Special Forces King

Chapter 200: Cao GUI's Controversy


Before the Japanese infantry launched their attack, the Second Squadron quickly entered the forward position and replaced the First Squadron. [read]

After the first squadron came down, the situation was a bit miserable. Although the previous counterattack almost wiped out the retreating Japanese, and also beat up the Japanese who were about to attack, severely damaging the Japanese's spirit, but it was inevitable that It caused huge casualties to itself.

There were more than 150 people in the first squadron. In the end, less than 50 people were able to make it down. The rest were carried down. The only thing to be thankful for is that there were many injured but few killed, and most of the injured officers and soldiers were nothing. A fatal injury, as long as he keeps up with the treatment, he will be a vigorous and vigorous hero again in half a month.

On the other hand, the Japs deployed four teams to launch seven or eight attacks, but the number of casualties exceeded one hundred. In fact, not many Japs were killed on the spot. More Japs were only shot and injured because they could not be rescued from the battlefield. , and eventually died of excessive blood loss.

This reflects the importance of battlefield control.

Whoever takes the initiative on the battlefield can calmly transport the wounded to the rear. However, for the side that loses control of the battlefield, the wounded often cannot be rescued in time, and the number of casualties will far exceed that of the side that controls the battlefield.

For example, in the Battle of Songhu, because the Japanese army firmly controlled the initiative on the battlefield, all the wounded were able to be transported to the rear in time, so the number of casualties exceeded 50,000, but only more than 10,000 Japs were actually killed in the battle, and the remaining 40,000 or so died quickly He recovered from his injuries and returned to the team to participate in the battle. On the other hand, due to the lack of battlefield control, the wounded could not be rescued in time, so almost all the more than 200,000 casualties died in the end.

Therefore, although Squadron 1 looked miserable, Xu Rui didn't care.

"Veteran, thank you for your hard work." Xu Rui greeted Leng Tiefeng and said with a smile, "Go and have a rest."

Leng Tiefeng asked Xu Dekun to lead the troops to withdraw first, and then said solemnly: "I want to stay."

"What are you doing here?" Xu Rui asked in surprise, "The mission of your first squadron has been completed."

"Old Xu, please stop pretending in front of me." Leng Tiefeng curled his lips and lowered his voice, "How can you hide your thoughts from me? I want to stay and participate in the final counterattack!"

Xu Rui laughed and said, "I really can't hide anything from you."

Leng Tiefeng snorted softly, and then said: "But Lao Xu, the combat effectiveness of this group of Japs is not simple. In name, they are a military police force, but in fact they are not much different from the Japs of a dozen permanent divisions. You really Are you sure we can stop the Japanese attack and still have a chance to counterattack and eat them?"

Xu Rui did not answer directly, but asked: "Old soldier, have you read Zuo Zhuan?"

"I have read it," Leng Tiefeng said, "but only roughly, not in detail."

Xu Rui added: "But you must have read through this ancient article about Cao GUI's polemic. Isn't that right?"

"That's true." Leng Tiefeng said, "This is a good article. I have read it through at least fifty times."

Xu Rui added: "There is such a sentence in Cao GUI's polemic, which I deeply agree with. Veteran, do you know which sentence it is?"

Leng Tiefeng guessed Xu Rui's sentence and immediately read: "Fighting requires courage. One burst of energy will weaken again, and three times it will be exhausted. If it is exhausted, I will be full, so I can overcome it."

"That's right, that's it." Xu Rui said with a heavy blow, "The Japanese's first attack just now was all in one go, but they were counterattacked by your No. 1 Squadron. They sharpened their energy. Now on the No. 2 Squadron, Wan Zhongshan is a cautious one. Yes, this kind of people are often not good at attacking, but they are best at defending, so the Japs' second attack will not achieve anything. This is a further failure. When Li Hai's third squadron goes up, the Japs will be exhausted in three At that time, we will be exhausted, and I will invest in the fourth and fifth squadrons to launch the final attack, and the result will be certain."

"Old Xu, this is just your imagination." Leng Tiefeng said, "It is not an objective fact."

"No, you are wrong. This is not an assumption." Xu Rui shook his head and said firmly, "This is based on an objective judgment of the combat power of both the enemy and ourselves. Veteran, your battle command is excellent. Fighter capture Your abilities are impeccable, but your battlefield observation skills still need to be improved."

After it was over, Xu Rui turned back to He Shuya, Huang Shouxin and about 20 other student soldiers standing behind him and said, "You guys should take a closer look. I believe that after experiencing this battle, you will have an intuitive understanding of battlefield command." concept, so that when you actually take up a command position in the future, you won’t be clueless.”

"Yes!" More than twenty student soldiers agreed in unison.

(Dividing line)

On the forward position, the Second Squadron was already red-eyed.

Wan Zhongshan put his shoulder against the stock of a Czech light machine gun and fired violently while roaring at the top of his lungs: "Brothers, hit me, hit me hard, kill these dogs, ah ah."

Along with the hoarse roar, the machine gun in Wan Zhongshan's hand was also spitting out firepower fiercely. The dense bullets were raining down on the Japanese in front. The Japanese's attack was immediately suppressed and they were forced to lie down.

