Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 75


Zhao Zhenxun added: "The new song has been determined to be released on the 6th. At 6 o'clock in the evening, platforms such as Weibo, Lewan, and Penguin Music will be launched simultaneously. You need to go to Penguin Music to do a music interview tailored for you. Two All the auditions were drawn by me using Manju's relationship. One was the second male lead in the story of the online drama unit, with a total of six episodes and an estimated shooting time of 20 days. The other was the male fourth male in a workplace TV series. , If you pass the audition, you will need to join the group to shoot for about a month and a half. The two dramas are of good quality and the team is good. If you fight for it, it is best to win. In these two dramas, the online drama is a mode of filming and broadcasting. , If you pass the audition this month, the drama will be on the screen in the middle of next month."

Tailor-made music interviews, two high-quality auditions at one time, and the first singing of music programs on major local TV stations. Qi Cong squeezed the thin itinerary tightly and said to Zhao Zhenxun, "Brother Zhao, thank you, I will try my best."

Zhao Zhenxun liked Qi Cong's serious and gracious attitude, he smiled rarely, and continued: "The scripts of the two dramas will be delivered in two days, and you should watch them when they arrive. Also, your schedule is not set now. After downloading, it will follow exactly what is on the table. If your feedback on the new song is good, I will help you to pick up additional itineraries as appropriate, so be mentally prepared that you will be very busy and tired for the next period of time. ."

"I'm fine, Brother Zhao, just look at the arrangement."

Zhao Zhenxun nodded with satisfaction, and talked about some things to pay attention to in the itinerary, and then changed his words and said, "You can move freely during the break on the 10th, but if you want to travel with some troublesome people, remember not to be too high-profile. Understand?"

Qi Cong knew who Zhao Zhenxun was talking about in a second. He remembered the movie appointment he made with Gu Xun for the holidays, suppressed the commotion and discomfort in his heart, and nodded honestly: "If I go out, I will pay more attention."

After finishing the communication with Zhao Zhenxun about the itinerary, Qi Cong went to the dressing room to change out of the costumes, took off her makeup, and then returned to the rest area to find a corner to sit down.

At this time, it was after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the leading actors who had finished all their daily scenes were putting on makeup and changing costumes, preparing to shoot the heaviest and final scene of Prince Rui's Mansion - Prince Rui's Mansion was investigated and Prince Rui died.

The group performances are being put in place one after another, and the studio is being re-arranged, and people around are very lively. Qi Cong glanced at Shen Jia who was watching the script carefully while letting Yuanyuan put on makeup not far away. She didn't go to disturb her, she took out the script that she had turned to the last two pages and read it carefully.

Up to now, most of his scenes in "The Legend of Qinggu" have ended, and only the last two group scenes have not been filmed. The conspiracy scene in the villain's lair.

He took out the scene to be filmed tomorrow and watched it carefully, consolidating some points to pay attention to, and was about to put down the script when a person suddenly leaned over.

"Mr. Qi Cong, is this form yours? It was blown over there by the wind."

Qi Cong looked at the unfamiliar staff who approached, and glanced at the schedule in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

Blown away by the wind? He clearly remembered that the form was put into his backpack... He looked back at the backpack hanging on the back of the chair behind him, and saw that the zipper on the outer layer of the backpack was actually open, he was silent, thanked the staff, and accepted Return the form and put it back into the backpack.

After the staff member left, Qi Cong looked at the place pointed by the staff member just now, frowning lightly.

Are you busy and stupid? He clearly remembered to close the zipper... He lowered his head to check the contents of the backpack again, and seeing that it was all there, shook his head and put the backpack aside.

At dinner, Qi Cong was approached by the young actor again, the other party frowned, looking very confused, and hesitantly said: "Mr. Qi Cong, I seem to have seen Lian Pengxing's assistant, Xiao Liu, so I just watched it. When I get to a back, it looks like he is not... Teacher Qi Cong, did you see that little Liu today?"

Hearing this, Qi Cong suddenly remembered that the itinerary was blown out of his backpack in the afternoon, and instinctively asked, "When and where did you see him?"

"Just ten minutes ago, in the props team, but I asked others, and they all said they didn't see Xiao Liu. Teacher Qi Cong, have you seen him too?"

Qi Cong shook his head, glanced at Lian Peng Xing's rest area not far away, and ended the topic after reassuring the little actor.

In the evening, when several leading actors gathered together for a night scene, Qi Cong carefully observed the team composition of Lian Pengxing, and found that there was a new face next to Lian Pengxing, who seemed to be a new assistant, and did not see Xiao Liu. .

He retracted his gaze, wondering if he was too sensitive, so he gathered his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

After nine o'clock in the evening, all the scenes of Ruiwang's mansion were finally filmed, and everyone called it off and went back to the hotel. On the way back to the hotel, Qi Cong received a call from Qi Yin.

"Mumbling, the An family is going to unilaterally terminate the engagement between An Xia and Jiang Zhaoyan."

Before Qi Cong answered the phone, he was familiar with the complete accompaniment of "Delusion". His mind didn't turn around for a while. It took two seconds to remember the relationship between Jiang Zhaoyan and An Xia and another fiance. Thinking of An Xia and that is completely insane. He asked, "An Xiahe agreed to break off the engagement with Jiang Zhaoyan?"

"It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not, it's up to his parents to take care of it. Mum, you and An Xia and... What's the matter with him?"

Qi Cong recalled the absolutely unpleasant conversation with An Xiahe before, and replied, "I don't know what happened to him, and I don't want to know. If I can, I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore."

