Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 30: (build)


Take selfies and change avatars.

Qi Cong followed Zhao Zhenxun out of Teacher Yuanyuan's studio and got into the car parked at the door. After getting into the car, he took out his mobile phone and frowned slightly.

This is the second time Zhao Zhenxun has asked this matter.

When he was in Nancheng before, Zhao Zhenxun explained that he should practice taking selfies and change his WeChat avatar when he was free, but because he had been busy with various things, his mobile phone was forced to shut down for a while because of Lin Xiaozhi's relationship. So he never did it.

During this period, he was pulled by Shen Jia and took a few self-portraits with Shen Jia's mobile phone. But in three years, the mobile phone camera software has developed more than three years ago. Although Shen Jia patiently told him a lot about science Knowledge of camera software and beauty filters, but in fact... He didn't understand much.

And the effect of some beauty functions looks too exaggerated.

Or... shoot directly with the original camera that comes with your phone

"By the way, don't take pictures with the front camera that comes with your mobile phone. The original camera of this brand of mobile phone you use is too bad, and people who are good-looking will also be very uninspired to take pictures. Remember to use the software specially designed for taking pictures." Zhao Zhenxun in the front seat suddenly turned his head and asked.

Qi Cong stiffened, and said hello.

When the car started, Zhao Zhenxun withdrew his sight.

Qi Cong relaxed, frowned again, turned on the phone, and caught sight of the WeChat icon on the interface. After realizing that he hadn't reviewed Xun's news, he hurriedly opened WeChat.

Several new unread messages were accumulated on Gu Xun's cat avatar, and the time was concentrated before three o'clock in the afternoon.

Gu Xun: I'm done eating. Cannes has a delicious dessert called glutinous rice cake. It tastes sweet and sweet. You should like it.

Gu Xun: Have you finished your meal

Gu Xun: Are you busy again

Gu Xun: There's another interview, I'm busy.

It was followed by a sighing emoji of cats and cats.

There has been no news since then.

Qi Cong looked at the long string of messages sent by Gu Xun this day and the last cat's sighing emoji, her brows became pimples, and she was very annoyed.

Why did you forget to reply.

He was busy typing a reply.

Qi Cong: Sorry.

Qi Cong: I was in class in the morning, having dinner with Brother Zhao at noon, and styling in the afternoon. I'm really sorry, but I haven't responded.

When he hit this, he paused, and the input speed slowed down.

Qi Cong: It's a little late, but you can ask Kevin to buy you a coat and wear it temporarily.

Qi Cong: Be careful not to get sick.

Qi Cong stopped and entered again.

Qi Cong: I'm ready to go home after work.

After the message was sent, Qi Cong waited for a while, but Gu Xun didn't reply.

Are you still busy

He went back and re-read the messages sent by Gu Xun, and then forced himself to quit WeChat and began to seriously study the camera software that Shen Jia had mentioned before.

Gu Xun didn't reply until he got home and finished dinner. Zhao Zhenxun has already left, Shen Jia's work will not be over until about ten o'clock today, and there is only Qi Cong at home.

He sat in the empty living room and looked at the clock on the wall.

It's already seven o'clock. Does the interview take so long from three to seven

He lowered his head and flicked WeChat for a while, then gathered his thoughts, first called Qi Yin and asked about the situation at home, then opened the downloaded photo software and tried to take a few selfies.

Because he doesn't know how to adjust those beauty parameters and filters, he simply pulled all the data to the lowest level and canceled all the filters, but even so, the photos taken with the camera software are better than the original camera of the mobile phone. on many.

After the shooting, he picked out a few photos without blurring or closing his eyes and sent them to Qi Yin, chatted a few words with Qi Yin, then exited and looked at the dialogue with Gu Xun.

If he changed his avatar, Gu Xun... would see it.

Rubbing his fingers against the back of the phone, he clicked into his profile and carefully selected one to lean on the sofa. It looked more like his selfie three years ago in terms of temperament and feeling, and replaced it with an avatar.

After doing this, as if to hide something, he immediately put down the phone, rubbed his face, then went back to the room and took out the computer, put the computer on the coffee table, made a cushion and sat on the ground, while reading the fourth chapter of "Chivalry" , while waiting for Shen Jia to come back and reply to Gu Xun.

Time passed very quickly when typing. After more than an hour, Qi Cong stopped typing, twisted his stiff neck, and picked up the phone and pressed it on.

It was almost nine o'clock, and Gu Xun still didn't reply.

He tapped Gu Xun's WeChat avatar with his thumb, put down his phone, looked at the computer again, and started sorting out the manuscript he just coded.

