Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 26: 026 The most talented woman in Xiangfu 8


"Ye Aiqing's daughter!" The emperor couldn't help being happy when he thought of this, he looked at the third prince, "I remember that you had a close relationship with Shaohua before, why did you act like you didn't know about it?"

Hearing this, the pupils of the three present shrank, especially the third prince, who stared blankly at the blueprint.

If it weren't for the emperor's golden words, no one present would believe that this precise drawing came from the former talented woman who had long been forgotten by everyone

And the current talented woman, the improved blueprint that she herself regarded as a treasure, in front of that blueprint, looks really rough like a piece of straw paper.

"Has Commander Yu from Shenji Camp come?" After the emperor finished speaking, he turned to ask the eunuch beside him.

"Report to the emperor, soon." The chief eunuch said in a sharp voice: "The slave has already sent people to find Commander Yu as soon as possible."

Commander Yu, who was in charge of making weapons, arrived soon. He looked at the picture left by Ye Shaohua, and couldn't recover for a long time, "Hurry up, tell Shenjiying, we have a clue! No one should come here during this time." Disturb us!"

After learning that the blueprint came from Ye Shaohua, Commander Yu took a deep breath.

He almost didn't even care about the emperor, but the emperor understood his feelings, didn't say anything, just smiled and waved his hands to let the people of Shenji camp rush to work overnight.

The third prince and others came out together with Commander Yu. Commander Yu didn't know that Bai Zhenzhen was also here to present the picture, so he just cupped his hands and said anxiously: "Third Prince, I am in a hurry to deal with weapons, so I left first."

The third prince stood at the same spot, tugged at his lips, but he didn't laugh at all. What did the emperor's eyes mean before he left

And... How could such a picture be made by Ye Shaohua? The third prince tried his best to recall Ye Shaohua's previous messages. The other party was just an old-fashioned woman. Like most women in the world, he had already forgotten about Bai Zhenzhen after seeing how different she was.

But now, who would have thought that such a woman would be so talented? !

In particular, Prime Minister Ye came to the mansion to look for him in person yesterday, but he ignored Prime Minister Ye. Thinking of this, the third prince's expression became even more regretful.

At that time, he thought that the Ye family was useless and would collapse sooner or later, who knew that such a thing would happen!

At this time, you must not push the Ye family away, "Come here, let Master Li from Tai Hospital come to me."

He remembered that Li Taiyi was responsible for the illness of the Prime Minister's family.

The third prince came and went in a hurry, and didn't even talk to Bai Zhenzhen much.

Bai Zhenzhen is not calm now, she knows that the design drawing is from modern times, and now someone has drawn it so clearly, does it mean that Ye Shaohua is also from modern times

No, if Ye Shaohua came from modern times, he would have exposed his lies long ago, so it should be a coincidence.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhenzhen's heart gradually calmed down, her eyes darkened, as long as she was an ancient person, she had countless mature legal systems in her mind, and any set of systems would impress the emperor, and there were many ways to deal with it This group of ancient people.


The third prince brought Imperial Physician Li to Ye's house, but Imperial Physician Li was not very willing in his heart, it was just to save face for the third prince.

"Prime Minister Ye, I heard that Mrs. Zun is seriously ill, so I specially sought out Imperial Physician Li to treat her." The third prince's words were very beautiful and courteous, "I don't think, Mr. Prime Minister, you don't want Mrs. Zun to be ill all the time. ?”

Prime Minister Ye really doesn't want to have more friendship with the third prince. In the past few days, he has seen more people's hearts than he has seen in half his life.

Especially with her daughter being dragged down, Prime Minister Ye pursed his lips.

If the wife is still well, she will definitely not accept the false kindness of the third prince. He thought about it and politely declined.

"Prime Minister Ye, only Imperial Physician Li can cure Mrs. Li." The third prince looked at Prime Minister Ye, and could not help but threaten in his mouth.

Everyone knows that Imperial Physician Ye belongs to his third prince.

"Only he can be cured? Tsk, I don't dare to say that." A person came from outside the gate, dressed in a blue brocade robe, as thin as pine, with a piece of ancient jade hanging from his waist.

"Miraculous doctor Yuheng!" Imperial Physician Ye said in a startled voice.

The third prince's heart was shocked, Yuheng, the number one genius doctor in Jianghu, most people only heard of him by name, and like Tianjizi, he never asked about court affairs, how could he appear here

Not to mention the third prince, Prime Minister Ye was shocked.

Such an arrogant person like Yuheng would not care about Imperial Doctor Li, he just bowed his hands to Prime Minister Ye, "Xiao Shaohua Feige sent a letter to let me hurry over here, Uncle Ye, I quickly put down what I am doing and come to Beijing, you have to let her take care of herself." make it up to me…”

When the third prince left Ye Mansion, his footsteps were all floating. He never thought that Ye Shaohua, who he hadn't asked for three years, would have such great ability, and even Yuheng had a close relationship with her.


The next day, the emperor greatly praised Ye's mansion, sending rare treasures to Ye's mansion one by one.

After the Ye Mansion experienced decline, it became the number one person in Beijing again, and it was more prosperous than before!

And there are countless Icemen who come to the door for Ye Shaohua and Ye Huaijin.

In order to avoid Yuheng and Mrs. Ye, Ye Shaohua went to the streets and alleys with Mohen.

Ye Shaohua was holding the birdcage in one hand and the bird food in the other, whistling in his mouth, looking like a playboy.

"Miss, let's change the alley, there are killers ahead." Mo Hen looked at the alley that was in full swing, feeling a little unhappy, "We have to detour again."

Hearing this, a group of murderous men in black turned their faces ferociously, and came directly towards Ye Shaohua with a sword in their hands, "If you see it, don't even think about leaving!"

"Miss, be careful!" The guards beside the prince shrank their pupils when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, Mohen stretched out his hand to pinch it, and she just pinched the sword that was about to reach Ye Shaohua's neck.

The prince's guard was also stunned for a moment. At this moment, he saw the prince's face turned pale, and his hand that was originally resisting the hidden weapon softened, "Your Highness!"

Ye Shaohua narrowed her eyes slightly, she wanted to turn around and leave, but at that second, she saw the prince's hand hanging down, and there was a bright red mole on the palm.

Huangfu Yunzheng had expected that he would be doomed when he committed a secret illness, but in the next second, there was a sound of piercing through the air.

The poisoned hidden weapon collided with a copper coin and both fell to the ground.

Huangfu Yunzheng suddenly turned his head to look at the goose-yellow figure.

"Miss, didn't you say that people will be jealous if people know your power to dominate the world?"

"Spicy Jigouzi, if you are a bit useful, can you let your master let me take action?"

royal palace.

Incense was burning in the queen's palace, and Huangfu Yunzheng and the third prince sat under her respectively.

She bowed her head and took a sip of tea, and said lightly: "Yun Zheng, you are not in good health, let your third brother manage the Shenji Camp."

Huangfu Yunzheng, who had just experienced an assassination, didn't feel the slightest bit sad. He suffered from hidden illnesses due to fighting on the battlefield when he was a child, and it was impossible for him to be given the throne.

Everyone knew that the crown prince was just a consolation given to him by his father.

He was used to being treated coldly by his mother.

-----Off Topic-----

Kneeling today is the frying pan? Are you so cool

Huahua needs to collect 100 comments and replies. 100 comments are cooler and more lively. I haven’t collected 100 comments in five days. Today should be almost the same. When will you let Huahua enjoy it? The treatment of 100 comments T^T