Special Forces King

Chapter 197: Confrontation


When Leng Tiefeng was commanding the No. 1 Squadron to repair the fortifications, Xu Rui had already called more than 20 cadet soldiers from the youth training team to the front and conducted a pre-battle teaching. 23us. com is the fastest updated

Practical teaching is always the best.

In the classroom, no matter how much you talk, it will win you over. It is good if the students can learn three or four points. But on the battlefield, because they have intuitive feelings, it is easier for the students to accept it.

Xu Rui pointed to the position of the 1st Squadron and explained: "When arranging defensive positions, you must not concentrate all the troops on one line. Instead, you should arrange them in front and back echelons to form a certain defense depth. If you arrange it on the front line, there is no depth. As long as the enemy breaks through a little, your defense line will immediately fall apart. If there is depth, when the first line of defense collapses, you can still rely on the second line of defense to continue to resist the enemy's attack."

"In addition to allocating troops in echelons to create depth, we must also pay attention to protecting the flanks."

"Look, why does the No. 1 Squadron have a squad on the northwest side of the main position? That's to protect the flanks. With flank protection, you don't have to worry about the enemy's roundabout attacks."

When talking about flank protection, Xu Rui specifically emphasized his tone.

The Communists of this era, from junior officers to senior generals, have basically never been exposed to modern military. Even the military students who graduated from the Central Military Academy have not been exposed to modern military theory in the true sense. They are building a line of defense. They often spread their troops out in one direction, without deep protection, let alone flank protection. The Japanese army only needs to break through one point, and the Japanese defense line will immediately collapse.

The most typical example is the Battle of Xinkou. The Jinsui Army and the Central Army deployed more than fifty divisions in front of Xinkou, but they did not place even a single regiment at Niangzi Pass on the side and rear. As a result, the Japanese army only dispatched a mere infantryman. The brigade flanked Niangzi Pass, and Xinkou's defense line collapsed immediately, and the 300,000-strong army collapsed overnight.

Of course, Leng Tiefeng had attended West Point Military Academy and had systematically studied modern military theory.

Therefore, Leng Tiefeng did not place all the troops of the first squadron in front, but only placed the first squadron in front, then placed the second squadron two hundred meters behind the first squadron, and then drew out the third squadron. One squad protects the flank, and the remaining two squads serve as reserves to prepare for a counterattack at a critical moment.

Leng Tiefeng's defensive deployment has depth of defense and flank protection.

After demarcating the defense area, more than 150 veterans of the First Squadron immediately began intensive construction of fortifications.

These more than 150 veterans are basically veterans from the temporary 79th Division. They are very good at repairing fortifications. In less than half a minute, the two main trenches and the communication trenches connecting the front and rear trenches were outlined. However, It will take time to dig out the outline into solid fortifications.

It would be too late anyway with the help of the First Squadron alone.

Xu Rui was about to lead the youth training team forward to help, but suddenly there was a noise behind him.

Looking back, I saw Wang Husheng, secretary of the Southern Anhui Special Committee, coming with hundreds of fellow villagers.

Good guy, **’s organizational and mobilization abilities are so strong, it’s really hard to resist if you don’t accept it.

Xu Rui estimated that the local government of Meizhen may not have been formally established yet, but they were able to mobilize so many fellow villagers to help build fortifications in such a short period of time. This is the **'s ability!

"Secretary Wang, you are really good." Xu Rui walked up to greet Wang Husheng and said, "In such a short time, you can organize fellow villagers to help us build fortifications."

"Where." Wang Husheng did not dare to take credit, shook his head and said, "Captain Xu, this is not my credit, the villagers are here for your face."

These hundreds of villagers are really here for Xu Rui.

Because Xu Rui rescued the seventeen innocent people who were about to be immersed in the pig cage, and also arrested the three bullies Liu Heiqi, Hong Jiugong and Ran Deng Taoist, the people in the town all clapped and applauded. When they heard that the Independence Brigade was going to fight the Japanese at Shaqiao Gang, they all expressed their willingness to help fight the Japanese.

As soon as Wang Husheng saw that the people's support was available, he immediately mobilized them to help repair the fortifications.

It is easy to do things when there are many people. In less than two hours, the two main trenches at the front and back have been basically dug, and the depth of the trenches exceeds 1.2 meters. In addition, the height of the base soil is at least 1.5 meters, and partially 1 meter. Seventh, a person can raise a gun and shoot while standing instead of kneeling, which can greatly save physical strength.

After the main trenches were repaired, foxholes and communication trenches were immediately followed. However, before the communication trenches were repaired, billowing smoke and dust started to rise on the road ahead, indicating that the Japanese had arrived!

Seeing this scene, Xu Rui immediately threw down the hoe in his hand and asked Wang Husheng to organize the evacuation of the fellow villagers. Then he also led more than 20 students from the youth training team to the defensive position of the second squadron. Xu Rui faced Leng Tie He still trusted Leng Tiefeng, so he would never interfere with Leng Tiefeng's command.

But the hundreds of fellow villagers refused to leave and insisted on staying to help.