Half an hour later, when the manuscript was sorted out, he opened the old website of Jiangtianwang and put the content of Chapter 4 on it.

When determining the chapter title, he paused, glanced at the content of the chapter, and typed in a few words. After that, he solemnly thanked everyone for their encouragement and rewards in the writing column, and promised to finish "Chivalrous Bone" as soon as possible. In the end, he was a little embarrassed to add a note so that everyone would not have to smash votes. It is done, click OK, the chapter is successfully placed in the manuscript box, and the update time is set to midnight.

After doing this, he glanced at it, and the number of comments increased a lot. He tightened the mouse and clicked into the comment area.

When the first three chapters of "Chivalry" were updated, Lin Xiaozhi was making trouble. Although many people clicked on the new chapter, everyone's focus was on cheering him up, and not many people paid attention to the updated content.

It's been almost two days now, it should be... Some people will start to notice the plot.

The comment area jumped out and glanced at the first page. There were indeed a lot fewer people who smashed the votes, but the rest were basically all content to cheer him on and express support.

No one discusses the plot.

The expectations in Qi Cong's heart were shallow, and she clicked to the next page.

After reading several pages of "Come on", finally, a comment related to the article appeared in his field of vision. Qi Cong quickly stopped the mouse and looked carefully.

Tourist mkj77: Fengyue? How did you get rid of the last name? I don't understand the meaning of this setting, is it just to distinguish it from Shui Wuhen's "Chivalry"? I don't think it's necessary. The name Liu Fengyue is already feminine, so it's strange to drop the surname.

It seems... not a good evaluation, but it can be regarded as paying attention to the plot.

Qi Cong continued to slide the mouse.

After turning a few more pages, another comment related to the plot jumped out.

Tourist bb5489: What the hell! Fairy writing! The language is concise, but the picture is full of sense, and a small town full of fireworks is depicted in a few strokes. And although it is already known plot, the feeling of writing it out is completely different from that of Shui Wuhen. Hahahaha, it turns out that Liu Fengyue was a fish seller when she lived in seclusion, and her fishing skills were so bad that she laughed to death.

Qi Cong's eyes lit up and unconsciously leaned forward.

Yes, the fish seller, Wu Heng ignored this small setting, but in fact it was a foreshadowing, in Liu Feng-

Qi Cong's excited mood suddenly choked.

Not Liu Fengyue, but Fengyue.

He sat back slowly and glanced across the floors below the comment.

Tourist gh345: What are you embarrassing to brag about? Anti-plagiarism is anti-plagiarism. To be fair, I still think "Chivalrous Bone" written by Shui Wuhen is better. I've read the three chapters before this newcomer's rewrite, so it's not a novel, it can be an outline. This newly written version is also weird. Anyway, I feel that Wushui Wuhen wrote it well, and without the surname, Liu Fengyue has no inner taste. It's a good play.

Tourist ty567: Play +1

Tourist gho23: Play +2

Tourist cx456: What kind of passers-by are the Wu Heng fans upstairs pretending to be, and what kind of formation are they lining up? Wu Heng wrote Liu Fengyue, a hidden man, as if he was pretending to be a criminal. Obviously, the Fengyue written by this newcomer is much more agile and real. A group of people who have been lowered by Wu Heng's bad writing style, get out!

Tourist ty567: Who are you scolding for pretending to be a perpetrator! You are the ***, you ***!

Tourist cx456: It's you, Wu Heng's fan, who is scolding! Your family cooking is about to be terminated by, why don't you hurry up and go to mourning

There was a quarrel downstairs, Qi Cong frowned, not in the mood to read the comments, and was about to close the comment area when a new short post came in. He focused his mind and moved the mouse to click.

The editor is as cold as a knife: After a day's meeting, I just saw that the station is short. The signing channel has been opened for you. You go to fill in the information first. After the information is filed, I will mail you the contract. Pay attention to the express delivery in the past few days, and sign and return the contract as soon as possible after receiving the contract.

Qi Cong hurriedly replied that he knew, and then entered the signing author information filling page of the new site of Jiangtian according to the link provided by Leng Fengru Dao, and clicked submit after filling in quickly.

Another station short hair came over.

Editing is like a knife: add my contact information.

A penguin number is attached to the back.

After Qi Cong woke up, she hadn't had time to apply for a new Penguin. After seeing the station short, she hurriedly got a new one, and then added Leng Feng Ru Dao as a friend.

After the friend passed, Leng Feng Ru Dao first sent a lot of signing notices, and then asked a sentence.

