Special Forces King

Chapter 151: Killing thousands of people?!


"Old Hei, come here." The soldier wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and whispered.

"What?" Heipi responded impatiently, but did not take his eyes away from the ground. On the ground, there were corpses of Japanese soldiers lying everywhere. The death methods of these Japanese soldiers were different. Some had their necks broken, and some had their necks broken. Some had their throats slit with bayonets, and some had their heads smashed to death with blunt objects, but more often than not, they died from grenade explosions.

The soldier swallowed and said to Heipi, "Pinch me. I suspect I'm dreaming."

The soldier really suspected that he was dreaming, because he couldn't believe what he saw before him.

From Leng Tiefeng's statement, we can know that the company responsible for luring the enemy suffered all casualties before nightfall. In other words, after nightfall, only Leng Tiefeng and Xu Rui were fighting with the Japanese, and Leng Tiefeng also Injured, that is, Xu Rui killed these Japanese soldiers in front of him.

If there were only one or two, or more than a dozen, the soldiers would not be surprised at all.

Even if there were dozens or even hundreds, the soldiers would not be as surprised as they are now.

The problem is, they found as many as three to four hundred Japanese corpses along the way!

Three or four hundred Japs, what is this concept? An infantry brigade of the Japanese has four squadrons, and the total number of combat soldiers is only more than 700. This means that Xu Rui killed half of the Japanese infantry brigade by himself. He is a bear. Is this true? ? Is this really what humans can do

"You don't need to pinch me." Heipi snorted, "This is all true."

"I don't believe it." The soldier shook his head and said, "It is impossible for one person to do this."

"Absolutely impossible?" Leng Tiefeng, who was walking forward with his head on his back, stopped when he heard this, then turned back and looked at the soldier coldly, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"What do you mean?" It was Xiao Yanyue who spoke this time.

Xiao Yanyue and Dabing had only just joined the independent battalion, so they still lacked a clear idea of Xu Rui's individual combat effectiveness.

However, Leng Tiefeng knew Xu Rui's fighting power better than anyone else. He smiled and said, "I mean, you must stay calm later to avoid biting your tongue."

Xiao Yanyue and Dabing were awe-struck when they heard this. Leng Tiefeng's implication was that Xu Rui's results would not stop there

Dabing shook his head subconsciously, instinctively thinking that Leng Tiefeng was exaggerating, and Xiao Yanyue didn't believe it either.

However, the final facts proved that Leng Tiefeng was not blind, or he was still conservative.

When Xiao Yanyue, Heipi, Dabing, and Leng Tiefeng walked out of the Qixing Lake swamp along the bloody road paved with corpses by the Japanese, the heavy fog that filled the sky and earth had dispersed, and their field of vision was much wider.

Then the four of them were horrified to see more corpses of Japanese soldiers lying outside the dense forest.

The corpses of these devils were in the shape of strips, extending from the edge of the jungle to the end of the field of vision.

There are traces of battle all along the way. Obviously, there has been a fierce battle here.

At the end of the field of vision, there is a quiet town. Looking from a distance, the entire ancient town is still bathed in the thin morning light. No gunshots can be heard, and the Japanese soldiers can't be seen. It's a deathly silence.

Looking at the man-made path of dead Japanese soldiers, Xiao Yanyue and Da Bing's pupils shrank sharply.

From the swamp forest area to the edge of the forest area to the end of the field of vision ahead, how many devils are lying on the ground in total? Even if we conservatively estimate that there are only a thousand people, right? One person killed thousands of Japanese soldiers single-handedly? Is that human being? Are there really such people in this world? It's so terrible, so unbelievable!

Killing thousands of people? It is said that Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was such a fierce man. Is there really such a person in the world

Although Leng Tiefeng had his back to Dabing and Xiao Yanyue, it was not difficult to imagine the shock of the two of them. He immediately explained: "But you don't have to be too surprised. Yes, Lao Xu is really powerful. He can easily defeat the Japanese team." In front of him, they are like sheep, not enough for him to kill alone, but no matter how powerful he is, he is still a human being."

Xiao Yanyue said: "What does Deputy Battalion Commander Leng mean? Didn't Battalion Commander Xu kill this alone?"

"No, I didn't do that." Leng Tiefeng said, "I can tell you responsibly that these Japs, the thousands of Japs along the way, were all killed by Lao Xu."

The soldier frowned and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Leng Tiefeng said: "What I mean is that the reason why Lao Xu was able to kill so many Japs single-handedly was because of chance. Firstly, because he was very skilled and other people were no match for him. Secondly, because he knew Japanese and it was easy for him to do so. You can sneak in among the devils and take the opportunity to cause chaos."

After a pause, Leng Tiefeng added: "However, these are not the main reasons. The main reason is that there happened to be heavy fog last night. The darkness and the heavy fog provided Xu Rui with excellent cover. , so in actual combat, Lao Xu only needs to deal with three to five Japs at most. Although there are many Japs, they cannot take advantage of the large number of people at all."

