Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 55


The public opinion was fermented in the middle of the night, and a topic of #boycott Qi Cong's entry into the entertainment circle# was on the hot search list. Fans spoke under the topic, and asked the "Qinggu Zhuan" crew and Manju Entertainment to come out and give them an explanation, and let them Responsible for the safety of other artists.

Many marketing accounts followed suit, turning over the surveillance of Qi Cong who was bullied by Jiang Zhaoyan and lingering at the door of Jiang Zhaoyan's house, and spread it on the Internet. Some people also found the cases of Qi Cong pronounced by Qi Yin, and after a thorough analysis, it was conclusively stated that Qi Cong was definitely schizophrenic, and may not only have schizophrenia, but also serious depression and self-harm tendencies.

There are also many people who create panic, saying that if Qi Cong suddenly falls ill again and loses his memory, and becomes abnormally dependent on the artist he saw for the first time after his amnesia, and clings to the other party like Jiang Zhaoyan, what will happen to the entangled artist? manage

The more the wind blows, the more evil it becomes. Qi Cong has become synonymous with the beasts of the flood. It seems that anyone who has a relationship with him will be entangled by him and become the second Jiang Zhaoyan. During the period, doctors who could understand those examination reports also stood up and said that Qi Cong should not be schizophrenic, but the fans who were frightened could no longer listen.

The darker the night, the stronger the panic on Weibo. Gradually, radical remarks began to appear. Some people scolded Manju for unscrupulously signing sick artists to make dirty money. The idol quit the crew, and some fans gathered together and expressed that they wanted to find a place to report Qi Cong so that Qi Cong was blocked, and some even started to contact Qi Yin, wanting Qi Yin to take Qi Cong home for good treatment and not release it again.

A mess of porridge.

Just when the topic #boycott Qi Cong into the entertainment circle# was on the top of the hot search, and even a number of entries insulting Qi Cong were on the hot search, the crew of "The Legend of Qinggu", who had not moved for a long time, was called by everyone. A sudden announcement was made.

The crew stated in the statement that there is no "competition" in the choice of actors in the role of You Changqing. The crew only accepted the recommendation of one of the investors, Manju Entertainment, and the actor in the role of You Changqing has not yet been determined. Under the premise, it was decided that Qi Cong would play You Changqing. The crew of "Qinggu Biography" also emphasized that there is no malicious addition to the role of You Changqing, and the promise of "try to let him play ten scenes before dying" said by the crew official before is serious. As for the controversial costume specification issue, the reason why the crew prepared three sets of costumes for Qi Cong was because the role of You Changqing needed it.

The statement did not mention Qi Cong's mental state that everyone was most worried about.

That's it? That's it? That's it

The hearts of various fans were raised high and cruelly emptied. Everyone was worried to the extreme, and anger began to rise.

- Who cares how Qi Cong got into the crew, everyone doesn't care, just tell me if he is sick! Tell me if the crew didn't even have basic health requirements when choosing actors!

- Hehe, Manju Investment, no wonder. Now I'm going to let other actors risk their lives to carry the sedan chairs for the two brothers Manju. Capital is disgusting.

Excited fans used all kinds of questioning and scolding to capture the comment area. After everyone vented, they suddenly wrote the same sentence - let Qi Cong get out of the crew, or boycott Manju's adaptation of "The Legend of Qinggu"!

In this kind of excitement, a topic of #qicong medical examination report# was the first in the hot search. At the same time, the crew of "Qinggu Zhuan" posted a blog again, and together with Manju Entertainment, issued an announcement.

The announcement is very brief, and can be summed up in three points: 1. Manju Entertainment, Qi Cong’s affiliated company, provided the crew with Qi Cong’s recent medical examination report in accordance with the formal procedures before Qi Cong joined the crew. After the crew verified that there was no problem, the two parties officially signed Second, before Qi Cong officially joined the group to perform, on the basis of the physical examination report he had already submitted, he did a psychological evaluation. There is no health obstacle; Third, please stop snooping, malicious misinterpretation, and exposing the internal affairs of the crew. The crew will start an internal self-examination today to find out the negligent staff who maliciously spread the rumors of the crew, and follow the confidentiality in the contract. Terms of Accountability.

The wording of the announcement is very strict, especially the third point. Anyone who reads the announcement can see that Manju and the "Qinggu Biography" crew are angry.

After that, the crew of "Qinggu Biography" brought up the topic #qicong medical examination report#, and reposted a single word just released by Manju Entertainment's official blog, but they brought more than 20 pages of medical examination reports and psychological evaluation reports. , and a video on Weibo with the caption: People who do not study medicine, please comment and define these test results carefully, please respect a former patient and expose all privacy, just to give everyone a peace of mind with sacrifice and courage.

More than 20 pages of pictures, some of which are still long. From basic medical report items, including weight, height, blood type and other data, to complex screening and psychological assessment results, all the questions asked by everyone have answers on the paper.

And probably because he was afraid that some people would question the fact that the inspection report was fake, there were also two monitoring records of Qi Cong's inspection, which were obviously intercepted from the hospital.

