Special Forces King

Chapter 188: Welcome to join Langya


In the next ten minutes, Xu Rui dumped the poisonous insects on the remaining team members one by one. The final result satisfied him. Each team member showed enough concentration and firmness. Willpower, Xu Rui was worried about Sai Hongfu and Xiao Taohong before, but the final facts proved that his worries were completely unnecessary.

After the training, Sai Hongfu and Xiao Taohong immediately rushed to the mountain stream not far away. Girls always love beauty. They can forget everything during training, but when the training is over, they immediately return to the same state as before. They must do their best. If possible, tidy yourself up neatly and dress up beautifully.

Xu Rui also gave the two of them enough time and never urged them like before.

It took more than half an hour for Sai Hongfu and Xiao Taohong to finally clean up.

After returning to the team, Sai Hongfu even looked at Xu Rui in surprise. When did Qianzhu Xu become so patient? When have you not urged them to hurry up, hurry up, and hurry up as if urging them to die

Xu Rui grinned and asked, "Do you think I'm a little different from before?"

Sai Hongfu immediately became vigilant. In the past three months of getting along with each other, she used her own blood and tears to sum up a rule. Whenever the beasts ask them questions, you'd better not say anything.

The smile on Xu Rui's face became gentler. He turned to Xiao Taohong and asked, "Xiao Taohong, what do you think?"

After all, Xiao Taohong was less vigilant, or her inner admiration for Xu Rui was deeper than Hongfu's. Seeing Xu Rui's pleasant question, she immediately nodded honestly and said yes.

Sai Hongfu next to her immediately put her hand on her forehead, thinking that it was over, this silly girl Xiao Taohong had been fooled again, and the beast Xu was not sure how to torture her.

However, what surprised Sai Hongfu was that Xu Rui did not suddenly change his face like before. Instead, he came over very carefully and picked off a grass stem from the top of Xiao Taohong. Seeing this scene, Xiao Taohong Taohong was dumbfounded, Saihongfu was dumbfounded, and the other six male team members were also collectively petrified.

Why did the demon instructor suddenly become gentle

The style of painting changed so quickly that they couldn't adapt to it.

Xu Rui walked slowly to the open space next to the shooting range and blew the whistle while the team members stared at him.

Upon hearing the whistle, the eight team members immediately rushed over as a reflex and organized the queue as quickly as possible.

Looking at the eight team members standing in front of him with their hands behind their backs, Xu Rui finally burst into a heartfelt smile. It was over. His assessment of the team members had been successfully completed, and the results made him extremely satisfied.

"I take back my previous judgment of you." Xu Rui's eyes slowly swept over the faces of the eight team members including Decepticon, Xiao Taohong, Sai Hongfu, and Zuanshan Leopard, and said, "After three months of training, I am extremely satisfied with your performance, especially in the willpower training just now, your performance impressed me even more."

"If the full score is ten points, I will give you twelve points, excellent!"

Seeing the team members looking at each other, happy but disbelieving, the smile on Xu Rui's lips became stronger, and he continued: "From now on, you can laugh if you want, scream if you want, and question if you want. Raise doubts, I will not deliberately set any traps, because from now on, I am no longer your instructor, and you are no longer my trainees, from now on, we are already comrades-in-arms!"

Having said this, Xu Rui paused for a moment, then raised his tone and shouted: "Comrades, you are welcome to join the Langya, you are welcome to become a member of the Langya army, you are welcome!"

At this moment, the team members finally believed that Xu Rui was not playing tricks and finally dared to cheer loudly.

"Long live!"



"Qinzhu Xu, I like you!"

"Captain, you finally said something humane today!"

The six male team members embraced each other enthusiastically and cheered heartily. Sai Hongfu was so excited that he rushed forward, put his arms around Xu Rui's neck and kissed him on the face, immediately leaving a striking red mouth mark. Xiao Taohong next to her saw it and covered her mouth again and started laughing.

When the team members' excitement subsided, Xu Ruicai took out a stack of armbands from his bag.

This armband was designed by Xu Rui himself. It was made of canvas and was in the shape of a shield. It was embroidered with lace around it. In the middle, there was a wolf head with exposed fangs, and the word "loyalty" was embroidered under the wolf head.

Seeing Xu Rui take out this stack of armbands, Xiao Taohong's smile became sweeter. She spent more than ten nights secretly embroidering this stack of armbands after training. Even Miss Do not know at all.

Xu Rui walked up to the Decepticon first, slapped an armband hard on the Decepticon's shoulder, then stared into the Decepticon's eyes and said: "Decepticon, welcome to join the Wolf Fang!"

The Decepticon pressed the wolf's fang hard against his arm, unable to conceal the excitement in his expression.

To be honest, if it weren't for Sai Hongfu's words, the Decepticons would not have wanted to participate in the Wolf Fang training camp at all.

In his opinion, the fundamental purpose of Xu Rui's setting up a Wolf Fang training camp was to deprive them of their military power in disguised form, so he was resistant from the beginning.

But as the training unfolded, the Decepticons quickly changed their views.

