Special Forces King

Chapter 166: Incorporation


In just a few minutes, the style of painting in Juyi Hall completely changed.

Xu Rui and Leng Tiefeng gathered around the long wooden table in the middle of the Juyi Hall, nibbling fried noodles and sipping the steaming mutton soup, exclaiming happily, Nan Batian, Chuan The Sky Monkey and a dozen other bandits were standing on both sides obediently. If you look carefully, the Sky Monkey was even slightly bent over.

After eating and drinking, Xu Rui returned to the big tiger-skin chair and sat down, then wiped his mouth and said, "Master of Nanda, thank you for your hospitality. The mutton soup you made tastes good."

Nan Batian smiled apologetically, but he cursed in his heart: Get the hell out of here, as far away as you can.

"Master Nanda, please don't curse. It's wrong to curse." Xu Rui seemed to be able to hear it and said with a wicked smile, "I did offend you a lot just now. I apologize to you."

Nan Batian even said he didn't dare, but he said in his heart, "You are just hypocritical, who will believe you?"

Xu Rui didn't care what Nan Batian was thinking, and said: "Well, Nanda leaders, don't get me wrong. In fact, we have no other purpose in going to Qingniuling this time. We just want to take a break at Guibao. To put it in layman's terms, that's it. Stay here for a while, and during the rest period, you can continue to do your business, and we will never interfere."

"Live for a while?" Nan Batian and Changtian Monkey looked at each other.

Xu Rui smiled slightly and continued: "Of course, we will never take advantage of you in vain. We also have a small gift to offer."

Nan Batian couldn't help but roll his eyes, who cares about your gift

However, when Xu Rui asked someone to present the gift, Nan Batian's eyes immediately straightened.

Not only was Nan Batian's eyes straightened, but the Sky Monkey and a dozen other bandits were also dumbfounded.

Machine guns, the army actually wants to send them heavy machine guns? Moreover, it was a brand-new heavy machine gun. Looking at the shiny heat dissipation sleeve and the sturdy bracket, the eyes of a dozen gangsters were straightened.

"This, this, this..." Nan Batian asked in a voice, "Sir, is this really a gift to us?"

Under the huge shock, Nan Batian shouted the word "sir" almost without thinking.

"Is there any lie? Now this pheasant neck is yours." Xu Rui waved his hand and said domineeringly, "But you have to get the bullets yourself."

Nan Batian and the others didn't listen at all to the second half of Xu Rui's words. A dozen gangsters swarmed around the Type 92 heavy machine gun and began to comment.

"My dear, what kind of gun is this? It looks very majestic."

"Good guy, this is still air-cooled, more advanced than the Maxim."

"That's right, the Maxim heavy machine gun also needs a water tank, which is troublesome."

"It's a big deal. Now that we have a heavy machine gun, we don't have to worry about that little girl Sai Hongfu."

Nan Batian looked around and finally believed that this group of officers and soldiers were not here to suppress them, and began to seriously consider the conditions Xu Rui had just mentioned, but he was still a little worried in his heart: "Sir, you are officers and soldiers, why did you come to Damei Mountain to rest? ? Wouldn’t it be better to rest in the county or provincial capital?”

Leng Tiefeng said: "The Japanese invaded, didn't you know?"

"I've heard of it," Nan Batian said, "It's said that the Japanese army killed many people after they captured Nanjing. From Xiaguan to Yanziji, there were beautiful corpses of Chinese people along the river. These little Japanese are really not human beings. They are all * You beast, please don't let the people from Qingniu Village encounter this dog-like creature, otherwise, they will look good on you."

Nan Batian's expression was intense and his tone was generous. Xu Rui believed that he was speaking from his heart.

According to the reconnaissance of the soldiers and Cui Jiu, Qingniuzhai has a pretty good reputation. This group of bandits never kills people, and they never rob poor people, but only rob wealthy households.

So Xu Rui believed that Nan Ba was naive enough to fight the Japanese.

And this is also the main reason why Xu Rui came to Qingniuzhai.

Otherwise, Xu Ruida could directly destroy Qingniu Village.

Flying Sky Monkey is indeed the military advisor of Qingniu Village. He found the clue in Leng Tiefeng's words and said: "Even if the little devils have reached Nanjing, haven't they not reached Meizhen yet? Why didn't your army go to Meizhen?" Rest in town?"

Xu Rui and Leng Tiefeng looked at each other and said, "Then let's be honest. In fact, we are a ** team. Do you think Mayor Huang of Meizhen will let us settle in?"

Xu Rui's words are of course nonsense. Huang Shixun may not allow the independent brigade to settle in, but if Xu Rui is really determined to settle in Meizhen, how can Huang Shixun stop it

The reason why Xu Rui wanted to lead the independent brigade into Dameishan was of course for other reasons.

Nan Batian and Flying Sky Monkey felt that what Xu Rui said made sense. Huang Shixun was also a prominent figure in Pu County, and he would cause earthquakes when he stamped his feet in Meizhen. Moreover, Huang Shixun was also the mayor of Meizhen, and his three His son is still the security captain of Meizhen. By the way, his eldest son is still the county magistrate of Pu County, but he seems to have run away now.

"It turns out that you are actually the **'s team." The Sky Monkey suddenly realized, "If this is the case, that old guy Huang Shixun will definitely not let you settle in Meizhen. He has a grudge against the **."

Nan Batian also said: "**I have heard that a few years ago, Guan County in the north of the mountain once stationed ** teams. I heard that they were very good to the people."

"That's our Hubei-Henan-Anhui East Advance Detachment." The soldier immediately continued.

