Special Forces King

Chapter 179: Youth training team


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Damei Mountain.

On the rugged mountain road, a group of young students aged 17 or 18 were running forward with their legs thrown wildly. Although these young students were as tired as wild dogs, each of them almost stuck out their tongues to gasp for air, but they were not in a hurry. Leng Tiefeng, who was slowly following them, had no idea about mercy and was still urging them desperately.

"Look at you, you're like this, you're out of breath after running a few steps, haven't you eaten?"

"What about you, your legs are swinging, you're a soft-legged crab? If not, get out of here!"

"Listen, I don't want trash here, and if you don't want to be a snack for trash, cheer up! Run! Grit your teeth and rush forward for me! Rush!"

"Even if the members of our independent brigade die, they will die on the way to charge!"

After running a full thirty miles of mountain road, Leng Tiefeng finally blew a sharp whistle: Rest where you are!

Upon hearing the whistle, Huang Shouxin immediately felt that all the strength in his body was drained, and then he collapsed to the ground, leaving only gasping for air.

With a pop, a young man fell down close to Huang Shouxin.

Huang Shouxin turned around and asked, "What's your name?"

"He Shuya." The young man gasped and asked, "What about you?"

"Huang Shouxin." Huang Shouxin replied, "I am a local, where are you from?"

"From the Northeast." He Shuya said, and the expression on his face dimmed again.

"I'm sorry." Huang Shouxin immediately knew that it had touched the other person's heart and apologized quickly.

"It's okay." He Shuya quickly cheered up and asked again, "Why do you want to join the army?"

"For ideals." Huang Shouxin looked up at the blue sky, his eyes becoming profound, "I want to use my unremitting efforts to end the war in our ravaged motherland, so that all people in China can live a better life. To live a life of ample food and clothing, I will sacrifice my precious life in order to realize this lofty ideal."

"Ideal?" Compared with Huang Shouxin who had just stepped out of middle school, He Shuya, who had been in the army for six years, was much more mature. He shook his head and sighed, "The captain said that ideals are full, but reality is very skinny. Do you know how difficult it is to realize your ideals?"

Huang Shouxin said enthusiastically: "No matter how difficult it is, as long as I persist in working hard, and as long as tens of millions of Chinese like us can persist in striving and fighting for success, there will always be a day when we can achieve it. Yes, I firmly believe that day will come eventually!”


As soon as Huang Shouxin finished speaking, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in front of him.

Upon hearing the whistle, Huang Shouxin and He Shuya jumped up like a conditioned reflex.

Sure enough, that damn iron-faced instructor was already standing on the playground, a short whistle sounded, and he screamed at the top of his lungs: "Everyone is here, assemble!"

More than 20 young people immediately rushed to the playground in a swarm, carrying Sanba Daigai.

Then there was a burst of passwords.

"All of them. Look left, right... look!"

"Look forward...!"

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

After arranging the team, Leng Tiefeng walked to the front of the queue with standard steps and said solemnly: "I am honored to inform you that you have officially become members of the youth training team. Now, the three-month intensive training has officially begun. "

More than 20 young people were stunned when they heard this. Intensify training? Three months? !

Are you going to have to train like this every day for the next three months? Then let people live

Then, bigger blows followed. Leng Tiefeng said in a deep voice: "It's hard. It's tiring, right? Let me tell you, this is just the beginning. Today's training volume is only the standard for the first month. By the end of the day, In the second month, the amount of training will be doubled. Starting from the third month, fighting, shooting and other subjects will also be added. I might as well tell you first that every day's training is an assessment. If you are not active in training, points will be deducted. If you have a bad attitude, you will be deducted. If your technical and tactical actions are not up to standard, you will be deducted points. The total score is 100 points. If all 100 points are deducted, no matter who you are, get out of here immediately!"

After hearing this, He Shuya, Huang Shouxin and more than 20 young people immediately became nervous.

They finally got into the youth training team, but they didn't want to go back in such a mess. How embarrassing, wasn't it

Leng Tiefeng walked around the entire queue twice and then said: "Now, I would like to ask Captain Xu to give me a lecture!"

When Huang Shouxin heard this, he immediately perked up. He had been joining the Dameishan Independent Brigade for half a month, but he had never seen this legendary captain. It was said that this was a legendary figure. By the lake, he single-handedly killed most of the team of little devils!

Huang Shouxin had long been looking forward to meeting this legendary figure. Unfortunately, Captain Xu had not shown up in the past half month since he entered the mountain. I heard from others that he was training in the mountains with a small elite unit. This elite small force also has a name, what is called the Special Forces.

Huang Shouxin actually wanted to join this special force at first, but after the assessment, the Political Department assigned him to the young officer training team. Today is the first day of training for the youth training team.

