Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 84


In the Penguin Music Interview Hall, Zhao Zhenxun suddenly said, "Gu Xun is following you on Weibo."

Qi Cong, who was adjusting the position of the microphone, heard the words, then continued to move, pinning the microphone to the button of the clothes as instructed by the staff, and asked, "Can I not go back?"

Zhao Zhenxun frowned: "Qi Cong, you..."

A staff member came over to adjust the lighting and background arrangement. Zhao Zhenxun picked up the phone in time. After the staff member left, he checked the time, and lowered his voice and said to Qi Cong: "You should prepare for the interview first, don't be afraid of saying the wrong thing, I don't need you to set anything up for yourself. The character design, try to be as real as possible. When the interview is over, let's talk."

Qi Cong knew that Zhao Zhenxun was embarrassed by his willful demands. He responded, touched the wound on the palm of his hand and put a band-aid on it, lowered his eyes to adjust his mood, got up and walked to the middle of the live broadcast room when the staff came over to invite again, shook hands with the host and said a few words, then sat down and waited for a while. The interview will begin.

On the side screen of the interview room, the screen of the live broadcast room is playing synchronously, and the mv of "Rebirth" is changing on it, which strongly attracts people's attention. Qi Cong looked at it, and there was just a picture of a bird chasing the illusion of a lover exhausted in the fog. His emotions were moved without warning, and he suddenly remembered that he and Gu Xun were hiding in the corridor before, and he played this song for Gu Xun. song scene.

At that time, he was full of hope and felt that the future was promising, so he tried to respond to Gu Xun's feelings and gave Gu Xun a promise about the future. Gu Xun held his hand tightly, and said three "nos" to him, namely: don't lie to me, don't play with me, don't get sick again.

Qi Cong still remembered his answer at that time, there was only one word, good.

In the end, he tricked Gu Xun, lied to Gu Xun, and couldn't even control his own body.

When the bird on the screen was exhausted, it finally found that the lover in front was just a trap created by the fog to drag it deeper into the abyss.

Qi Cong didn't blink, watching the birds being swallowed up by the mist, until they disappeared completely.

The music of the mv suddenly turned low, and after an interlude, the fog dissipated, and the birds that had been plundered of all colors opened their eyes in a swamp, their eyes gray and dark, vaguely evil.

The once warm soul was finally polluted by evil and fell into the abyss.

Qi Cong's eyelashes flickered, and she quickly looked away.

"The song is great and the mv is very creative."

A gentle female voice sounded beside him, Qi Cong quickly calmed down and looked at the host who was holding his face on his forehand and focused on the side screen.

The host seemed to be aware of his sight, and looked at him, smiled at him, with a tone of comfort and encouragement: "I am a person with high tears, but I was watching this mv and During that music vlog, I was embarrassed and cried with makeup. Qi Cong, singing can convey a lot of things, and everyone will like you and your works."

[Your new song will definitely be liked by a lot of people... I'm pretty sure. 】

The words Gu Xun once said suddenly flashed in his mind, Qi Cong was in a trance for a moment, pinched his fingers into the palm of his hand, and said to the brightly smiling host, "You must be a very gentle person."

The host froze for a moment and blinked: "Huh?"

Someone who can say something like that must be gentle. No matter how it looks, it must be gentle on the inside.

Qi Cong smiled at the host, locked all his emotions deep in his heart, and said, "I like to talk to gentle people, because they are very good at taking care of people's emotions, thank you."

The host realized later that he had been praised, his eyes were bent with laughter, and he said to Qi Cong: "You are not the same as I thought, and I am looking forward to the interview for a while."

At eight o'clock, the first time after Weibo and Lewan disappeared, Qi Cong's Weibo and Lewan accounts released a music video at the same time, with four words: Reborn.

Almost in the next second, Gu Xun followed Qi Cong's Weibo account, and then reposted the music video, with no accompanying text, only a water drop emoji.

After that, Shen Jia, Lian Pengxing, Manju official blog, "Qinggu Biography" official blog, Qin Zhengjue, Wang Yue and many other artists and official blogs also forwarded this music video, each with a text to congratulate Qi Cong Official debut and new songs.

Among them, Shen Jia's text is the longest and most exciting. Balabala congratulates Qi Cong a lot, and finally ends with a sentence with several exclamation points, "Gong Gong!" .

In addition to congratulations, the official blog of "The Legend of Qing Dynasty" also vaguely revealed that Qi Cong would sing one of the episodes of "The Legend of Qing Dynasty", expressing his expectation for Qi Cong's interpretation of the episode.

Netizens who were disturbed by the news of Qi Cong's account opening were immediately excited, and many people couldn't help but shout the word "surely".


