Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 3: 003 rich and powerful lady 3


Father Ye hadn't seen Ye Shaohua for many years, and he owed Ye Shaohua from the bottom of his heart, so he wanted to make up for her. Knowing that her senior year was in an important period, he specially helped her arrange Class 1 for her senior year.

Teacher Zhang is the wife of the principal of No. 1 Middle School, so she dared to refuse directly.

Steward Ye frowned, and picked up his phone to contact Father Ye to discuss the matter.

"Don't bother me," Ye Shaohua, who hadn't spoken all this time, finally said, she glanced at Teacher Zhang, and then set her eyes on the principal, "Principal, please arrange another class for me, after all..." Ye Shaohua went to Leaning against the wall behind him, "When the time comes, the top students in Mr. Zhang's class don't pass the exam and blame me."

"Miss, don't talk nonsense," Ye Steward heard Ye Shaohua say this, and immediately refused, the decree lines between his brows became more obvious, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, our lady didn't mean it."

After saying this, he took a step back and lowered his voice, "Miss, don't talk nonsense, the first class is a talent preparatory camp, and the No. 1 Middle School spends most of its teachers here, you are in this class You will learn more systematically."

"No, principal, please rearrange." Ye Shaohua repeated, with a very calm expression, and an exceptionally glamorous aura. It didn't look like he was joking.

The principal glanced at Butler Ye, wanting to ask what he meant.

Steward Ye originally wanted to do his best to fight for Ye Shaohua, but seeing the other party's nonchalant attitude, he frowned and nodded at the principal as well.

The principal immediately helped Ye Shaohua arrange the second class.

Teacher Zhang watched Ye Shaohua walk away from her, she was still a little surprised, she didn't expect this Miss Ye family to be so easy to dismiss.

Especially the other party's expression was very cold, Teacher Zhang was a little confused for a while, there seemed to be a somewhat awe-inspiring aura around this Miss Ye, an aura that didn't belong to her at her age.

This thought was only for a moment, and Teacher Zhang didn't think about it anymore.

She is now in an important period of promotion. There is a top student in their class who has won the first place in the city for three consecutive entrance exams. It is very important for Teacher Zhang to be able to teach a student who is the first in the city in the college entrance examination. .

At this time, how could she have the time to care about a poor student like Ye Shaohua, if the other party was Ye Ke, the second daughter of the Ye family, she might be pleasantly surprised, but the other party was Ye Shaohua.

On the other hand, Steward Ye didn't pay attention to Ye Shaohua after sending her to the second class, but called Father Ye to clarify the matter.

After hanging up the phone, he glanced at the second class, his eyes narrowed.

It seems that this young lady is not as smart as imagined, normal people would choose to go to the first shift, and there is nothing to be afraid of with the Ye family as the backstage, but it is a pity that this young lady has no foresight, and she was forced to change shifts with a few words.

Such a person can't accomplish anything big.


Mrs. Ye attended a charity party at night and came back very late.

But when he came back, he knocked on the door and looked for Ye Shaohua.

"Shaohua, I heard that you rejected Class 1 today, and your father is a little angry. You also heard how good the teaching quality of Class 1 is. If you go back on your word, I can help you talk about it again?" Mrs. Ye said Take your time.

Ye Shaohua closed the computer with a "snap", and looked sideways slightly, "I don't care about you, I really like the atmosphere of the second class."

Although Ye Shaohua's tone is not good now, Mrs. Ye is not unhappy, but wants to clap her hands and laugh.

Sure enough, it was just like what the butler said, such a brainless person would hardly be able to achieve great things in the future.

So she said a few words without any pain and then left.

She doesn't care about the computer that Ye Shaohua plays, in her eyes, at Ye Shaohua's age, he can only play online games or something.

What she didn't know was that after she left, Ye Shaohua turned on the computer, which displayed extremely cumbersome instructions.

Seeing that the door was closed, Ye Shaohua stretched out his hand and pressed the enter button, and the computer interface full of programming instantly became a communication station.

This is a secret exchange site for international top hackers and programmers. Generally, people without skills and account numbers cannot enter. It is also a website that Ye Ke is extremely eager to enter.

As a sideline hacker queen, Ye Shaohua naturally wants to return to her old profession.

She also accepted a program in the forum. This program seemed a bit difficult, and no one accepted the order after hanging up for a long time. Most importantly, the reward was very high. Ye Shaohua registered an account named "Y" for herself to accept the program. one.

