Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 69


A thin azure figure appeared by the window, clearly revealing the entire upper body. Gu Xun's eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward unconsciously.

Lian Pengxing turned his head to the side, his eyes swept across Gu Xun's involuntary leaning posture and his overly focused, hot eyes, reached out to support the corridor railing in front of him, and looked in Qi Cong's direction again.

Young Master Tsing Yi stood in the carved window, with warm yellow candlelight behind him, and the cold moonlight in front of him. Light and shadow intertwined on his body. The black mask and the cold white skin contrasted with the moonlight, revealing a hint of coldness for no reason. come. He raised his head slightly, as if looking at the night, then raised his finger to his mouth, and made a vivid bird whistle.

Lian Peng Xing was stunned.

He had read the full script and knew the plot. There is indeed a description of You Changqing calling the homing pigeons by whistle, but this kind of plot is usually just a pretense when acting, because the homing pigeons are controlled and released by the staff, and the sound of calling the homing pigeons will be added later.

But the voice just now came from Qi Cong's mouth.

Qi Cong actually practiced this

The sound of birds flapping their wings broke the tranquility of the night. A small white figure flew out of the darkness and stopped on the windowsill. After flapping its wings, it stood up obediently, and called Qi Cong "coo" twice.

Qi Cong looked down, his face was hidden by the mask, so he couldn't see clearly, he could only see that he first stretched out his hand and lightly rubbed the pigeon's head, then opened the letter cage on the pigeon's leg, put the letter in, and then moved at all. Unobtrusively, he put the carrier pigeon in his hand, touched the feathers of the carrier pigeon's wings, and sent it forward.

The carrier pigeon spread its wings in unison, and flew into the night and disappeared.

The whole process takes less than ten seconds, it is smooth and natural, and even the carrier pigeons are very cooperative. If it weren't for the surrounding lighting boards and various instruments interfering with the picture, all this would look like it really happened in another time and space, and there was no trace of performance at all.

A very low and light laughter made Lian Pengxing recover from his shock. He turned his head and saw Gu Xun's relaxed posture and slightly raised mouth.

"It won't take too long." Gu Xun said suddenly, stretched out his body, and even leaned against the pillar relaxedly, his eyes still fell on Qi Cong, with a certain pride and contentment on his face, "He won't make me wait too long."

In the entertainment industry for too long, even Peng Xing has not seen such a loving and direct look in Gu Xun's eyes for a long time, nor has he seen Gu Xun's undisguised gesture of affection for someone for a long time.

There are too many false feelings and hypocrisy, but it makes the real feelings and gestures a little out of place and out of place.

Even Peng Xing didn't understand.

He looked at Qi Cong again.

The night wind just happened to blow up the hair and headband of Qi Cong, who was turning back to the desk. The cyan hairband is intertwined with the long black hair, and the soft robes rubbed the light and shadow into the candlelight. This picture is very beautiful, and it is already very charming without the need for filters and color matching, but beauty is beautiful, and the entertainment industry is more beautiful than this. Is it still less? Why is he alone? What's so special about him

"What's so special?"

Lian Pengxing suddenly woke up, only then did he realize that he had actually asked the question in his heart. He hurriedly adjusted his expression and looked at Gu Xun, trying hard to think about the method of eloquence in his mind.

But when he thought about it, he found that Gu Xun didn't look at him at all.

Gu Xun's eyes were still on Qi Cong, and his face was still proud and admiring, as if talking to himself, "His existence is special."

Even Peng Xing looked at Gu Xun and was reluctant to look away from Qi Cong's body for a second. The tension in his heart was replaced by a complex emotion. He looked in the direction of the study room again, and even couldn't help leaning forward.

Is it special just to exist

why? How is Qi Cong different from others

A gust of wind passed by, and even Peng Xing was stunned for a moment. He looked sideways, but he didn't see Gu Xun. He turned around and looked around, and saw that Gu Xun had strode out of the corridor, and was walking around the flowers and plants by the yard to the study. Patrol around, as if looking for a more suitable viewing angle.