Qi Cong suddenly opened Weibo, and she really needed to take action!

Eating melons during this period made the public familiar with the name Qi Cong and his experiences. Countless people moved their mouse or fingers and clicked on the music video with a painted bird as the cover, either out of excitement, curiosity, sympathy, or just the idea of watching the excitement.


The piano sounded, and the bird circled and flew towards the camera, knocking out a soft petal.

With the soft soundtrack, special animation presentation, and bright and warm color matching, the audience was caught hearing and visual almost instantly, and they only felt that their eyes were bright and couldn't help watching.

The petals disappeared, the picture suddenly brightened, the bird fluttered its wings and flew into the camera, soaring over the forest facing the rising sun, the name of the song appeared, and the name of the singer also appeared.

- Qi Cong.

The audience was stunned unconsciously, their attention was dragged out of the artistic conception of the picture, and the embarrassing pictures of Qi Cong being bullied by others that they had seen in the surveillance could not help but appear in their minds, and the pictures on the Internet. Cases, checklists and case analyses that seem to never end.

The music suddenly changed and raised, and the bird rushed into the forest after a soft chirping, returned to the arms of its parents, and rubbed against them in attachment. At the same time, a gentle and clean male voice with a touch of sand cut into the music.

He sang: I also hoped that if I was born, it would be fixed.

The audience was suddenly drawn back to the attention by the song, looked at the subtitles of the lyrics that appeared at the bottom of the screen, and couldn't help but stare.

Is this... Qi Cong's voice

The male voice continued to sing: But the world is like a legend, always ups and downs and unpredictable.

The male voice is soft and relaxed, with a calm tone, like a traveler who has passed through thousands of sails narrating a story that is not true or false.

The little bird grows up little by little under the care of its parents. It sings in the morning, skims the lake in the afternoon, and kisses the blooming flowers in the evening.

The male voice sings again: I have also begged, and I hope that it will not change color at first sight.

The bird opened its dark eyes, looked at the other bird that was probing behind the blade, flapped its wings, and tried to get closer.

The audience didn't wake up until then, opened their mouths slightly and listened to the male voice sing the next sentence: But feelings are like Chen Mo, it is difficult to bear time, space and discussion.

The little bird was playing with his partner, and inadvertently broke into the habitat of another bird. He foolishly crashed into a warm nest, and caught sight of the beautiful adult bird in the nest that was a large circle larger than him.

Drums are added to the music, like someone's heart beat out of order for the first time.

The male voice became warm, warm to sad: I think so, it was your approach that changed me.

The thick fog suddenly filled the air, shrouding the shy bird who avoided his parents and friends and secretly took flowers for his sweetheart. The little bird raised its head in doubt with the flower branch in its mouth, and flapped its wings.

The next second, the sound of music suddenly rose, and at the same time, the thick fog suddenly seemed to have life, turned into a tornado, turned into a palm, and caught the bird away. The bird flew up in surprise, and the petals and feathers scattered together.

The male voice also raised his voice, from the calm narration of bystanders to the twists and turns of witnesses. He sang: If one day I become a demon, will you flee or hug me tightly.

The suddenly raised male voice made the gentle and sandy but contradictory and quiet qualities in his voice more and more obvious, and some kind of sour emotion was suddenly released along with the music. The audience only felt their eardrums tremble, and their eyes couldn't help but widen again.

The male voice continued to sing: If one day I lose myself, will you push away or reach out.

The music became sharp and heavier. Before that, I only felt a shallow sense of sadness, which quickly superimposed with the high singing of the male voice. He sings:

If one day I become a coward, will you hate or help.

If one day I get sick, will you dislike it or appease it.

As the male voice sang, the bird in the picture gradually became embarrassed under the chasing of the fog. It lost its way, its beautiful feathers were tangled in branches, and it had wounds on its wings.

Suddenly, the chasing of the mist stopped, it saw the figure of the lover appeared in front, the dim eyes became bright, and it quickly chased after an anxious cry.

The male voice sings again: If I have no memory, will you lead me to find my way home.

The back in front approached again and again, pulled away again and again, the bird chased and chased, hit the branches and vines again and again, and again and again was so tired that he wanted to give up and persevered, and finally, when it was about to be exhausted, it caught up. That back. It rushed forward happily, but the shadow of the sweetheart disappeared in a flash, turning into a mist that tightly bound it, dragging it towards the depths of darkness.

The bird was startled, flapped its wings and struggled, and then was dragged into the depths a little bit desperately.

The male voice slowly fell back from the raised state:

I dare not relax, for fear of missing your choice.

I started to close my eyes, I know your choice.