In the first monitoring section, Qi Cong, who was thin and thin, came and went in various inspection areas of the hospital with a checklist. At that time, his hair had not been cut, and he looked a little out of spirit. He seems to be very unfamiliar with the inspection process, always stopping to observe what others are doing before doing it himself.

In the second monitoring, Qi Cong, who had cut her hair and watched a lot of energy, pushed the door into a certain doctor's office, and went out several times for examinations.

The questioning finally came to a conclusion, and everyone clicked on these inspection reports.

And then most people find that... they don't understand. You can still get a general overview of the physical examination report. There are too many technical terms in the psychological evaluation, and there is really nothing you can do.

Not understanding it makes people irritable, some people call Manju arrogant, some misinterpret the inspection report by themselves, and some people ask if there is a doctor to explain in the comment area. After a while, a doctor finally appeared.

Spring of Water: My God, the private seal of Professor Wang Kun of Beishi Boya Hospital? Did Qi Cong ask Professor Wang Kun to do the evaluation? Hiss, I remember that Professor Wang Kun was hired to go to a private hospital that was too expensive after he retired. He only saw one person a week. It was very difficult to make an appointment. Manju is very generous.

People in the comment area were instantly excited and asked what these reports of Water Spring meant.

Water Spring: Uh... Wait, these reports contain too many items. It will take me time to read them, and I will give you the specific science later.

Everyone continued to be irritable, and some half-hearted people came out to forcibly interpret the report, saying that Qi Cong was not good or healthy, and some people said that Qi Cong had depression and anxiety. The atmosphere in the comment area gradually started to go wrong again. At this moment, the official blog of "Qinggu Biography" reposted a Weibo.

Review Flowers v: Can't read the inspection report? It's okay, I'll ask an expert to explain it to you.

Everyone was stunned, and then the comment area fry the pot.

Looking back at the flowers? Gu Xun

In the next second, a topic #Gu XunLive# was aired as the second most popular topic, strongly attracting the attention of all active Weibo users.

In the Shangjun era, Qi Cong, who was a little sleepy due to the words from Gu Xun's phone, accidentally touched Weibo while checking the time on his mobile phone, and then saw the topic #Gu XunLive#.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up and clicked into the live broadcast room with more than 10 million viewers.

The background of the familiar small living room of the hotel room appeared. Gu Xun, who was wearing black t and black pants, sat on the single-seat sofa on the right side of the screen. In front of him, a laptop facing the camera is on, and the screen is a picture of a conference room. Around the conference table, there are four people who look like doctors. They are facing the projection in front of the conference room. A psychological assessment report explained in detail.

The barrage area was as quiet as if it had been silenced, and there was not a single barrage.

The timing of Qi Cong's entry was just right, and the doctors just finished all the explanations and analysis. Gu Xun, who had been motionless, finally put down his hand on his forehead, looked at the live broadcast camera, and asked, "Does anyone else understand? If you don't understand, I can ask these professors to explain it to you again."

Qi Cong met Gu Xun's low-pressure eyes across the screen and was stunned.

The barrage was quiet for a few more seconds, and then people started to understand, and some people with the iron fan logo said soft words to tell Gu Xun not to be angry, and persuaded Gu Xun to go to rest early.

Gu Xun retracted his gaze and nodded. After thanking the professors, he closed the call with the other party and looked at the live camera again: "Now that I understand, let's move on to the next topic. Qi Cong and I..."

He paused, looked at the camera, and said word by word, "It's me, look up to him, I hope you don't misunderstand this. It was me who followed Shen Jia's schedule and reconnected with him after learning that he became Shen Jia's assistant. Get in touch. It was me who deliberately waited for his flight to land at the airport after learning that he was going to follow Shen Jia to the Hengcheng Film and Television Base for filming, and then returned to the Dingli Hotel with him in the car of "The Legend of Qinggu". Without his knowledge, he entered the production team of "The Legend of the Ancients" to visit him on his own initiative. It was also me who took him away from his manager and put him in my car without his knowledge. He didn't take advantage of it. I didn't ask me to help him ask for a role, and I didn't ask me to pressure the "Qinggu Biography" crew to add more drama to his role."

"Here, I will clarify on behalf of the "Qinggu Biography" crew that the crew did add to the role of You Changqing. The specific number has increased from the previous three to the current twelve, with a total appearance time of no more than ten minutes. "

The barrage was quiet again.

The author has something to say: Ah! It's too late! Keep everyone waiting, boo boo!

ps: After seeing everyone's criticism, I write and write like this every time, I really didn't mean to be in the water... I will pay more attention in the future (to escape

Again ps: Good night everyone!


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-05 18:29:35~2020-04-05 23:53:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 like Taotao and Liushanyan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of Lin Xizi; 36186774, 20 bottles of shallow sugar-loving; 10 bottles of Yu Zhu; 5 bottles of areaareader; 2 bottles of pearl goose goose goose goose goose goose goose goose; Inkstone Inkstone Inkstone Inkstone, 1 bottle of Niuhuluan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!