He hurriedly stepped to keep up, and at the same time couldn't help but cast his eyes in the direction of the study again.

The vision is a little shaky due to walking, and the carved wooden windows and passing trees and flowers occasionally block the line of sight. In the gap where his vision was not blocked, he saw Qi Cong return to the desk and sit down, and picked up the military book again. Seeing a servant rushing into the study, he said something to Qi Cong. Seeing Qi Cong raised his head suddenly, after leaning over to ask a question, he squeezed the military book, and quickly threw it away.

He saw Qi Cong wanted to get up, but because he was eager to forget the bad things, he was embarrassed to support the desk to avoid falling. Seeing that Qi Cong was barely standing, she immediately found her crutches to support herself, waved off the help of the servant, and reached out to the wheelchair beside the desk with her limping legs. Seeing that the little servant went to help Qi Cong again, but instead caused Qi Cong to push the wheelchair that she just touched crooked.

Gradually, in his eyes, there was only that figure whose every move seemed to come from the subconscious. The figure was in a state of embarrassment, and it was obvious that he couldn't see the expression, but the emotions of shock and reluctance to believe rushed out from every detail, and firmly captured the emotions of people.

Blocked by the wall, the figure was suddenly invisible. He instinctively stopped, trying to adjust the angle to a place where he could see each other, but his arm was suddenly grabbed, and then he was pulled behind a tree.

"Don't get into the camera!"

The moment the disgusting cold male voice came, the rustling sound of birds flapping their wings suddenly came from the night in the distance, and then three gray-white figures pierced the night and stopped outside the window sill where Qi Cong had just delivered the letter.


A vague young voice came from the direction of the study, and Lian Peng Xing came back to his senses, realizing what he had done, and froze. He was about to turn his head to look at Gu Xun, who was beside him, when he suddenly caught a faint sand in his ears. Focus on the weak and pretended calm voice after the violent mood swings.

"I'm fine... I'm just a little worried about Father. Where did you hear the news just now? Are you sure you heard it right?"

"I heard from the steward in the backyard. I'm sure I heard it correctly. The prince is ordering horses and dispatching troops, and there is chaos outside."

"Short the horses to mobilize the troops..."


"I'm fine. You... go and make me a pot of Jingshen tea."

Lian Pengxing was a little stunned. He had heard Qi Cong's voice and knew that Qi Cong's tone was good. But... not the same. The voice is the same, but the tone of speech and the articulation of words are completely different from the tone of Qi Cong's speech he usually hears.

This is You Changqing. Born in the palace, although he is not favored, he can be regarded as a You Changqing who grew up pampered, has a sensitive and complex mind, and has a withdrawn personality.

He suddenly realized the gap and couldn't help but recite the plot in his heart and imagine how he would act here.

Next, I noticed that the carrier pigeon's You Changqing would come to the window to get the letter after finding a way to send off the servants.

After a few more conversations, the sound of characters walking came, and then Qi Cong's figure reappeared beside the desk behind the window with the help of the servant.

Here, Qi Cong made a slight movement to the side of the windowsill, and then he turned sideways to block the little servant's sight. Come over, and then signal the little servant again to make tea.

The little servant turned his back to the window sill because of the movement of holding the wheelchair, did not notice the carrier pigeon, and asked Qi Cong hesitantly, "Master, are you really all right?"

"Go." Qi Cong raised his hand to support his forehead, looking sleepy, "Remember not to make the tea too strong."

The natural refusal and commanding gesture, and when holding his forehead, he unconsciously turned his head slightly to the window sill, revealing a trace of anxiety suppressed by the appearance of calm.


Lian Peng Xing suddenly couldn't figure out the picture of himself acting in this scene. He watched the little servant turn back and leave one step at a time, and watched Qi Cong immediately put down the hand on his forehead after the little servant left the switch and opened the door, propped up his crutches and walked towards the windowsill.

