Special Case Files of Rebirth

Chapter 65: Night Owl IV


When Guan Jin woke up refreshed after a night's sleep, he found that Lu Yunyang was still in the kitchen of his house, enjoying breakfast.

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm going to the police station today. You're near the police station. I can take you there with me. Besides, I can make breakfast and have it together." Lu Yunyang counted his reasons.

Guan Jin frowned and thought about it, it seemed that it was more beneficial to himself, and he was too lazy to care about him.

After eating and drinking, Guan Jin changed his clothes and waited at the door for the "driver" to go downstairs and drive.

Lu Yunyang walked to the door, suddenly turned around and approached Guan Jin, "For the sake of serving you wholeheartedly, can I make a small request?"

"What?" Guan Jin looked at him vigilantly.

"I'm asking for a gift of going out."

When Guan Jin was quickly recalling what etiquette he should have when going out, Lu Yunyang's lips were already close to the corner of his mouth and he sucked lightly.

"Maintaining etiquette is our fine tradition." Lu Yunyang smiled.

"What kind of etiquette is this here! You are not French!" Guan Jin raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth and glared.

"Our family has been educating children in this way since childhood, a family tradition."

So, all the way to the police station, the debate about etiquette and tradition has risen to such a bizarre direction as the conflict and fusion of Eastern and Western cultures...

"Guan Jin, you're back! If you have something to ask Xiaobai, let's go first!" Ding Ding rushed out first, followed by Gu Xiang and Wen Jinghan.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Aren't Zheng Fei and Qiao Yu going to deal with the case in the West District? When catching the murderer of the shooting case, a big fish came across unexpectedly." Wen Jinghan said.

"Big fish?"

"Remember the sniper who shot the suspect twice?"

A former commercial building on Zitong Road, with two 7-story office buildings in the front and rear, was originally planned to be demolished and rebuilt, but it was shelved due to funding problems, and it has remained vacant.

"This morning, the main culprit of the shooting was just caught from the south building, and he was sent to see the King of Hell by a bullet from the north building. It's too embarrassing!" Zheng Fei was still wearing a bulletproof vest, standing in front of a group of police angrily. .

"Or the sniper?" Guan Jin asked.

"You can't go wrong, although the ballistic test has not been done yet, but the caliber is the same and the numbers are connected. I dare to guarantee the director's black gauze cap, it is definitely that kid."

"...Why did you use the director's black gauze cap to vouch for it?" Tintin asked.

"Because I don't have one."

"… "

"It's all here, that kid is really difficult to deal with. The police from the entire West District plus the special police and the special case team are crowded into this dilapidated building, but there is only one opponent, one person!" From the command room on the fifth floor Chen Qiaoyu, who came out, said bitterly.

"What's wrong with your arm?" Guan Jin saw that Chen Qiaoyu's left arm was wrapped in gauze.

"Oh, I was exposed to the outside and was accidentally swept by that person's bullet, and it scratched a little bit of skin. It's fine." Chen Qiaoyu waved his left hand carelessly.

Guan Jin's face suddenly sank, and he was grazed by the sniper's bullet.

"What is he thinking about hiding in there now?" Lu Yunyang asked.

"The fish is dead and the net is broken. He occupies a good position, and his marksmanship is very accurate, he moves quickly, and he shoots when our people come forward, and even if it is a siege, he does not panic, and looks for a few points to shoot. We have three people. He was shot, so he simply wore a bulletproof vest, but his life was not injured. Even so, the brothers cannot be used as human shields. This guy wants to kill one for enough money, and kill two to earn one." Captain Wang, I am very troubled by the current situation.

"Have you tried going up from the back? Or just kill him." Wen Jinghan asked.

"This building is empty. No matter which direction we rushed from, he could quickly find the shooting point. And he was very good at hiding, and our snipers couldn't catch him at all."

"Don't you have a thermal imager? Go straight through the wall." Guan Jin suggested.

"Little brother, your idea is very good, but we are not an army, and police sniper rifles do not have such power."

"Where is he now?"

"On the second floor, but the exact location is unclear."

Leaning against the window, Guan Jin carefully observed the terrain of the building opposite, and had an idea in his heart.

"Do you have a dummy? It's the kind of paper dummy that often appears on shooting ranges. Of course, a simulated plastic model is better."

