Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 41


After Weibo was opened, there was a five-second opening advertisement, Qi Cong quickly skipped it, and then the popular list page he stayed on the last time he browsed jumped out.

His heart beat a little faster, and he pulled down to refresh.

Page changes.

The most popular number one, a gossip blogger that Qi Cong had seen before summed up the whole story of his harassment of Yanhuang, and he also brought a topic of scolding him.

Why is this still.

Qi Cong frowned, and was about to look at the hot search, when he saw the second most popular Weibo.

Haicheng News v: [#YanhuangManagementInfighting#] At four o'clock in the morning today, a chat record of a dispute between the management of Yanhuang in the company group was exposed on a local forum in Haicheng. After receiving the revelations, our reporter called Yanhuang for confirmation, and the call was forwarded several times. Finally, Yang Tianqing, deputy manager of the marketing department of Yanhuang, accepted a telephone interview with this newspaper. In the interview, Yang Tianqing clarified that all the previous comments on the Internet that "the former marketing manager Qi Cong framed Yan Huang" were false news. It will only be a matter of time before Yan Huang goes bankrupt!"

This news was accompanied by a subtitled recording of the telephone interview to organize the video, and Qi Cong hurriedly clicked on it.

The recording is not long, just over four minutes. After a few seconds of each other's greetings, the interview cuts to the point.

Reporter: "Mr. Yang, what do you think of the saying on the Internet that 'Qi Cong framed Yan Huang'?"

"It's all nonsense!" Yang Tianqing's voice was clearly emotional, "Manager Qi paid close attention to product quality and after-sales when he was in office. His products in Shi Yanhuang have never had such large-scale quality problems, and after-sales have always been It has been praised by consumers for its high efficiency. To tell the truth, with Manager Qi's dedication to Yan Huang, anyone could frame Yan Huang, but he wouldn't!"

Reporter: "So 'Qi Cong framed Yan Huang' is false news?"

Yang Tianqing: "Not true!"

Reporter: "The suspected Yanhuang executive group chat that broke out early this morning—"

Yang Tianqing: "I don't express my opinion on this. I just want to say one thing, if Jiang Zhaoyan continues to be cronyism and allows his relatives to play family privileges in the company, then it will only be a matter of time before Yanhuang goes bankrupt! Well, I'm going to a meeting, just How about this."

The interview ended, and subtitles appeared, indicating that the content behind the video was the chat record of the suspected Yanhuang management dispute in the company group that broke out in the early morning.

The subtitles disappeared, the screen changed, and it became a WeChat group screen recording interface. The group name was "Yanhuang 1". There were 21 members in the group. The people in the group seemed to be discussing something. lively.

The person who recorded the screen clicked on a thirty-second voice message sent by a person named Jiang Tian.

A somewhat sharp male voice came out: "What are you arguing about, this is the most sensible way! Qi Cong has left the company, and it is most suitable for him to take responsibility! What are you afraid of, he will not come out to refute, you don't know that he has Do you care about Brother Jiang? You also blame me for messing up the after-sales department. Obviously, Qi Cong left suddenly and did not take over the work properly! Besides, this time the product has a large-scale problem, and the after-sales department is so big. What do you want me to do? Can I conjure up four hands?"

After this voice ends, the next one will play automatically.

A trembling female voice with suppressed anger sounded: "Jiang Tian, you are shameless! I have had enough, I must say it today! Boss, I hope you are listening to our conversation this time. Manager Qi has paid for the development of Yan Huang to this day. How much, everyone can see it! He left at the beginning of the year. You said that he was in a poor mental state because his family was bankrupt, so he temporarily took a break from work. He would come back when the rest was over. The person in charge of the company, I believed it, and then watched your relatives occupy the position of Manager Qi, and made a mess in the well-organized department of Manager Qi! Boss, I will not comment on the personal relationship between you and Manager Qi. , let's just talk about work. Manager Qi has been working hard with you since the company was established. Now you let your relatives pour dirty water on Manager Qi like this, and let the whole network scold him, don't you have the heart? in this way!!"

The next one played automatically, and a somewhat serious voice sounded: "Okay, don't make any noise, just go to bed. Didn't the boss say it before, when this pass is over, he will come forward to help Qi Cong explain. Everyone calm down now, The overall situation is the most important, and the company is the most important.”

