Special Forces King

Chapter 15: Fierce


After learning that the Matsushima team heading to Donglin Academy had returned, Kobayashi Jiro hurriedly led a dozen guards and staff from the headquarters to greet them.

Of course, a mere Second Lieutenant Matsushima does not deserve such attention from Jiro Kobayashi.

What Jiro Kobayashi values is what Lieutenant Matsushima got back—the couplet!

This is something that the new commander of the Shanghai Condemnation Force, Fushimi Miya Toshihiko, personally confessed. The commander of the regiment also repeatedly warned him. How could Kobayashi Jiro dare to take it lightly

Kobayashi Jiro strode towards Xu Rui with his saber in hand.

Because it was dark, Jiro Kobayashi did not notice that Second Lieutenant Matsushima had changed.

In fact, it is impossible for Kobayashi Jiro to know that Second Lieutenant Matsushima has been replaced, because many officers and soldiers of the Tachibana Regiment were added after the Sino-Japanese War broke out. Before that, Kobayashi Jiro had never fought with Second Lieutenant Matsushima. In any interaction, how could a mere second lieutenant get into the eyes of such a dignified lieutenant

Arriving in front of Xu Rui, Kobayashi Jiro asked with a dark face: "Matsushima-san, why did it take you so long to come back? Did you find the couplet I asked you to find? Also, the gunshots that came from the direction of Donglin Academy just now What happened again? Were you attacked by China’s defeated troops?”

Kobayashi Jiro asked a barrage of questions, and Xu Rui had no time to answer them one by one.

A battle between heaven and man immediately began in Xu Rui's mind. Should he stick to the action plan or cancel the action

If we insist on taking action, the surprise attack will turn into a strong attack. According to normal circumstances, the Japanese headquarters has at least one infantry squadron garrison force, plus the artillery team garrison force, at least two squadrons, with just one platoon of theirs, there is no way It wasn't enough for the little Jaap to stuff his teeth into, and Lin Feng's more than 300 remnant soldiers had no chance of winning.

If the action is cancelled, Xu Rui is really unwilling to do so. This opportunity is not to be missed!

If we miss this opportunity, not only the equipment will not be solved, but even morale will become a big problem. Only by removing the little devil's headquarters can the temporary 79th Division be turned around.

After Xu Rui hesitated for a moment, Kobayashi Jiro shouted: "Baga, are you deaf?"

Until this time, Kobayashi Jiro had not recognized Xu Rui and always regarded him as Second Lieutenant Matsushima.

But a major staff officer standing behind Jiro Kobayashi recognized that Xu Rui was not Second Lieutenant Matsushima. Moreover, the staff officer also found blood stains on Xu Rui's uniform. His expression changed immediately. However, this little devil was also alert. After discovering the abnormality, he unexpectedly He didn't say anything immediately, but took two steps forward quietly, preparing to remind Jiro Kobayashi.

However, although this Japs Major is alert, Xu Rui is even more alert than him.

Before the Japanese Major reminded Jiro Kobayashi, Xu Rui had already reacted first.

"Pah!" Xu Rui made a quick decision and slapped Jiro Kobayashi on the face with his backhand. Then he pointed his finger at Jiro Kobayashi's nose and cursed in Japanese, "F*ck, who are you scolding?"

Xu Rui's slap directly stunned Kobayashi Jiro.

Not only Jiro Kobayashi was stunned, but the guards, staff and staff behind Jiro Kobayashi, as well as the guards at the gate of the headquarters, were also stunned. What happened? How dare a mere second lieutenant slap the lieutenant colonel? Isn't this too fierce? Could it be that this little second lieutenant also had a great background? Could he be a descendant of the royal family

The remnants of the temporary 79th Division who came with Xu Rui were very excited when they saw it.

Damn, Chief Xu is so arrogant. This is at the gate of the Japs Headquarters. Chief Xu slapped the Japs in the face. The one he slapped was a lieutenant colonel. It was too fierce, but it was so damn encouraging!

This is not over yet, there is something more exciting, Xu Rui slapped Kobayashi Jiro, took out the bastard box with his backhand, and shot Kobayashi Jiro between the eyebrows!

With a bang, Jiro Kobayashi's head suddenly exploded and he fell backwards.

It became hurried, everything happened so suddenly, so sudden that people couldn't react at all!

Most of the Japanese officers, guards and security personnel were all dumbfounded. Isn't this second lieutenant too fierce? Not only did he dare to slap the lieutenant colonel, but he actually took out a gun and killed the lieutenant colonel

Only the Japanese Major realized the danger and wanted to warn him immediately.

Unfortunately, Xu Rui simply couldn't give him such an opportunity.

The next moment, Xu Rui turned the muzzle of his gun and shot the Japanese Major again in the face. The bullet accurately entered from between the eyebrows of the Japanese Major, penetrated the entire skull cavity, then exited from the back of the head, and was ejected together with the bullet. , and there were a large amount of brain tissue and skull fragments. The Japanese Major fell on his back without saying a word.

All this sounds slow, but in fact it takes less than half a second, or the blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time that the Japanese Major was shot, Xu Rui decisively gave the order: "Do it!"

At this critical juncture, there is no way to retreat. The brave will win if we meet in a narrow road, and we will fight against the little devil!

