Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 10: (build)


This media person was not the only one who lost his temper, and the venue gradually became commotion.

Qi Cong stared at Gu Xun's back in front of him in a daze, and then suddenly returned to his senses, his hands on his knees clenched fists, and looked at Wu Heng on the stage.

The distance is too far, he can't see Wu Heng's expression clearly, he can only see Wu Heng raise his hand to hold his glasses twice.

After being stunned, the host tried to delay the show, but after saying a few words, it didn't work. Everyone still talked in a low voice. Finally, the host compromised, gave up the delay, and signaled Wu Heng to answer Gu Xun's question according to the procedure.

The venue gradually became quiet, everyone looked at Wu Heng, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

"I… "

In the silence of the hall, Wu Heng finally spoke. After he said a word, he adjusted his glasses and looked at Gu Xun, his attitude was very gentle, even a little warm: "I don't know where Mr. Gu Xun's friend heard the rumors?"

There is no direct answer to the question.

The venue, which had been quiet before, was slightly disturbed again. All the people here are the elites who have been in the entertainment industry for many years. When Wu Heng faced this kind of problem that challenged the dignity and reputation of the author, he did not deny it for the first time, but asked the reason for the rumors, or he was too stupid. Or this question is not very easy to answer.

Not a good answer means, everyone understands.

The atmosphere becomes subtle.

Qi Cong looked at Gu Xun again.

Gu Xun's posture has not changed, and his tone is still somewhat slow: "The principle of the question-and-answer session is to have questions and answers. You have to answer my questions first, and then I will be polite and answer your questions. Therefore, the rumors are true. ?"

The question went back and forth, and there was still a faint pit ahead.

Everyone looked at Wu Heng again.

Wu Heng did not speak.

The atmosphere gradually became stagnant.

"Why don't you talk, is the rumor Gu Xun said true?" The media person who choked on the water before was excited, and turned to his colleague next to him while holding the camera, "What are you doing stupidly, filming, the headlines are coming!"

The peers came back to their senses, followed by the camera, and whispered: "Don't you think Gu Xun's tone of speech is different now than usual? It's a bit like Fu Jing last time-"

"Shh, be quiet, affect the radio."

The two media people quieted down, and Qi Cong glanced at them sideways.

Is Gu Xun's tone different from usual? Then what is his usual tone of voice, it will be--

"Wu Heng, is the question I asked difficult to answer?"

Gu Xun spoke again, Qi Cong calmed down and looked at the stage.

"It's not difficult to answer." Wu Heng finally spoke. He lowered his eyes again, holding the microphone in both hands, looking very sincere and honest, "I'm just thinking about how to say it, I'm rather stupid."

Qi Cong lightly bit the flesh in his mouth.

The Shui Wuhen in his memory was indeed very stupid. Every time he discussed an issue, he had to think for a long time before he could give a response, and his writing speed was also very slow.

"This rumor is half true and half false."

Qi Cong's heart trembled and stared at Wu Heng.

Wu Heng looked at Gu Xun, and said warmly but seriously: ""Chivalrous Bone" was not written by me based on the beginning of a new author, it is my original work. The protagonist's name is indeed from an internet friend of mine. When I published "Chivalry", this friend had been disconnected from me for half a year. I was very worried about him, so when I published the new book, I used the one he was preparing. , The title of the book and the protagonist of the unpublished work, thinking about doing this, maybe he can take the initiative to contact me again."

"Ah? That's it?" The excited media person before was disappointed.

Qi Cong's heart sank a little, and he lowered his head and stopped looking at Wu Heng.

The atmosphere in the venue warmed up a little because of Wu Heng's answer, and the host took the opportunity to think about it, but was interrupted by Gu Xun's words.

"Really." Gu Xun's tone was still indifferent, as if he was really just here to ask a question for his friend, and he didn't bother too much, "Then I will answer your question too. It is rumored that my friend heard it from the old site of Come on, the old site of reopened two days ago, and someone found a novel on it with the exact same title, protagonist, and opening plot as your "Chivalry". That novel was released earlier than yours. It's more than eight months early, and the author's pen name is... 宮宙水声."

Wu Heng's expression changed.

Qi Cong raised his head sharply.

Gu Xun continued to say: "Afterwards, an old author posted on the forum of the old site, saying that he remembered that this newcomer had posted on the internal forum of the author of the old site of for advice. Before deleting it, you were the only one who replied to that post and left your contact information."

