Special Forces King

Chapter 145: retreat



With a crisp sound, the neck of the prisoner closest to Xu Rui was broken, but the sudden noise also alerted the other two nearby prisoners. []


"Lin Sang?"

The two Japs shouted loudly.

However, what responded to them was the cold edge of the bayonet.

In a flash of cold light, the 38-style bayonet in Xu Rui's hand had already passed through the throats of the two Japanese soldiers, and the two Japanese soldiers immediately fell down holding their own throats.

"Chinese people, there are Chinese people!"

"The Chinese are among us!"

"Baga Yalu, kill the Chinese!"

Xu Rui wiped out two Japs with lightning speed, but also attracted the attention of more Japs. In an instant, three Japs swooped over from three different directions. None of these three Japs He chose to shoot, because Xu Rui had already blended into their queue, and shooting would inevitably injure one of his own.

Faced with the attack from the three Japanese soldiers, Xu Rui was fearless.

With just one elbow strike, Xu Rui shattered the throat bone of the Japs on the left, turned around and avoided the bayonet thrust by the Japs on the right, then grabbed the Japs' bayonet with his right armpit and flicked it with his right arm. The Japs on the side were pulled by a huge force and swung to one side, knocking over the Japs who attacked Xu Rui from behind.

Then, Xu Rui jumped up and used his body as a battering ram to hit the two Japanese soldiers hard. With just one blow, he directly smashed the sternums of the two Japanese soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Rui killed six Japanese soldiers.

The next moment, Xu Rui unhooked two grenades from the body of one of the Japanese soldiers as quickly as possible, knocked them open on the helmet, and threw them out with shaking hands.



After the huge explosion, more than a dozen Japanese soldiers immediately fell into a pool of blood.

At this time, more Japs heard the noise and came from all directions, but facing Xu Rui who had already mixed in among them, they could not shoot casually, let alone use machine guns to sweep weapons, or use grenades to explode, but could only use bayonets. To stab, to chop with a saber, that's not the worst.

The worst thing is that except for the few Japs closest to Xu Rui, the Japs outside can't see anything at all. Firelight and flashlight light can dispel the darkness, but they can't drive away the fog that is so thick that it cannot be broken. The Japs around can only see. I saw a few vague figures fighting, but they couldn't do anything to help, and they didn't dare to help easily.

And in the middle, the Japs who were fighting Xu Rui to the death not only had to face the knife in Xu Rui's hand, but also had to face Xu Rui's extremely fluent Japanese. The bayonet in your hand is about to hit the opponent's body, but the opponent suddenly scolds you: Baga, and then while you are stunned for a moment, the bayonet in the opponent's hand has already been mercilessly wiped.

"Dead, dead."

"One of our own was hit by mistake."

"Baga, the Chinese people are over there!"

"Idiot, don't point the knife at me!"

Xu Rui was killing the Japs around him wantonly while using Japanese to confuse the Japs. Faced with Xu Rui's authentic Japanese with a Kyoto accent, the Japs were very capable but could only use three points. Because of the heavy fog, the sight was serious. Being hindered, the large number of people became a disadvantage, but Xu Rui was like a duck in water.

Ever since, Xu Rui was like a wolf that broke into the flock of sheep. Wherever Xu Rui appeared, there would immediately be a roar of violence, followed by screams one after another. From time to time, people in the crowd would He would also throw out a few grenades, blowing up the Japanese soldiers on the periphery until they were bloody.

"Spread out, spread out quickly! Spread out!"

"Extinguish the torch, extinguish the torch quickly!"

"Flashlight, the flashlight is turned off too!"

The Japanese leader finally came to his senses and quickly ordered the entire search team to disperse, then extinguished the torches and flashlights.

However, it was still of no use. Although the torch was extinguished, the flashlight was turned off, the whole world returned to darkness, and the Japanese were evacuated, they still could not stop Xu Rui's killing. Xu Rui still looked like The maggots attached to the bones bite the Japanese, killing, killing, and continuing to kill.

"Baga." Seeing that all this still failed to stop the terrifying Chinese soldier, the Japanese captain finally jumped over the wall in a panic, turned around and shouted, "Machine gun, bring the machine gun!"

A machine gunner immediately handed over the crooked handle.

The Japanese captain held the crooked handle and pointed a long S in the direction where the screams kept coming. The screams in front of him became more and more violent. The Japanese captain was also completely annoyed. After fighting a bullet, he changed again. The last bullet was fired and continued to sweep fiercely in the direction of the scream.

The third bullet fight was over quickly, and then the fourth.

After five bullet fights, the Japanese captain shouted again without looking back: "Load!"

There was no response from behind. The Japanese captain roared again, but there was still no response.

