Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 76


The next morning, Qi Cong received an inquiry call from Qi Yin and a door-to-door inquiry from Shen Jia.

He appeased Qi Yin and Shen Jia respectively, then returned to the room after going out for breakfast with Shen Jia and Zhao Zhenxun, and moved out of the computer to start coding.

Today, the crew needs to transfer equipment to the "Palace" and set up the venue there. There was no official shooting in the morning, and the actors were all put on vacation by Director Wang for half a day. He wanted to take advantage of this time to write two more chapters of "Chivalry". .

After today, he will be busy. If he does not code a little and save the manuscript, he is afraid that the next update will open the skylight.

Fortunately, all the foreshadowings of "Chivalrous Bone" have been laid, and the plot has officially entered the stage of high-speed blasting development. The code is much smoother than before, and it is easier to save the manuscript.

Time passed unknowingly, and I don't know how long later, the sudden ringing of the mobile phone broke the silence of the room.

Qi Cong's thoughts were forced to withdraw from the world of "Chivalry". He looked at the codeword progress on the document and thought it was ok. After saving it, he got up and picked up the phone that was thrown on the bed. Seeing that it was a call from an unfamiliar number from Haicheng, he had an inexplicable premonition and connected the call.


"Qi Cong." Jiang Zhaoyan's voice came, a little hoarse, and his tone was unexpectedly calm, "Jiang Tian put Yan Huang's assets into illegal mortgages behind my back, and also cooperated with several relatives to play tricks on the company's accounts. The reminder is right, Jiang Tian and the others really have bad intentions... I shouldn't have suspected you at the beginning, but in the whole company, you are the only one who is sincere to me."


As a qualified scum, after being abandoned by the "main room", of course, he must immediately go to "lick the dog" and the "spare tire" to complain and express his sympathy and affection. Jiang Zhaoyan is really scumbag.

"So?" Qi Cong sat on the bed with a cold tone, "You told me this because you wanted to see how happy I would be when I heard the news?"

The opposite side was silent for a few seconds, and then the tone became even lower: "Xiao Cong, I sold Yan Huang, just signed the letter."

This is not good news.

Qi Cong said: "There is still a company willing to take over the mess of Yan Huang. You are really lucky. I would like to hear the news that you and Yan Huang go bankrupt together."

Jiang Zhao's tone became heavy: "Qi Cong!"

"Why, don't pretend?"

After a few seconds of silence, just when Qi Cong was about to hang up, Jiang Zhaoyan's voice came again: "I went to find you, and Gu Xun stopped me."

Qi Cong hung up the phone for a while, frowned, looked at the cat's pillow opposite, and moved the phone back, wanting to ask when this happened. Just as he was about to say something, he thought of something and swallowed it back.

He retracted his gaze and replied indifferently, "I asked him to stop it. Jiang Zhaoyan, don't harass me again, I don't want to have anything to do with you again, farewell."

"Qi Cong, don't hang up! You, can you stop listening to people like this! Gu Xun has a problem, don't believe him! He just saw that you lost your memory, and he is lying to you again, he doesn't know you at all. that-"


Qi Cong hung up the phone and cut Jiang Zhaoyan's voice off the line. He lowered his head and wanted to add Jiang Zhaoyan's number to the blacklist, but before he could act, Jiang Zhaoyan called again.

He hung up forcefully and pulled the number into the blacklist.

The world was quiet for two minutes, and when Qi Cong was in the mood to pack up and go to find Shen Jia for lunch, another unfamiliar number called.

He paused, picked up the phone, and wanted to hang up the call directly. Later, he was worried that it was someone else's call. He was afraid that he would accidentally make a mistake. After watching the call for a few seconds, he still answered it.

"Qi Cong, listen to me, Gu Xun is not a good person at all, he-"

Qi Cong hung up the phone and blocked the number.

A minute later, the call came again. Qi Cong suppressed his temper and answered the phone again, and when Jiang Zhaoyan's voice appeared, he said directly: "Jiang Zhaoyan, no matter what you want to do with me now, I will tell you bluntly, I will tell you every word that comes out of your mouth. Don't believe me. Don't make harassing calls again, or I'll call the police." After that, he hung up the phone and added the unfamiliar number to the blacklist again.

This time Jiang Zhaoyan was quiet for half an hour. Just when Qi Cong thought Jiang Zhaoyan had completely stopped, a text message from an unfamiliar number came in.

Unknown number: The collapse of Yan Huang was fueled by Gu Xun, who destroyed the company we built. Qi Cong, you lost your memory, I don't blame you, but I don't want you to go wrong again. Do you really know Gu Xun? Do you know what he looks like to others? You can ask Gu Xun how the three-centimeter scar on your back came from, and see if he dares to answer you.

A three-centimeter scar

Qi Cong instinctively sat up straight and touched his back with his backhand.

After waking up from "sleep", he did find that there was a long strip of scar about three centimeters on his back.

After "waking up", he has been running around for life and has no time to care about this scar, so he has never known the origin of this scar.

But now Jiang Zhaoyan's words seem to imply that the scar is related to Gu Xun... Qi Cong suddenly remembered Gu Xun's depressed and terrifying appearance when he reunited with Gu Xunchu. He asked, "Jiajia, do you know how the scar on my back came from?"

Shen Jia was confused: "Scar on your back? What kind of scar? Brother Cong, do you have a scar on your back?!" Shen Jia didn't even eat the fruit, so she leaned over to lift Qi Cong's clothes, "Why didn't I know you had a scar on your back?" Scar? Where is it, is it serious, how did it hurt?"

It seemed that Shen Jia didn't know.

