Special Forces King

Chapter 113: intuition


When Tachibana Yoshio walked into Haian Town surrounded by several lieutenants, majors and a dozen guards, the entire ancient town had turned into a burning hell. The streets were littered with the corpses of innocent people, including many. The person has not yet breathed his last and is lying in a pool of blood, moaning and begging for help.

However, Tachibana Yoshio had a cold expression on his face, with no hint of unbearable expression on his brows.

Tachibana Yoshio was born into a military family, and the spirit of Bushido has almost been integrated into his bones. For such a person, if he doesn't even take his own life seriously, how can he care about the lives of others

When passing an old house, a young man in his early thirties suddenly rushed out of the yard.

The young man held a hatchet in his hand and shouted loudly: "You little devil, I will fight with you..."

Tachibana Yoshio stopped, turned sideways, and looked coldly at the young man rushing towards him with a hatchet in hand. His expression was iron-clad, without a trace of pity or panic. The situation was like looking at a dying animal. prey.

"Bah!" Before the young man could rush to Tachibana Yoshio, a major next to him fired.

Although the Southern-style pistol has a high failure rate, it is still very lethal. The high-rotating bullet directly penetrated the young man's head, breaking a large hole in the back of the head, shattering the bones and leaving mushy brain tissue. The young man shuddered violently, and then fell straight back like a piece of sawn wood. However, after falling to the ground, the young man's eyes widened. He was still staring at Tachibana Yoshio with an angry look, but his eyes became hollow.

The young man twitched twice and then became silent again, but the expression on Tachibana Yoshio's face did not change at all.

At this moment, a young woman suddenly rushed out of the house with a swaddled baby in her arms, screaming heartbreakingly: "His daddy, baby's daddy..."

However, the young man who fell to the ground could never respond to his beloved wife.

The young woman rushed to the young man with the baby in her arms, fell to her knees and cried loudly.

Tachibana Yoshio frowned, raised his white-gloved right hand and waved forward slightly.

The major who had fired just now shouted "Hai", put the southern-style pistol back into the holster, then pulled out the saber with his backhand, and stabbed the side of the young woman's neck. The sharp saber split open the young woman's neck muscles in an instant. It penetrated her chest, pierced her heart, and then emerged from her abdomen. In an instant, bright red blood spurted out from the blood groove of the saber like a fountain.

The young woman whimpered and fell at the young man's feet, and the baby in her arms rolled to the ground.

The major didn't show a trace of forbearance or pity. He pulled out the saber from the young woman's body and stabbed it into the baby. Before the poor baby even had time to open his eyes to see the world, he followed his parents and passed away. That Japanese devil After the major stabbed the baby, he even picked up the body with a bayonet and threw it far into the yard.

I don't know if it was because of killing the baby, but Tachibana Keio suddenly didn't want to go into the town anymore.

Tachibana Yoshio called the major who was doing the action to him and ordered: "Maeda-san, send troops to search a few more times, don't miss any corner, and make sure not to leave any living thing behind!"

"Hai." Major said, turning around.

Tachibana Yoshio turned his head to look at the couple who fell to the ground, then turned and walked out of the town.

A colonel took two steps to catch up with Tachibana Yoshio and whispered: "Detachment leader, the aviation reconnaissance team just reported that the remnants of the temporary 79th Division have left Nantong and are heading towards Haian Town."

"Yo Xi." A sinister smile appeared on Tachibana Yoshio's lips.

(Dividing line)

As soon as the Independence Camp passed Rugao, Xu Rui stopped and stopped moving forward.

Seeing Xu Rui stop, the remaining soldiers behind him also stopped one after another.

Leng Tiefeng came over and asked Xu Rui, "Old Xu, why don't you leave?"

"No, something's wrong." Xu Rui frowned and said thoughtfully, "I always feel like something is wrong."

"Are you overthinking it?" Leng Tiefeng said disapprovingly, "This is more than a hundred miles away from Nantong. Less than a hundred miles further is Haian Town, which is already the defense area of the 59th Army."

Jiang Nan also came forward and whispered: "During the lunch break, I just contacted the Shanghai Station of the Fuxing Society. According to the information our Fuxing Society has, the main force of the Japs is still resting on the front line from Wulu, Nanjing to Zhenjiang. The Japs in Jiangbei are After capturing Pukou and Yangzhou, we did not go north again, and there were no Japanese in front."

"I'm not sure if there are any Japs." Xu Rui paused, then continued coldly, "But, my intuition tells me that there will be danger if I go further!"

Leng Tiefeng and Jiang Nan said no more. They had already seen Xu Rui's hearing. This guy could even hear the subtle sounds of footsteps a thousand meters away. With such hearing, it seems that his intuition was far beyond ordinary people. Since he felt that there was However, it is best not to go any further.

At that moment, Xu Rui called He Shuya to him and said, "Nerd, go and call the 4th Company back."

He Shuya, now Xu Rui's correspondent, immediately agreed and trotted north.