The fog completely devoured the bird, and the music suddenly turned lower. After an interlude, the fog dissipated, and the black-stained bird with colorful feathers opened his eyes in the depths of the swamp, his eyes dark and vaguely evil.

The music gradually quieted down, and the bird once again soared in the blue sky, and then returned to the forest, but there was no more warm shadow on its body.

The male voice became low again: I once fantasized about life without twists and turns.

The bird with all black feathers and an ominous black aura was attacked as soon as it entered the forest, it looked over, and then counterattacked with rage.

The male voice continued to sing: But fate is too humorous, full of twists, setbacks and ups and downs.

The bird was attacked by a group, and its parents came to rescue it, but it pecked its parents and fled.

The music became depressing, as did the male voice, and he sang: I was naive once, sighing that nightmares don't provoke me.

The escaped bird bumped into the little friend head-on, and the other party was stunned for a while, and then he didn't dislike the big change of the little bird and approached him intimately, but the little bird slammed into it fiercely.

The male voice sings again: But dreams are like books, and it is inevitable that joys and sorrows will be separated or separated forever.

At the edge of the forest, the bird saw his sweetheart who had been waiting by the lake as agreed. The sweetheart was stunned when he saw it, and then approached worriedly, but the bird cruelly pecked its wings.

The subtitles changed, and the male voice sang again: This is what I experienced, you must never come near me again.

The bird becomes a symbol of ominousness and madness, and wherever it flies, it is greeted only by fear, repulsion, and injury. It was scarred again, it was gradually scrawny.

The music is high again, and the male voice is also high: If one day I become a demon, will you run away or hug.

During another violent drive away, the parents who were once driven away by the bird reappeared to protect it.

Male voice sings again: If one day I lose myself, will you push away or reach out.

The little friend who was hit by the bird kindly helped the bird's parents to repair the nest, and played with it every day after the bird was brought back by the parents. and hurt.

The male voice continues to sing: If one day I become a coward, will you hate or help.

The bird ran out and hurt someone. Other residents in the forest wanted to drive the bird away. Faced with the drive away, the parents and friends did not choose to abandon the bird, but took it to a forest corner and continued to take care of it. .

With the addition of the flute, there was a little hope in the music and the male voice, and the emotions in the male voice became more and more full. He sang:

If one day I get sick, will you dislike it or appease it.

If I have no memory, will you lead me to find my way home.

After recovering from the injury, the little bird's sweetheart came to the little bird despite the obstruction of the clan, and when the little bird tried to peck again, he gently bowed his head and gave it a brightly blooming rose.

The male voice broke out suddenly:

I stared in amazement, unable to believe your choice.

I tremble and bury my head, crying for your choice.

The picture of the mv suddenly began to change rapidly, the rhythm of the music suddenly became faster, the male voice was raised again, and the emotions burst out:

When one day I turned into a demon, you didn't run away but hugged.

When I lost myself one day, you didn't push away but reached out.

When one day I become a coward, you don't hate but help.

When one day I became ill, you did not dislike but comforted me.

The little bird's parents searched for the antidote for the little bird to break into the fog, the little bird's partner found all the things the two of them had played with to help the little bird recover its memory, and the little bird's sweetheart found the freshest food and water for the little bird, Take care of the bird's body.

The depressing picture became brighter and brighter, and the bird who took the antidote began to slowly lose its ominous blackness, and the irritability and hostility in his eyes gradually weakened.

The male voice was raised to the highest level, and the burst of emotions ushered in the most hearty ending. The music broke out violently and catalyzed. He sang:

When I have no memory, you are always by my side to help me find my way home.

When I am no longer me, you are still afraid of my displacement, pain and loneliness.

The male voice began to hum aloud, the picture completely lit up, and the bird fluttered and left the nest under the watchful eyes of its parents, partners, and lovers, and once again soared in the blue sky. The sun fell on it, creating a rainbow-like glow on its bright and beautiful feathers.

The music slowly falls back into a gentle piano solo.

The humming of the male voice gradually became calm and warm, full of hope, and then stopped, he sighed contentedly, and sang: I have also been desperate, and feel that this life has been reduced.

Birds soared under the blue sky and chirped happily in the breeze. In the end, it bowed its head, circled around, and rushed happily in the direction of its parents, partners, and lovers, where the water is clear and the flowers are fragrant, and it is the home prepared for it by those who love it.

The male voice finally sings: It was your approach that changed me, thank you for your approach that changed me.


Birds threw themselves into the arms of family, friends, and lovers, shaking up large swaths of soft petals and leaves. Those petals and leaves were twisted and transformed into four swash characters "Rebirth", and then gradually dissipated together with the picture.

The music fades away until it disappears completely.

When the song ended, the video screen turned black, but the audience couldn't recover for a long time.