Special Forces King

Chapter 124: Divine soldiers descend from heaven


A small river flows from Qixing Lake and meanders to the southwest.

Due to the existence of this small river, a gap appeared in the dense jungle. The top of the small river was empty, but there were towering trees on both sides of the small river.

About a small group of Japanese soldiers were tired from walking and were resting by the river.

In addition to the Japanese soldiers, this group of Japanese soldiers also has a special member, which is a wolf dog.

A Japanese superior soldier led the wolfdog to the small river. He first gave the wolfdog some river water, and then took some beef jerky from his satchel to feed it.

The wolf dog ate a piece of beef jerky, and its head suddenly stood up and looked forward.

Seeing the strange expression on the wolf dog, the Japanese superior soldier also turned around and looked around, but he saw nothing above the river, not even a shadow of a ghost.

The wolfdog seemed to have noticed something, and a low growl came out of its throat. The lips on both sides of its long mouth also turned up, revealing two rows of cold fangs.

The Japanese superior soldier turned his head again and looked up the river.

This time, the Japanese superior soldier finally saw something strange.

I don't know when, a small black spot appeared above the river. Moreover, this small black spot was getting bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, from being as big as a grain of rice to being as big as a fist.

"Baga." The Japanese superior soldier shouted in a low voice, "What the hell is this?"

The Japanese superior soldier's low curse alerted the nearby Japanese soldiers. The nearby Japanese soldiers turned their heads and looked forward. Then, they also saw the rapidly growing black spot. Oh no, it can no longer be described as a black spot. It should be called an unidentified creature, because it looks very much like a bird flying high.

The wolf-dog began to become restless, or rather agitated. Without the Japanese soldier paying attention, the wolf-dog broke free from his hands and then flew forward along the grassy beach on the river bank, flying towards the sky above the river. The unknown creature flew by. On one side, there was a barking sound of "woof".

The unknown creature flew forward, the wolf dog rushed forward, and the two soon got close.

Suddenly, the unknown creature suddenly raised its head. A "big"-shaped windward side opened up in the sky, and the raging wind poured into the wings of the "unknown creature". The flight speed of the "unknown creature" quickly decreased, and finally it almost fell from the sky in a daze. Fell down.


"China soldiers!"

"It's a Chinese soldier!"

By this time, the dozens of Japs sitting by the river and resting finally got a clear view. That was not an unknown creature at all, but a person!

Although this man is wearing a Japanese military uniform, he is obviously not a Japanese soldier. He must be a Chinese soldier!

As soon as the Chinese soldier landed, he jumped towards the wolfdog with a bayonet in his hand.

"Black back! Come back! Come back quickly!" The Japanese superior soldiers spread their legs and rushed forward. The Japanese soldiers who were resting next to them also reacted instantly, raised their guns and aimed at the Chinese soldier who fell from the sky, and opened fire one after another. The wolfdog with the black back also realized the danger and quickly turned around and ran back.

But it was too late. Before Heibei could run half a meter away, the Chinese soldier swooped over and threw the wolf dog Heibei to the ground. The next moment, the Japanese superior soldier heard a whine of "Woo" from his Heibei. , and then there was no more sound.


"Kill him!"

"Fuck the China pig!"

The whole team of Japs were on fire at once, firing and charging forward.

However, all this was in vain. The Chinese soldier and the wolfdog Heibei separated immediately as soon as they came into contact. Then he rolled forward several times and was hidden in the thick sagebrush by the river. The Japanese soldiers who rushed over opened fire repeatedly and threw a few melon grenades. The entire grassy beach beside the river was blown into a mess.

However, it was of no use. When the Japanese arrived, they found that there was not even a shadow of a ghost in the grass. The Chinese soldier had already disappeared.

The Japanese superior soldier who was responsible for taking care of the wolf dog rushed to Hei Bei's side immediately, only to find that Hei Bei's neck had been cut off by the Chinese soldier just now with a sharp blade, and red dog blood splattered all over the floor. Now even the miracles of Amaterasu can't save his beloved "Black Back".

The Chinese soldier who just cut the wolf dog's black back's throat with a knife was none other than Xu Rui.

Xu Rui killed the Japanese wolf and dog with a single blow, and solved the biggest threat, but he never refused to fight. He rolled forward several times and hid in the wormwood bushes by the river, and then quickly entered the woods by the river under the cover of the wormwood bushes, waiting for the little Japs. Hurrying to his landing point, Xu Rui was already 400 meters away.

But now that he was out, Xu Rui had no intention of going back so soon. He decided to have fun with the Japs, firstly to teach these little Japs a lesson, and secondly to lure the Japs away to ensure that the remaining soldiers of the 1st Platoon would not be exposed.

Hiding behind a big tree, Xu Rui squatted half-crouched, raised his 38 cap and aimed at the Japanese second lieutenant holding his saber high and yelling by the river. This Japanese second lieutenant didn't know that the god of death was waving to him. Still holding the saber and yelling there, the next moment, a sad flower of blood suddenly bloomed from the back of his head, and then, the Japanese second lieutenant stood back like a sawed-down piece of wood. fell down.

"over there!"

"Nine o'clock!"

