Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 64


On the last day of August, Qi Cong ushered in the shooting of the first scene in his life. On the same day, the premiere of "Tianwen" was successfully held in Beishi.

At 12:30 at noon, after lunch, Qi Cong came to the hotel parking lot with the script, found the car that Xiao Han had driven to pick him up, and opened the back seat door.

"Brother Cong!" Shen Jia, who was still wearing a costume, leaned over in the car and waved to Qi Cong excitedly, "Come up, I brought you a cheat sheet."

Cheat Sheet

Qi Cong Diao got in the car and closed the door, looked sideways at Shen Jia, and asked, "Why did you come back, have you eaten lunch?"

"Eat. My afternoon show won't start until half past one. Anyway, I'm fine at noon, so I said hello to Brother Zhao and the director, and I'll be back to pick you up."

As Shen Jia explained, he took out a piece of paper folded into a long strip from the big sleeve of the costume, shook it and stuffed it in front of Qi Cong: "This is when I had a story meeting with the chief screenwriter and the others in the morning, and recorded their discussion. The part about You Changqing, you can see if it works. In short, don't be nervous, acting is just like that, if you have the cheek, you can act well."

Who is nervous.

Seeing Shen Jia's obviously nervous expression, Qi Cong reached out to take the note and carefully read the fragmentary records on it, and said to Shen Jia, "This is very useful, thank you Jiajia."

"What's there to thank for that?" Shen Jia waved her hand, and suddenly came to Qi Cong's face after posing, looked up and down with her face on Qi Cong's face, retracted her hand and sat back with satisfaction, her face full of relief and reassurance, "It's okay, there are no dark circles under your eyes. I'm afraid you didn't sleep well last night because you were nervous, and you will go to the set today with dark circles under your eyes. By the way, your hand."

Shen Jia took Qi Cong's hand to look back and forth again, and kept talking in her mouth: "You have a close-up of your hand in this scene today, I dreamed yesterday that your hand was bitten by a mosquito so big, and it disappeared. I can't give you a close-up, Wang Dao is so angry that he keeps scolding you, I want to buy medicine for you, but I'm obsessed—"

Qi Cong grabbed Shen Jia's hand and comforted him: "Jiajia, I will play well. You said that your luck will be divided into half for me."

Shen Jia stopped talking and looked at Qi Cong.

Qi Cong smiled at Shen Jia: "Don't worry, this time will definitely be a new beginning."

Shen Jia pursed his lips, and suddenly collapsed back to the seat like a balloon that was over-inflated and then deflated. After a few seconds of paralysis, he sat up and put it back to Qi Cong's side. His tone finally returned to normal, and he was no longer overly nervous. He asked, "Brother Cong, did you tell Gu Xun about the official start of filming today?"

Qi Cong paused and shook his head: "No, I lied to him that it was tomorrow night."

Shen Jia was stunned: "Ah? Why are you lying to him about this?"

"The premiere of "Heavenly Asks" starts at 2:00 p.m. and ends after 5:00 p.m. After the end, most of the main creative members of the crew will get together in private to squat on the movie's release at 0:00. I'm afraid I tell the truth, Gu Xun will meet Leave the business behind and come back. Gu Xun lost a lot of fans because of helping me talk before, this time I don't want to influence him anymore."

It's really like what Gu Xun would do, and... Shen Jia remembered the ups and downs on the Internet in the past few days, looked at Qi Cong, decisively ended the topic, and turned to Qi Cong. Cong taught him how to move around while shooting.

Not long after the two arrived on the set, Zhao Zhenxun came to pick them up, and then Shen Jia continued to film, while Qi Cong sat in the rest area with the script and waited for a while to get her makeup done.

The phone vibrated suddenly, and a message came in.

Qi Cong put down the script and looked at the mobile phone on the side. Seeing that there was a message from Gu Xun lying on the prompt bar, she quickly picked up the mobile phone and opened the message.

Gu Xun: A friend came to support the premiere and brought me a box of pastries.

Followed by a photo of the pastry.

Qi Cong opened the photo, glanced briefly at the delicate and beautiful pastries, and then settled on the slender fingers resting on the edge of the pastry box.

It was Gu Xun's hand, and on his hand was the red pomegranate flower ring that Gu Xun wore when the two first met again.

Gu Xun seemed to like this ring very much.

Qi Cong zoomed in on the photo to take a closer look at the shape of the ring, then zoomed out the photo and turned it off, only to see Gu Xun sent several more messages.

Gu Xun: He is a friend from outside the circle. He is married.

Gu Xun: I have the opportunity to introduce you to me.

Gu Xun: Are you busy

Gu Xun: Are you still having lunch

Gu Xun: Are you free at night? I want to chat with you about the script. [cute]

Qi Cong was stunned by Gu Xun's words "a friend from outside the circle, he is married", and then realized that Gu Xun was explaining to him the identity of the friend who delivered the cakes. He moved awkwardly, and then was startled again by Gu Xun's last question.

The old saying is right, a lie needs to be filled with countless lies.

Qi Cong tightened her cell phone, and thought about typing.

Qi Cong: Not long after I finished eating. There is an acting class in the evening, can we talk about the script tomorrow

Qi Cong: The dim sum looks delicious.

Qi Cong: Is the premiere about to start

Gu Xun made a video call directly.

Qi Cong, who was continuing to type, was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat. She hurriedly looked around and hesitated for a while, but she was not willing to hang up the call. She picked up the stool and moved it to the corner against the shelf. call.

