Special Forces King

Chapter 157: Operation


"Or died in the chaos of the war?" Hirohito shook off the telegram copy paper in his hand, and said in a bad tone to Xianyuan Gong Zairen who came to report on the work, "Uncle Emperor, what do you call this? Death is Death, not dead means not dead, what do you mean by dying in a chaotic battle? Shan Shanyuan is too unreliable in his work."

Kanin Gong Zaijin whispered: "Your Majesty, the failure of the Tachibana detachment to clarify Xu Rui's death is indeed disappointing, but in any case, the remnants of the temporary 79th Division were finally annihilated. In this way, Toshihiko My nephew can rest in peace, and the face of the empire and my royal family can be barely saved."

Hanin Gong Zairen is telling the truth. Prolonging the temporary formation of the Seventy-ninth Division will not do any good to Japan or the Japanese royal family, because continuing to dwell on this matter will only dampen the morale of the Japanese army and help the national war. The majesty of the army, so even if the Tachibana detachment failed to annihilate the remnants of the temporary 79th Division, Kanin Gong Zaijin would find a way to overcome it.

Now that the Tachibana detachment has severely damaged the remnants of the temporary 79th Division, Japan's public opinion and propaganda agencies can openly use this to spread public opinion and restore the previous influence.

The only thing that disappointed Kanin Miya Zaijin was that although the Tachibana detachment severely damaged the remnants of the temporary 79th Division, it was also encircled by the Chinese 59th Army, resulting in the entire advancing group being shattered. If this matter had been revealed to Western reporters If it is revealed, the empire and the imperial country will eventually be disgraced.

Kanin Gong Zaijin wanted to get over this layer as soon as possible, but Hirohito didn't.

Although Hirohito was the emperor, he was still a young man in his thirties.

Hirohito snorted and said: "Uncle Emperor, this matter must not be left like this. Let Shan Shanyuan find out the whereabouts of Xu Rui, the battalion commander of the temporary 79th Division's ** Battalion. In short, we must meet him." , I want to see the corpse!"

Seeing Hirohito's statement, Kanin Palace Zaihi breathed a sigh of relief, because it meant that Sugisu Yuan had passed the test and would not be dismissed like his predecessor Matsui Iwane. In this way, he, Kanin Palace As Shan Shan Yuan's recommender, Zai Ren had an explanation for Shan Shan Yuan.

However, Hirohito still had to agree to what he told him.

At that moment, Xianyuan Gong Zairen said: "Okay, I will send a telegram to Shan Shanyuan and ask him to find out the whereabouts of Xu Rui, the temporary battalion commander of the 79th Division's ** Battalion, as soon as possible. We need to see the corpse, but Your Majesty, it’s almost time now, you should go and make a New Year’s announcement.”

Hirohito snorted softly, turned around and left surrounded by guards.

As Hirohito's short and thin figure left the house, Hanyin Gong Zairen's brows immediately tightened. This old devil was also knowledgeable about military affairs. Although he was not on the frontline battlefield, he was also very aware of the difficulties faced by frontline generals. He sighed at the moment Tao: How easy is it to find someone on the huge Chinese battlefield

(Dividing line)

Xu Rui said in a deep voice: "Don't think about it, just do the surgery here."

"Right here?" Junko Okahara looked at the surrounding barren mountains and widened her beautiful eyes and said, "There is not even a single family here, let alone a clinic or hospital. How can I perform an operation?"

Xu Rui said: "Who stipulates that without a hospital, surgery cannot be performed?"

"Of course no one stipulates that there must be a hospital for surgery, but..." Junko Xiaoluhara opened her beautiful eyes, looked at Xu Rui innocently, and said, "But if there is no hospital, there will be no equipment, and how can we operate without equipment? ?”

After finishing speaking, Junko Xiaoluhara looked down at Xu Rui's injured right leg. The injury on this leg was not as serious as usual. Even in a large hospital, with all the medical equipment and medicines, this was an extremely difficult task. It is impossible to complete a large-scale surgical operation without high medical skills.

Xu Rui pulled out the bayonet from his waist with his backhand and said, "Use this."

"Nani, use a bayonet to perform surgery?" Junko Okahara was immediately confused.

Xu Rui handed the bayonet to He Shuya who was standing next to him and said, "Bookworm, go and sharpen the bayonet."

He Shuya agreed, took the bayonet and went to find a water source nearby to sharpen the bayonet.

Junko Ogahara said again: "But the scalpel can be replaced by a bayonet, but what about the blood transfusion equipment? Your right leg was very seriously injured, and you lost a lot of blood before. If there is no blood transfusion during the operation, I am worried that you will Hemorrhagic shock, once you have shock during surgery, then, then... "

Junko Oluhara didn't dare to say the rest, but how could Xu Rui not understand

In this barren mountain with no village or shop, once Xu Rui suffers from hemorrhagic shock and cannot receive blood transfusion in time, there can only be one outcome, and that is death!

During this process, only Leng Tiefeng and Jiang Nan could understand the communication between Xu Rui and Junko Xiaoluhara.

Jiang Nan advised: "Captain Xu, I support Junzi's opinion. It is too dangerous to perform surgery here. Even if you are not able to go to a big hospital in the city for the time being, you must at least find a Western medicine clinic."

Xu Rui said: "But I can no longer lift this leg. In another twenty hours at most, the area below the knee of my right leg will become necrotic. Even if I find a Western medicine clinic, I will have to amputate it." .”