Then came Jiang Tian's voice message: "It's Qi Cong himself who doesn't want to go back to the company! It's just a job transfer, it's like killing him, the marketing department, after-sales department, product R&D department, he has to get involved everywhere. , What, is this his Qi family's company? He is too much! Han Lan, don't bite people just because you are a veteran, what happened to me? I didn't manage the department well? My brother's company, I came in to help What's the matter? He Qi Congyou deserves it today!"

After two more persuasive voices, the girl named Han Lan sent a long voice again.

"It's nothing." Her voice cooled down, as if she was so angry that she was already disheartened, "I'm just cold, and I'm afraid that one day I will be scourged by your Jiang family! Jiang Tian, why does the product go wrong? It's a mess, you know this in your own mind! You also understand how much raw material money your relatives at the joint factory have deducted! I really hate that Manager Qi is obviously capable and has a family background, why should he support Yan Huang and treat you wholeheartedly Hello Jiang family! I hate him for being blind! You all laugh at him for being humble, lacking self-esteem, and easy to bully. I just think your faces are disgusting and disgusting! Those who trample on their sincerity will one day be attacked by their own coldness and cruelty I quit Han Lan, I resigned! I was supported by Manager Qi. I know you didn't like me long ago, but now I quit myself. I want to see, Manager Qi of your family relies on blood-sucking Miki to suck blood. What can the White Eyed Wolf Company, which was registered and established with the New Year's money from Manager Qi and the money from selling the house, develop in the end! Bah! The Phoenix man who killed a thousand knives!"

It was the serious voice again: "Han Lan, don't be impulsive, no one dislikes you, everyone calm down."

Then there was a new female voice: "Sister Han, I support you, and I also resign, I have long wanted to resign! Jiang Zhaoyan, you hang Manager Qi to suck his blood and use him, and give it to him immediately after his family goes bankrupt and useless. When I was transferred, I turned around and hooked up with the son of the boss of Anbai. I really despise you! There is something you probably don't know. Before committing suicide, Manager Qi sent me a message and advised me not to resign with him, for fear of me After you left, there was a hole in your new product development! I just want to say now, it's your Yanhuang's hole! Hurry up and close down, stupid company! Idiot boss!"

Video ends.

Qi Cong's heart was beating fast. He moved his fingers, watched the video again, and then clicked on the comment area under the news.

A large number of comments expressing shock and disbelief came out, and several of the comments revealing inside information were popularized by excited netizens.

Haicheng Xiaoguo: Weak and weak burst into small pieces. I am a former employee of Yanhuang who resigned at the beginning of the year. Qi Cong is really good, although... um, I feel that he is a little bit too attached to Jiang Zhaoyan, and his personality is also... But he is really worthy of the company. It is him who runs the business, digs for R&D talents, and manages the after-sales service. One person is used by three people, and he has worked so hard to lose weight. Two days ago, I watched the whole Internet scolding him, and I was really chilled. Yanhuang's products apparently went wrong after Qi Cong left and Jiang Zhaoyan's relatives took over the marketing department, after-sales department and the factories below. It had nothing to do with Manager Qi, and Manager Qi was forced to leave.

It's enough to say it once: hehe, these broken things have finally been exposed. I was an employee of Miki. Later, I went to Yanhuang with Xiaodong to manage the quality inspection. When Miki was about to go bankrupt, I insisted on returning to Miki. I feel resentment against the small club in my heart, because Miki's bankruptcy did have some of his reasons, but I don't hate him, he's sick, I'm afraid he doesn't even know what he did. I only hate Jiang Zhaoyan, this white-eyed wolf! Relying on the fact that Xiaodong's family only recognized him after he was ill, he used all kinds of coaxing, exploiting, and mentally controlling Xiaodong's family, forcing the big boss to spend money and resources to support Yan Huang, and hoped that he would be better to Xiaodong's family! The results of it? hehe.

Printer No. 10: I know a little bit of inside information. When Jiang Zhaoyan wanted to transfer Qi Cong's position, it was in the library management area. Before Sanmu went bankrupt, the relatives of the Jiang family saw that Qi Cong was more cordial.

Cat Meow: "It's the most appropriate to let him take the blame. What are you afraid of? He won't come out and refute it. Don't you know how much he cares about Brother Jiang?" This is the most foul sentence I've heard this year! You are bullying Miki to be bankrupt, bullying Manager Qi for being honest, bullying Qi Yin for caring too much about her son! A group of villains from the Jiang family, do you really think that no one can see that Miki was bankrupted by you guys surnamed Jiang!

The Weibo page suddenly disappeared, the phone vibrated, and an unknown number called again.

