Special Forces King

Chapter 14: Simple and crude


The location of the Little Devil's headquarters is no secret.

From the beginning of the Battle of Songhu, and from the time the Japanese 3rd and 11th Divisions landed at Shizilin and Chuanshakou, the Chinese Communist Army has discovered a pattern. Basically, the Japs’ headquarters are with the artillery, and Observation hot-air balloons will basically rise above the Japs' artillery positions, so as long as you see the observation balloons, you can know where the Japs' headquarters is.

However, it is one thing to discover the enemy's headquarters, but it is another thing to threaten the enemy's headquarters.

Until the Battle of Songhu, no Chinese army has ever posed a threat to any Japanese headquarters, not to mention the dispatched army headquarters, or the division headquarters, not even the wing headquarters or even the group headquarters. There is no record of being attacked and destroyed by the Chinese army. As a result, the Japanese are becoming more and more arrogant.

The headquarters of the Tachibana Regiment is located in an open area three kilometers east of the city, next to the highway.

Before today, the officers and soldiers of the temporary 79th Division had never thought of attacking the Japanese headquarters.

However, today, Xu Rui is going to take more than 400 remnants of the temporary 79th Division to attack the Tachibana Regiment headquarters to achieve something that even the temporary 79th Division did not dare to think about when it was fully equipped. Target.

Xu Rui's whole plan was like this. He would first bring a platoon of Japs into the headquarters. If there was a chance, he would directly kill the Japs so that they would lose effective command. Then he would cooperate with the rest of the brigade and capture the commander. and if there is no chance to execute the beheading, create a commotion in the Japanese headquarters and cooperate with the large group of troops to attack!

In Lin Feng's view, Xu Rui's entire battle plan was simple and crude, so simple that it was almost hasty.

However, Xu Rui doesn't think so. Xu Rui believes that the simpler the plan, the more effectively it can be implemented. Those who make extremely complex combat plans are either trainee officers who have just graduated from military schools, or they only know how to talk on paper and Xu Rui is a bombastic combat consultant, but he is a veteran of many battles!

A brief mobilization was done outside the mountain gate of Donglin Academy, and the remnants of the temporary 79th Division set off.

Xu Rui led more than 50 remnant soldiers, pretending to be Japanese soldiers, took two tricycles and two trucks on the road, and marched swaggeringly towards the Japanese headquarters. Lin Feng led the remaining 300 or so remnant soldiers, taking advantage of the night. They took cover and marched quickly by taking a shortcut. Xu Rui controlled the convoy vehicles to ensure that both groups of people arrived at the Japanese headquarters at the same time.

About forty minutes later, the convoy led by Xu Rui arrived first at the gate of the Japanese headquarters.

The Japanese headquarters was heavily guarded. In addition to the sentry box at the gate, there were also two circular barricades built on the left and right sides, with a crooked handle behind each circular barricade.

Seeing the convoy approaching, the two crooked handlebars behind the barricade immediately set up and pointed the black muzzles at the three-wheeled motorcycle walking at the front of the convoy. Xu Rui pretended to be a Japanese officer and sat on the first bicycle. Xu Rui was not nervous on the motorcycle, but the veteran in charge of driving the motorcycle immediately became nervous.

Such a swaggering approach to the Japanese was an unprecedented experience for the veterans.

"Don't be nervous." Xu Rui quickly reminded in a low voice, "Just think that these little devils are idiots."

As the motorcade approached slowly, a Japanese soldier came out of the guard box and signaled to the motorcade to pull over.

Xu Rui signaled the veteran to park the tricycle beside him, then jumped out of the carriage and strode towards the Japanese soldier.

When he walked up to the Japanese soldier, Xu Rui reprimanded him head-on. The Japanese soldier lowered his head and did not dare to let Xu Rui exchange commands with him. It must be said that the little Japanese soldier has a deep-rooted sense of hierarchy. The officer did not dare to contradict him at all, and was completely in a weak position.

Xu Rui is very aware of Japan's bad national character, so he seems confident.

Xu Rui scolded him head-on and face-to-face, making the Japanese sentry training dizzy.




The Japanese sentry was trained by Xu Rui until he was like a chicken pecking at rice, and all he knew was that Ju apologized.

Xu Rui pushed the sentry aside arrogantly, and was about to rush to the gate of the Japanese headquarters, but suddenly there was the sound of chaotic footsteps inside the gate, and then a group of Japanese soldiers poured out of the gate. Xu Rui glanced over, There were about twenty Japanese soldiers coming out of the gate, and more than half of them were actually officers.

(Dividing line)

Tachibana Koji stood in the ruins for half an hour.

This is the place where the missing support team was ambushed. The lights of more than a dozen armored vehicles of the tank squadron and dozens of flashlights illuminated the entire ruins as bright as day. The bodies on the ruins have been carried away, but From the remaining bomb craters and bullet holes in the ruined walls, the battle scene at that time can still be partially restored.