"It's that damn China soldier!"

"Kill him, kill this cunning China pig!"

The more than 40 little Japs were not intimidated by Xu Rui, but quickly spread out in all directions, spreading out wavy lines of troops and quickly outflanking the big tree where Xu Rui was hiding.

Xu Rui pulled the bolt of the gun, loaded the gun, fired twice, and killed two more Japanese.

In just over half a minute, the Japs were already within 300 meters. Within 300 meters, the Japs' marksmanship was enough to pose a threat to Xu Rui. This is no nonsense. The Japs soldiers of the 17 permanent divisions of the Japanese army were 300 meters away. Minai's hit rate on stationary humanoid targets is still very high.

Xu Rui didn't care much, and quickly moved after firing two magazines.

However, Xu Rui did not run too fast, but ran forward slowly and slowly, holding the Japs in his arms. His purpose was to lure the Japs away as much as possible. The farther he was led, the more than 50 remaining soldiers from the 1st platoon were The safer it is.

After running not far, another group of Japs appeared in front of them, also a small group.

The two Japanese teams were attacking from the front and back, but they still failed to stop Xu Rui. Xu Rui didn't panic and got out of the gap before the two groups of Japanese formed an encirclement.

Then the two groups of devils merged into one and continued the pursuit.

After running for almost seven or eight miles, Xu Rui felt that he was far enough away from the hiding place of 1st Platoon, so he increased his speed and got rid of the Japanese pursuers behind him.

However, after getting rid of the pursuers behind him, Xu Rui did not rush back to the hiding place to join the remaining soldiers of the 1st platoon. Instead, he took the trouble to make a large circle and then detour from the far side.

After this detour, Xu Rui ran into trouble again.

Xu Rui was sneaking quietly in the dense forest when a gunshot suddenly came from ahead.

Hearing the gunfire, Xu Rui knew that someone must have gotten into trouble with the Japs. There couldn't be anyone else in this place. It could only be the remnants of Wang Changfu's 2nd platoon or Leng Tiefeng's 3rd platoon. Whether it was Wang Changfu's 2nd platoon or Leng Tiefeng's 3rd platoon. Since Xu Rui, Tiefeng's 3rd row, encountered him, there was no reason to sit back and watch.

Xu Rui immediately leaned forward quietly.

(Dividing line)

The one currently exchanging fire with the Japanese was the 3rd Platoon led by Leng Tiefeng.

Leng Tiefeng also studied at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and also systematically learned the art of camouflage. At the beginning, he and the remaining soldiers of the 3rd Platoon also successfully deceived the eyes and ears of the Japanese pursuers.

But later, the situation took an unexpected turn.

After all, Leng Tiefeng is not Xu Rui. Without genetic modification, it is naturally impossible to have wolf-like hearing.

Therefore, when Leng Tiefeng heard the barking of dogs and realized that the Japanese had sent out wolf dogs to search for them, the Japanese wolf dogs and the Japanese soldiers following the wolf dogs were already less than a hundred meters away from them. What was even worse? Yes, the Japanese wolf-dogs had obviously spotted them and rushed straight towards their hiding place.

It was no longer possible to conceal his presence, so Leng Tiefeng immediately shot and killed the Japanese wolfdog.

Although this shot killed the Japs and Wolf Dogs, it also completely exposed their location. After hearing the gunfire, a small group of Japs following the Wolf Dogs quickly dispersed, spread out a wave-shaped skirmish line, and headed towards Leng Tie. The front and the remaining soldiers of the third platoon were hiding in the depression, and the battle began.

Leng Tiefeng originally thought of wiping out the Japs in front of him in the shortest possible time and then moving quickly before the Japs' reinforcements arrived. However, after the battle started, Leng Tiefeng soon discovered that his plan would not work.

First of all, the Japs in front of him were more difficult to deal with than he had expected. The Japs in front of him were much more powerful than the Taiwanese Japs in the Chongteng detachment. They were much stronger in terms of tactical literacy and individual combat effectiveness. Furthermore, the Japs reinforcements were also much stronger than he had expected. The ones coming are faster and more.

When another group of Japanese reinforcements and another infantry squad arrived on the battlefield, Leng Tiefeng knew that he could no longer fight. He had to break out quickly before the three groups of Japanese soldiers formed an encirclement. Otherwise, he would have to rush to the battlefield one after another. The three Japanese squads formed an encirclement, and he and the remaining 40-odd soldiers from the 3rd platoon confessed.

Leng Tiefeng rushed to the front and personally acted as the vanguard, leading the remaining 40-odd soldiers from the 3rd platoon to break through to the north.

After a fierce battle, Leng Tiefeng finally led the 3rd platoon to break through the Japanese siege. However, more than half of the more than 40 remnants of the 3rd platoon were killed during the breakout, leaving only a dozen.

And what's worse is that although they broke out, they failed to get rid of the Japanese.

Leng Tiefeng was fine, but the dozen or so remaining soldiers in the 3rd platoon were tired and sleepy, and their physical strength was severely exhausted. One of the remaining soldiers fell to the ground while walking and never stood up again. , it is really unbelievable to say, but there are really exhausted people in this world. (To be continued.)