Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 85


The interview hall was quiet, and the staff who were busy coming and going all stopped at some point and looked at the mv on the side screen carefully.

A few seconds later, with the host taking the lead, the applause sounded in the interview hall, and then became more and more intense and enthusiastic.

Qi Cong was stunned for a moment, then got up and thanked the staff for their applause.

The applause grew louder.

The host smiled, raised his hand in time to signal everyone to be quiet, and then invited Qi Cong to sit down again and said, "Look, everyone likes your work very much."

Qi Cong said sincerely, "Thank you."

On the side screen, the picture that became completely black after the MV was played suddenly brightened again, and the tune of "Rebirth" sounded again, along with some noisy voices.

Everyone in the interview hall was attracted by the sudden sound, and looked sideways. Qi Cong also looked over, and then saw himself when he went to record the song - the vlog recorded during the recording began to be played.

"The best part is to cry." The host also looked at the side screen, the smile on his face was replaced by a bit of sadness, and sighed, "Qi Cong, you are really... It's been too hard."

Are you working hard

Qi Cong looked at the words "First Day of "Rebirth" recorded on the screen, remembered what happened during the recording of the song, and shook hands.

Obviously... those who want to protect him are working harder.

On Weibo, Lewan, Penguin Music Live Room and other platforms, all the viewers who have watched the mv and tried to digest their emotions are preparing to go to the comment area/danmaku area to express their surging listening/after-viewing feelings. I was stunned by the video that suddenly appeared again.

Eh? and

Everyone was busy looking over, and in the brightened picture, Qi Cong's figure appeared at the very center. Accompanied by a middle-aged man, he pushed open the door and entered the field of vision. He was wearing an everyday casual shirt with basic casual pants and sneakers. Half-length hair falls softly on her head, her forehead and eyebrows are partially covered by bangs, she looks a little young, her face is small, her cheeks are softly contoured, her slightly long almond eyes are a little tired, but she looks serious, her skin is very white, and she walks in a posture. It is stretched and generous, and it looks very clean and handsome.

The audience was stunned again.

Is this Qi Cong? No, no, of course they recognized that this was Qi Cong, but... it felt different.

Probably because they had never seen Qi Cong moving in daily environment, so they always felt that such Qi Cong was a little strange.

This kind of unfamiliarity is similar to seeing a paper person with a fixed character suddenly appear alive in front of you, and the familiarity you thought turned into an unfamiliar and unfamiliar.

In their impression, Qi Cong is the cowardly and pitiful appearance of those who were bullied by Jiang Zhaoyan and Jiang family in the surveillance, or the miserable and painful appearance described in the case analysis, or the handsome appearance in those ancient costume sets... Anyway, not Now such a normal ordinary person, even more outstanding in appearance and more prominent temperament than ordinary people.

The video screen suddenly advanced after jumping out of a line of subtitles indicating the number of days of recording, and gave Qi Cong a close-up when Qi Cong and the vocal music teacher and others met to greet each other. In the close-up, Qi Cong showed a polite and reserved smile to the vocal teacher, shook the hand that the vocal teacher held out, and called out to the vocal teacher.

All the thoughts of the audience were interrupted by this smile and this teacher's voice, and they were a little confused.

Wow, this laugh, coupled with this unique voice and tone... ok, ok... it's so ticklish, a kind of itch that I hope this person will show more of this gentle appearance and a more gentle tone.

It turns out that Qi Cong in normal state is like this...

With the playback of vlogs, there are more and more scenes that make the audience feel strange and confused.

After meeting with the vocal music teacher, Qi Cong took the score and lyrics from the vocal music teacher and looked down. The camera has always been a close-up, magnifying Qi Cong's seriousness when reading the score and the changes in his expression when reading the lyrics to the audience.

Before Qi Cong looked at the lyrics, the comment area of various platforms and the bullet screen area in the live broadcast room were still very lively. Everyone was discussing this vlog and the very normal looking Qi Cong in the video, as well as Qi Cong's singing and smile. . But after Qi Cong's expression appeared when he flipped through the lyrics, everyone's discussion suddenly weakened.

From the beginning of the vlog broadcast to the present, Qi Cong has always been very polite and thoughtful. Although his expressions are a little less, he feels very gentle and comfortable. His speech and expressions are restrained and peaceful, as if he had never experienced anything terrible.

