Spare Tire is Gone

Chapter 92


The content of Gu Xun's Zhiding Weibo is very "work", and it is a promotional Weibo for "Tianwen". And Gu Xun's latest Weibo is...

Gu Xun: Reject violence and eat reasonably.

"… "

Although it was out of time, Qi Cong couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

He couldn't imagine Gu Xun's expression when he posted this Weibo.

Why did Gu Xun post this? What happened to make him feel—

Qi Cong suddenly remembered the mess in the tea bar box that day and his loss of control when facing Jiang Zhaoyan that day. He looked at the time of this Weibo post again, and seeing that it was the early morning of the eleventh, the smile on his face solidified and disappeared.

Is it... because of him? Is this Weibo admonishing him

He looked at the next sentence "Eat a reasonable diet", remembering his behavior of eating the whole cake that day, some passionate associations of "I'm still cared for" and the resulting excitement wanted to pop up, and he was slapped by him again. Press hard.

No, he has nothing to do with Gu Xun anymore.

Must be just a coincidence.

Qi Cong turned off Weibo and smashed herself onto the sofa. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds and got up after a few seconds to get the script for tomorrow's audition, and read it intently.

On September 14, the second audition came.

On the way there, Zhao Zhenxun said to Qi Cong with a blank itinerary: "Today you are auditioning for the online drama "Grey Dove". You are in a hurry. You should audition today, and the results will be announced tomorrow. If the audition results are passed, Then you will join the group in about a week. That is to say, how to arrange your follow-up schedule depends on the result of your audition today. Let me give you a shot. This online drama is very popular and has a double reputation. It's a bumper harvest, the competition is fierce, and the actors who are fighting with you are all actors who already have a certain foundation, so come on."

Qi Cong nodded and replied earnestly, "Okay."

The audition location arrived in a blink of an eye. Because the filming was in a hurry, the crew directly set the audition location in an old residential building near the studio.

The residential building was a little messy, with props and clutter piled up all over the place, and the staff were busy coming and going, all of them looking like they were in a hurry.

The casting director Huang Jianwei received Zhao Zhenxun and Qi Cong. He shook hands with Zhao Zhenxun and Qi Cong embarrassedly, and said, "I'm sorry for laughing, it's really busy here. Lao Zhao, we are all acquaintances, so I won't talk about those scenes, I'll give you the details directly. Because you are the last contact, this audition is also arranged for you at the end. The other audition actors have come to audition yesterday and the day before yesterday. There have been several rounds of discussions about who the character is going to give, and there have been several quarrels. You guys... better come on."

The other actors had already tried the mirrors, and the crew seemed to have satisfied candidates. The situation was very unfavorable for Qi Cong.

Zhao Zhenxun frowned, then quickly stretched it out, and replied, "Thank you old Huang, it's okay, let's go according to the procedure."

"What's there to thank for this, then... start?" Huang Jianwei said, his eyes fell on Qi Cong who had been quiet.

Qi Cong met the other party's gaze and said one step ahead of Zhao Zhenxun: "Let's start, thank the crew for giving me this opportunity."

After Huang Jianwei settled down with Zhao Zhenxun, he led Qi Cong into a room with a camera. After turning on the camera lens, he motioned for Qi Cong to sit down and asked, "Have you read the script?"

Qi Cong saw that the crew was so busy before, and thought the audition would start straight away. Hearing that, Huang Jianwei was stunned for a moment before realizing that Huang Jianwei wanted to talk to him first. He took a seat with Huang Jianwei's gesture and replied, "I saw it."

"Then talk about your understanding of the character of the wooden sinking boat and your views on the story of this unit."

Having experienced the failure of the last audition, when preparing for this audition, Qi Cong spent more and deeper efforts than the previous audition to ponder the script, and also took time to watch all the stories of the first three units of "Grey Dove" that have been broadcast. once again.

From the audience's point of view, Qi Cong thinks "Grey Dove" is very good-looking. Whether it is the rhythm of the story, the tone of the picture, or the performance of the actors, this drama is absolutely excellent, far exceeding the average level of online dramas. If it is not limited by the subject matter, it is absolutely enough to be a star.