Cold wind is like a knife: Don't look at the comment area before the end of the first small plot. People in the industry can quickly see that your writing and rhythm are flawless, but readers won't. Preconceived ideas will make them dull. I read your first three chapters, they are very good, write them well and don't be influenced.

With the praise of professionals, Qi Cong's mood affected by the comments recovered slightly. He typed a reply.

Gurgling water: I will, thank you.

Cold wind is like a knife: try to update every day, if you are busy, it is best to update every other day.

Gurgling water: Good.

Cold wind like a knife: Good night then.

Then the head of the cold wind like a knife turned gray.

Qi Cong was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

This knife guy seems very interesting.

The mobile phone placed on the coffee table suddenly vibrated, he recovered, reached out and picked up the mobile phone, and saw a message from Gu Xun flashing on the screen... Wechat video call invitation.

video call

Qi Cong was stunned, and turned his head to look at the floor-to-ceiling window reflexively.

There was a figure sitting in front of the coffee table on the window. His hair was not messy, his clothes were neat, everything was fine, but he was a little unfamiliar—he hadn't been able to get used to his new look.

Qi Cong retracted his gaze to look at the phone screen, stood up from the ground, and turned around.

Did Gu Xun see his changed avatar? Did you make a video call because you saw it? Gu Xun... What do you think of his new look

The vibration suddenly stopped, and the video call was automatically disconnected because no one answered.

Qi Cong stopped circling, feeling a little regretful and relieved. He was about to type to reply to Gu Xun, when the phone vibrated again - Gu Xun made another video call.

His heartbeat was inexplicably fast. He looked at the cat portrait on the phone screen, gritted his teeth, and answered the call.

Gu Xun's face appeared on the screen with the back seat of the car in the background. He probably just finished participating in some event, his hairstyle looked a little formal, and he was also wearing a more formal light-colored dark-patterned shirt. The camera zoomed in on his face and his expression.

Maybe it was an illusion. When Gu Xun's face first appeared, his expression seemed a little fierce and his eyes were very aggressive, but if he looked closely, his face was still the familiar gentle look, and there was a faint hint of it. resignedly.

"Qi Cong." Gu Xun leaned closer to the screen, his helplessness became more obvious, "Are you sure you want me to look at the floor and talk to you?"


Qi Cong looked at the wood-colored floor under her feet, and realized that the camera on her side was showing the scene captured by the rear camera. Her originally stiff body relaxed, but soon became stiff again. , moved your finger over and tapped the down-conversion lens.

The screen switched, and his face appeared on the small screen in the upper right corner.

Stiff and silly.

Qi Cong looked at Gu Xun for a second and then looked away, forcing himself to focus on Gu Xun's face and asked, "Have you just finished your work?"

Gu Xun looked at this side without speaking, his eyes were a little deep.

Qi Cong felt a little uncomfortable, and asked again, "Where are you going now, are you going back to the hotel to rest?"

Gu Xun suddenly leaned back a little away from the phone, and then the screen went dark, and something blocked the lens in half. Gu Xun's voice was lower than before: "Wait a minute, my assistant called me, I'll have a word with him."

Then Gu Xun's camera was completely covered, and his voice disappeared.

Qi Cong was a little stunned. After being manipulated by Gu Xun like this, the stiffness and tension eased a little. Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the two words that were still hanging on the living room table, walked over, and waited for Gu Xun and the assistant to finish talking.

On the other side of the car, Gu Xun clicked on the video and leaned back into the seat, holding the phone in one hand and resting his chin in the other, squinting at the screen, he was a little confused at first, then turned his head to see where he was, and then started to walk around Qi Cong , looking inch by inch, along the forehead exposed after the trimming of Qi Cong's hair, swept across the handsome and soft facial features, stopped for a long time on the light-colored soft lips, and then went back and scanned the outline of Qi Cong's thin ears and rounded lips. The earlobe is swept to the chin, and then swept down the neck along the chin, lingering over the collarbone, down along the collar of the shirt, and finally turned around and fixed on the slightly raised Adam's apple.

Gu Xun raised his fingers on his chin, lightly rubbed his lips, leaned over to the assistant beside him: "My baby... It's so beautiful." The voice was low, hoarse, very sexy, very... showy.

Assistant Kevin couldn't take it anymore and leaned towards the door: "Brother Gu, I often wonder why you haven't been caught by the police yet."