Qi Cong frowned, and was about to hang up, when she thought of something, she answered the phone, clicked the record, and replied, "Hello?"

"Qi Cong." Jiang Zhaoyan's voice came out, a little calmer than before, but he was obviously still suppressing his emotions, "Go and make a statement, as long as you make a statement, I will promise you everything. This time, Jiang Tian did it himself. It is advocated that he will be executed first and then replayed. When I know it, there is no way to change it. I can only follow public opinion. You go and make a statement, and I can compensate you. "

Qi Cong asked, "How do you want me to make a statement?"

Hearing Qi Cong's relief, his attitude was not bad. Jiang Zhaoyan's tone immediately became tough: "I will arrange an interview for you. You told the reporter that you did not leave your job, but that you were on paid leave. Product quality problems and after-sales confusion are caused by your poor mental state. Don't feel wronged, I won't let you take full responsibility, Jiang Tian will take responsibility with you."

"Then compensation..." Qi Cong hinted.

Jiang Zhaoyan was quiet for a few seconds, his tone softened, and promised: "Xiao Cong, Beishi branch, I will let you be the person in charge... As long as you want, you can always stay near me."

Good piece of crap.

Qi Cong chuckled and asked, "Jiang Zhaoyan, do you know that An Xiahe knows that?"


"I recorded everything you just said. Jiang Zhaoyan, I will not block your number again, but I will record every call you make in the future."

"What did you say—" Jiang Zhaoyan's tone became furious again, "Qi Cong, what are you doing! You—"

"Thank you for sending me the evidence." Qi Cong interrupted Jiang Zhaoyan's words with a feeling of ease and happiness that has been rare in this period of time, "Jiang Zhaoyan, come out of your closed and arrogant world and see, the world will not last forever. Around you." After that, he hung up the phone and sent the recording to Zhao Zhenxun.

A few minutes later, Zhao Zhenxun called back: "You have a good rest today. I asked the teacher to stop your class for a day. This recording is very useful, and I will send it at the right time."

Qi Cong made an "um", and then called, "Brother Zhao."


"thank you."

After a few seconds of silence, Zhao Zhenxun replied, "Have a good rest."

After the phone call, Qi Cong smashed herself onto the bed.

He remembered the news he had just seen, and after two days of hanging on it, he finally got the hang of it.

It should be over.

He looked sideways at the bright sun outside the window, thinking about going to see the wind direction on Weibo again, calling Qi Yin to tell her to stop worrying, and going to WeChat to see if Gu Xun had sent a message, but his eyelids were blank. Drooping uncontrollably, exhaustion and sleepiness surged up immediately after the spirit relaxed.

The bloodshot eyes were completely closed, and the phone came out of the pale and thin palm and fell onto the quilt.

After two days of fear and fear, he was finally able to sleep well.

When Qi Cong made up her sleep, a vigorous reversal drama was being staged on Weibo.

Countless melon eaters who started to enter Weibo early have seen Weibo with completely different content in the top 1 and 2. In the past two days, they thought they knew Qi Cong's true face, and netizens who were disgusted with Qi Cong were second Wei Haicheng News was shocked by the content, and they all began to seek the truth.

And this request, many of the previously concealed information, immediately spread out in front of everyone like the mud brought out by the radish.

At 11:00 in the morning, a blogger determined that the first article that broke the news that Yanhuang's product had a problem was because of Qi Cong's harassment. The blogger posted screenshots of the chat and friends. In the circle screenshot, the person with the yellow pier portrait is Jiang Tian, who speaks sharply in the group.

After a quarter of eleven in the morning, several chat records in the Yanhuang after-sales staff group were leaked. In the chat records, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared when everyone was carefully discussing online matters, ordered all employees not to discuss any more, and said "Don't go online. When mentioning Qi Cong, I said too much warning remarks about being careful about losing your job."

At 12:30 noon, someone picked out that the current leaders of the two production lines that Yan Huang had problems with were all relatives of Jiang Zhaoyan, and the previous smart home evaluation blogger who stood in line with Yan Huang used to prove that Yan Huang's products are very good. The product series is actually the part that Qi Cong was responsible for when he was in Yanhuang.

After a quarter of one o'clock in the afternoon, some media photographed several executives of Yan Huang leaving Yan Huang's office building with a lot of things, suspected of resigning.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Tian Wuzhen, the owner of another female voice in the infighting recording and an employee of the R&D department of Qianyanhuang, posted a real-name video, completely smashing the reversal.

