Special Case Files of Rebirth

Chapter 99: Horror scene (8)


"According to the crew and the help of Guo Zizhen and the agent, Guo Zizhen has been very smooth recently, and likes to show off the market, but there are many people like this in the circle, and they are not enough to kill people to vent their anger." Gu Xiang said, "The reason why Guo Zizhen is so popular So soon, the agent said that the company was willing to support him."

Ding Ding took over, "Actually, the owner of a real estate company is willing to pay to support him. As for the hidden relationship between the two, it is all hearsay."

Guan Jin snorted coldly: "Cyan deals, everyone gets what they need. That boss Min Yan has some friendship and has sponsored a lot. The condition is to support his little lover."

Everyone looked at him in amazement.

"Guan Jin, is this a gossip or an investigation result?" Zheng Fei asked everyone's doubts.

Guan Jin raised his eyelids: "It's true."

Wen Jinghan knew a little about his connection with Min Yan, and smiled slightly: "I have confirmed Guan Jin's source, no problem."

"That boss has a family?" Chen Qiaoyu asked.

"No, unmarried. I know you're guessing whether the main room wants to get rid of the rival in love, but there is no such problem."

"The crew confirmed his conversation with Yan Qing that day, as well as Guo Zizhen's actions that day. After two o'clock, because he said he was going to sleep, no one bothered him." Gu Xiang continued.

"But someone actually went." Wen Jinghan drew a line between the two victims, "For the two murders in the same crew, most of the murderers were members of the crew. If it was the same murderer, Guo Zizhen and the last deceased. Zhao Qi must have something in common or a common connection."

"Hey, the most direct contact is Yan Qing. In the first case, he had his hair on the first scene. In the second case, he found someone. It's too coincidental to think about it." Lin Bai flipped through the records. Say.

"He can't be the murderer. Guo Zizhen died between 3 and 4 pm. During this time, everyone can confirm that Yan Qing was filming his scene and never left. After Guo Zizhen was strangled to death, he was tied with a rope. After designing the door in advance, this is not an impulsive crime, but premeditated, and this action will not take too little time, we estimated at least 20 minutes. People who leave for more than 20 minutes from 3 to 4 There are a total of 8, including Yu Manting, Zhang Xin, Du Ping, Lin Shuyao, and 3 props and drama staff." Ding Ding said.

"Not necessarily. He can kill people first and wait until another time to complete the follow-up work." Guan Jin hit the nail on the head.

"... I was negligent. But wouldn't it be suspicious if I left for more than 10 minutes?"

"I always feel," Wen Jinghan stroked the ends of his hair, "the murderer's motives and methods are a bit special. The first one drained his blood, and the second one was strenuously fixed on the door. For what? Punishment, demonstration, ceremony or something else. … If it is a serial killer who kills, there is always a trace, or the common ground of the victim or the mental state expressed by the way of killing…”

Everyone was silent.

"Guan Jin, you've been partnering with Yun Yang for so long, you haven't forgotten the purpose of me asking you to follow. You've been immersed in your eyes and ears, and you've been learning seriously. You go back and think about it, and give us some inspiration." Wen Jinghan nodded at Guan Jin.

... Are you so open and aboveboard that you regard stealing learning as an attack to show off

Guan Jin went back to his computer, staring at the screen in a daze. What did you learn by yourself? It seems that his eloquence has improved a lot, and he has become a little more talkative...

Suddenly a scene flashed in front of him, Guan Jin's eyes lit up, and he opened the web page and tapped.

Not this, not this, not this! Why don't you remember your name? Only then did Guan Jin feel what a precious talent it is to remember.

"Hey, Lin Bai, I'm looking for an old movie, but I forgot the name, what should I do?"

Lin Bai blinked: "Does the production company remember?"

"... Who can remember that kind of thing even if you can't remember the name!"

"Then mobilize the masses."


"Go to put up a sticker online, write the content of the movie, and ask for the name. The reward points are higher, and someone will definitely give you the answer."

Guan Jin reluctantly went to the Internet to register and made a post. As a result, within half an hour, someone replied: It is called the Black Room of Spirituality, which is a suspense film from seven or eight years ago.

Guan Jin immediately searched by name, and sure enough, there was an introduction, which was the one he was looking for. He silently worshipped the power of the Internet in his heart.

"are you free tonight?"

