Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 31: 031 The First Talented Woman in Xiangfu 13


The crown prince and his party were exceptionally victorious on the battlefield, recovering cities one after another, and even the soldiers under him were promoted one after another.

Wherever he went, the people spontaneously lined up to welcome him, and his prestige in the frontier was unparalleled for a while.

And the prince's deputy general Su also became a general, fighting against the Bai family.

All this made the Bai family panic and regret why they didn't go out with the prince.

The prince, who has always been silent, has finally been taken into consideration by the officials of the capital.

When Bai Zhenzhen and the third prince heard the news, their previous attitude of not taking the prince seriously disappeared completely.

In particular, all the people sent by the uncle of the country seemed to have disappeared, which disappointed the people from the third prince's group.

The prince and others returned in triumph, and the emperor went ten miles away to meet them in person.

"If you don't come back, your mother will go to look for you outside the Great Wall." Prime Minister Ye looked at Ye Shaohua from top to bottom. He didn't lose weight, but became more eye-catching, so he was satisfied. "Go, go back and take your time." explain."

"Miss, you didn't take me to play this time." Mo Hen stood behind Prime Minister Ye with a look of pain.

"Okay, I'll bring you next time." Ye Shaohua raised his eyebrows and responded casually.

Mohen smiled happily.

Ye Huaijin, who was standing aside and no one was paying attention, felt for a moment that she might not be her own.

Mrs. Ye was still waiting at home, Prime Minister Ye didn't stay long, and was about to rush back with a few people.

The group happened to meet the newly promoted General Su. Prime Minister Ye was about to drag Ye Huaijin out to entertain him, but General Su spoke up unexpectedly.

"Miss Ye, are you ready to go back?" General Su was very respectful.

"Okay, let my sister have a good rest for two days, and show you some three-talented fish-scale formation every day. She will be tired if you are not tired." Ye Huaijin immediately stopped General Su's next words.

"But the emperor..." General Su struggled for a long time, but he didn't dare to say anything to Ye Shaohua, so he could only reluctantly let Ye Shaohua go.

Prime Minister Ye couldn't understand what they meant, what kind of three-talented fish-scale array

He was even more surprised by General Su's attitude. The general is also a first-rank military attache. How could he be so respectful to his daughter

The third prince, Bai Zhenzhen and others stood in the crowd, watching Ye Shaohua and others leave, Bai Zhenzhen's nails were embedded in his palms.

Laughed again after a while.

It's been seven months, Ye Shaohua, Huangfu Yunzheng... You are all in the frontier, probably don't know, I have almost infiltrated the entire dynasty.

The whole country knew that the person who built the road in Guangxing was her, Bai Zhenzhen.

As for Ye Shaohua, he was unknown in the army, and only the crown prince and Ye Huaijin were praised by outsiders. Only those who love chess can remember the chess game played a few months ago. Ordinary people, who cares whether you have talent or not

They only remember Bai Zhenzhen who worked for their welfare, her name will be engraved in history soon.

Ye Shaohua is too low-key in the frontier, almost no one outside knows about her, only His Royal Highness is the one who spreads the praises.

Bai Zhenzhen always thought that she was going to make soy sauce, so she would be better than Ye Shaohua at this time, and she didn't like Ye Shaohua's idea.

Bai Zhenzhen put these thoughts aside, but whispered to the third prince that she was going to see the emperor.

She thought of a new method, and believed that in a few days her new policy would be able to block the prince and others, and she couldn't help being excited when she thought of this.

The prince has been weak since he was a child, the emperor had arranged for the imperial physician to wait in the palace, and he himself summoned General Su.

When General Su went to the imperial study, he happened to see Bai Zhenzhen coming out with a happy face.

He was a little surprised, which family's daughter was able to enter and exit the imperial study independently

"General Su, you came at the right time." The emperor calmed down when he saw General Su coming, "Let's take a look, how about this policy of suppressing agriculture and promoting commerce, prohibiting wars, allowing the people to live in peace, and building a peaceful country? "

"Suppression of agriculture and emphasis on business?" General Su frowned. Even a military attache knew that this was not in line with the national conditions. "Prohibition of war? How can we keep the people safe without war? Who the hell said this?"

"The second lady of the Bai family who just left," the emperor sneered, "she is now the savior and living Bodhisattva in the hearts of all the people, comparable to Wenquxing descending to save the world."

Bai Zhenzhen only wanted to make meritorious deeds, and to copy everything in future generations.

But she forgot that a country's economic policy is determined by its economic foundation and the interests of those in power. A policy that emphasizes agriculture and suppresses business that has prevailed for thousands of years naturally has its reasons.

In fact, part of the reason why she can make people admire her is because of her passionate speeches.

"Savior?" General Su frowned, a little in disbelief, "Miss Ye dare not call herself that!"

"It's true." When Ye Shaohua was mentioned, the emperor was also a little happy. "General Su has done a great job this time, but do you have any other requests?"

"Is there any request? If it is not for the crown prince, Ms. Ye, I am not sure whether I will be able to live. There is one more thing, Yun Guo said that he will come to court in a few days." General Su waved his hands repeatedly, but he did not dare to take credit for it.

Originally, when this group of people went to the frontier, he thought that Ye Huaijin, who was known as a talented scholar, was the most resourceful among them.

But who knows, each of these three people is scarier than the other.

Ye Shaohua and Huangfu Yunzheng are even more monstrous than the other.

Huangfu Yunzheng predicted things like a god, and Ye Shaohua was superb in arranging troops. The cooperation between the two was like a godsend, and the Buddha should destroy the Buddha.

The emperor didn't even know that the last battle was actually a siege of the Three Kingdoms. They won with 30,000 troops against 100,000 elite local soldiers and with less than 1% casualties.

General Su felt that those countries were clearly scared away by the aggressiveness of these two monsters.

After General Su left, the emperor looked at the white paper of "emphasizing business and suppressing agriculture" in his hand, and said softly: "It's also strange that the truly meritorious people are so low-key that they don't bother to enter the palace to receive rewards, while the sensationalists are widely known."

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not know the dialogue between the emperor and General Su, so he stood aside and was terrified.

Your Majesty's "sensation" refers to Miss Bai Er? No way, she is the savior of the world, and she has written a lot of people's livelihood laws. If she is just sensationalizing, what other people have a way to survive

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Thank you for your support. What Huahua can do is to write every word well, live up to your expectations, and walk along the way.

Hey, Happy Lantern Festival~ The tall flower kneeling on the wool blanket whispered