From the screenwriter's point of view, Qi Cong felt that the story mode of "Grey Dove", which uses small stories to string together a whole big story line, is very flexible and challenging. The screenwriter has profound skills, and controls the details of characters and plots to the extreme, releasing the charm and power of the characters and plots to the greatest extent.

After listening to Huang Jianwei's question, Qi Cong almost immediately came up with a lot of analysis about the script. Before answering, he asked politely: "How long will my answer take? There are too many things to say. I need to choose the answer according to the time."

Huang Jianwei raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, looked Qi Cong up and down, and replied after thinking for a while, "You can talk as long as you want. I'll interrupt you when you've heard enough."

Qi Cong nodded in understanding, organized the language a little, and said, "About the role of Mu Shenzhou..."

An hour later, Huang Jianwei took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Qi Cong, and urged: "Continue. Why do you think Wang Long will be the biggest boss behind the scenes? He is obviously very inconspicuous, you give me a certainty that it is him. reason."

"Actually, I'm not sure. I just think that if I were the screenwriter, I would choose him as the last black hand, so that the ending will be more appropriate, the audience will have a higher degree of discussion, and the emotional resonance will be stronger. And , I'm done."

Huang Jianwei was pondering over Qi Cong's "leave blank", when he heard that, he finally became stupid and asked, "Have you finished?"

"It's over. Director Huang, do you want to start the audition now?"

"Ah, yes! You're here for an audition." Huang Jianwei patted his thigh suddenly, looked at the time, almost jumped up in shock, got up and started to remove the teacup from the table, speaking faster, "Why this is it, hurry up. Start quickly, you stand in the middle of the camera, act in front of the camera, and play the two scenes where you kill Li Ya and collapse after killing people."

Qi Cong got up and helped pack up while responding, then walked to the camera, stopped at a suitable distance, closed his eyes and brewed his emotions.

Coincidentally, the role he auditioned for this time was also a murderer, similar in nature to the role Gu Xun played when he was electrocuted.

It felt like he and Gu Xun were at the same starting point.

Although this starting point is in fact, there is actually a difference between heaven and earth.

Can't miss this opportunity again, he doesn't have much time to fail.

Emotions gradually settled, and after a shallow exhalation, Qi Cong opened his eyes, his demeanor and temperament changed, showing a faint danger.

Standing in the corner and looking at this side, Huang Jianwei's eyes moved, and he looked more focused.

Fifteen minutes later, when the audition was over, Huang Jianwei personally sent Zhao Zhenxun and Qi Cong into the car, and informed Zhao Zhenxun and Qi Cong that the audition results would come out tomorrow morning at the latest.

After leaving the crew, Zhao Zhenxun looked at Qi Cong and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Seventy percent." Qi Cong replied with a little bit of relief after all her efforts, "I tried my best."

Zhao Zhenxun went through the information of the other competitors in his mind, and said slowly, "Then wait for the results with peace of mind."

That night, there was no surprise that the crew did not call. Zhao Zhenxun left the Shangjun era after comforting Gu Xun, while Qi Cong turned back to the study, turned on the computer and started typing.

If he enters the group, then he will not have much time to code words. "Chivalrous Bone" is coming to an end, and he has to put the ending of "Chivalrous Bone" on it as soon as possible.

The next morning, Zhao Zhenxun had other jobs and did not come to Shangjun era, so Qi Cong stayed at home alone, and spent the whole morning suffocating.

The alarm clock rang at 12:00 noon, Qi Cong stopped the code, picked up the phone, turned it off, and looked at the call prompt bar and message bar.

It was empty, and Zhao Zhenxun did not send any news.

It's noon, so the audition failed

He put down the phone and lowered his head.

This was already a starting point that was much lower than Gu Xun's, but he still couldn't grasp it... It's useless, Qi Cong.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when Qi Cong had sorted out his emotions and started to concentrate on sprinting towards the ending of "Chivalrous Bone", the ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly rang without warning.