Qi Cong hurriedly held down Shen Jia, comforted him, and then looked at the text message again, looking at "but do you really know Gu Xun?" and "Do you know what he looks like in other people's eyes?" Back and forth, fingers tightened a little bit.

It's not that I didn't find clues, it's not that I didn't find Gu Xun's avoidance of the deception in the past and the past three years. At some point, Gu Xun's face and body did have some unfamiliar expressions and emotions. Although those expressions and emotions always disappears quickly.

But... but so what

Qi Cong's agitated emotions settled little by little, and gradually solidified into an unbreakable wall of ice.

so what? Maybe he really hasn't come into contact with the real Gu Xun, but it doesn't matter, these will be known sooner or later.

He could feel that Gu Xun's feelings for him were real, he could feel that Gu Xun was gradually bringing him into contact with his real self, and he was willing to believe that Gu Xun, who had been waiting for him for three years, was always warm and gentle to him, his nature Must be warm and honest.

Moreover, he had already agreed with Gu Xun that he should only look at each other and not listen to others' comments on each other. Gu Xun said that he would give him space and time, and Gu Xun did give it to him. He would naturally give him the opportunity and tolerance that Gu Xun wanted.

Gu Xun has already promised to show him photos of the past, so... take your time, in this process of getting closer to each other and getting to know each other truly, he doesn't want others to point fingers.

Qi Cong released his finger, read the text message again, deleted it directly, opened the call log page full of incoming calls from unfamiliar numbers, looked at Zhao Zhenxun, who was drinking water after dinner, and handed over the phone: "Brother Zhao, Jiang Zhaoyan has been using Unfamiliar numbers make harassing calls to me, is there a solution?"

At 4:30 p.m., in the Imperial Garden of the Imperial Palace, the filming of the Qionglin Banquet is about to begin.

After changing into a black and red dress, Qi Cong came to the pavilion by the lake where the filming started for a while. He lowered his head and asked Yuanyuan to tidy up his costumes and touch up his makeup. He glanced around the venue and asked, "Where's Jiajia?"

"He was filming a fight scene with Teacher Qin Zhengjue at the side garden, and he came over after filming."

Qi Cong nodded in understanding.

A few minutes later, Director Guo, who was in charge of the bullying scene, began to clear the scene. Several group performers who played "bullying roles" went to take their places by the pavilion. Qi Cong also said goodbye to Yuanyuan, and waited for the staff to push the wheelchair to the lake. After taking his seat, he took a step and sat up.

Over there, Director Guo walked towards the group after instructing the staff a few words, ready to tell them how to move for a while. The other staff were leaving the venue one after another, Yuanyuan had already packed up and retreated to the rest area on the side.

Qi Cong was sitting by the lake alone. After tidying up her clothes, she stretched out her hand to hold the wheelchair and tried to adjust the direction, but found that the wheelchair did not move after turning for a long time. She was puzzled. She was about to get up to check, and suddenly a force behind her hit the wheelchair, and the wheelchair followed. He slid, quickly knocked forward on the stone by the lake, and made a "click" sound, and the place connecting the handrail and the wheel cracked. Under the inertia, his body could not control the swaying and swaying, and fell to the lake in front of him. go with.

He wanted to stabilize his balance, but just as he stretched out his hand, his body suddenly became heavy, and then the light dimmed.

"Teacher Qi Cong, be careful!"

The heavy object pressing on him let out a "panic" cry, but it was very heavy according to the strength of his hands and feet, obviously intentionally not wanting him to regain his balance.


Surrounded by the overwhelming water, Qi Cong struggled to open her eyes and met a strange yet familiar round face.

Xiao Liu

Qi Cong was shocked, struggling to surface, but his body was dragged by Xiao Liu.

The costume was very heavy after it got wet, and the wide sleeves and hem restricted the movement. Qi Cong looked at Xiao Liu stubbornly and reached out to push him, but Xiao Liu suddenly smiled at him and pulled something out of his body with fierce eyes. Hit him hard on the head.

Qi Cong rolled her eyes and tilted her head to hide, and finally hit her shoulder. He groaned in pain, his hands loosened, and at the same time, Xiao Liu pushed him into the depths of the lake.

The body fell deep, Qi Cong was busy moving his hands and feet to float up after he slowed down, but Xiao Liu swam over there again.

After that, Qi Cong's memory became very blurred. Before he fainted completely, he vaguely saw Shen Jia's figure rushing over from the lake, and Xiao Liu didn't know where to go.

He breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

His head hurts a lot, there are many chaotic pictures flashing before his eyes, his body is hot, his consciousness is blurred and awake for a while, as if someone is trying to squeeze into his brain. I don't know how long later, the pain and the heat suddenly disappeared together, and there was only a chaotic blackness in front of me.

Consciousness floats, can't feel the body, vaguely will be silent... No, can't sleep. He subconsciously told Qi Cong that this was very dangerous. He struggled to stay awake, and instinctively ran rampant in this darkness, and then he didn't know where he hit, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and a clear picture appeared.

"This is your last mission, right? Will you be able to untie it after you're done?" Someone with a blurry face looked at him and asked.

Qi Cong found that "myself" opened his mouth, and replied in a tone and voice that was very unfamiliar to him: "Yes, I'm finally free. Don't you know that the seed I'm responsible for is particularly difficult to deal with, in order to cover up the heat His soul, I have been deeply in love with him for nine worlds in a row, nine, fortunately, this is the last time left, anyway, I don't want to see his ruthless soul again."

The person with the blurred face laughed and talked about his "seed", and then the picture slowly blurred, and another picture emerged.