"What do you want this for?" Wen Jinghan asked.

"Go get one, it's about the same size as him." Guan Jin pushed Lu Yunyang.

Lu Yunyang blinked in confusion.

"Go." Captain Wang saw Wen Jinghan nodding at him, and then ordered someone to do it.

He turned his head to ask what Guan Jin meant, but saw that he was snatching a gun from a police sniper, fiddling with it, and pouting in disgust. The little policeman stood stunned and touched his head.

"this… "

"Calm down and see what he can do." Wen Jinghan patted Captain Wang on the shoulder.

Ten minutes later, a policeman came up with a plastic mannequin wearing a casual suit that looked a bit like Lu Yunyang.

"You go to the fourth window on the left on the third floor now. When you receive my notice, go to the window and shake it twice for no more than 10 seconds. Then put the dummy at the window, and you retreat to a safe place." The gun was on the shoulder to resist, and the chin was raised at Lu Yunyang.

Lu Yunyang pointed to himself and nodded inexplicably.

"Captain Wang put your people on standby, and rush up when you hear the gunshot. Don't forget to flank behind, be careful he climbs down from the back side. The others stay honest." Taking a walkie-talkie, Guan Jin said this sentence. Then, go out the door with the gun in your hand.

Leaving a room full of people staring at each other.

"I said, is this your new leader?" Team Wang asked Wen Jinghan.

"Since he wants to lead, just listen to him once." Wen Jinghan frowned slightly as he watched the back of his leaving.

Seeing Guan Jin leave, Lu Yunyang hurriedly followed the instructions and took two policemen carrying models to the third floor.

"Are you there yet?" Guan Jin's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Lu Yunyang hid by the window, looked at the other side and replied, "It's here."

"Now look out from the window and pretend to be commanding the defense."

Lu Yunyang stood in front of the window according to the words, looking around, pointing fingers. After 10 seconds, he withdrew to the wall and placed the dummy at the window with the police.

Lu Yunyang leaned against the wall and looked at the dummy thoughtfully, suddenly his eyes widened and he looked at the opposite side in disbelief. Could it be that he was thinking - Lu Yunyang turned and ran out of the room, rushing to the sixth floor.

A room on the sixth floor at this time. Guan Jin held his breath and stared at the lower right corner of a window on the fourth floor of the opposite floor from the scope without moving.

Sure enough, about 20 seconds later, a gun barrel stretched out from the lower right corner of the window without the glass, pointing in the direction of the window where Lu Yunyang had appeared before. The muzzle stagnated for less than a second, and turned its direction almost instantly, pointing to Guan Jin's location impartially.

It's now! Almost as soon as Guan Jin pulled the trigger steadily, the gunshots on the opposite side also rang. Before Guan Jin's fingers were released, he quickly avoided his body, and a bullet flew past his cheek almost, and shot through the exhaust tin cabinet in the room with a bang.

"Guan Jin!" When Lu Yunyang rushed into the large office, there was already a commotion outside: "He was shot, hurry up, copy the two buns."

Lu Yunyang looked at Guan Jin who was leaning against the wall breathing slowly, and walked over slowly, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

"It's a pity that I missed the key point, but I'm afraid he won't be able to use a gun." Guan Jin said to himself, completely ignoring the storm gathering in Lu Yunyang's eyes.

"You designed him. You calculated the best design point in advance, and took advantage of his idea of protesting with the police, and asked me to go to the window to lure him into the bait. He saw me on the third floor opposite, and immediately judged where it was on the fourth floor. Could hit me better. So he moved quickly to the 4th floor. And you've been in ambush here before, because this is the best position to shoot at that window on the 4th floor. The mantis oriole is in the back, really high. But I don't understand, how do you know that he will definitely expose himself. You know, he is very good at hiding himself." Lu Yunyang asked with a cold face.

Guan Jin raised the corners of his mouth: "What's so difficult about this? He's a killer, although he looks a little more youthful in challenging the police, but his marksmanship is top-notch, his brain is smart, and his intuition is very accurate. It's a piece of cake to determine where to shoot you. , but within half a second of his eyesight it would have been a dummy. So he would have made a judgment right away that we were deliberately trying to lure him with the dummy, in effect shooting him. And for his location The best sniping point is here. So he can turn his gun to point at me between lightning and flint, but the time is too short, and he is too impulsive, forgetting his position is not the best point to attack me, So half of his arm will definitely be exposed."