Because of the deformity and eagerness of one leg, Qi Cong's walking posture at this time can be described as funny, but it is not ugly at all, nor is it funny, but because Qi Cong breathes, tightens the corners of his lips and jaw, grips The uneasiness, anxiety and other emotions revealed in the details such as the hand with the crutches, the slightly messy robe, etc., made people unable to help but feel a sense of pity.

When he approached the window, Qi Cong suddenly took a big step because he was in a hurry, and it was this step that caused him to lose his balance and almost fell to the window.

The fall seemed to hurt, but Qi Cong didn't seem to feel it. Instead, after approaching the window sill, he immediately released his crutches and climbed up on the window sill to straighten his body.

The pigeon was uneasy and struggling. He tried twice to remove the mailbox, and then released the pigeon and opened it quickly.

The loose pigeon flew away in panic, and the wind from its wings lifted a few strands of Qi Cong's hair, which also solidified Qi Cong's expression.


Qi Cong seemed to be in disbelief, and checked the mailbox carefully, then looked at the direction the pigeon flew away and the other two pigeons that were scared and jumped away, and reached out to grab it again.

The carrier pigeon was frightened by Qi Cong's excessive movement, and Qi Cong quickly retracted his hand and put his hand to his mouth.

The carrier pigeons used by the crew were all trained and flew back after being frightened away for a short time, as if they were called back by Qi Cong.

Qi Cong hurriedly removed the letters on the legs of the other two pigeons. After removing them, he opened one of them, and then fixed them again.

"Empty again?"

The carrier pigeon flapped its wings and flew away, leaving Qi Cong standing by the window alone.

"How can it be empty?"

Qi Cong repeatedly confirmed the letterbox, her voice changed from pure doubt to ruthless realization of something in a trance, suddenly threw away the letterbox in her hand and picked up the last one.

"It can't be empty, you don't try to fool me, it's not—"

The sound stopped in the summer, and Qi Cong suddenly threw the mailbox away with a low cry, and at the same time staggered back a step and fell on the window.

There was a small sound of groaning and panting.

After the plan was revealed, You Changqing's online company chose to abandon the car to protect the coach, and used three pigeons to send two empty letters and a Gu worm that would trigger the poison in You Changqing's body.

The anxious You Changqing was unprepared, and was bitten by a Gu insect while opening the letter, detonating the poison in his body, and he died.

Lian Pengxing was living the plot in his mind, looking at the empty window because of Qi Cong's fall, and listening to Qi Cong's voice, he seemed to be able to see Qi Cong's poisonous gesture.

His back was sweaty, his hands clenched fists unconsciously, and his eyes were fixed on the place where the sound came from the study.

No, it's nothing unusual to perform these, if you can put the back-

A hand was suddenly raised and put it on the edge of the desk. The hand was thin and white, and the fingertips were blue because of the force of the blue veins. Below the hand is a thin forearm and a slipped sleeve, and the forearm is also tense because of the force. With the force of the two, a thin, trembling figure stood up and leaned against the foot of the desk, panting in pain.

Lian Pengxing's eyes widened slightly.

After gasping for two seconds, the painful figure suddenly raised its other hand and put it on the edge of the desk, struggled to get up, then staggered and threw himself onto the seat, reaching out and waving away a few obstructing objects on the table, Quickly lay out the paper, take a pen, dipped it in ink, and write with your head down.

After You Changqing found out that the poison had been released, he was unwilling, and wanted to write down the name of the line, and fabricated a "suicide note" against Rui Wang and You Changfeng, and burned them with everyone.

Lian Pengxing thought about this episode, and looked at the figure behind the desk that seemed to be burning all the energy of life and kept writing, his teeth clenched.

Qi Cong's writing speed was getting faster and faster, and when he was about to finish writing the letter, he suddenly rushed forward, coughing violently and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Blood stained the paper in front of him, ruining the "suicide note" he had just written.