"That's extremely powerful." The soldier let out a long breath and said with relief, "Killing so many Japs in one go, even if you are tired, your sister would have died of exhaustion long ago."

"That's true." Leng Tiefeng said with deep understanding, "This girl is just an animal."

Different from the shock on the faces of Xiao Yanyue and Dabing, there was a deep look of worry on the black-skinned face.

"Deputy Camp, we must go to the town as soon as possible." Heipi frowned and said, "The fog has dissipated. It will be difficult for Camp to use the fog to cause chaos. I'm worried that Camp will be in danger."

"You are thinking too much." Leng Tiefeng shook his head and said, "The blood on the corpses of these Japs has solidified, which shows that they have been dead for a while. By this time, Lao Xu and the Japs have already decided the winner."

Heipi Fenran said: "The deputy camp leader means that the camp leader killed all the Japanese?"

"Yes, most of the nearby Japs have been killed by Lao Xu, otherwise, the town ahead would not be so quiet." Leng Tiefengtou added, "However, Lao Xu's situation is probably not much better. If not, with his temperament, he should have returned to Qixing Lake Swamp to find me."

"What's the point? Let's go quickly!"

Heipi roared, turned around and left.

(Dividing line)

Xu Rui sat carelessly on the Taishi chair, with his injured right leg resting diagonally on the table. This was not because Xu Rui did this deliberately, but to slow down the loss of blood as much as possible, because there was no way to treat the wound. He has been losing blood from more than a dozen wounds, and raising the injured leg can slow down the blood loss.

Although the blood loss was not very fast, Xu Rui also knew that he could not hold on for too long.

Xu Rui also thought about evacuating quickly before he went into shock due to blood loss, but after careful consideration, Xu Rui finally gave up this plan, because these may not be the only ones leaving Hai'an, and there may be fish that slipped through the net, such as The troops sent to hunt down the Independent Battalion would be doomed once these Japs came back for reinforcements. After all, it was daytime now, and the fog had basically dissipated. The biggest barrier was lost, and he was seriously injured. How to fight against the Japanese

Therefore, it is better to simply stay here. With his marksmanship and this strong ancestral hall, it should be easy to kill dozens of Japanese.

While thinking about it, Xu Rui opened the gun of the bastard box in his hand.

On the table next to Xu Rui, there are more than a dozen tortoise boxes lined up.

Time passed quietly in the boring wait. About nine o'clock in the morning, subtle footsteps finally came from outside the ancestral hall. The footsteps were very light, but Xu Rui still noticed it. With his sharp hearing, Xu Rui suddenly I could tell that there were four people coming, one of them seemed to be injured, and his walking rhythm was obviously not normal.

Is it finally here? A sinister smile appeared on Xu Rui's lips, then he held a tortoise box in his left and right hands and pointed the black gun at the door of the ancestral hall.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside: "Camp, are you in there?!"

"Well, Hei Pi?" Xu Rui immediately recognized that it was Hei Pi's voice, and said overjoyed, "Hei Pi is me, I'm in there!"

The next moment, a figure flashed at the entrance of the ancestral hall, and Heipi had already strode in.

As soon as he entered the gate, Heipi saw Xu Rui's injured leg on the table and immediately shouted: "Yingzuo, are you injured?"

"It's okay, the boat accidentally capsized in the ditch, but it's no big deal." Xu Rui smiled, then turned his attention to the soldiers, Xiao Yanyue and Leng Tiefeng who were filing in, and said, "Why are you here too? "

Leng Tiefeng walked over with his 38 big cover, and with just one glance, he knew that Xu Rui's leg was hanging.

Xu Rui didn't care, and said to the four of them: "What, this is not a place to stay for a long time, we have to leave quickly."

"That's right, let's go quickly, we have to get out of here quickly." Heipi nodded repeatedly, then stepped forward to help Xu Rui, and said with concern, "Yingzuo, I'll help you go."

"No!" Leng Tiefeng stopped Heipi and said, "Old Xu's wound has not been treated and is still bleeding, so he must lie flat, otherwise his leg will be really useless. Also, This is the Japanese headquarters, there should be a medical team, you quickly go find the stretcher, and then follow the soldiers to carry Lao Xu away."

"Okay." Heipi agreed and went to find a stretcher.

Not long after, Heipi actually found a stretcher. He immediately helped Xu Rui lie down on the stretcher, then worked with the soldiers to lift the stretcher and left. Xu Rui didn't show any pretense. Before that, he had been extremely Weakness is simply holding on. After all, he is still a human being. He will definitely be weak after losing so much blood.

On the road, Xu Rui asked Xiao Yanyue again: "Company Commander Xiao, why are you here without me?"

"That's it." Xiao Yanyue followed Xu Rui's stretcher and said sadly, "Battle Commander Xu, after you led the company to divert the Japanese army away, the Japanese still sent a detachment to intercept the main force of the battalion, so I took the initiative to request I led the 4th company and platoon to stay behind to block the attack. We held off for nearly three hours, and finally we were all gone, and only the soldiers and I were left."

"That's it." Xu Rui frowned upon hearing this.