Not only Huang Shouxin, but also most young people began to look around. Like Huang Shouxin, they were all young students mobilized by the Wannan Prefectural Committee or the Jiangsu Provincial Committee to join the Dameishan Independent Brigade. They had all heard of Xu Rui's legendary deeds, but never met Xu Rui.

Among these young people, only He Shuya had met Xu Rui.

Seeing Huang Shouxin and a group of young students looking around, He Shuya, who already knew in advance how Xu Rui would appear, whispered: "Heaven, look at the sky."

Huang Shouxin and several students nearby looked up blankly, and then their eyes widened.

I saw a big black bird flying down at an astonishing height on a cliff thousands of feet high in the distance. Then, the big bird quickly approached and zoomed in. Only then did Huang Shouxin and the others see clearly that this was not something at all. What a big bird, but a person wearing a large black cloak, actually a human being!

When he was about to fly over the head of the youth training team, the man suddenly stood upright, and the broad cloak behind him unfolded in the wind. Under the blow of the wind, the whole man suddenly lost weight, and then fell straight down. At this time, the rest The members of the youth training team also appeared, and they immediately exclaimed when they saw this.

But their worries were unnecessary. The man quickly turned sideways, and the large cloak behind him immediately turned into a small simple parachute. But even with the cloak as a buffer, he fell very fast. In a blink of an eye, , the man had fallen heavily to the ground, and then there was a loud bang.

When Huang Shouxin and more than 20 young students took a closer look, they saw that the man was not injured at all, because he still had a smile on his face. He could still laugh, so what could happen

The person who fell from the sky was none other than Xu Rui.

Including Huang Shouxin, more than 20 young students all stared at Xu Rui with their mouths agape. They couldn't believe their eyes. Oh my god, is there really anyone in this world who can fly

Xu Rui walked slowly to the queue of young students, opened his arms, showed off his simple wingsuit, and asked loudly: "Do you want to fly in the air like me?"

"I think!" More than 20 young students responded in unison.

Including He Shuya, he also wants to fly in the air like Xu Rui.

"You are beautiful." Xu Rui immediately changed his tone and continued, "With your small physique and small body, if a guy like me fell from the air, wouldn't it break into seven or eight pieces?"

"That's not necessarily true." Huang Shouxin responded loudly, "We can train and become stronger!"

"Then we'll wait until you become stronger." Xu Rui took off his wingsuit and handed it to Leng Tiefeng. His eyes suddenly turned cold and he continued, "Youth training team, you know what youth is?" Team training?"

"I know." Huang Shouxin replied, "The youth training team is the young officer training team, and we are the reserve officers of the Dameishan Independent Brigade!"

Xu Rui glanced at Huang Shou coldly and asked, "What's your name?"

Huang Shouxin replied: "My name is Huang Shouxin."

Leng Tiefeng helped Xu Rui put away the wing suit. When he came back, he heard Huang Shouxin's answer. At that time, he strode up to Huang Shouxin, opened his mouth wide, and almost roared into Huang Shouxin's ears: "Doctrine" Article 7: When you are asked by a superior, before you answer, you must shout a report! Shout a report! Shout a report!”

"Yes!" Huang Shouxin's eardrums were buzzing from Leng Tiefeng's roar, but he remained firm and motionless, facing Xu Rui and roaring, "Sir, my name is Huang Shouxin!"

"Huang Shouxin?" Xu Rui smiled slightly and said, "You are very good. I will remember you."

Huang Shouxin smiled and said confidently: "Captain, I will never let you down."

However, the next moment, the smile on Xu Rui's face had frozen, and he glared at Huang Shouxin and said fiercely: "Ten points will be deducted for trying to get close to the officer and having a bad attitude!"

"Yes!" Leng Tiefeng immediately picked up the roster and lost ten points in Huang Shouxin's name.

Huang Shouxin's little face immediately turned pale. Ten points were deducted? Are you still being unreasonable

But this time, Huang Shouxin finally learned his lesson. No matter how angry he was, he never resisted verbally.

Seeing that Huang Shouxin did not resist, Xu Rui seemed a little disappointed. He groaned heavily and walked around the youth training team and said: "The youth training team is the reserve officer of the Dameishan Independent Brigade. The hope of the team, before we officially start training, I have a few words to say to you."

More than 20 young students, including He Shuya and Huang Shouxin, pricked up their ears.

Xu Rui's sonorous and passionate voice rang out in the silent valley:

You will always remember:

There is always training in my mind,

There is always an enemy in your eyes,

There is always a responsibility on your shoulders,

There is always passion in my chest,

The battle breaks out at any time,

We are always ready,

Little bastards, are you ready

"Ready!" More than twenty young students responded loudly.

Xu Rui nodded coldly, and Leng Tiefeng strode forward and shouted: "Disband, hurry up and have lunch!"

More than twenty young students immediately dispersed and swarmed towards the canteen not far away. (To be continued.)

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