His thoughts were interrupted, Qi Cong looked over, saw that it was Zhao Zhenxun's call, and quickly answered, "What's wrong?"

"The result of "Grey Pigeon" finally came out." Zhao Zhenxun's tone was excited and fast, "Get ready, join the group in four days, the role of Mu Chenzhou is yours."

Bang bang bang, fireworks exploded in my ears. Qi Cong suddenly sat up straight, sighed and sat back, held his breath and released it, couldn't help laughing, and replied, "Okay."

After making the call, Qi Cong looked at the document on the screen, which was not progressing well today, and clenched her phone tightly.

This starting point, he held it.

He suddenly sat up straight again, dropped the phone and pressed his stiff neck, rubbed his stiff fingers, and put his hands on the keyboard.

Four days, come on, the ending of "Chivalrous Bone".

On September 17th, after coding the ending of "Chivalrous Bone" and putting all the manuscripts into the manuscript box and setting the time, Qi Cong ushered in his last job before joining the filming group - going to Shashi for a life class. A variety show as a flying guest.

"As soon as you join the group, it's 20 days, and there must be a show in the middle to keep you exposed. This show is Jiajia's resident show before joining the group. He has less exposure recently, and he will also participate in this show, just enough to bring Take you. You both appear together, and the topic is enough."

This is an unexpected joy, Qi Cong asked: "Jiajia will go too? Is his crew not busy?"

"I'm busy, I'll find a way to move him out for two days." Zhao Zhenxun covered the schedule and looked at Qi Cong, "He's also very worried about you, and has been clamoring to meet you."

Qi Cong's heart softened and said, "I will take good care of Jiajia for this show."

A few hours later, the plane landed in Shashi. As soon as Qi Cong walked out of the exit, she was hugged by Shen Jia, who was fully armed with sunglasses and masks.

"Brother Gong, Brother Gong! Congrats on your new song on the chart, congratulations on winning the role! You are amazing!"

Qi Cong took a step back when he was pounced, raised his hand with a smile, hugged Shen Jia and patted it, then pulled Shen Jia off his body and asked, "When did you arrive?"

"As soon as we arrive, we are front and rear."

Zhao Zhenxun suddenly inserted between the two, pushing one in each hand, and said in a low voice, "Come on."

Shen Jia was still a little confused: "Why go? Brother Zhao, won't you give me a hug?"

"What to hold, the airport will be blocked soon. They told you to wait in the car. What are you running around!" Zhao Zhenxun skillfully pushed Shen Jia into the safety circle surrounded by the bodyguards, and then pushed the Qi Cong also stuffed it in and whispered, "Control your expression, there are fans around."

Qi Cong vaguely heard some screams, realized something, and looked at the place where Zhao Zhenxun was guarding, and sure enough, he saw a group of fans holding signs running towards them.

Shen Jia also saw it and was startled. He quickly raised his hand and put his hat on his head: "What's going on? Isn't my trip secret this time?"

Zhao Zhenxun replied, "It has nothing to do with you."

Shen Jia: "Huh?"

Fans flocked closer, and the voice became clear.

"Qi Cong!"

"Come on Qi Cong recording! Jiajia's big brothers will take good care of you!"

"Come on, Brother Gong!"

Shen Jia exaggeratedly "wow", then became more excited than seeing his fans, grabbed Qi Cong's hand and waved towards the fans, and said loudly: "Don't worry! Brother Cong will do your best! "

The fans were dumbfounded, then screamed louder, and ran over like crazy, mixed with excited screams of "It's Shen Jia's voice!" "Shen Jia!" "Jiajia is here too!"

Zhao Zhenxun was almost infuriated by Shen Jia, and he gritted his teeth and said: "What kind of trick, what kind of trick, what if there is a stampede accident. Forget it, don't go, say hello to the fans, Qi Cong, you are good Take them, let them be quiet, don't run around and interfere with the normal operation of the airport."

Qi Cong was stunned for a moment, and looked at the young people who came running over holding the small sign with the word "Cong". Some strange emotions were surging in his heart, and he replied unaccustomedly: "Okay."