After just a few days of training, the Decepticons had to admit that Xu Rui was really talented, and the skills he taught them on the training ground were really amazing!

For example, when it comes to killing people, before participating in the Wolf Fang training camp, the Decepticons only knew how to slap people in the face and smash their internal organs to pieces. However, after participating in the Wolf Fang training camp, the Decepticons realized that killing people is actually not necessary at all. It's so laborious. Breaking the throat bone can still kill someone, but it's much easier than breaking the person's internal organs.

There is also marksmanship. Decepticons always thought that if they could shoot accurately, they would be a sharpshooter.

But after participating in the training, the Decepticons realized that if they want to shoot accurately, there are many tricks, such as wind, ballistic curvature, and time advance, etc. Xu Rui's explanation was like giving Decepticons Tiger opened a door and let him see a completely different world, and he liked this world!

The Decepticon suddenly put his feet back and stood at attention. For the first time since participating in the Wolf Fang training camp, he gave Xu Rui a military salute!

"Captain, I will do my job well!" The Decepticon tightened his grip on the wolf fang armband and said in a deep voice, "I will never embarrass you."

Xu Rui nodded, walked towards Xiao Taohong, and patted the other armband on Xiao Taohong's shoulder: "Xiao Taohong, welcome to join the Wolf Fang Force."

Xiao Taohong pressed the wolf fang armband and gave Xu Rui a sweet smile.

Xu Rui received the message from Xiao Taohong's beautiful eyes and responded with a smile. He even reached out and gently pinched Xiao Taohong's tender cheeks before turning to Sai Hongfu.

Xu Rui patted another armband on Sai Hongfu's shoulder and said, "Sai Hongfu, welcome to join the Langya Army."

Sai Hongfu caught the wolf fang armband, but stared at Xu Rui with a pair of beautiful eyes, and then lowered his voice and said: "Don't think that changing your smile can expose all the evil things you have done before. Let me tell you, I’m not as easy to fool as Xiao Taohong, hum, just wait and see.”

"I'll wait." Xu Rui smiled evilly and turned to Zuanshan Leopard.

"Zuanshan Leopard, welcome to join the Wolf Fang." Xu Rui patted the Fourth Party Wolf Fang armband on Zhuanshan Leopard's shoulder, then stared condescendingly into Zhuanshan Leopard's eyes and said, "I must admit, your sniper talent makes I was very surprised. If you can be strict with yourself and be consistent, your achievements in the future will be limitless!"

After a pause, Xu Rui raised his voice and said loudly: "You will become the envy of millions of soldiers across China, and you will become a hero worshiped by tens of millions of young people across China!"

The look on the mountain leopard remained cold, as if he didn't understand the praise in Xu Rui's words. He reached out to take the wolf fang armband and responded lightly: Really

Xu Rui nodded sincerely, staying calm at all times and never letting external factors affect his emotions. This is an essential quality for an excellent sniper, and he already possesses it.

Taking another step forward, Xu Rui stood in front of the Siberian tiger again.

The Siberian tiger is as strong as a mountain. Standing there, it looks like a hill. Xu Rui is 1.87 meters tall. He has to look up to see the face of the Siberian tiger.

"Siberian Tiger, welcome to join the Wolf Fang." Xu Rui patted the fifth party Wolf Fang armband on the Siberian Tiger's shoulder and said, "You are the strongest man I have ever seen, and I also firmly believe that you will become the leader of the entire Wolf Fang." The strongest backing of the Fang Force, as long as you are here, no one can threaten us, the Wolf Fang!"

Xu Rui's tone was full of sonority. Although his words were ordinary, he was full of trust in his comrades.

The Siberian Tiger's mood was obviously affected by Xu Rui, and there was unconcealable excitement in his tone: "Captain, I'm always ready!"

The sentence "Always be prepared" expresses the Siberian tiger's thoughts at this moment.

Always be prepared for what? Always be prepared to sacrifice yourself for your comrades!

Xu Rui continued to walk forward, patting the wolf fang armbands of the Sixth Party and the Seventh Party on the shoulders of the Big Boa Constrictor and the Sky Monkey respectively, and also gave them a few words of encouragement respectively.

Finally, Xu Rui stood in front of the soldiers.

Xu Rui patted the last Wolf Fang armband on the soldier's shoulder: "Soldier, welcome to join the Wolf Fang. You have fought alongside us in Nantong, and you must have heard of those eight words. I also hope you can remember them forever. Live those eight words, never give up, never give up!”

The soldier took the wolf fang armband and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Yes, never give up, never give up!"

Xu Rui strode back to the queue, Leng Jun's eyes swept over the faces of the eight team members one by one, and said in a deep voice: "I also hope you can remember these eight words, never give up, never abandon! No matter what! No matter what kind of difficulties you face, don’t give up easily. Victory often comes at the moment of persistence!”

"Believe me, if you don't want to be a loser, then you must not give up easily!"

"Remember, no matter what dangers you face in the future, never abandon your comrades."

"Because, when you abandon your comrades, you will also be abandoned by your comrades. A lone wolf who has lost his comrades is destined not to go far on the battlefield." (To be continued.)