Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 26


The "plagiarism and rights protection" incident is the hottest topic on Weibo in the past two days. Netizens who frequently use Weibo have basically already known the ins and outs of this incident. Everyone has also heard of this Wu Heng's girlfriend sorted out by the marketing account. Amazing speech on the night of confrontation.

As soon as she bubbled up, she immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens who eat melons.

There are grumpy netizens who go in without saying a word and directly start spraying, mocking whether Lin Xiaozhi wants another set of victims to be wrong. Friendly and soft-hearted netizens persuaded Lin Xiaozhi not to say more, and to lie down and let ridicule and apologize is the best thing to do at the moment. There were also some Wu Heng fans who were still not reconciled. Seeing Lin Xiaozhi bubbling, they hurriedly came out to support him.

Lin Xiaozhi didn't know if she had lost her mind. After posting this Weibo, she first spat with the netizens who sprayed her, and then picked a comment in support of Wu Heng, and replied: Wu Heng these two days Having suffered a lot of grievances, he was afraid that you would be worried, and he didn't want to argue with the sound of water, so he held back and didn't say anything. But he can bear it, I can't bear it, I just want to fight with the gurgling sound of water today! I want to tell you that Wu Heng is certainly wrong in this matter, but in terms of character, Wu Heng will definitely shake the sound of water a few streets away!

This statement is too sure and confident. Wu Heng's fans seemed to be injected with a booster, and they immediately became active in their speech.

A few minutes later, Lin Xiaozhi posted another Weibo.

I am Wu Heng's girlfriend Lin Xiaozhi: You are all calling Wu Heng despicable and Wu Heng plagiarizing Wu Heng shameless! But Wu Heng never thought about plagiarism at first! He was maliciously misled by the gurgling sound of water! Looking at the screenshot, this is the chat record between Gung Gung Shuisheng and Wu Heng before logging out of the account. At that time, Wu Heng thought Gung Gung Shuisheng had been hacked, and was particularly worried about him. Now I just want to say Gung Gung Shuisheng, you are really a piece of garbage!

A screenshot of the chat on the Penguin number is attached to the back of this Weibo. The two parties to the conversation are Wu Heng and a person who is noted as Xiao Cong.

In the screenshot, Wu Heng first sent a message to "Xiao Cong".

Shui Wuhen: I'm going to meet a classmate in Haicheng next week. Are you free? Let's have a meal together.

"Xiao Cong" sent several replies after ten minutes.

Xiaogong: No time,

Xiao Cong: The person you are looking for is dead,

Xiao Cong: Don't look for him again, it's a disturbance to him... Farewell,

After that, all the messages Shui Wuhen sent in the past were all marked with red exclamation marks.

Under this Weibo, Lin Xiaozhi also added in the comments: Wu Heng later tried to use a trumpet to add Muggongshuisheng, but the account of Muggonggongshuisheng could not be found, so Wu Heng was not plagiarizing at all! He thought that the sound of gurgling water was dead, and he opened "Chivalrous Bone" with the idea of helping his apprentice fulfill his last wish! After making money from "Chivalrous Bone" in the past two years, Wu Heng will donate money to Haicheng every year. He also tried to find Gonggong Shuisheng's family and wanted to give them some money, but unfortunately he couldn't find it. Wu Heng is really not malicious plagiarism! He was played by the gurgling sound of water!

After this comment, Lin Xiaozhi posted another Weibo.

I'm Wu Heng's girlfriend Lin Xiaozhi: And do you think Gung Gung Shuisheng is really a poor rights defender? No! He is a hypocrite who likes to show off his wealth on the Internet, deliberately fabricates a fake character for himself, and has an eye for money! Look at these chat records. Ever since he met Wu Heng, Gung Gung Shui Sheng has been working hard to set himself up as a second-generation scholar, dazzling his car, dazzling his house, dazzling his education, and dazzling his experience. He also said that he posted on Jiangtian. Not to make money, he said that when Wu Heng went to Haicheng, he wanted to invite Wu Heng to eat and play. It's really better to say it than to sing it. As a result, when Wu Heng mentioned going to Haicheng to see him, he was cowardly and just ran away. It was really good! Are you so afraid that your fabricated second-generation rich people will break

This Weibo is accompanied by a dozen screenshots of chats, each of which is a single cut of "Xiao Cong".

Xiaogong said: I just went to the attic to help the nanny move things, sorry for keeping you waiting.

Xiaogong said: Well, I live in this area of Haicheng by the river.

Xiaogong said: I got my driver's license, but my skills are not good enough. Recently, I have been practicing with my driver at home.