He panicked, coughing and throwing away the pen to save the "suicide note" he had written, but it was too late, the blood had seeped into the paper, and he wiped it off, but instead the blood contaminated more handwriting.

He stopped slowly, stared at the letter for a few seconds, and suddenly, as if all his strength had been exhausted, he collapsed, and then fell back into the seat and shrank into a tiny ball of trembling.

A shriek of pain came out, and then gradually turned into a low growl mixed with despair and hatred.

The night was so quiet that it seemed that the pain had also become concrete, and it was spreading out layer by layer along with the pain.

Lian Peng Xing couldn't help but looked away and took a deep breath.

The growl continued for a while, then faded away. Lian Peng Xing hesitated and endured for a while, and finally turned his eyes back after a few seconds of the whispering disappearing completely.

The back of the desk was empty, and Qi Cong was gone. Lian Peng Xing was stunned, and then he heard the sound of crutches scraping the floor, and then Qi Cong's figure swayed and stood up straight. He seemed to have been in a trance, holding the crutches tightly to his chest with one hand, propped up on the table with the other, and threw himself into the back of the chair.

This action seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He leaned back on the chair and held the crutches for a long time. He gasped for a long time. His Adam's apple rolled as if he was humming something. Then he suddenly struggled to sit up facing the desk. Contaminated "suicide note", carefully spread out a piece of white paper, take a pen and ink, and write slowly.

At the end of his life, You Changqing, whose mind was eroded by toxins, forgot all his plans and hatred, and only had the picture of his mother holding him and humming nursery rhymes to lull him to sleep when he was a child. It was the happiest moment of his short life.

Blood slowly overflowed from the corner of Qi Cong's lips and was wiped away by his hand in time. When wiping the blood, his fingers touched the hard mask, he paused, and suddenly pulled the mask off.

The eyebrows that had been hidden for a long time were finally revealed. Different from the cold and dark mask, the pair of exposed eyebrows and eyes are gentle and affectionate, and the emerald green eyes that are regarded as alien by the world contain a layer of painful water marks, as beautiful as a quiet lake after a rain.

The long hair was brought up by the mask's headband, swept across the softly contoured cheeks, and fell gently to the chest. The emerald green pupils closed and opened again, regaining some clarity.

"Mother... I want to rest..."

Qi Cong murmured and threw away the mask, picked up the pen again, and continued to write.

One sentence, two sentences... five sentences... six sentences...

The nursery rhyme was not long, the last stroke fell, and the person who supported it fell instantly. Before he completely lost consciousness, he instinctively let go of the pen, touched the cane that was always at his hand, and grasped the red gem on it.


The released pen rolled over to the table and fell to the floor with a crisp sound.

Life quietly dissipates.

The candle light flickered, and I don't know how long it took, the servant came to the study with the brewed tea, knocked on the door for a long time and no one answered, tentatively pushed the door and entered the room, and after seeing the scene inside the house, the tea in his hand was shocked. He ran to the desk and shouted loudly, "Master!"


Director Wang's voice suddenly sounded, shocking everyone back to their senses.

Even Peng Xing suddenly returned to his senses. He instinctively followed the sound and looked over, but all he could see was the wall of the study. Director Wang's voice came again through the wall: "Come on! Qi Cong performed very well. Come and paint some blood on Qi Cong's face. Let's make up a few more scenes of Qi Cong bleeding."

The studio became noisy, and even Peng Xing could hear Shen Jia shouting "Brother Cong" and talking happily. Gu Xun, who was standing beside him before, did not know when he had left. At this time, under the tree outside the study, he was the only one left standing alone.

He suddenly stopped caring about Gu Xun's whereabouts, and just looked into the window not far away again.

Many staff gathered around the desk, covering the sky blue figure tightly. Everyone has expressions of excitement, amazement, and surprise, and everyone's voice is unconsciously lowered.

Chattering, the worldly noise dispels the quiet just now.

Lian Pengxing retracted his gaze, looked up somewhere in the void, turned and walked away.

Acting or something is so boring.