Tachibana Koji walked to a collapsed beam and stared at the bullet holes in the beam for a long time.

Major Akita came over and said to Tachibana Koji: "Captain, you see it's getting late..."

Tachibana Koji raised his hand to stop Akita Major, then pointed at the ruins and said in a deep voice: "Akita-san, have you discovered anything?"

Major Akita shook his head silently. He really had no clue.

But Tachibana Koji took off his white gloves, brushed off the dust on the beam with his hands, then pointed to the bullet hole above and said: "Akita-san, look, from the formation of this bullet hole, we can know from which direction the bullet was fired." Come here." After saying that, Tachibana Koji pointed to the rooftop of the small western-style building on the right front of the ruins.

Major Akita remained silent. What could this mean

Tachibana Koji walked to a half-collapsed earth wall, pointed at the bullet holes in the wall and said: "Akita-san, look at the bullet holes in this wall, but they came from that direction. "

Major Akita looked in the direction of Tachibana Koji's finger and came across an old private house with a wooden structure.

"Look here again." Tachibana Koji walked into the ruins again, pointed to one of the wooden boards and said, "The bullet holes left on this wooden board are in different directions. Judging from the ballistics, these bullets were fired from the front. "After a pause, Tachibana Koji continued, "Akita-san, have you discovered anything now?"

Major Akita said: "The Chinese army has three machine guns, placed from three different directions."

"Not only that." Tachibana Koji shook his head and said, "Akita-san, haven't you noticed that the fields of view of these three shooting points are very wide, and they exactly form a triangle? If these three shooting points are each responsible for a A hundred and twenty-degree shooting range can form a firepower network with no blind spots!"

"Triangle? A fire net with no blind spots?" Major Akita heard this with awe.

Tachibana Koji's facial muscles twitched, and then said: "If the Imperial Army unfortunately steps into this triangle and faces crossfire from three different directions with no blind spots, even the calmest veteran will be confused. If you don't know what to do, even an entire infantry squad will be shattered in an instant!"

Major Akita finally came to his senses and said horrifiedly: "What the commander means is..."

Tachibana Koji nodded and said with a livid face: "The Chinese army that ambushed the support team did not have two battalions at all, not even one company. The Chinese army actually only had three machine gun groups. The Chinese army actually had only three machine gun groups. The army killed one of our support teams with only three machine guns!"

Major Akita frowned and said, "So, aren't we falling into a trap?"

"Yes, we fell into a trap." Tachibana Koji said bitterly, "We fell into the Chinese's golden cicada escape plan. The Chinese took advantage of our misjudgment to create an opportunity for their remnants to break out. Damn it!"

Major Akita said solemnly: "If this is really the case, the commander of the Chinese army is really not simple."

"Not only is it not simple, but even a top student who graduated from the 6th Army Military Academy is probably nothing more than this." Tachibana Koji snorted, with an indescribable gloominess in his expression.

As a top student who graduated from the Army University, especially a member of the Saber Team, Tachibana Koji has always regarded himself very highly. Not to mention young Chinese officers, even Japanese young officers do not put him in his eyes. However, now , but he was teased by a Chinese military officer. How could this make Tachibana Koji feel embarrassed

Major Akita said: "Captain, a Chinese commander with such high command attainments is a great threat to the imperial army. We should find him and kill him at all costs!"

"It's too late, it's too late." Tachibana Koji sighed, "It's been so long, and he's already gone."

After a pause, Tachibana Koji gritted his teeth and said, "But it doesn't matter. As long as the war between China and Japan is not over, we and he will always meet on the battlefield!"

There was something that Tachibana Koji did not say.

When he and the Chinese commander met again on the battlefield, he must return the humiliation he suffered today tenfold and a hundredfold to his opponent. At this time, Tachibana Koji did not expect that he and his opponent would meet again on the battlefield soon. , however, instead of returning the shame to his opponent, he suffered even greater humiliation!

When the fighting in the city came to an end, sleepiness came over him like a tide.

All in all, Tachibana Koji had not slept for three whole days.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It would be more than four hours until the early morning of the next day before the special train dispatched by the Commander of the Condemnation Army would arrive at Wuxi Railway Station. Tachibana Koji lowered his head and got into his armored command vehicle, and then ordered the orderlies to arrive at the Wuxi Railway Station. I woke him up three hours later, leaned back in his seat and fell asleep.

The shock absorbers of the armored vehicle were very hard, and the streets were also bumpy due to the bombing. The orderly was afraid of affecting Tachibana Koji's rest, so he ordered the driver to drive the vehicle very slowly, crawling forward like a snail. Tachibana Koji's command vehicle drove smoothly. Slowly, the entire squadron of tanks and tanks can only crawl forward like a snail.