Gu Xun's face appeared on the screen. He was wearing a semi-casual dark red suit with a black shirt and no tie. The collar of the shirt was casually spread out, revealing a slender neck and a raised Adam's apple. All his hair was caught behind his head, making him look smart and smart. Sexy and very handsome.

"Mumbling." He opened his mouth, frowning slightly, "Why do you still have classes at night? Did Zhao Zhenxun arrange it for you? Tomorrow is shooting, you should rest early today."

Qi Cong looked away from his hand holding the phone and explained, "I asked Brother Zhao to add to the evening class. I want to review what I learned last week and consolidate it."

Gu Xun, who was on the opposite side of the video, suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at him without speaking.

Qi Cong noticed it, and was nervous, her eyes moved to other places uncontrollably, and she changed the subject and asked, "Is the premiere about to start?"

"... Hmm." The screen moved, Gu Xun changed his sitting position, got closer to the camera, his expression returned to his usual look in front of Qi Cong, and said, "It's about to start. Cong Cong, you will watch the first time. Is the screening live?"

It seems to have been fooled.

Qi Cong relaxed, looked back at Xun's face, nodded and replied, "If you have nothing to do, yes."

Gu Xun smiled: "I hope the live camera will make me look better. Are you on the set now? Why didn't you stay in the hotel for class?"

Qi Cong's gaze couldn't help drifting to the side again, and replied, "It's in the crew. The vocal teacher has something to do. There is no class in the afternoon. It happened that the crew wanted me for something, so I came here."

Gu Xun said "um" and suddenly changed the subject and said, "By the way, yesterday I suddenly remembered a detail that I ignored before. Your role is not good, right?"

Qi Cong was distracted and nodded: "Yes, there is something wrong with You Changqing's leg."

"Based on this, I think You Changqing should have hated herself in addition to hating her father and younger brother when she was dying."

This point of view is very novel, and Qi Cong immediately caught his thoughts. He picked up the script on his lap and flipped through it, then looked up at the phone screen and confirmed, "You hate yourself?"

"Yeah." Gu Xun looked at the serious Qi Cong opposite the video, moved his phone and waved to his friend Ding Dexi who was hanging aside, got up and walked to the quiet corner, explaining, "Young Chang Love is a person with complex emotions…”

Ding Dexi, who was sorting his hair and clothes, looked at Gu Xun's back in disbelief, turned to look at Kevin sitting on the other side, and asked, "Didn't he want to introduce me to his boyfriend? Why did you leave? I even combed my hair specially."

Kevin understood Gu Xun's mind and shrugged.

Ding Dexi's face collapsed, looking at Gu Xun who had walked behind the partition, and rolled his eyes: "The bastard who cares less about his friends."

The video call between Qi Cong and Gu Xun lasted for more than half an hour. Qi Cong listened to Gu Xun's analysis and listened too deeply, until Kevin appeared on Gu Xun's side urging Gu Xun to prepare to appear. Later, I remembered that Gu Xun was going to attend the movie premiere for a while.

He hurriedly looked at the time. Seeing that it was almost 1:40, he frowned angrily and said to Gu Xun, "Sorry for delaying you for so long. Go get ready."

On the opposite side of the video, Gu Xun also looked at the time, then smiled at Qi Cong, and said, "Then I'll go, I'll contact you when I'm done."


In the picture, Gu Xun began to approach the phone, as if he was about to turn off the call. Qi Cong looked at Gu Xun, waiting for him to hang up the call, but when Gu Xun approached, he opened his mouth again, and he called, "Mongmong."

Qi Cong was puzzled and approached to respond: "What's wrong?"

"Don't be nervous while filming, come on."

Gu Xun's face disappeared and the call ended.

Qi Cong was stunned for a while, and then his heart thumped uncontrollably.

Gu Xun's words just now... Could it be that Gu Xun found out that he lied

The phone vibrated, and another message came in.

Gu Xun: I'll go back to accompany you tomorrow.

Qi Cong's tense nerves instantly relaxed.

It seems not found.

He picked up the phone and looked at the notebook next to him that he had written down while discussing the plot with Gu Xun. He slid his fingers on the phone case and typed.

Qi Cong: Waiting for you to come back.

Qi Cong: Good luck at the box office.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the premiere of "Tianwen" officially started. At the same time, the crew found Qi Cong and told him to fix his makeup and hair to prepare for the evening shooting.

Qi Cong was a little surprised. The filming didn't start until 7:30 in the evening. Even if the makeup and hair in ancient costumes are more complicated and need to be done in advance, it shouldn't be so much in advance.

The staff explained: "There is a group show tonight, and there are many people who need to do their makeup and hair. The coordinator said that while everyone is not very busy now, let's do the makeup and hair of the actors who have arrived first."

It turned out to be so.

Qi Cong looked at the live broadcast page that had just opened on the phone, turned off the screen, and looked at Shen Jia who was filming not far away. The crew went to the dressing room.

While sitting in the dressing room waiting for Jiang Meng to bring her costumes, Qi Cong took the time to pick up her mobile phone, avoiding the staff who came and going, and restarted the live broadcast of the premiere of "Tianwen".

Not long after the premiere, the leading actors were walking the red carpet. The timing of Qi Cong's opening was just right, and he saw Gu Xun wearing a dark red suit walking on the red carpet alone in the dense flash of lights.