Xiaogong said: I am majoring in screenwriting, and I am planning to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Xiaogong said: Looking for a purchasing agent? Brother Shui, are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, I am going to go abroad in a few days, should I buy it for you

Xiaogong said: "Okay, when Brother Shui comes to Haicheng, I will definitely entertain him.

Xiaogong said: Brother Shui is spicy? Then let's eat seafood when you come. The local dishes in Haicheng are all sweet, you may not be used to it, only seafood is slightly stronger.

Xiao Cong said: "I don't need to spend any money. I have saved all my New Year's money this year and haven't spent it. Brother Bao Shui must be enough to eat, live and play.

Below this Weibo, Lin Xiaozhi added in the comments: Look at the speech of the sound of water, do you think he is a rich second-generation rich, leisurely, generous and hospitable? As a result, Wu Heng told him at the time that he was going to publish a new article, and he just sent a congratulations, looking forward to seeing the new work. The other apprentices thanked Master for the behavior of smashing votes and rankings. He pretended not to know. , it's just a haircut! And he took the initiative to buy things for Wu Heng. At that time, it was approaching the anniversary of my love affair with Wu Heng. Wu Heng wanted to buy a set of more expensive skin care products for me. Wu Heng asked for it because he trusted the sound of water For this matter, he specially sent the money first, and the result... Hehe, I received a bunch of fake goods. I was afraid that Wu Heng would be sad, so I kept holding back and didn't say it. Now I really want to smash this set of skin care products on Shuisheng's face!

The comparison photos of two sets of skin care products are posted at the back of the comments, one set in platinum color matching, and one set in blue and gold color matching, which are different at first glance.

Then, Lin Xiaozhi posted the last Weibo.

I'm Wu Heng's girlfriend Lin Xiaozhi: I didn't want to be entangled any more before. I thought that if Wu Heng was cheated, he should have been cheated. After all, he was also at fault, but it's just that the murmur of water was too loud, and he wanted to step on Wu Heng. Sign up with to make black money! Gumbling water, you are shameless, didn't you tell Wu Heng before that you didn't write to make money? So what are you doing now to sign? I think I figured it out. You suddenly appeared because you knew that "Chivalry Bone" was going to make the second part, that Jiang Tianwang had launched a reward event for old articles and new signings, and that you knew the popularity of "Chivalry Bone" accumulated by Wu Heng, The "Chivalrous Bone" you wrote will definitely be on the gold list, so you want to make a fortune, right? Are you trying to make money by making Liu Fengyue's gimmicky gimmicks? I even suspect that you deliberately found a marketing company to plan this! He also threatened me to sue Wu Heng, okay, you go and sue, I want to see if you can sue and win! ! !

A recording and a screenshot of the Penguin chat record are attached below this Weibo.

The content of the recording is very short, with only one sentence, a male voice with a voice changer saying: "Even if suing Wu Heng will make me bankrupt, I will sue. You are right, my life is really good, you can come and join me. Give it a try."

The screenshot shows a conversation between Wu Heng and a person who was noted as "Brother Wolf".

Brother Wolf said: Gung Gung Shui Sheng applied for a contract, and the boss took over in person, so I can't help it. In a situation like this, it's actually the best thing for him to sign on If he signs to the other platform, we'll be even more troubled, so don't ask, that's all, I can't help you.

Shui Wuhenhui: Is he going to write "Chivalrous Bone"

Brother Wolf replied: He can only write "Chivalrous Bone", otherwise he won't be able to get the reward of the old writing and the new signing. Look at his statistics. In just two days, the collection of articles has increased by hundreds of thousands. It can be said that as long as he signs a contract to enter V, he will take advantage of this wave of popularity and rush to the top of the gold list. There is no problem.

Brother Wolf: Just bear with it and let him make money. You wait until the limelight is over before you come out. Don't mess around in the future, and write well.

Chat history ends.

At this point, Lin Xiaozhi finally stopped and did not post any new Weibo.

There are a total of four Weibo posts, and Lin Xiaozhi bought popular ones for each one. They are arranged in order. At a glance, the effect can be said to be very shocking.

Friends from all over the world flocked here, and the topic of "plagiarism and rights protection", which had become less popular because of Shen Jia's blog and Gu Xun's blog, became popular again because of Lin Xiaozhi's operation.

When Shen Jia and his party landed in Beishi, the time had shifted to more than eleven o'clock in the evening. Everyone got into the car that came to pick them up in two batches, and Qi Cong was still sitting with Shen Jia and Zhao Zhenxun.

After getting in the car, Qi Cong took out his mobile phone and turned it on. Zhao Zhenxun, who had turned on the front seat earlier, just answered a call. When the boot animation of Qi Cong's mobile phone was finished and the signal was restored, Zhao Zhenxun's call ended just as well.

"Qi Cong." Zhao Zhenxun put down his phone, looked back at Qi Cong, first tapped the driver with his chin, and then said vaguely, "There's a commotion on Weibo."