"Brother Cong, don't be nervous, the fans are very cute." Shen Jia encouraged him in a low voice.

Qi Cong glanced at Shen Jia, smiled, and nodded: "Well."

The crowd slowed down, and the fans finally approached. Under the protection of the bodyguards, Qi Cong stood as far as possible to the outside, and made a quiet gesture to the fans who were crowding over.

Everyone actually calmed down obediently. Although they were still very excited, they all restrained and did not make a sound, and only looked at this side with bright eyes.

Very nice.

Qi Cong couldn't help smiling and said, "Thank you."

Fans were agitated, some covering their faces shyly.

"Did you wait a long time?"

Fans quickly shook their heads and said no, they swung their hands super fast, like a group of little tits who were excited but didn't know how to express their emotions.

Kindness and love are the most healing things. The deeper the smile on Qi Cong's face, he gestured for the direction of the exit and said, "I'm going to take a car at the door, and it's not good to be stuck here. Let's chat while walking?"

The fans responded quickly and consciously made a way for Qi Cong.

Really nice.

Qi Cong smiled slightly and walked out first, answering the fans' slightly shy and reserved questions while walking, occasionally signing autographs for fans, and trying to respond to every fan's call.

The group quickly left the airport, Qi Cong turned around and waved to the fans who consciously stopped in place, and said, "Thank you, go home early and pay attention to safety."

Fans nodded, and someone shouted: "Brother Cong, you have to take care of yourself! The future will be very good!"

Qi Cong was stunned for a moment, looked at the fans who suddenly shouted, nodded with a smile, and replied, "I will, and so are you, thank you."

He turned around and got into the car. Out of the corner of his eye, he vaguely saw a familiar figure flashing past the crowd. He was stunned for a moment. He hurriedly turned his head to look again, but only saw the backs of tourists.

Shen Jia, who was already in the car, puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with Brother Cong? What are you looking for?"

The fans over there also looked over in confusion.

Qi Cong regained his senses, waved to the fans again, then got into the car and replied, "No, I just... forget it." It was probably an illusion.

In the airport, Gu Xun turned out from behind the airport pillar where he was hiding, watched the car that Qi Cong was riding in, and raised his hand to press down the hat on his head.

"Your behavior is really perverted." A cool voice came from the side.

Gu Xun looked over and saw Qi Cong's good mood dissipated. He frowned and said to his friend: "Stop talking slander. He will come out in about mid-October when he joins the group this time. Do you want to use him as the second male lead in your movie? Think clearly, don't delay his schedule."

"What's the hurry?" Nan Ting swiped his phone, but the system indicated that this was the last page of the novel. He put away his phone and said to Gu Xun, "I am more interested in his novels than your sweetheart's acting skills. As someone's ex-boyfriend, you can give me the result of "Chivalry" Did you get it ahead of time? I'm really curious about how Feng Yue died in the end."

The words ex-boyfriend deeply touched Gu Xun's pain point. He looked at Nan Ting with a gloomy face and said, "I'm not an ex-boyfriend."

"Yes, you're not." Nan Ting nodded and continued to stimulate, "You said that your ex-boyfriend is flattering you, didn't you see how everyone guessed on the Internet? Gu Xun pretended to be affectionate and unrequited, and Qi Cong focused on Shen Jia. Oh, those fans of yours are so heartbroken. Shen Jia scolded Qi Cong in secret, saying that Qi Cong had bad eyesight, and that Qi Cong was not worthy of you. Some people wondered if you and Qi Cong had clashed, saying that Shen Jia If it is gay, it must be 0. Qi Cong cares so much about him, and most of it is 1. If you look at it, it is also 1. Two 1s will not have a good result. Or are you willing to do 0 for love? "

Gu Xun's brows were furrowed when he heard it: "What's the mess, Qi Cong is devoted to Shen Jia? Who is guessing like that?"

"I'm guessing like this, haven't you read Weibo these days?" Nan Ting opened Weibo very "intimately", clicked on a few high-profile analysis articles in his collection, and ran into Gu Xun's eyes, "Here, good Long experience, poor hit-and-run actor."