"What do you know?" Gu Xun disliked the sentence, sat up straight and looked at Qi Cong who was looking down at something on the screen, and reached out to touch Qi Cong's drooping eyelashes, "He looks good, I'll be honest, is there a problem. "

"Qi Cong."

Qi Cong was recalled to God by Gu Xun's reappearing voice, and looked at Gu Xun's face that reappeared on the screen.

Gu Xun smiled brightly: "I just finished my work. On the way to the airport, I'm going back to the crew to finish filming the rest of the exterior scenes. It will take about five or six days, and it will be even busier."

It will be more busy, why are you smiling so happily

Qi Cong felt that the current Gu Xun was a bit silly, but he was... cute. He asked, "This time to the airport? What time is the flight?"

"At half past eleven, I arrived in Yangcheng at three in the morning. The location was shot there."

Arriving at three o'clock, it's five or six o'clock when we arrive at the hotel. Qi Cong frowned, and asked again, "Are you shooting as soon as you go there?"

"No, work starts in the afternoon."

It didn't take a while.

Really hard work.


Qi Cong's heart trembled at the low and gentle call. She looked at Gu Xun who was close to the camera, her Adam's apple moved, and she replied, "What's wrong?"

"Thank you for caring about me, I'm very happy." Gu Xun smiled softly, "What about you, what are your plans for the next week? You said earlier that you were in class, what class are you taking?"

Such Gu Xun is really like before. Qi Cong has a feeling that maybe Gu Xun does look a bit fierce sometimes, and his behavior is not always restrained like in the past, but he must still be the gentle and kind Gu Xun in his bones.

It was the Gu Xun he was familiar with.

His voice subconsciously softened a lot, and he briefly talked about his signing of the contract and taking vocal music lessons.

The smile on Gu Xun's face froze for a while, and he asked, "Have you signed a contract?"


"How long have you signed?"

"Five years."

The camera on Gu Xun's side suddenly swayed and tilted towards the car window. After a second, the camera was adjusted, and Gu Xun's face appeared on the screen again, still with that gentle and casual expression. He said, "If you sign a contract, you are on the right track. Is there a plan for your career plan?"

"Not yet. Brother Zhao said that he is still discussing with President Shen."

Gu Xun seemed to bite his teeth, but he quickly smiled again and said, "This kind of thing really needs to be discussed, how about you? Do you have any direction you want to develop? Singer? Actor? Or all-round development?"

"It's okay, I can try all of them." Qi Cong didn't really want to talk to Gu Xun about this, it always felt like he was showing his tacky side to Gu Xun. He pointed the camera at the words on the table and changed the subject, "By the way, I have already written the words, you can see if there is anything to change."

After a few seconds of silence, Gu Xun's voice came out, still the same gentle tone: "It's good."

Qi Cong relaxed a bit and said, "Then give me an address, and I'll send it to you when I frame the characters."

"Don't worry, I'll get it from you in person."

There was a sound of opening the door suddenly, and then Shen Jia's voice sounded: "Brother Cong, have you slept? I'll bring you a late night snack!"

Qi Cong froze, as if someone had been caught doing something bad. He first looked at the gate, then adjusted the camera to look at Gu Xun, and said quickly, "Jiajia is back, I'm hanging up. You... You remember when Get some sleep on the plane."

Gu Xun also heard Shen Jia's voice, and replied, "Shen Jia came back really early... I'll make up my sleep on the plane. Good night."

"Good night."

Qi Cong's gaze swept across Gu Xun's eyebrows, paused for two seconds, stretched out his fingers to hang up the call, put away the phone and greeted Shen Jia who had entered the living room.

the other side.

After the call, the gentleness on Gu Xun's face disappeared immediately, his expression twitched, his eyebrows sank, he threw away his mobile phone, hugged his chest and leaned back into the chair, full of ferocity.

Assistant Kevin picked up the phone and persuaded, "Brother Gu, I don't think you need to do this."

Gu Xun frowned and looked at Kevin: "The person I like lives in another wild man's house, do you think I don't need to do this?"

"I mean, you don't have to pretend to be in front of Mr. Qi all the time." Kevin was very worried, "Brother Gu, continue to pretend like this, I'm worried that the result will be the same as three years ago—"

"No." Gu Xun interrupted Kevin's words, and turned his eyes to look at his face reflected in the car window. After a few seconds, he looked away again and shook his head, "No... You don't crow."

Gu Xun was really busy in the next few days. This is shown in that although he still sends a bunch of WeChat messages to Qi Cong every day, the time is concentrated in the early morning, lunch time, and late night, and he can no longer reply in seconds. I returned to his WeChat in the afternoon, and he would not reply until midnight.