"But he's very quick, and he's going to hide right after he shoots. You see his arm and he's shooting too. How can you be sure to hit him and he won't hit you?"

"Wait for him to show his arms and then shoot, and I'm going to have a head on now. I fired when he turned the gun around, and depending on the speed of the bullet and the distance between the two floors, at least it could hit him and then With the exposed hand, I can get out of my body." Guan Jin kissed the body of the gun lightly.

"Get out of your body?" Lu Yunyang reached out and stroked the hair beside his ear, "Is it a brush away?"

"Ah?" Guan Jin looked at the ends of his hair out of the corner of his eyes, and seemed to be scorched by the heat of the bullet, "I know, it's not even skin—" Lu Yunyang was caught by Lu Yunyang before he could say lightly. Crazy stuck in the mouth.

This man usually looks gentle and elegant, but he is also very sturdy when he is angry, almost swallowing him, biting Guan Jin's lips and tongue. For the first time, Guan Jin felt that the kiss had a fiery pungent taste, and the impact made his mind go blank. It wasn't until his tongue hurt from his teeth that Guan Jin returned to his original position, and he pushed Lu Yunyang away.

"You, what the hell are you doing!"

"You are the one who went crazy." Lu Yunyang raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth lightly, "Did you know that you were just playing for your own life! Who do you think you are? The God of Death? The Palace of the King of Hell opened by himself, you can go there if you want. Go, why don't you go if you don't want to?"

"Hey, you don't need to be so vicious!" Guan Jin was surprised by Lu Yunyang's rare meanness.

Lu Yunyang suddenly smiled bitterly again, he stretched out his hand to take Guan Jin into his arms and hugged gently: "I know you are very powerful, and I know that you will not show weakness or seek help from others, but take care of the mood of those who value you. If this goes on, I will lose ten years of my life."

Faced with such concern, Guan Jin felt uncomfortable, his hands stopped in the air, and he didn't know where to put them.

"Cough, you can rest assured that the disaster will be left for thousands of years, and you will not lose much if you live ten years less." This is comfort.

Lu Yunyang was really dumbfounded, there was no way, who made him fall in love with such a special person

Raising his head, Lu Yunyang still raised his eyebrows at Guan Jin: "However, seriously. The decision to kill, courage and strategy, it's amazing!"

"Don't worry, I will cover you in the future." Guan Jin was proud that he finally found a place in front of Lu Yunyang.

"Guan Jin! Did you shoot the gun? I adore you!!!" Tintin rushed in first.

Two people in the room who are "cuddling" with each other: …

"I'm sorry, you guys continue!" She turned around and ran back before she stopped, shouting as she ran, "Go down, all go down. Can't you understand indecent manners?"

Wen Jinghan walked up alone, and it was estimated that Ding Ding would not dare to stop him.

"When you're done talking, I want to say a few words." Wen Jinghan stared at their red lips and smiled.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yunyang said nothing.

"The man ran away again."

"What?! A group of police like you can't catch a single injured person?" Guan Jin felt that he wasted his time.

"Fortunately, he escaped along the underground warehouse. Before, the blueprints we obtained showed that there was no underground warehouse at all. This was built later. The team of Wang has already chased them, hoping to catch them."

"Forget it, it should be like this, don't force it." Guan Jin stuffed the gun into Wen Jinghan, "Let him go." In fact, he was also somewhat conflicted, not knowing whether he wanted that person to be caught or to escape.

"Aren't you unwilling?" Lu Yunyang said after him.

"I've already won. It's because these police officers are incompetent that they can't catch anyone. Besides, that guy is actually quite powerful."

"It sounds a little sympathetic."

"Hey, you sound sour." Guan Jin glanced at him.

"Oh, Xiao Jin, it's really gratifying that you can finally sense my mood."

"Don't stick to me, I haven't settled with you yet."

"I don't mind you kissing back."

"Ugh... I mind!"

The author has something to say: The next chapter of the Owl of the Night is over. Preview of the next case: Cruise Ship Cry~