The Japanese captain was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the surroundings were so quiet. At some point, the screams stopped, the gunfire and explosions disappeared, and even the two orderlies behind him disappeared.


"Wild Mulberry?"

The Japanese captain called two names in a row.

However, there was still silence all around, with no response.

The hairs on the back of the Japanese captain stood up instantly. He felt fear, boundless fear. Ever since he put on the military uniform, he had never been afraid. But today, the Japanese captain felt boundless fear. For example, he stepped into the black forest at night for the first time.

"Are you calling him?" A metallic voice came from the darkness.

Along with this sound came another heavy object, which fell in front of the Japanese captain with a pop.

The Japanese captain's heart felt cold. He didn't need to light a torch, but just by listening to the sound, he could tell that what just fell in front of him was a human head!

"It's you!" the Japanese captain said solemnly, "Are you the Chinese soldier?"

"Shasha." Light footsteps sounded, and then a vague black figure walked out of the darkness in front, walked up to the Devil Captain, and stood still. In the darkness, it was hard to see clearly, but the Devil Captain I felt the boundless killing aura from the other party.

"Baga!" The Japanese captain cursed and mustered up the courage to pounce on him.

However, courage could not make up for the huge gap in strength between the two sides. The next moment, Captain Guizi felt himself turn around violently. No, his body did not turn around, only his head turned over. Captain Guizi immediately realized His neck had been broken by the Chinese soldier.

Terrible Chinese soldiers! Before he could finish his thoughts, the Japanese captain fell into the boundless darkness.

"Die, you bastard Japs, remember never to set foot on China again with weapons in your next life." Xu Ruiwan let go, and the Japs captain fell straight down like a sawed-down log.

The next moment, Xu Rui immediately sat down on the ground and started breathing heavily.

It is true that Xu Rui is the king of special forces. It is also true that his body has been genetically modified. Regardless of physical fitness, reaction or musculoskeletal strength, it is far better than ordinary people. However, no matter how strong he is, he will still be a flesh and blood body. Even after more than ten minutes of bloody fighting with the Japanese, he would be tired. Good guy, he just killed more than a hundred Japanese!

After catching his breath, Xu Rui groped for a satchel and a kettle from a Japanese corpse, ate biscuits with water, and rested for a while. A group of Japs, Xu Rui remembered, this was already the fifteenth group of Japs!

(Dividing line)

Haian Town Ancestral Hall, Tachibana Detachment Headquarters.

Due to staying up late, Tachibana's eyes were already bloodshot. At this time, Tachibana felt like a trapped animal that had lost its way in the desert.

"Still no response?" Tachibana Yoshio turned his gaze to the communications soldier, and his voice was already hoarse when he asked.

The communications soldier took off his earphones, shook his head solemnly, and said, "Your Excellency, Commander, so far, neither Team Sakamoto nor Team Seya has responded."

Tachibana Yoshio's facial muscles immediately twitched.

Which search team is this? Thirteenth? Or the fourteenth

Before tonight, if someone had followed him, a mere Chinese soldier could kill more than a dozen Japanese infantry units, and he would have thought that person was crazy. But now, the cruel facts clearly told him that that extremely cunning and capable The extremely ferocious Chinese soldiers indeed killed more than a dozen infantry and cavalry teams.

It’s unbelievable, it’s unbelievable. The two infantry brigades and a cavalry team that entered the Qixing Lake Swamp had more than half of their casualties at this moment. The cavalry team was completely destroyed. The four teams of the two infantry brigades also lost 14. Of course, it must be admitted that this also includes his "contribution" to Tachibana Yoshio.

He Tachibana Yoshio helped the opponent at least kill eight infantry teams and two cavalry squadrons.

At this time, another communications soldier took off his earphones and reported to Tachibana Yoshio: "Your Excellency, Commander, the Chief of Staff has just sent a telegram requesting instructions. Do you want to continue searching for the missing infantry units?"

"No, no!" Tachibana Yoshio suddenly raised his right hand and gritted his teeth, "Radio Kasahara-san, there is no need to search for the missing troops anymore. Let him bring back the ten infantry teams that have been gathered up immediately. Retreat with ten infantry teams, evacuate the swamp, and return to the headquarters as quickly as possible!"

Tachibana Yoshio is also a veteran. A veteran's intuition told him that this time he encountered an unprecedentedly dangerous opponent. If he did not retreat decisively, not only would the remaining nine infantry teams be in danger, but even his detachment headquarters would be in danger. Even he himself will face unprecedented danger. Wuxi, Baoxing and Nantong. All the past events have proved that the commander of the temporary remnant of the 79th Division is a very vindictive person. Yes, he will definitely come again. His detachment headquarters!