

Returning to the corridor at the entrance of the class, Lu Shu found that all the students were excitedly discussing things about the Awakened: It had already happened around us, maybe everyone could become an Awakened.

The negative emotion value from Liu Dian is 111... This is the name of the class teacher of Class 7.

What should I do... Everyone is thinking about these three words in their minds, what! What! manage!

The boy laughed: "I'm only 17 years old, not yet a minor. So what if I beat him? I don't want to come to this school for a long time!"


In fact, Lu Shu quite admired Shi Qingyan, the head teacher, for rushing up to him immediately. In front of the awakened ones, this could really be regarded as a act of righteousness and bravery.

Whether a tiger eats a sheep or not is one thing, but it already has an innate advantage of crushing it.

I don’t know what kind of character this boy has, but he just exploded so suddenly.

Lu Shu had previously thought that what he said would definitely earn the awakening boy's negative emotion points. How could he, a man like him who wouldn't let go of lonely boys and girls in a bottle, let go of such an opportunity? No matter who he is, negative emotions are the most important!

Lu Shu wondered why the subtext of these words sounded like his mother had eloped with his father...

With this statement, the attention of the people around him was all focused on him, and the scene was eerily silent for a moment. Lu Shu continued: "In the criminal law, those who commit the eight major crimes must bear legal responsibility as long as they are over 14 years old. In the civil law, at least You have to be 16 years old to start taking responsibility..." In order to increase his credibility, Lu Shu directly explained the eight major crimes: "The eight major felonies refer to intentional homicide, intentional injury, rape, robbery, The crimes of arson, drug trafficking, dropping dangerous substances and explosions, well, you are guilty of intentional injury..."

Not only to safeguard world peace, we also need to form a team to safeguard world peace!

It's really miserable that I'm still an F so far. I need to quickly think about how to increase the negative emotional value as soon as possible. First, use the Marrow Cleansing Fruit to improve my roots and bones, and then try my best to increase my strength.

As for Li Qi, he originally thought that even if he hit someone, he would not have to face legal sanctions, but now someone suddenly and inexplicably gave him a legal lesson, which made him feel a little bit pained...

After Lu Shu left, the scene returned to silence, and no one knew what to say.

This also leaves a little more room for yourself, and you can choose whatever you want in the future, instead of throwing away the podium now and handing your fate to others.

Only those who are awakened can feel that that kind of power can easily inflate young people, because putting awakened people among ordinary people is like putting tigers into a flock of sheep.

At this time, my class teacher was quite calm: "The security will be here in a moment. You will be legally responsible for doing this. We don't need to find your parents, we can just hand you over to the police!"

Beating up teachers has happened before, but no one has ever dealt with this kind of thing like awakening!

But the problem is that there is no need to fight in this situation. When the time came, the black trench coat really came and I was so overjoyed that I caught two of them at once!

I go, so many...

Lu Shu just came to watch and had no intention of doing anything.

Lu Shu turned his face and pushed towards his class again. This guy suddenly showed such negative emotions. What if he wanted to rush over and hit him

But I heard the boy say: "You can call me parents. Do you think you can find them?"

In adolescence, some teenagers who have not awakened to anything still dream of bragging and beating the teacher and joining society, let alone after awakening

"The negative emotion value from Li Qi, +481!" Looking at the boy named Li Qi, his face turned dark, with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Lu Shu was stunned when he heard this. This lack of education is really terrible. This is a good opportunity to earn negative emotion points. He suddenly said: "That..."

In fact, if you really have to throw the podium with one hand, even Lu Shu can do it with a little effort. A wooden podium only weighs a few dozen kilograms, so Lu Shu is not in vain.

Lu Shu felt that this girl seemed to be much smarter than the male classmate who threw the podium. At least when everything was unknown and dark, staying silent was the wisest choice.

On the way back to class, Lu Shu accidentally glanced at the awakened girl. Lu Shu didn't have any special reaction and continued walking forward, and the other girl didn't pay any more attention to him.

Originally, Shi Qingyan said that he would hand it over to the police just to scare him. This kind of matter can usually be solved within the school, but Lu Shu came out and stabbed him, leaving him with no clue...

After receiving a total of 2,700 negative emotion points, Lu Shu's eyes lit up. Sure enough, he had gained a lot since school started. The teachers and classmates were so polite! He could go shopping for the lottery again. Lu Shu really didn’t believe that he would still get nothing. This marrow-washing fruit was something he was bound to get!

Lu Shu observed for a while and found that the girl didn't notice anything unusual about him at all. He was relieved. It turned out that other people couldn't feel the cultivation in him.

The classmates next to me were also a little confused. This guy came here for a long time just to talk about this? How cowardly would it be to just turn around and leave after saying that? !

He didn't care about the girl and continued to push forward. It wasn't until he reached the door of Class 7, Grade 2, that he saw the boy with eyes standing silently at the door of the classroom. Shi Qingyan supported the class teacher of Grade 7, Grade 2, The head teacher had been beaten to the point where he was almost out of shape.

You can feel the fluctuations on the opponent's body, but you can't feel what kind of awakened person the opponent is. It must be at least E level or above.

Lu Shu discovered that this group of people was no longer just discussing the Awakened event itself, but had begun to discuss what everyone would do after becoming Awakened...