"Even if an amputation is done, it's still better than losing your life, right?" Jiang Nan said again, "Battle Commander Xu, actually I have wanted to tell you for a long time. You are a commander, not a soldier, so your position should be at the command post. Instead of being like a soldier, charging at the forefront of the battlefield."

Leng Tiefeng also said: "Old Xu, I'm really not complimenting you. With your skills, even if you don't have your right leg, even if you have a pillar and a cane, on the battlefield, even three or five Japanese soldiers are no match for you."

"Go away, are you the one who advises people like this?" Xu Rui glared at Leng Tiefeng, then turned to Junko Oluhara and said, "Come on, Miss Junko, I know my body well. Such a small operation, I will never fall into hemorrhagic shock, so you can rest assured that the operation will be carried out. Of course, even if I do go into shock, no one will blame you."

"But, but..." Junko Xiaoluhara was still a little worried.

"It's nothing." Xu Rui said domineeringly, "That's it."

While talking, He Shuya had already sharpened the bayonet. Xu Rui took the bayonet from He Shuya and handed it to Junko Xiaoluhara, and then said in an encouraging tone: "Miss Junko, please start."

Faced with Xu Rui's firm eyes and firm tone, Junko Xiaoluhara finally nodded.

After taking out the iodine from the first aid kit and sterilizing the bayonet, Junko Okahara ordered the remaining soldiers who were watching: "Please fix Battalion Commander Xu's limbs and head on the stretcher."

Jiang Nan translated Ogahara Junko's Japanese into Chinese.

The soldiers and Siberian tigers standing nearby were about to take action, but Xu Rui stopped them.

"No need." Xu Rui waved his hand and said calmly, "It's just a minor surgery, it's not worth it."

Junko Oluhara looked at Xu Rui and said: "Captain Xu, because there is no anesthesia, the entire operation will be very painful. I'm worried that you won't be able to bear it. Moreover, one of the wounds is very close to the aorta. In case of surgery, If you struggle during the process, the result will be unimaginable... "

Xu Rui said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't move."

Xiaoluyuan Junzi closed her mouth, but her eyes changed when she looked at Xu Rui.

First, she used a bayonet to open several strips of cotton pants on Xu Rui's right leg, and then used iodine to disinfect more than a dozen wounds. Junko Xiaoluhara held the bayonet tightly in her little hand, turned her head and said to Xu Rui: "Xu Ying Sir, then I’ll start.”

"Let's get started." Xu Rui looked up at Junko Xiaoluhara, his eyes firm and cold.

Junko Okahara looks like a pretty beauty, but once the scalpel is in hand, her whole temperament immediately changes. She is truly a top student who graduated from Tokyo Medical University. Her strikes are accurate, steady, and ruthless. , one of the wounds on Xu Rui's right leg was cut open with just one knife.

The knife fell, the skin was opened, the flesh was torn, and blood spattered.

Junko Xiaoluhara's eyes quickly fell on Xu Rui's face.

However, what surprised Junko Okahara was that Xu Rui didn't react at all. It seemed that only his eyebrows slightly raised, and there was no expression on his face.

It seemed that this leg was not his Xu Rui's.

Xu Rui didn't react at all, but the soldiers, Siberian tigers and others who were watching around him inhaled one after another. The muscles on Wan Zhongshan's face even twitched involuntarily, as if what Junko Xiaoluhara just cut open was not Xu Rui's right leg, but The right leg of Wan Zhongshan, deputy commander of Wan Zhongshan, was the one who was in pain.

Junko Okahara didn't pause for a moment, cut open the wound with a knife, and then gently picked it up. A piece of shrapnel jumped out of the gaping wound with a pop and fell to the ground.

He Shuya bent down and picked up the shrapnel from the ground.

By the time He Shuya picked up the shrapnel, Xiaoluyuan Junzi had already cleaned the wound with cotton wool and had begun to suture it. Once the wound was sutured and sprinkled with iodine powder, the bleeding immediately stopped. After treating one wound, Xiaoluyuan Junzi couldn't help but turn her head to look at Xu Rui's face again, and found that Xu Rui's face was still expressionless, but his face seemed to have become paler.

Looking away from Xu Rui's face, Oluhara Junko pointed the bayonet at the second wound.

This is the deepest and largest of Xu Rui's dozen wounds. The shrapnel dug into the muscle tissue three to four centimeters deep, almost into the femur. Moreover, judging from the location, it is very close to the aorta, so the risk of surgery is also the greatest. Junko Xiaoluhara was worried that Xu Rui couldn't bear the severe pain, so she didn't dare to deal with it immediately.

Now, Junko Xiaoluhara believes that Xu Rui can really hold back.

This man, this Chinese man, even if he is a devil, is also the most heroic devil.

The knife fell from his hand, and the skin and flesh were torn open and blood splattered. However, this time, he was not able to get it right. Junko Okahara had to use the help of soldiers and Siberian tigers to open the gaping wound with a hook, and then cut him a second time. , and finally found the piece of shrapnel that was dug into the depths. Fortunately, it was still a millimeter away from the aorta.

Soon, Junko Okahara finished treating the second wound, and then turned to look at Xu Rui, only to find that Xu Rui's face was paler than before, and even his lips had lost their color. Seeing this, Junko Okahara's bright and beautiful eyes immediately softened.