"What's the wind blowing today? You actually took the initiative to call me?" Min Yan on the other end pretended to be surprised.

"I just sent you an email. It's a film from a long time ago, which was cast before your company merged. You can help me check all the information and insider information about the filming at that time. Especially when it comes to our current The relationship between the people in the case and the movie." Guan Jin said rudely.

"It turned out to be using me to make me happy for nothing." Min Yan's voice was hurt.

"That shows that you still have some use, and you should feel honored. Go check it out quickly, and you will have a good opinion at 6 o'clock in the evening."

"I have an entertainment tonight."

"Push it off."

"...Police officer, can you send me a pennant that will actively assist the police in solving the case, even at the cost of losing a lot of business?"

"Exchange business for the pennant? Your brain isn't broken, right?"

"...It's alright, see you tonight."

"Then, this film, which is still a small profit from the investment, was produced by a studio I acquired before. The main actor has already retired from the circle and went abroad, but I found that Lin Shuyao was playing tricks in it. At that time, a lot of newcomers were selected for this film, I asked people to check the audition records at that time, and there was actually Yan Qing's name in it, he passed the role of the third male, but later he refused because of a better film." Min Yan handed it to him. Guan Jin some information.

"Yan Qing debuted so early?"

"Well, he was only 18 years old when he debuted. He was 19 seven years ago, and he was not famous at that time."

"How did you find this film? Coincidence?" Min Yan had obviously seen the film.

"You must know that Yan Qing was given a disgusting flower before, and this time Guo Zizhen died, both scenes were from movie clips. The person who died at the beginning was also the same as the script. "

"What does this mean?"

Guan Jin hesitated for a moment: "I'm not sure yet."

"Ah... Professor Lu hasn't been around recently?"

"Don't ask questions knowingly."

Min Yan shrugged: "I said, you asked me to come to the restaurant to starve me, right?"

“… Waiter, order.”

The two were eating when Guan Jin's phone rang.

"At home or at the police station?" Lu Yunyang's low and gentle voice came.

"In the restaurant outside." Guan Jin took a sip of soup.

"Dinner? With whom?" The tone was very similar to Cha Gang.

"President Min."

"Min Yan? What did he do for you?" He didn't sound very happy.

"I was looking for him, I haven't seen him for a long time." Guan Jin said lightly.

"Did you miss him?" He sounded very upset.

"Just have a meal."

"You like something more. I'll call you when you go back."

Min Yan held his chin: "Hey, do you want to make the most of everything. What if Lu Yunyang doesn't like me and wants to find someone to do me?"

Guan Jin grinned: "Aren't you boring anymore?"

"thank you."

"You're welcome."

"However, if Lu Yunyang is too possessive and makes you uncomfortable, I can help you pry him off, and my arms will still be there for you." Min Yan's 100,000-volt electric eyes blinked.

"Thank you, I will convey your meaning to him, I wish you an early fight, the jade will burn, and leave the world a peaceful and prosperous world."

"... the most poisonous woman and man's heart."


"I said, try this oyster, it's good."

After dinner, Min Yan greeted the waiter to pay the bill.

The waiter came over and nodded: "Sir, this table has been settled."

"Who tied it?" Guan Jin asked.

"A gentleman named Lu."

Min Yan couldn't help laughing: "This kind of captive attitude is really admirable."

Guan Jin scolded in his heart, "Idiot, I wanted to spend other people's money on my own meal, but that's good, I'm rushing to invite others.

"Is it really necessary for him to follow me?" Yan Qing glanced behind her, but there was no one there.

Lu Yunshen took his hand and walked into the villa area: "You haven't suffered enough? You have been having nightmares at night! Don't worry, this is Yun Yang's most capable person, he won't show up easily, and he won't bother you. ."

Yan Qing sighed: "Should I go to burn incense and bathe recently to drive away evil spirits?"

Lu Yunshen stopped in his tracks, turned his head and said to his personal assistant, "Go and ask the private hot spring at home to prepare it, I'll use it."

"...No need, I'll just say it casually."

"Fortune tellers used to say that I have a lot of qi in my body," Lu Yunshen lowered his head and attached to Yan Qing's ear, "It's best to bathe you and exorcise evil spirits."

"...You shouldn't use this kind of reason for your sperm!" Yan Qing's heart was afraid that he was so angry that he disappeared without a trace.