After a few seconds of deadly silence, the venue exploded.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" The media person sitting not far from Qi Cong was so excited that his voice changed, and desperately dragged his colleague next to him, "It's really big news! Hurry up, hurry up and search for that old Jiangtian net. Stop, hurry up!"

"My question is over, thank you." Gu Xun put down the microphone and sat down.

There was chaos all around, Wu Heng stammered something, the host wanted to round up the show, the media people held up their cameras and pressed the shutter frantically, many people in the audience were chatting, and many people were raising their hands, trying to get the remaining two questions to ask questions right.

Qi Cong couldn't hear any sound. He stared blankly at the direction where Gu Xun was, and he didn't feel the joy of being helped, but rather a little sour.

Obviously a liar, why do you do this now

The phone suddenly vibrated twice, Qi Cong regained his senses, took out the phone, saw that it was a call from Zhao Zhenxun, hurriedly cleaned up his emotions, and turned sideways to connect: "Mr. Zhao?"

"Take Shen Jia out, the schedule has changed, we have to go."

Qi Cong responded, hung up the phone, and walked to the front row to talk to Shen Jia about the situation. Shen Jia, who was confused by the surrounding commotion, immediately got up and walked out with Qi Cong.

Before leaving the venue, Qi Cong glanced back.

Wu Heng has stepped down, and the host is trying to put the exchange back on track. There were three empty seats in the middle of the first row, and Gu Xun was nowhere to be seen.

He retracted his gaze, went out with Shen Jia, joined Zhao Zhenxun who was waiting outside, and then the three walked towards the elevator together.

The media went to find Wu Heng, and they walked easily. Shen Jia asked in a low voice, "Why are you leaving suddenly?"

Zhao Zhenxun frowned: "The Legend of Qinggu has changed, the producer wants to see you."

Shen Jia was shocked: "What has changed? I'm going to be kicked out?"

"What nonsense! It's about the contract and the shooting date."

The three entered the elevator, Qi Cong consciously stood on the side with the elevator buttons, reached out and pressed the eighth floor and the door close button.

The elevator door began to close, and when the door was completely closed with a few centimeters remaining, a hand suddenly inserted in.

The hand was clearly articulated, the skin was cold and white, flawless, and on the slender fingers, a pomegranate flower-shaped gemstone ring lay quietly at the base of the middle finger. The blood-red gemstone on the ring reflected a dark light under the cold light of the elevator.

The elevator door reopened, and Gu Xun's figure appeared outside. He glanced at Shen Jia and Zhao Zhenxun, then set his eyes on Qi Cong: "I'm going upstairs too."

Qi Cong clenched her fingers, bowed her head and stepped back, giving way to the elevator door.

Shen Jia frowned when she saw Gu Xun, and glanced at Qi Cong worriedly, hesitated for a moment, didn't speak rashly, and stretched out her hand to hold Zhao Zhenxun who was about to greet Gu Xun.

Gu Xun walked in with his assistant, stood where Qi Cong stood before, pressed the door to close first, then pressed the seventh floor, and then turned his head to the assistant and said, "Sometimes it's good to have amnesia."

Gu Xun's assistant was a tall and handsome half-blooded guy. Hearing this, he turned his head to look at Gu Xun and wondered, "What?"

"I've lost my memory, I won't feel bad when I'm bullied, I won't feel pain when I'm betrayed, because I don't remember anything, so I can sit happily under the stage and watch a lively event that seems to have nothing to do with me."

Qi Cong's heart trembled, and she raised her head to look at Gu Xun who was in front of her.

Gu Xun turned his face sideways, his eyes seemed to fall on the assistant, and he seemed to look a little further back. His tone was slow, his low magnetic voice was gentle, like whispering to his lover: "You said, if the brain is so fragile, if you use some drastic methods, will the lost memory be remembered again?"

"Forget it, let's do it, so as not to be regarded as a lunatic again." The elevator door opened, Gu Xun withdrew his gaze and stepped out.

Qi Cong returned to his senses, his fingers tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, and when Gu Xun's figure was about to disappear from view, he asked, "Gu Xun, why are you lying to me?"

The elevator doors begin to close.

There was no response from outside the door, Qi Cong lowered his head.


A hand pressed hard on the elevator door, followed by a leg inserted. The elevator door reopened, and Gu Xun's figure appeared outside the door. He held the elevator door with one hand and stared at Qi Cong with a deadly expression, "What did you just say?"