But now, Qi Cong's expression changed. He still lowered his head, and his expression seemed to be the same, but his eyelashes drooped lower. After the eyelashes were covered, his eyes were obviously dim and slightly out of focus. If you look closely, you can also see that his Adam's apple moved slightly, as if restraining his emotions.

The tune of "Rebirth", which has always been vague in the background, suddenly became more obvious, and the lyrics sang "I have fantasized about it, if life has no twists and turns".

Probably because Qi Cong's trance was too obvious, the vocal music teacher called out to him. Qi Cong raised her head back to her senses, the emotions in her eyes were too late to restrain, and they were completely magnified under the camera.

The background music is singing "But fate is too humorous, full of turning points, setbacks and ups and downs", with Qi Cong's dim and out of focus eyes at this time, and then thinking of his experience, a feeling of sadness suddenly arises.

The emotion in Qi Cong's eyes quickly subsided and disappeared after he raised his head. In less than a second, he returned to his serious and decent appearance. At the request of the vocal music teacher, he began to hum the score, but all the audience who saw his eyes just now, But they couldn't calm down quickly.

Sometimes, the silent clue of scars is more touching than the hysterical cry, the eyes of Qi Cong just now... alas.

The comment area of each platform and the barrage area of the live broadcast room fell silent at the same time, and the audience began to seriously look at this Qi Cong, who they seemed to know a lot, but didn't seem to understand at all.

This vlog cut by Manju didn't use any complicated techniques, nor did he add any fancy post-production special effects. It just showed the process of Qi Cong's song recording to everyone in general.

But it is this commonality that allows everyone to recognize the most real Qi Cong more intuitively.

Some people are particularly easy to like, and Qi Cong seems to be such a person.

In the video, Qi Cong began to hum the score. He obviously just got the score not long ago, but he can barely sing it smoothly. He held the lyrics and scores by himself, his expression was serious and focused, his posture was stretched and good-looking, and he did not see the restraint and tension that other newcomers would have.

I don't know when the background music stopped, and there was only Qi Cong's acapella singing in the video.

Because it is the first time to sing, his singing will inevitably sound a little jerky and intermittent, and the lyrics he sing are different from the official version played before, which hinders empathy. But even so, everyone was still brought into the mood of the song by him for the first time.

Then, everyone noticed Qi Cong's eyes that changed his mood with the lyrics. When singing friendship, his brows and eyes were slightly warm and he smiled faintly. When singing family affection, his eyes became heavy and low. When singing love, there was a faint intoxicating light in his eyes. Then came the last hope, and his eyes became bright and firm.

The singing seemed to come alive, turning into a picture and flying before the eyes.

During the singing, Qi Cong was still restraining his emotions and did not show sadness and sadness, but the audience couldn't help but pursed their lips and choked their throats.

- Mom, I want to cry a little... Qi Cong, please cry, otherwise I really want to cry, you are the worst one, why should you restrain yourself, you can cry.

There was such a barrage flying through the quiet barrage area, which attracted some "woohoo" and sighs of unknown meaning.

Qi Cong didn't cry. He sang "Rebirth" before the lyrics were changed, and as soon as he finished singing, he restrained his emotions, relaxed his clenched palms, and looked towards the vocal teacher.

He returned to his previous serious and decent look, as if he was not emotionally touched by the lyrics.

The audience was even more saddened when they saw it.

How... how could someone be like this. Why is Qi Cong like this.

The appearance of Master Cao Dewen broke the suffocation in the hearts of the audience. Master Cao Dewen asked Qi Cong if he liked the song. Qi Cong looked at the score and didn't say whether he liked it or not, but replied in a solemn and serious tone: "This is a good start for me."

Great start.

Heart attack.

The audience looked at Qi Cong's gentle expression while looking down at the score, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, wanting to grab something and destroy something to vent the complicated and unspeakable emotions in their hearts.

Why is Qi Cong... just such a person!

In the vlog broadcast, Cao Dewen asked Qi Cong to spend two hours alone. The two walked to the piano while chatting. Cao Dewen asked Qi Cong to play a favorite song for him. Qi Cong nodded and sat down in front of the piano.

I don't know when the background music stopped again. After Qi Cong and Cao Dewen looked at each other, they officially started playing.

A light and gentle music wafted out.

The camera gave Qi Cong a close-up of his body. He had a straight back, and his head was looking down at the keys. His beautiful fingers jumped on the keys. The fingering was a little rusty at first, but then became more and more smooth and natural.

The music progressed from light and gentle to warm and high-spirited, Qi Cong closed his eyes at some point, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he had been immersed in the music.