In the video, a girl with neat short hair is sitting in a small study room dressed warmly, holding a document: "This is my resignation report, I am Tian Wu, an employee of the R&D department of Qianyanhuang. The reason why I recorded this The video is because my conscience does not allow me to watch the person who poached me into Yanhuang was completely cornered by Jiang Zhaoyan."

She put down the file and looked at the camera, obviously still angry: "The first thing I want to say, that infighting recording is real. I don't know who cut it, but I thank her for her bravery. Before that , No one dared to speak up, it was he who opened the hole and gave me the courage to reveal all this."

"The day before yesterday, a problem with Yanhuang's products broke out, and it was on the hot search. But in fact, before that, as early as April, the after-sales department began to receive the audio and TV problems of the xl89 model and the sd67 model one after another. 's consumer complaint report. Why did it break out so late? Because Jiang Tian and the current person in charge of Yanhuang's after-sales department concealed this. Until the end of last month, some consumers couldn't help but find the local media in Haicheng to expose the incident. It was only discovered by the company.”

"Jiang Zhaoyan immediately chose to spend money to suppress news, and quickly compensated those consumers who made the most trouble, shut down two production lines, and recalled unsold products. He also ordered Jiang Tian to properly deal with possible follow-up after-sales problems. Objectively speaking, his handling was fairly quick and effective, but unfortunately, his relatives dragged him down."

"We didn't know that Jiang Tian did not recall the unsold problematic products until the problem with the product was listed on the hot search. Instead, he secretly opened a so-called Yanhuang franchise store and continued to sell these products. Then things broke out completely. Jiang Zhaoyan was furious. In order to blame, Jiang Tian immediately forged those screenshots of chats and Moments, and then took the blame for Manager Qi, who had already left. For Yan Huang's reputation, Jiang Zhaoyan acquiesced to Jiang Tian's behavior."

When Tian Wu said this, she tugged at the corners of her mouth ironically: "Why did you choose Manager Qi to shoulder this responsibility? Because Manager Qi..." She paused, and looked at the camera and said word by word, "Because Manager Qi, I never refused. I met Jiang Zhaoyan's request. At least after I got to know him, what I saw was no, never. Manager Qi... "

She took a deep breath, looked at the camera and continued: "Manager Qi is a good person. In fact, I don't like his attitude towards relationships, but I am sure of his dedication to the company, and it's a pity that he has been used by Jiang Zhaoyan all the time. In the early days of Yanhuang's establishment, there was a lack of funds, contacts, and talents. Manager Qi gave Jiang Zhaoyan money, helped Jiang Zhaoyan build contacts, and accompanies Jiang Zhaoyan's team. It was Manager Qi who recruited Yanhuang. I still remember a while of Yanhuang. We cannot pay wages due to difficulties, and it is Manager Qi who paid for us to make up our wages, so I just ask us not to leave.”

"I always thought that Manager Qi and Jiang Zhaoyan were a couple, because Manager Qi's feelings were obvious, and Jiang Zhaoyan never refused, and calmly accepted everything that Manager Qi paid. At that time, there were many employees who had the same misunderstanding as me, until... Jiang Zhaoyan brought his parents to Haicheng. Jiang Zhaoyan's parents probably heard the rumor that Jiang Zhaoyan and Manager Qi were together, and they made trouble at the company, beat and scolded Manager Qi, accusing Manager Qi of bringing their son crooked, Jiang Zhaoyan got When the news came, he publicly denied the affair with Manager Qi, saying that he and Manager Qi were just friends."

"Friend? Anyway, I was shocked at the time. To say something even more disgusting, after learning that Manager Qi was backed by Miki, Jiang Zhaoyan's parents changed their attitude towards Manager Qi, and declared several times that they treated Manager Qi as their own son. ."

Tian Wu seemed to be unable to continue, paused for a few more seconds, and then raised the phone: "Manager Qi has done his utmost to Jiang Zhaoyan and Yan Huang, and owed nothing to him. Even when Jiang Zhaoyan was kicked out of the company, he was forced to be a friend of Jiang Zhaoyan's relatives. After taking office, Manager Qi is still thinking about Jiang Zhaoyan. Sorry, Manager Qi, for revealing a little bit of your privacy. This is the chat record of my colleague and I. I'm glad I chatted with my colleague, otherwise I wouldn't be able to leave this screenshot. ."