Many of the young and middle-aged men came with hatchets or firecrackers. They showed off their weapons and asked to enter the position to help the independent brigade fight against the Japanese. Of course Xu Rui would not agree, but he could not bear to refuse their kindness, so he They were promised to stay on the Second Squadron's position and continue to build fortifications.

(Dividing line)

"Stop!" Kameda Ichiro suddenly raised his right hand, and the motorcycle driver sitting next to him quickly tightened the brakes, and the three-wheeler that was slowly moving forward came to a halt with a crunch.

Five other tricycles and two trucks followed also stopped.

Behind them, about three squadrons of Japanese infantry were following up amid the smoke and dust, but they were still some distance away.

Due to the shortage of transportation means, the Japanese army gave priority to trucks, motorcycles and even animal-drawn carts to protect front-line combat troops. Therefore, the means of transportation left for the troops stationed in the occupied areas were extremely limited. The Pu County Gendarmerie only had two trucks and six sidecars. , so only the artillery squad was eligible to ride, and the rest of the Japanese had to run to follow.

Ichiro Kameda stood up from the sidecar and raised his telescope. After zooming in through the telescope, he could clearly see that the road a thousand meters ahead had been cut off. The creek spreads out laterally, and complete fortifications have been built.

"Baga Yalu, how could this happen?"

Seeing this scene, Kameda Ichiro could only curse.

Ichiro Kameda originally thought that even if those who attacked Meizhen were really regular troops of the Nationalist Government, the reinforcement of Meizhen would be an extremely easy battle this time, because after the Battle of Nanjing, the most elite dozen or so of the Communist Party All divisions have been basically wiped out, including the 87th, 88th, and 36th divisions known as the Yulin Army, as well as the Central Military Academy Teaching Corps.

After destroying a dozen of the most elite main divisions, no matter how many **** troops are left, they are just a mob.

However, the scene he saw in front of him changed Kameda Ichiro's view. Let's not talk about combat effectiveness. Judging from the fortifications built by the opponent, this is an army with a rigorous style, especially if the opponent can do so in such a short period of time. It is not easy to build such a complete fortification in such a short period of time.

However, even so, Ichiro Kameda is still confident of winning.

First of all, he brought three entire brigades this time, and the Chinese *** team on the opposite side is only more than a hundred people at most. Even if there are hidden Chinese *** teams in front, the number will not be much more. One Basic judgment, since this Chinese army can carry weapons and baggage over Damei Mountain, how big an organization can it have

Kameda Ichiro immediately ordered: "Order, the artillery team is deployed on the spot."

With an order, the Japanese artillerymen sitting on the two trucks got out of the car one after another, then unloaded six 82mm caliber mortars from the trucks and lined them up on the side of the road.

The Japanese artillery squad is generally equipped with 2 92 infantry guns or 4 mortars.

During this attack, Kameda Ichiro specially strengthened the firepower of the artillery team and increased the number of mortars by two.

Since there is no observation hot air balloon, the artillery observers can only use the most primitive thumb ranging method to measure the distance, and then guide the artillery to test fire. After correcting the trajectory according to the test shot impact point, the artillery team immediately started ten rapid rounds. shoot! In an instant, rows of artillery shells slammed into the front positions with a loud scream.

While the artillery was preparing for the artillery fire, about a small group of Japanese infantry had quietly moved up. By the time the bombardment ended, this small group of Japanese infantry was less than a hundred meters away from the position of the first squadron. The synergy between infantry and artillery is really great, and you are not afraid of blowing up your own people at such a close range.

As soon as the shelling stopped, more than fifty Japanese soldiers immediately increased their speed and rushed over with bayonets in hand.

Leng Tiefeng was the first to stand up from the trench. Although the thick smoke made it difficult for him to keep his eyes open, he still noticed that the Japanese were approaching. He immediately raised his gun and pulled the trigger, killing him with just one shot. The Japs sergeant in front then pulled the bolt to retreat and shouted: "The Japs are coming, brothers, fight me!"

Upon hearing Leng Tiefeng's order, the veterans who were hiding from the shelling in the trenches straightened up, braved the acrid smoke, and opened fire fiercely at the Japanese charging forward.

Guarding the first line of defense was a small team from the 1st Squadron.

The more than fifty officers and soldiers in the small team were all veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles, and their marksmanship was good. So in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen of the Japanese who charged forward fell, at least half of them were killed, and the rest More than forty Japanese soldiers quickly fell down and started shooting at each other with a small group of veterans.

If you think that this is all the Japanese have, you are wrong.

The infantry attack was blocked, and the fire support team immediately followed up. Five hundred meters away, the Japs' heavy machine gun squadron began to fire fiercely. The hot bullets were splashing towards the small team's position like water. After splashing over, a small group of two imitation Czech light machine guns were immediately suppressed.

This was not over yet, and two Japanese grenade groups arrived shortly after.

Just two bangs were heard, and two high-explosive grenades with a caliber of 50mm carried a squeaking scream. After flying five hundred meters, they accurately hit the main trench of a small team and exploded with a bang. (To be continued...)