However, the Japanese support fire soon followed. The Type 92 heavy machine gun opened fire violently, sending smoke and dust flying into the bunker where Wan Zhongshan was hiding. Wan Zhongshan quickly shrank his head, and the next moment, there were countless bullets. The scream flew past his head, and Wan Zhongshan could even clearly see the faint trace left in the air after the bullet flew past.

Using the cover of the trenches, Wan Zhongshan changed the machine gun position, set up the machine gun and continued to fire violently. The Japanese who had just stood up from the ground immediately fell down again.

"Whew..." A short scream suddenly fell from the sky.

"Fuck you!" Wan Zhongshan is a veteran. When he heard this short scream, he immediately knew that something was wrong. He quickly picked up the machine gun and tried to move it, but it was too late. In the next moment, a 50mm high-explosive grenade was fired. It landed less than two meters away from Wan Zhong Mountain and exploded with a bang.

The smoke and dust generated by the explosion swallowed up Wan Zhongshan in one go.

"Battle Base! Camp Block! Camp Block!" Two veterans of the Northeast Army who were shooting nearby immediately rushed over and helped up Wan Zhongshan who fell to the ground, "Bing Zuo, are you okay?"

Wan Zhongshan's horse face has been smoked into a fierce shape, and there is a gap with deep bones on the right side of the face. The skin turned up ferociously on both sides, but no blood was seen flowing out, but it turned out that the burning The shrapnel directly scorched the wound, and the capillaries were completely destroyed, so there would be no blood loss. In ancient times, this method was often used to stop bleeding.

However, there are no other wounds on Wan Zhongshan's body.

Wan Zhongshan shook his head and asked blankly: "Where am I?"

Wan Zhongshan was so stunned by the shock wave of the grenade that he forgot that he was on the battlefield.

"Bingzuo, don't scare me, we are on the battlefield." A veteran of the Northeast Army said sadly, "We are fighting against the Japanese. You must not let anything happen to you."

"Oh, yes, I remembered it." Wan Zhongshan woke up like a dream, then sat up again, and then began to look around for the machine gun, "Where is the machine gun? Where is my machine gun?"

Another veteran of the Northeast Army dug out a machine gun from the sand: "The camp is here."

Wan Zhongshan took the machine gun, casually pulled out the empty magazine, and turned around and shouted: "Ammunition, ammunition hand!"

"Here it comes, the ammunition for the camp is here!" The ammunition hand who was hiding in the trench rushed over immediately, took out a magazine from his backpack and handed it to Wan Zhongshan. Wan Zhongshan inserted the magazine into the slot and pulled it open. The gun was fired, and then he turned over and fell down on the outer edge of the trench, facing the Japanese with a long S.

At this time, the Japanese were already within fifty meters.

Immediately afterwards, the Japanese who were charging forward raised their hands in unison, and more than thirty grenades flew fifty meters into the void with a puff of green smoke, and fell into the trench like rain. One of them It also landed not far from Wan Zhong Mountain. After landing, it rolled over again and rolled to the foot of Wan Zhong Mountain.

"Holy shit!" Wan Zhongshan quickly flew up and kicked the grenade into the bullet avoidance hole.

The grenade exploded as soon as it fell into the bomb shelter. The bomb shelter was blown open, but Wan Zhongshan was unscathed. However, the grenade thrown by the Japs also reminded Wan Zhongshan that the Japs were approaching the position. Throw a grenade!

Wan Zhongshan took out a long-handled grenade made in Jinling from his waist, pulled the fuse and threw it forward, then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Grenade, throw the grenade quickly!"

The veterans of the Northeast Army who had been stunned suddenly woke up from a dream and threw grenades one after another.

Suddenly, grenades rained down on the Japanese skirmishers. The Japanese soldiers who were charging forward were immediately blown to pieces. Seeing that the casualties were too great, the Japanese second lieutenant captain finally backed down. The commander turned around and shouted: "Retreat, retreat quickly..."

The Japanese attack collapsed again.

(Dividing line)

Seeing the Japanese who had launched an attack withdraw again, Kameda Ichiro's hands began to tremble slightly again.

How many times has this been an attack? The eleventh or the twelfth time? But the result is the same.

Ichiro Kameda put down the telescope, took out his pocket watch from his coat pocket, and looked at the time. He saw that the hour hand was already pointing to five o'clock in the afternoon. Judging from the time, they had spent nearly two hours here and were trapped in Meiji. I'm afraid that half of the team in the ancestral hall has already been shattered.

It seems that there is no need for them to waste time with the Chinese here, because even if they win in the end, they will not be able to rescue the trapped half of the team. However, should they just retreat like this? They dispatched more than half of the gendarmerie, fought hard for more than two hours, lost more than two hundred officers and soldiers, and then retreated to Pu County in despair

Kameda Ichiro cannot accept this result no matter what, he absolutely cannot accept it!

Taking a deep breath, Ichiro Kameda took out a forehead wiper from his arms and tied it on his forehead. In the center of the square forehead wiper, directly opposite the forehead, a bright red sun was embroidered, symbolizing the long-term military destiny of the Japanese Empire. , Kameda Ichiro is going to personally lead the main force to launch a desperate charge, and the old Japanese is going to fight tooth and nail.