At ten o'clock in the evening, the official blog of Anbai Design Company suddenly issued an announcement. The content of the announcement was very brief and can be summed up in one sentence: In view of Mr. Jiang Zhaoyan's various deceitful behaviors towards Mr. An Xia and Mr. during their relationship, as well as his suspected mental abuse After some careful consideration, An Xia's father and An mother believed that Jiang Zhaoyan was not a good match, and the Jiang family was not a suitable family for marriage, so they decided to dissolve An Xia and Jiang Zhaoyan's engagement. , I hope you all have a good time together.

The words used in this announcement are aimed at Jiang Zhaoyan and the Jiang family, implying that Jiang Zhaoyan pretended to be a good person to deceive An Xiahe, and indirectly confirmed Jiang Zhaoyan's malicious mental abuse of Qi Cong. The melon-eating crowd came quickly, and then they were shocked. After that, they rejoiced again, and began to dig deeper into the inside story revealed in the words of the announcement.

In the hotel room, Qi Cong calmly turned off the announcement and exited Weibo, without reading the frantically increasing comments below.

If there is no accident, the An family will completely cut off the cooperation that has been established with Yan Huang after the An Xia and Jiang Zhaoyan's engagement is terminated.

Yan Huang is already in turmoil now, and if he is hit hard by this, I'm afraid...

Qi Cong put down his mobile phone, moved the computer on the side to open it, entered the author background of, and opened the income withdrawal page to have a look.

After the arrival of September, he extracted the proceeds of the article as soon as possible. After one day of review and two days of waiting on weekends, Jiangtianwang Finance finally approved his withdrawal application this morning and paid him according to the process.

A total of 425,000, after deducting taxes, it is about 390,000. Because of the bank card, the payment made today will not arrive until the early morning of tomorrow.

Qi Cong's hand on the touchpad squeezed hard, then relaxed quickly, a little joy in his eyes.

390,000 is enough for a lot of things.

He went to the article management backend again, looked at the manuscripts and the comments on the new chapter in the manuscript box, and saw that everyone was discussing the next story, he tickled the corner of his mouth, covered the computer, picked up his mobile phone and wallet, and went out. Room.

Five minutes later, Qi Cong saw Gu Xun leaning against a pillar waiting outside the gate of Building 2. He was stunned for a moment, then stepped up and walked over, asking, "Why are you waiting here?"

Gu Xun was wearing a low-key dress in black t and black pants again, without a hat on his head, and carrying a plastic bag in his hand. When he saw Qi Cong, he immediately raised a smile, got up and handed the plastic bag to Qi Cong, and replied, "Go and buy this. I was afraid that it would melt, so I came here, I want you to eat it earlier."

Qi Cong looked at the bag and saw that there was a box of ice cream in it, probably because she was afraid of melting, and there was some crushed ice next to it, her heart softened, she raised her eyes to look at Gu Xun: "Thank you."

Gu Xun suddenly narrowed his eyes and leaned closer: "Is something good?"


"I found that you are in a good mood." Gu Xun stood up again, raised his hand to help Qi Cong's shoulder casually, and asked Qi Cong as he walked to Building No. 1, "Can you tell me what is good? ?"

Qi Cong passively moved forward with the strength on his shoulders, raised his hand and touched his face.

Is he visibly happy

But there are good things.

He remembered the profits he had extracted, squeezed the crushed ice in the bag, and replied, "I will rest on the 10th."

The casual smile on Gu Xun's face immediately subsided, and he looked at Qi Cong.

Qi Cong met Gu Xun's gaze and continued, "I have a whole day to go to the movies. Are you... free that day?"

"...Yes." Gu Xun smiled again and answered affirmatively, "The shooting part of "Above Dynasty" in Hengcheng can be finished before the 8th, and on the 10th I should rest at my home in Beishi. Then we will go there on the 10th. Watching "Tianwen"?"

Qi Cong nodded.

The two walked past the flower bed and walked towards the entrance of Building 1. Qi Cong suddenly called out, "Gu Xun."

Gu Xun turned his head in a good mood: "Huh?"

"I still have something I want to see."

Gu Xun smiled softly: "What else do you want to see? I'll arrange it."

"I... I want to see your past photos. Last time you said those photos were on your computer at home." Qi Cong tried to make herself appear calm and casual, and looked at Gu Xun, "Can I see it?"

Gu Xun's footsteps stopped indistinctly, and he turned his head as if to look down the road. Then he turned his head and smiled at Qi Cong, and replied, "Of course you can see anything you want."

Qi Cong fell asleep that night. He closed his eyes, but sleep never came. Finally, at ten past one in the morning, his cell phone on the bedside table rang.

He immediately sat up, took the phone to unlock it, and read a text message just sent in.

【Your savings card ending in 6514 will be withdrawn on September 5th... Withdrawal income... 】

Qi Cong held her breath unconsciously, repeatedly confirmed the series of numbers, her shoulders relaxed suddenly, laughed silently for a while, smiled, raised her hand and pressed her eyes, then put down her hand and continued to look at the text message.

Thirty-nine thousand.

This is only part of it. "Chivalry" has not been on the gold list since the last time, and as the plot progresses, the data and revenue of "Chivalry" are still increasing fiercely. One to two hundred thousand in income. After the end, the website still has a reward of 100,000 yuan, and he will soon start the artist program. Every time he participates in an event and walks a notice, he can get money... 1.5 million in debt, rebuild the principal of Miki , will be resolved soon.

Finally saw hope.

Qi Cong couldn't help looking in the direction of the window. Under the surging emotions, he rarely lost his usual sense of proportion and composure. At this very disturbing time, he transferred 150,000 and 200,000 yuan to Qi Yin and Shen Jia respectively. .

A little closer.

He put down his phone and looked in the direction of the window again.

To keep going.