The veteran reacted the fastest. Almost as soon as Xu Rui gave the order, he had already raised his gun. Without seeing him aiming, he decisively pulled the trigger. More than ten meters away, the Japanese machine gunner who was stunned behind the barricade on the right fell back. When he got down, the Japanese machine gunner was also shot in the forehead. The veteran's marksmanship was as good as Xu Rui's.

The second person to react was Yang Dashu, who had mounted a machine gun on the roof of the truck.

The next moment, the crooked handle in Yang Dashu's hand roared violently. Accompanied by the bursts of gunfire, a scorching bullet dragged out a dazzling barrage under the night, and the ten who followed Kobayashi Jiro came out in one fell swoop. Several guards and staff swallowed it, and the unprepared Japanese fell down screaming.

Only then did the remaining dozen Japanese guards react.

"Kill, change, change..." A Japanese sergeant in the barricade suddenly woke up and quickly gave the order.

The machine gun mounted on the barricade on the left immediately opened fire, and hot bullets rained down on Xu Rui instantly. The deputy shooter of the machine gun on the right quickly pushed the dead machine gunner away and prepared to take over the machine gunner's position.

Unfortunately, with such a close distance, Xu Rui could no longer give them another chance.

Xu Rui just made a sliding step, and the person disappeared from in front of the Japanese machine gun. The hot bullets hit the ground, sending smoke and dust everywhere, but not even Xu Rui's hair was hurt. When the Japanese machine gun turned its muzzle, trying to When the chase locked onto Xu Rui, Xu Rui's figure had already appeared in front of the barricade like a ghost.

Xu Rui waved his hand lightly and threw a melon grenade into the barricade.

Before throwing the grenade, Xu Rui had already delayed it for three seconds, so the grenade exploded immediately after being thrown into the barricade. There was a loud bang, and a huge cloud of smoke and dust rose up from the barricade. Three or four Japanese were either shocked to death or killed by splinters, and the crooked barricade was also stopped.

But taking advantage of this moment, the crooked handle on the barricade on the right rang again.

Xu Rui slid close to the ground and hid behind the half-exploded barricade.

A dense rain of bullets poured over in an instant, scattering dust on half of the barricade where Xu Rui was hiding.

However, at this time, more than 50 remnant soldiers on the three-wheeled motorcycles and trucks had jumped out of the vehicle, and started shooting with the Japanese soldiers under the cover of the three-wheeled motorcycles and trucks. Yang Dashu even turned his gun. , condescendingly fired fiercely at the Japanese barricade on the right, and the Japanese machine gun fire was immediately suppressed.

Taking advantage of this short gap, Xu Rui knocked open another melon grenade, delayed it for three seconds, and threw it into the right barricade.

Seeing the grenade falling, the four or five Japs hiding in the barricade on the right suddenly felt like they were dead. They got up and ran away. Only one Japs Sergeant bravely picked up the grenade from the ground without fear of death. Unfortunately, Japs Sergeant He had just picked up the grenade, but before he could throw it out, the grenade exploded with a bang.

The huge air wave generated by the grenade explosion instantly knocked the Japanese Sergeant and several other Japanese soldiers who had no time to run away to the ground. When the remaining soldiers of the 79th Division rushed into the barricade with bayonets in hand, they found these few soldiers. The Japanese had been blown to pieces and were too dead to die. Even so, the remaining soldiers still picked up their bayonets and stabbed them randomly.

The remnants of the temporary 79th Division took advantage of their calculations and took advantage of them. In the blink of an eye, the dozen guards outside the gate of the Japanese headquarters and the dozen guards and officers with Jiro Kobayashi were gone.

But Xu Rui knew that the battle had just begun, and it was impossible for the Japs headquarters to have only these dozen guards.

Xu Rui dug out the crooked machine gun from the collapsed barricade. He found that the barrel had been bent by the explosion, so he threw it aside unluckily and pulled out a intact 38-gun from the rubble. , then jumped out of the barricade, rushed into the headquarters gate with the Sanba Gai in hand, and loudly ordered as he rushed: "Brothers, rush!"

(Dividing line)

Tachibana Koji, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up when he heard the faint sound of gunshots and explosions.

"Where did the gunfire come from, where did the explosion come from?" Tachibana Koji stood up and asked sharply.

The orderly soldier who was looking out from the observation hole immediately turned around and said: "Liant Commander, the gunfire came from the direction of the headquarters, and there was also fire from the explosion."

"Nani, headquarters?" Tachibana Koji looked stern when he heard this.

At that moment, Tachibana Koji pushed the orderly away and stood behind the observation hole.

Even though it was still night, Kotachi Katsuji used his rich experience to determine the location of the headquarters. Looking out through the narrow observation hole, he could clearly see the dazzling red lights rising from time to time in the direction of the headquarters. , although it was extremely far away, the explosion could still be faintly heard.

"Baga!" Tachibana Koji was shocked and angry, "How dare the Chinese dare to attack our headquarters with only a few broken guns and no heavy weapons?"

However, after feeling frightened and angry, Tachibana Koji felt faintly excited.

It's him, it must be him, the commander of the squadron!

Tachibana Koji originally thought it would take a long time to meet him again on the battlefield, but he didn't want to meet him again so soon!

This time, I will let you taste the power of the Imperial Japanese Army. At that moment, Tachibana Koji groaned and ordered: "Pass my order, all the tank squadrons will advance and return to the reinforcement headquarters!"