Special Forces King

Chapter 121: check


"Pfft." Leng Tiefeng spit out half of the leaves in his mouth, patted off the dead branches and leaves on his body, then turned his head and said hatefully, "Damn it, Lao Xu, you just saw a few machine guns. ?”

"I don't know." Xu Rui shook his head and said, "I lifted one out, and there are two more in the forest. As for whether there are more pheasant necks behind, I don't know."

"Three pheasant necks." Leng Tiefeng said, "Now we're in trouble."

Xu Rui said: "The pheasant's neck is nothing, the little devil's grenade is really a headache. You will know later."

In jungle terrain, grenades basically explode in the air after hitting the treetops. You can't find a place to hide even if you want to, which is really miserable.

While he was talking, there was suddenly the sound of chaotic footsteps behind him.

Looking back, it was Wang Changfu and the others who had also turned back.

"Why are you here?" Xu Rui frowned and said, "Didn't I let you rest?"

"We're already fighting in the camp, why should we rest?" Wang Changfu said, "What's going on, are you doing it with the Japanese here?"

"What are you doing?" Xu Rui glared at Wang Changfu, but he couldn't bear to scold him harshly, and immediately said, "Hurry up, the devil is coming soon, so hurry up!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Rui turned around and left.

Leng Tiefeng, Wang Changfu and other remaining soldiers quickly followed.

It's impossible to leave. With the current physical reserves of the 2nd Company, once the little devil gets entangled with him, he won't be able to get rid of him even if he wants to.

At that time, the little devils swarming in from all directions will become a noose around their necks, tightening and tightening until they hang us.

However, even if they leave immediately, the situation is still not optimistic.

Because the physical strength of the remnant soldiers of the 2nd company was severely exhausted, while the Japanese soldiers had plenty of physical strength.

After walking about two kilometers forward, Xu Rui released his senses again and found that the Japanese had approached within 500 meters from the previous 800 meters, that is, in the jungle, if this was in the open terrain of the plains. The Japanese artillery and grenade launchers can already attack them.

But even in the jungle terrain, it is definitely not possible to continue like this.

If this continues, the Japanese will catch up in half an hour at most.

Xu Rui called Leng Tiefeng and Wang Changfu to him and said in a deep voice: "Old soldier. Ah Fu, I'm afraid this won't work. Let's divide the troops. I'll lead the 1st platoon to the left, and Ah Fu, you lead the 2nd platoon to the right. Veteran. If you lead the 3rd platoon to the right, the targets will be dispersed, and the Japanese troops will also be dispersed. In this way, the situation will change."



Leng Tiefeng and Wang Changfu both agreed.

The more than 150 remnant soldiers immediately divided into three groups. Wang Changfu led more than 50 of the remnant soldiers and walked forward less than 500 meters, but suddenly stopped.

A remnant soldier asked: "Platoon leader, why don't you leave?"

Wang Changfu waved his hand and did not answer the remnant soldier.

After about a few seconds, a look of determination suddenly flashed across Wang Changfu's face. Then he waved his hand and called more than fifty remnants to him, and said: "Brothers, you must also know what kind of mission our 2nd company is responsible for. Let me tell you straight, we are here to die. We are here to die." Take the lives of more than 100 brothers from our 2nd company in exchange for the lives of more than 400 brothers from the 1st, 3rd and 4th companies. If we don’t die, the whole battalion will be destroyed.”

The fifty or so remaining soldiers looked gloomy. Silent and silent.

Wang Changfu added: "But even if you are serving as a bait, even if you are going to die, there is no need to die completely."

Now the remnant soldiers finally reacted and shouted: Platoon leader. What did you say

Wang Changfu said: "This is what I think. If we divide our troops, the Japanese can also divide their troops. Just by dividing our troops, we may not be able to escape the Japanese pursuit, but if our 2nd platoon stays to block the attack, the 1st platoon and the 3rd platoon can do it. If they run further, it will take more time for the Japanese to catch up with them. As long as they wait until dark, with the skills of the camp and the deputy camp, it is very possible to take the remaining brothers out. In this case , we can still leave at least more than half of our 2nd company!"

After hearing this, the more than fifty remaining soldiers fell silent again. This was a difficult decision.

Xu Rui decided to use the 2nd company as a bait. Although this move was dangerous and most of the remaining soldiers of the 2nd company would die for it, at least there was a glimmer of hope. I dare not say if there were more than ten or twenty people left alive. It is possible that all of them are veterans who have crawled out of the dead. This is very clear.

But if we stay to block it now, it will definitely lead to death and no life!

In other words, if they choose to stay, they will definitely die!

No one wants to die. Even ants are greedy for life, let alone humans

Seeing that no one said anything, Wang Changfu's face flashed with a gloomy look, and he added: "Yingzuo saved my life from the dead. If it weren't for Yingzuo, I would have died in the ruins of Wuxi City. Today is my time to repay the camp, and I have decided to stay, but I will not force anyone to do so. Those who are willing to stay can stay with me."

After saying these words, Wang Changfu strode back with the San Ba Da Gai.

Seeing Wang Changfu striding back, the faces of the more than fifty remaining soldiers immediately showed a look of misery.