The audience was stunned when they saw Qi Cong like this.

Good... dazzling.

Qi Cong who plays the piano seriously is really dazzling. The self-confidence and elegance that radiated from his bones, the ease and even the faint strength of controlling the notes and rhythms, were completely different from the quiet and low-key before him.

Everyone suddenly remembered the awards that Gu Xun once posted on Weibo that belonged to Qi Cong, as well as the videos and photos of Qi Cong's past competitions that were dug up.

In those materials, Qi Cong was the son of the emperor, a child of someone else's family, and he was completely different from the cowardly and pathetic Qi Cong they knew at the beginning.

Master Cao Dewen in the video showed appreciation, and the audience outside the video vaguely realized one thing - what they are looking at now is the Qi Cong of the Son of Heaven, not the Qi Cong who lost his memory and was bullied and tortured by Jiang Zhaoyan. .

This is the real Qi Cong.

It took three days to record the song, and it is impossible for the vlog to play all of it. After that, the relationship between Qi Cong and Master Cao Dewen was cut off a lot, and only three piano performances by Qi Cong and a few important conversations between the two were retained.

In the last performance, Qi Cong performed "Rebirth" on the piano. He sat in front of the piano, his fingers jumping lightly and then heavy on the keys with the change of mood, and his expression changed lightly with the notes.

Finally, the song closed.

In the video, Qi Cong curled up her fingers and started stunned.

Outside the video, the audience has also been completely stunned.

From what they heard, the emotions of this version of "Rebirth" played by Qi Cong perfectly coincided with the emotions of the official version. The version that Qi Cong sang before can only be said to be what Master Cao Dewen thought of Qi Cong, and this version is what Qi Cong really looks like.

Gentle, strong, grateful, soft... dazzling and excellent enough to deserve everyone's attention.

His heart was beating fast, his eyes couldn't take his eyes off Qi Cong for a long time, the piano melody was still floating in his ears, and those turbulent emotions were still rushing in his heart.

Then, Qi Cong in the video looked at Cao Dewen and showed his first obvious smile since the vlog was broadcast. His beautiful almond eyes curved softly, and his voice softened as he said, "Mr. Cao, I like this song."


Everyone seemed to see the bird flying towards them, knocking out a pink petal, and smashing the negative impression of Qi Cong formed by news, rumors, rumors, surveillance, and cases in their hearts. .

How can someone be like this, how can someone's piano sound like this, how can someone... laugh so movingly.

A series of sudden "Aah" screams suddenly appeared in the barrage area of a quiet live broadcast room, and then a barrage with a large series of exclamation marks appeared.

- Qi Cong, don't cry, just laugh! ! ! You laugh to your heart's content, I love your laugh! ! ! ! ! ! !

This is like a signal. From here, the comments and barrages on various platforms and live broadcast rooms suddenly become lively again, many exclamation marks appear in the comment area, and more people learn not to look down and sympathize, but to look at a The equal attitude of normal people to evaluate Qi Cong's songs and to treat Qi Cong as a person.

There are many people who express in their hearts or bluntly: I seem to like Qi Cong a little bit.

After that, every move of Qi Cong in the vlog attracted a large number of barrages and comments. Everyone sincerely encouraged and enthusiastically expressed their thoughts, and the atmosphere became cheerful and enthusiastic.

The first day of recording of "Rebirth" ended in such an atmosphere, and then on the second day of recording, Qi Cong appeared in the singing room at 12:00 noon.

Someone asked in doubt on the barrage: Huh? Why didn't you come until noon? Do you have any other work in the morning

Then a sensitive person posted a bullet screen: Wait, I have an impression of this suit. When the whole network boycotted Qi Cong before, Manju posted a video of Qi Cong going for a medical examination, and he was wearing this suit in the video.

Someone with a flexible mind responded: So Qi Cong went for a checkup in the morning

And there are more people's attention on a few dazzling words - the whole network boycott.

The lively atmosphere in the comment area and the barrage area suddenly cooled down. Many viewers went to see the recording date marked on the vlog afterwards. Some viewers with good memory recalled it, and then spoke in the comment area and the barrage area.

- It seems that on this night, a lot of news that was unfavorable to Qi Cong was exposed on the Internet, and then... The topic of boycotting Qi Cong's debut became a hot search.

All the viewers were reminded that they recalled what happened in those days, watched the video and immediately began to practice as soon as they arrived in the singing room. Qi Cong, who was serious and hardworking, disappeared.