Qi Cong was puzzled, and just as he was about to ask, the phone vibrated wildly. Countless missed calls and unread message reminders from unfamiliar numbers poured in, one after another, scrolling in the reminder bar.

After a few seconds of shock, a phone call suddenly came in. Qi Cong just clicked on the somewhat stuck mobile phone interface, rubbed his fingers, and accidentally answered the phone.

A male voice with an accent rang out, and the mouth was splattered: "Finally dare to open the phone! Is the money for purchasing fake skin care products good? You want to sign a contract to write a book? Bah! What's in Dad's hands? Not much, just a lot of stones, when you write, I will go to Jiangtianwang to kill you with negative points! You ****…”

Zhao Zhenxun reached out and took Qi Cong's mobile phone, hung up the phone and turned it off, with an ugly expression: "Your number has been blown up."

Shen Jia, who had been paralyzed on the seat since getting in the car, sat up in shock by this accident and asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

Qi Cong almost guessed what happened. He tightened the hand he just held the phone, and looked sideways at Shen Jia: "Jiajia, lend me the phone, I'll check Weibo."

Shen Jia hurriedly took out his phone, unlocked it, and handed it over.

A few hours later, several Weibo posts by Lin Xiaozhi have all climbed to the front row of the popular, next to the Weibo posts by Shen Jia and Gu Xun at night.

When Qi Cong opened the trend, the first thing he saw was not Lin Xiaozhi's random slander and accusations on Weibo, but the two "statements" made by Gu Xun. He was stunned for a moment, his eyes swept over the sentence "I only had a crush on one person before debut", and his fingertips couldn't help rubbing against the phone case.

Who is Gu Xun talking about? Could it be... him

However, his mind wandered for a while, and he quickly turned his attention back to Lin Xiaozhi's Weibo. He swiped his phone and looked down, then slowly frowned.

He clicked on the last chat record of "he" and Wu Heng posted by Lin Xiaozhi, and looked at the words sent out with his id, but in a completely unfamiliar tone, the kind of serious violation he once felt when cleaning up the apartment and reading the suicide note. And a cold head again.

This rude attitude, this strange use of punctuation, this brain-damaged behavior of using "he" to refer to himself and cursing his own death... Are these words really sent by him

The author has something to say: The thin February has passed, will the fat March be far away (?), I will try my best to become fat! Boom everyone! Love you guys!

ps: Stepping on the tail of February and begging for a wave, I love you guys!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-27 14:54:26~2020-02-28 19:12:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: I was so scared that the monotonous increase of 3; the cake can be fried with phosphoric acid 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: A, Liu Xunyan, the only flower in the underworld, eating fish every day, scared me to monotonically increase by 1;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the mine: 3 ducks, ducks and ducks; 2 three-day cranes; made of sugar, wood, like peach, Abai, go to sleep, Litchi-kun, Feng Yang, and children, please leave me Zhang Yuan, 42579402, Bai Huai, Fantasy Cookies, Breeze Crossing the Ridge, 41246100, Wu Zhiguang, Yan Chenjun, Cagalli, Did Da Da update today, Spotted Cat, the author loves one more article;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 128 bottles of yy; 47 bottles of non-fish; I like novels, cakes fried in phosphoric acid, 40 bottles of Jiangli; 30 bottles of Deng Deng; delicious tomato and beef soup, eyebrows, sweet rice cubs Poppy, Yiran, 20 bottles of puuush; 17 bottles of natsuhi; pick up wine, touch the head to kill, sybb, chao fungus, 300 billion, grapefruit, phan, I'm drunk and want to sleep, my little cutie, the soil of the scum, a certain , 10 bottles of sou; charge money, 9 bottles of the beginning of crime; 8 bottles of tan90°, Yan Chenjun; 7 bottles of Xingye; 6 bottles of tilt; Tadpoles, Xiaotang, Meow Mia, Qin, cm_ Qian Qianzi, 5 bottles of fluffy fluff at home; 3 bottles of game genius, cramp, Kobayashi made oranges; go to bed early, listen to songs, ino, augenstern, sugar Cheese duck, 2 bottles of Nian Nian Zhang; moo one, million worth Chen Zhengzheng, good, good, Hu Bugui, inkstone, inkstone, peerless salted fish, strawberry-flavored sugar, Xiaohuanglong in the waves, swastika, invy, Huo Yanyi, 32485808, Kebin, 41433618, Jing Xi, Banyue, Jianghe Sundown, Grumpy Elderly, Little White Rabbit Toffee, Bubu Yun, Aqi, Peanut Blueberry Sandwich, Ink Rain Picturesque, Dreamy Dragon Shadow, 21393056 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!