However, the next moment, the expression on the soldier's face immediately dimmed again.

Because the Hubei, Henan, and Anhui detachment ultimately failed under the encirclement and interception of the Central Army, and almost the entire army was destroyed. Only he and a few remaining soldiers escaped by chance and joined the southern Jiangsu guerrillas.

After knowing the origins of Xu Rui and the others, Nan Batian was half relieved.

However, Nan Batian did not believe Xu Rui easily. He believed that Xu Rui had no ill intentions, but he suspected that Xu Rui wanted to recruit people from Qingniu Village. Nan Batian was used to being free, and of course he was not willing to accept the recruitment of others. , how can you be as happy as being the boss when you are controlled by others, right

At that moment, Nan Batian's face showed a look of embarrassment, and he said to Xu Rui coyly: "Sir, you gave us Qingniu Village such a heavy gift when we first met. Ordinarily, we really shouldn't Good or bad, the problem is that our Qingniu Village really cannot support such a large population."

The Flying Monkey rolled his eyes and immediately came over to help: "Several officers don't know something. Just a few days ago, we got almost two thousand dendrobium grains from Meizhen. If this batch of grains is still there, let alone hundreds of people in your military region." If someone comes, even if they come as a battalion or even a regiment, our Qingniu Village can support us, but unfortunately... "

Xu Rui smiled and said: "It's a pity that the people in Qingfeng Village robbed the food."

"Who says otherwise?" Skyward Monkey spread out his hands and said with a grimace, "This is nearly two thousand dendrobium, two thousand dendrobium of grain, and a hundred pigs, which is enough for our Qingniu Village to feed and drink for more than three years. "

Xu Rui exchanged glances with Leng Tiefeng without leaving any trace, and finally got to the point.

If the Dameishan Independent Brigade wants to carry out an independent anti-Japanese struggle based on Dameishan District, it must control the entire Dameishan area, including Meizhen. However, given that the situation in Meizhen is too complicated and is too close to Puxian County, the Japanese are ready to attack at any time. It is possible to send troops to attack. In order to avoid alerting the Japanese, Xu Rui does not want to occupy Meizhen yet.

It is not difficult to occupy Meizhen, but after occupying it, if the Japanese troops come to fight, what will you do

To keep or not to keep? If you don't keep it, won't all your previous efforts be in vain? If I were to keep it, I would have to fight head-on with the Japs. Even if I fight too hard, let’s not talk about it. If the Japs were hurt by the beating, wouldn’t it lead to even larger-scale revenge from the Japs

Therefore, Xu Rui does not plan to occupy Meizhen before he is strong enough.

To put it bluntly, Xu Rui actually pursues the revolutionary policy of encircling cities from rural areas.

Xu Rui's first step in conquering Damei Mountain was to occupy the mountainous area first. To successfully occupy the mountainous area, the bandits in the mountain were an obstacle that could not be bypassed. Based on the principle of first easy and then difficult, Xu Rui first approached Nan Batian of Qingniu Village. , surrender Nan Batian first, and then concentrate all his efforts on dealing with Sai Hongfu.

Although they haven't met each other yet, Xu Rui can feel that Sai Hongfu is a difficult opponent. No matter what, a woman can gain a foothold in the Damei Mountain District where there are many bandits, and in just a few years, she can defeat more than a dozen bandits in the mountain. If they are driven away or annexed, how can they be regarded as ordinary people

At that moment, Xu Rui laughed and said, "I just said that you guys, you guys, frightened little girls like this, why don't you think it's embarrassing to tell them?"

The Flying Sky Monkey said with a bitter face: "Sir, that's because you don't know how powerful Sai Hongfu is. If you knew how powerful Sai Hongfu was, I'm afraid you wouldn't say that."

"Really?" Xu Rui said, "Then tell me, what is Sai Hongfu's powerful technique?"

"I can't say." The Sky Monkey shook his head in disbelief, and added, "Anyway, he is awesome."

Xu Rui was a little surprised by this answer. It was like a competition between two martial arts masters. If the losing party didn't even know where they lost, it could only mean that the strength gap between the two parties was too big.

In other words, Sai Hongfu's power has exceeded the cognitive limit of the Qingniu Village gangsters.

Xu Rui immediately had a new judgment on Sai Hongfu in his heart. However, fundamentally, Xu Rui still did not take Sai Hongfu seriously. It was not that Xu Rui underestimated the enemy. In fact, Xu Rui had enough confidence, no matter in individual combat. In terms of strength and command skills, he is far superior to any opponent in this era.

The reason why Xu Rui was so cautious was because he hoped to incorporate the bandits from Qingniu Village and Qingfeng Village.

At that moment, Xu Rui said again: "I can't say, so let's talk slowly one by one. First, when did Sai Hongfu appear in Damei Mountain?"

Nan Batian replied: "Three years ago."

"Three years ago?" Xu Rui nodded and asked, "What was the situation like at that time?"

Nan Batian said: "Qingfeng Village was originally the territory of the Decepticons. Three years ago, Qingfeng Village was one of the best among the eighteen gangsters in Damei Mountain. But who would have thought that Qingfeng Village would suddenly change overnight? It became Sai Hongfu’s territory, but the Decepticons became Sai Hongfu’s second in command.”

"The Decepticons are the second masters of Qingfeng Village?" Xu Rui frowned, "So, there are not only female bandits in Qingfeng Village?"

Xu Rui originally thought that Sai Hongfu's Qingfeng Village only had female bandits, but now that Nan Batian said this, it seemed that was not the case. (To be continued.)