The two were only a few hundred kilometers apart, but they lived like a jet lag.

Qi Cong is also getting busy here. Because Zhao Zhenxun hadn't decided how to plan his career, he continued to go back to work as an assistant to Shen Jia.

Shen Jia has to finish some work before entering the crew, and the work load of the entire team is also heavy. As Shen Jia's life assistant, Qi Cong must follow Shen Jia everywhere, and the work is tiring and trivial. In addition, he has to take time out to practice what he has learned in vocal music lessons, get Jiang Tianwang's contract, and update "Chivalrous Bone". One person can't wait to split it into three people.

Under this kind of work intensity, Qi Cong no longer has the energy to manage the public's evaluation of "Chivalrous Bone". Every day, he will put the manuscript into the manuscript deposit box, set the update time, and then fall back to sleep. Not to mention reading comments, he can't even squeeze out the energy to click on the comment area.

A week later, Shen Jia finally finished all the finishing work and was ready to join the group.

In order to free up time to help Shen Jia pack up the things that he was going to enter into the crew, Qi Cong stayed up one day in advance to code two chapters and put them into the manuscript box.

Coincidentally, the update of these two chapters will just end the first small plot of "Chivalry". From here onwards, the fate of many supporting characters and some subtle trends of the story will gradually be differentiated from Wu Heng's "Chivalry". .

Before leaving for the airport, Qi Cong specially opened WeChat to see if Gu Xun had replied.

It's a pity he didn't. Gu Xun didn't respond to the question he sent yesterday afternoon, "When are you coming to get the calligraphy?" until this morning.

It's a little strange that Gu Xun rarely doesn't send him messages for so long this week.

Did you stay up late to catch a play

Qi Cong frowned, locked the phone screen, looked at the two framed characters on the cabinet, hesitated, and put them in the small suitcase.

A few hours later, the plane landed in Hengcheng.

The group walked out of the airport and walked towards the car that the crew came to pick up.

Qi Cong pulled the suitcase and walked behind the crowd at the end of the line. He took out his mobile phone and opened it. As soon as the signal was restored, he immediately clicked on WeChat.

"Are you waiting for someone's news? You can't walk without looking at the road."

A familiar low voice spread from behind, and then a familiar smell of fir trees surrounded it, mixed with a little sweetness.

Qi Cong was stunned for a moment, then stopped abruptly and turned back.

A shoulder slammed into a broad chest, and a cone was brought to his mouth. Qi Cong raised her eyes and met Gu Xun's smiling brows blocked by the brim of her hat.

"I said last time, I want to treat you to better ice cream again." Gu Xun bent down slightly, his body was almost close to Qi Cong, he went to pick up the luggage in Qi Cong's hand with one hand, and put the cone to Qi Cong's mouth with the other. After giving it away, he almost hugged Qi Cong in his arms, the corners of his mouth were hooked, and his voice was soft and low, "You said it's a coincidence, the next interior scene part of "Above the Dynasty" happens to be in Hengcheng Film and Television City. The filming, I heard, is a few hundred meters away from the filming location of "Qinggu Biography", so it would be very convenient to visit."

The author has something to say: Ahhh, love everyone! What, what, what!

ps: I changed the hemisphere, so as not to mislead everyone (covering my face), thank you for reminding the lovely high school readers, bo bo!


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-02 19:31:46~2020-03-03 18:22:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: too bad, I must not write be 1 recently;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 5 Liu Xunyan; Yan Yan is more than one sweet in March;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: 4 Liushangyan; Xiaopang, Yan Sheng, Shitao Tao, Xiao Xiaozi, Su Muqing, Kuangeng Phosphoric Acid Fried, Orange Soda, Bai Huai, Wine Stuffed Fish, Rabbit-eating Radish, Ginseng Unsuccessful Jing, Wang Miao Zhi Pu Baa, La La La, Lychee Jun, as well as the first one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Liangyue; 19 bottles of Wang Miaozhi and Poba; 10 bottles of the man who passed by making soy sauce, Zhang Dazhen, sybb, Milu; 9 bottles of Feicun Zi; Deng Deng, Heng Ha ni, 5 bottles of Chulu; kkkkk, 4 bottles of fluffy wool are missing at home; Yilai refused to stay, wanted a philip, and 2 bottles of pork belly series; Tanxi, Kebin, Li Gezhi, Xia Huaichu, Bai Ye, Inkstone Inkstone, Ink Rain Picturesque, Zhuge Little Donkey, Nanxi, Grapefruit Street, 38939305 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!