Three days later, when she handed over the completed software to her employer, she didn't know that a group of people far away in the capital had already blown up.

"Three young men and three young men! Look at this software! Oh my god, this is made by humans!"

Hearing the words, the man known as the third young man turned his face slightly, showing exceptionally deep and beautiful facial features, but there were cracks on his usually cold face at this moment, "Who made it? Let me check carefully."

A few hours later, the man stood at the window holding a piece of not-so-many documents, his eyes were particularly deep, "Ning Cheng? I remember that Jing Yan and his friend are in Ning Cheng, right?"

However, Ye Shaohua who was in the Ye family hadn't received the other party's account for several days, which was a bit strange.

But she didn't think much about it. There are not many people in this world who dare to owe money to a hacker, especially if they owe money to a powerful hacker. Ye Shaohua thought, as long as the other party is not out of his mind, he will never want to offend her.

She took the cup and went downstairs to the kitchen to pour water, but she didn't expect to find several people in the living room just as she went downstairs.

Ye Shaohua knew Ye Ke, Ye Han and Fu Jiachen, but she had never seen some noble men sitting next to Fu Jiachen.

But the other party didn't look at her directly, just chatting with Ye Ke seriously, Ye Shaohua echoed the plot provided by the system, and suddenly remembered that this is the high-ranking boy that Ye Ke liked in the previous life.

The two became friends because of programming, and the high-ranking boy was obsessed with hacking, and he admired Ye Ke very much.

That is, the high-ranking person who indirectly harmed Ye Shaohua in his previous life.

Thinking of this, Ye Shaohua slightly lowered his eyes.

Fu Jiachen also saw Ye Shaohua. He paused for a while on the other's overly glamorous face, but moved away after a while. He remembered what Ye Ke told him. Not only did he dislike him, but he also took the initiative to go to the second class.

"Who is that person?" The noble man obviously felt Ye Shaohua's gaze, and frowned slightly, a little impatiently.

"A Ke's elder sister, the daughter of Uncle Ye's ex-wife, was brought back a few days ago." Fu Jiachen shook his head slightly, "A girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, Wu Shao don't need to worry about her."

The Fifth Young Master didn't say anything after hearing that, and turned back to talk to Ye Ke again.

Ye Shaohua poured water from the kitchen and came back. When he passed by Ye Ke, he caught a glimpse of Ye Ke's computer interface and couldn't help but pause.

That was the software programming she had handed over a few days ago. Ye Ke was obviously relearning, but she could only memorize half of it, and she never succeeded in doing it.

"Sister, are you looking at the code?" Seeing Ye Shaohua, Ye Ke deliberately tilted his head and asked.

Ye Shaohua narrowed his eyes, "Yes."

"Then do you understand everything?"

Ye Shaohua took a sip of water, "Naturally,"

Hearing that Ye Ke actually talked to Ye Shaohua, the housekeeper and Fu Jiachen frowned, especially the last sentence of Ye Shaohua, both of them turned dark.

Do you really think they don't exist? Ye Ke has learned such a complicated code for a long time, so Ye Shaohua can remember it after reading it once? That's not how the Arabian Nights came about.

It's just that Ye Ke didn't care about them, but looked at Ye Shaohua with a smile, "This is the programming of the new software given to me by the fifth young master. Since my sister is so confident, come and try it?"

Ye Ke did it on purpose. This software is a recent craze in the laboratory, but the codes inside are too complicated. Even Teacher Cheng in the laboratory doesn’t understand it. .

She didn't think Ye Shaohua could remember, even a genius would not memorize so many things in a short period of time.

So after seeing Ye Shaohua really took over the computer, Ye Ke shook his head and laughed, thinking that Ye Shaohua was even more brainless than what the butler told her.

But what Ye Ke didn't know was that Ye Shaohua was not only a fighter among geniuses, but also a giant in the hacker world.

Following Ye Shaohua's next actions, Ye Ke's smile froze suddenly.

-----Off Topic-----

Thanks to all the cuties, Huahua has not updated until now, but it just happens to be with everyone during the Chinese New Year ^_^

ps: This article is tentatively scheduled to be updated at 9:00 a.m. every day, starting in Xiaoxiang, and Q Reading will be delayed by 20 minutes, and it will be updated at 9:30 a.m.~

There is an update every day, but this update has a lot of words, almost 3,000...

Too little, um... Look at my big copper bell eyes ⊙—⊙, are you afraid

Another p s: Thank you all for the cute flowers and diamonds, and the cute rewards from qread!