After Wang Changfu took ten steps, a remnant soldier finally followed him silently, biting his back teeth. Some took the lead, and others followed suit. After a while, most of the remnant soldiers turned back one after another, and the remaining ones The dozen remnant soldiers looked at each other and finally turned back with dark faces.

Wang Changfu turned around and saw that all the brothers in the platoon were following him. He felt proud and sad at the same time. He was proud that there was not a single coward in the 2nd platoon and they were all good. But what was sad was that after today's battle, all of them were good. I am afraid that none of the more than fifty brothers in the platoon will be able to step out of Qixing Lake alive.

No matter what, this Qixing Lake has beautiful mountains and rivers, but it is the best place to bury bones!

"Brothers, you are all good! I, Wang Changfu, did not misjudge you!" Wang Changfu said with tears in his eyes, "They say that little devils are not afraid of death. Since the Sino-Japanese War broke out, there have been very few Anyone who is willing to surrender will show the Japanese today that we Chinese soldiers are the real men!"

"That's good, how can a little Japanese girl compare with us Chinese?"

"Mother Diurei, let me show you what a real soldier is today!"

"Die, my San Ba Da Gai is already hungry and thirsty. Little devil, just come over here."

After making the decision, the morale of the more than 50 remnant soldiers immediately rose, and each of them waved the Sanba Gai in their hands and started shouting.

Wang Changfu waved his hand and shouted sternly: "Repair the fortifications on the spot and prepare to fight!"

The fifty or so remnants of the army agreed with a loud voice and immediately spread out to repair the fortifications.

(Dividing line)

Five minutes later, about a squad of Japanese soldiers arrived.

Less than fifty meters away from the Japs' vanguard squad is the Japs' large force, which has about one infantry squadron. About fifty meters behind that infantry squadron, there is another infantry squadron, and another fifty meters away, there is another squadron. It seems that the Japanese have really learned the lessons from the battles of Wuxi and Nantong.

What the Japanese defend against is the inverted triangle ambush formation.

The sergeant commander of the Japs' leading squad waved his hand, and a dozen Japs scattered in all directions and stood guard on the spot.

The sergeant commander knelt down again and carefully looked at the footprints left on the ground. His thick eyebrows immediately frowned because judging from the footprints left on the ground, the Chinese army was actually divided into three groups and one group. One went to the left, one went to the right, and another went straight forward.

"Baga." The sergeant commander pulled the helmet on his head, not knowing where to pursue him.

After thinking about it, the Japanese Army Commander decided to report it. This kind of problem still gave his superiors a headache.

The sergeant commander immediately called a private to the front and asked him to go back and report to the squad leader. Just as the Japanese private stood up, he suddenly heard a gunshot. The Japanese private reacted very quickly and almost heard the gunshot. In an instant, he quickly fell down. While lying down, he turned around and saw the sergeant commander lying in a pool of blood.

The Chinese bullet directly hit the sergeant commander's face, and the entire face suddenly bloomed from the middle of the bridge of the nose, like a blooming bloody rose, with a coquettish beauty.

The next moment, a dense barrage of bullets came from the front.

Hearing the sound of the gunshot, the Japanese private knew that it was a crooked light machine gun, and there was only one!

The Chinese only had one light machine gun, and the firepower density was limited. The Japanese soldier took his time and followed his usual training. After finding the location of the machine gun, he quickly took aim, pushed the bullet and loaded the gun. At such a close range, he was 90% sure of being able to do it during training. The hit rate is at least 70%, even if it is lower in actual combat.

However, before the Japanese privates could fire, gunshots rang out from the left and right sides.

The Japanese who focused on the machine guns in front fell to the ground one after another, and the Japanese privates were also shot several times.

Inverted triangle! Damn it, it’s an inverted triangle ambush formation, it’s a damn inverted triangle ambush formation again!

The Japanese private kicked off his legs and lay still on the ground. He knew that if you are trapped in an inverted triangle ambush formation, you should stop thinking about escaping. The smartest way is to pretend to be dead. After all, the main force of our team or even the squadron is behind you. Not far away, they would be able to arrive quickly, and the Chinese would not have time to clean up the battlefield.

As long as the Chinese don't have time to clean up the battlefield, he has a chance of surviving.

Sure enough, after the Japanese soldiers fell to the ground, the Chinese bullets turned to those Japanese soldiers who were still resisting or turned around and tried to escape. The Chinese focused on taking care of them, and everyone received at least six or seven bullets.

Then, not long after, a small group of Japanese soldiers trailing behind rushed to the battlefield.

Seeing that more than seventy Japanese soldiers had spread out and swooped in, the Chinese had no choice but to give up cleaning the battlefield and turn around and retreat.

Seeing this opportunity, the Japanese soldier immediately turned over and sat up, quickly pulled the bolt of the gun, loaded the bullet, then took aim, and then pulled the trigger. A gunshot sounded, and a Chinese soldier fell to the ground. The Japanese soldier quickly pulled the bolt again. Eject the shell, then load the bullet again, aim and shoot. Another Chinese soldier fell in a pool of blood. (To be continued.)