Xu Rui said to Leng Tiefeng again: "Take the 2nd company and follow me."

Leng Tiefeng nodded and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Go west." Xu Rui said, "Let's go to Taizhou."

"Going to Taizhou?" Leng Tiefeng said in surprise, "Didn't you say that going west is seeking death?"

Jiang Nan was also anxious and advised: "The Japanese Iijima Division is resting in Yangzhou right now. Taizhou is less than a hundred miles away from Yangzhou. It can be reached by a quick march in half a day. When we go to Taizhou, we will run into the arms of the Iijima Division. .”

"Don't worry about it." Xu Rui said ferociously, "Just follow me to the west."

Seeing that Xu Rui was determined, Jiangnan said no more. Leng Tiefeng immediately ordered the 2nd company to assemble, and then led the troops to turn west with Xu Rui and head straight to Taizhou.

Not long after the Independence Battalion turned westward, two Japanese reconnaissance planes emerged from the clouds, and then swooped down from high altitude with a shrill scream. They were still a thousand meters above the ground. The two machine guns opened fire violently, dragging out two streaks of smoke on the ground, quickly approaching the marching team of the Independent Battalion.

However, as early as the first time the Japanese reconnaissance plane appeared from the clouds, the 2nd company had already scattered.

When the Japanese reconnaissance plane began to swoop and shoot, the officers and soldiers of the 2nd Company had already concealed themselves in the woods, ditches or fields on both sides of the road. Only two remaining soldiers were unfortunately shot and seriously injured.

The Japanese reconnaissance plane swooped and strafed for a few minutes, then flapped its wings and flew away.

Xu Rui walked out of the woods and spat at the retreating Japanese reconnaissance plane.

Damn it, if he could have a fighter jet, even a ****-3 fighter jet, these two Japanese reconnaissance planes would never have the chance to return. However, unfortunately, it is impossible for him to get a fighter jet now. Even Chairman Chiang probably doesn’t have a few fighter jets left on hand now.

Leng Tiefeng came over and said, "Old Xu, we can't go on like this. If it's still a sunny day tomorrow, the Japs' reconnaissance planes can follow us closely, and our every move will be under the surveillance of the Japs. In this situation, if we go to Yangzhou in a daze, we will really be courting death."

Xu Rui waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it."

Leng Tiefeng frowned, but in the end he didn't say anything.

After resting for a while, the 2nd Company returned to the road and continued to move westward.

(Dividing line)

Haian Town, the former 18o Division Independent Regiment Headquarters.

The furnishings in the headquarters are the same as before. All the corpses of the Kuomintang soldiers lying all over the floor have been removed. Even the blood stains on the ground and walls have been wiped clean. Two tall Japanese soldiers have replaced them. Wearing uniforms of the Kuomintang Army and carrying Hanyang-made rifles, they were standing in front of the command department. Even if they looked closer, it was difficult to tell that they were two Japanese soldiers.

Tachibana Yoshio has also changed into a general of the National Army. The collar badge shows the rank of colonel. Several of his officers have also changed into the woolen uniforms of the National Army. These are all officers from the 18o Division Independent Regiment. Although it looks a little loose when worn on the body, you can't tell anything unusual if you don't pay attention.

In the telecommunications room next to the headquarters, the radio has been set up.

Soon, a major came out of the telecommunications room. He first saluted, and then Tachibana Yoshio reported: "Detachment leader, the aviation reconnaissance team urgently reported that the remnants of the temporary 79th Division suddenly entered the vicinity of Rugao. We turned west, heading towards Taizhou and Yangzhou."

"Nani?" Tachibana Yoshio's eyebrows immediately tightened, "Changed the route?"

The two colonel officers standing next to Tachibana Keio immediately walked to the large map posted on the wall, and found the location of Rugao from the big map. Tachibana Keio looked at the map, and his thick eyebrows became more and more frowned. , Rugao is less than a hundred miles away from Hai'an Town. The enemy is about to step into a trap, so why did they change their route

Seeing that Tachibana Yoshio didn't speak for a long time, the colonel whispered: "Detachment leader, our defense focus is in the direction of Hai'an Town. There is only one infantry brigade left in the direction of Taizhou. If the remnants of the temporary 79th Division really go to Taizhou, they will only I am afraid that one infantry brigade cannot stop them. Otherwise, another infantry brigade from Hai'an Town can be transferred to reinforce them? Or, we can simply give up the ambush and head out to the direction of Renqiao and Guxi to intercept and kill the temporary 79th Division."

As the colonel spoke, he drew a diagonal line on the map, cutting it between Taizhou and Rugao.

"No, don't act rashly." Tachibana Keio suddenly thought of what Ogawara Shunsi had said to him. This is an extremely cunning and extremely dangerous opponent. Every move he makes must have deep meaning. Tachibana Detachment If you act rashly because you cannot calm down, you will fall into the opponent's plan and lose the opportunity.

"This is a plan to attack the east and attack the west!" Tachibana Yoshio said, "We must not be fooled." (To be continued.)