"This is what Manager Qi advised me not to leave too soon, and begged me to stay in Yanhuang to help Jiang Zhaoyan develop a news record of new products. Don't ask me why I only have this screenshot, because Manager Qi is committing suicide..." Tian Wuchang He took a breath, blinked, his eyes were a little red, "After I was rescued from suicide, I canceled the WeChat I used, and I couldn't find the chat log to show you. Fortunately, I was too angry at the time, so I cut this paragraph, I complained to my colleague. I also regret that when Manager Qi advised me not to leave Yan Huang, because of anger and hatred, I said some extreme things to Manager Qi. I don’t know if he was because of my I just chose to commit suicide... Anyway, I'm sorry."

Tian Wu adjusted her emotions again and said: "Jiang Zhaoyan, open your eyes and take a good look, such a person who was bullied by you and your family to the point of bankruptcy, lost his job, and committed suicide, a person who was still thinking of you before committing suicide. , how can you bear to let him take such a black cauldron! If you don't like him, you should reject him and stay away from him, instead of enjoying what he has done to you, hanging him as a spare tire and keeping him by your side, while hiding it Let him go and have sex with other men, and after he finally sees that Qingyuan is gone, dig him out and take the blame created by your relatives, and let the whole network scold him!"

Tian Wu raised a middle finger: "Jiang Zhaoyan, you are the most disgusting man I have ever seen in my life, I wish you bankruptcy."

The video ends here.

The amount of information contained in this video is too great, and the things it said are too explosive. In just two hours, excited netizens were put on the front row of the popular list.

After being bombarded by all kinds of reversals and real hammers for a day, netizens basically accepted the fact that Qi Cong was wronged. After listening to Tian Wu's words, many people couldn't help but spit at Jiang Zhaoyan in the comment area.

Circle circle: My three views are completely broken. Yesterday I was still scolding Qi Cong. I apologize to Qi Cong. I'm sorry. Jiang Zhaoyan, what kind of scumbag of the century is this! What kind of stinky money slave is Jiang Tian, who digs out a person who has already left his job to take the blame, and is responsible for people? !

Ah Jin, don't smoke anymore: I'm mad at me, so the truth is that Jiang Zhaoyan, a phoenix man, sucked blood, Qi Cong, a rich second generation, developed Yan Huang, and then after he became famous and Qi Cong was useless, a He kicked Qi Cong away with his feet, and then pulled Qi Cong out to use it after the company was in crisis? Just because Qi Cong likes him and is obedient to him? Ah, Jiang Zhaoyan, you are about to go bankrupt! Since then, Yan Huang has been black all his life!

Passing through the world: Sure enough, people with no conscience are more likely to get rich, because they can do some shameless things with peace of mind! Qi Cong, I'm sorry, I shouldn't scold you, it's the Wojiang family who should be scolded! Miss Sister is right, Jiang Zhaoyan, you are going to go bankrupt!


More and more people began to pay attention to this matter, and countless media and entertainment gossip accounts followed the popularity. On the hot search list, the topic of #yanhuangmanagement infighting# has long since rushed to the top of the list. At the same time, topics such as #qicongbackpot#, #yanhuangrecording#, #jiangzhaoyanunloading and killing the donkey#, #jiangzhaoyanphoenix man# also appeared one after another, and climbed up the hot search list.

The author has something to say: Ahhh, continue to beat tomorrow! Boom everyone!


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-13 19:07:35~2020-03-14 19:13:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Qiuqiu and Yunzhi;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: orange soda, how lucky, liuyan, innocent, like peach, the ball is very happy, inferiority, lychee, 43003322, don't want to listen, chess pieces in leisure time, moon shadow first, oh hu, two Fourteen Qiao Mingyue, Peach Ye'er, Mengmeng, Silent and Selfless, Bai Ye 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 48 bottles of Beiming Youling; 42 bottles of Qiuqiu; 40 bottles of Changlin; 30 bottles of Peach Yeer; ; 14 bottles of Susu; 7 bottles of Xiangwan Ruge ; 7 bottles of Xiangwan Ruge ; , Ah Xing, Fan Fan Fan~, Lemony Girl Paper ざ, Pink Panther Love Little Pink 5 bottles; liyying 4 bottles; yu, Niuhuluan, ra, Yaotai Yinqueyao 2 bottles; etc., Flower Shadow Bamboo, How Lucky, Rabbit-eating Radish, Inkstone Inkstone Inkstone, he is just greedy for your body, bubbling caviar, cloud shadow, balls are very happy, arrivederci, prophet, moran, 1 bottle of Qinhuai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!