Special Forces King

Chapter 205: Fake city


Shima Kenichi has been standing at the north gate of Pu County for some time. [Read full text]

After Ichiro Kameda left, Kenichi Shima became the top commander of the garrison in Kameda County, and he also took on the responsibility of guarding the county. Although at this time, there was only less than one squadron of troops left behind in Kameda County, but Shima However, Kenichi still meticulously made the deployment and adjustment of the county's defense as complete as possible.

Shima Kenichi divided more than a hundred Japanese troops into three teams. One team guarded the warehouse to protect supplies and munitions, another team guarded the headquarters to provide support in the middle, and the last team guarded the north gate. As for the other three city gates, they were all closed. , it is strictly forbidden for anyone to enter or exit, even Japanese soldiers are not allowed to enter or exit.

At this time, Liang Hongzhi's provisional reform government was still in the midst of intensive preparations. The Imperial Association Army, which was planned to assist the Japanese army in maintaining security and patrols in the occupied areas, was still on paper. Therefore, the security of the vast war area and the For patrols, we have to rely on the Japanese army themselves, and the Japanese army's strength seems to be somewhat stretched.

After arranging everything, Shima Kenichi began to wait for the good news from Kameda Ichiro with peace of mind.

Kenichi Shima originally thought that this battle would be very easy. Ura Prefecture's Military Police were not ordinary troops, but were organized from the Iijima Division, which was one of the seventeen permanent divisions of the Japanese army. One of the regiments, in the imperial world, this is a first-class troop. Isn't it easy to deal with a mere group of **** troops

However, Shima Kenichi never expected that he would wait all afternoon.

Until it was dark, I had not received any news from Kameda Ichiro.

He called the troops who were still trapped in the Mei Family Ancestral Hall, but he was able to get through. However, the gunfire outside the town had not stopped. The main force of the gendarmerie was still fighting fiercely with the Chinese army. Shima Ken couldn't help but feel worried after hearing this. They haven't won the battle after half a day. How many people are there who have infiltrated into Meizhen this time? A regiment, or even a division

Kenichi Shima really wanted to ask Kameda Ichiro directly about the battle situation, but unfortunately Kameda Ichiro did not bring a radio with him on this trip, so he had to give up.

Kenichi Shima also thought about sending communications troops to take a look, but in the end he gave up the idea, because this is China after all, and it is too dangerous for Japanese soldiers to go out alone at night. This has happened several times before, and a certain The soldier went out alone at night and never came back. When he was found, his body had been exposed in the wilderness.

Therefore, the only thing Kenichi Shima can do now is to wait and wait quietly.

Shima Kenichi didn't know that the Japanese trapped in the Mei family ancestral hall had already been wiped out.

Shortly after Ichiro Kameda led the main force of the Kama Prefecture Military Police to the battlefield, Leng Tiefeng led the special operations team to easily annihilate the Japanese who were trapped in the Mei family ancestral hall. Later, it was actually someone from the independent brigade who gave Shima Kenichi a reply.

Although Jiang Nan has left, the enemy engineering department she formed has begun to show its effect. The two Japanese who were captured at the same time as Shigeto Chiaki have been successfully reformed and accepted anti-war ideas. It was these two who just responded to Shima Kenichi. One of the Japanese officers was named Inaba Hozo.

He Shuya was following Xu Rui's instructions and looking at the time.

Calculating that time was almost up, He Shuya said to Inaba Suisan: "Call Pu County. The battle on Meizhen's side has ended. The main force of the gendarmerie has entered Meizhen, but the Chinese army is still there. Despite the stubborn resistance, Major Kameda, worried about the safety of the county, has requested the provincial capital headquarters to send a squadron to rush to Pu County overnight."

"Hai." Inaba Suomi nodded, then picked up the phone and started to shake the handle.

(Dividing line)

Kenichi Shima was impatient to wait, and when he was about to make another call to the Mei Family Ancestral Hall, several bright headlights suddenly appeared on the road ahead. Seeing the headlights, Kenichi Shima immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and the convoy Coming back meant that the battle in Meizhen was over, and the imperial army undoubtedly won the final victory.

Kenichi Shima never thought that the Kamo Prefecture Military Police were actually defeated and wiped out, and that the convoy that appeared in Kamo Prefecture was actually carrying the Chinese Army Corps, because such an idea was too crazy. It seems to Kenichi Shima that even the craziest delusional person may not be able to come up with such crazy ideas.

However, Kenichi Shima still performed his duties and conducted an inspection of the team.

Kenichi Shima came down from the city, walked to the checkpoint, and stretched out his hand to signal the convoy to stop.

Xu Rui, who was sitting in the first sidecar, signaled the driving team member to stop. The team member was a special agent who followed Sai Hongfu and came out from Zhongtong. It must be admitted that Sai Hongfu is quite popular. The group of spies who came with her basically followed her to join the Communist Party, and only a handful of them chose to leave Dameishan.

Of course, it is difficult to determine whether there are any lurking spies among these agents.

The team member gently turned the handbrake, and the three-wheeler screeched to a stop on the side of the road. The other two three-wheelers and two trucks that followed also stopped. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The headlights of all the vehicles were facing the checkpoint, so when Shima Kenichi and the Japanese on the checkpoint looked at it, they could see nothing clearly in the vast expanse of white ahead.

Dao walked slowly into the car lights, but found something strange. The Japanese soldiers in front of him were all unfamiliar faces.

No, this is not the Pu County Gendarmerie. Shima Kenichi dare not recognize all the soldiers of the Pu County Gendarmerie, but there is no doubt that he recognizes most of them. However, he is the group of people in front of him. Don’t know anyone! Subconsciously, Kenichi Shima's right hand reached for the gun holster at his waist.

Seeing Shima Takeru reaching for his gun holster, the dozen or so Japanese soldiers at the checkpoint immediately became nervous. They all raised their 38 caps in their hands. The machine gunners behind the circular barricade also quickly pulled their triggers and fired. The muzzle of the Type 92 heavy machine gun turned around and was aimed at the convoy in front.

However, the captain sitting in the three buckets by the side seemed very calm. When he saw Shima Takeru reaching for the holster on his waist, he just glanced at him with disdain, and then said: "Hey, what are you going to do?"

Hearing the authentic Japanese, Shima Kenichi's nervousness eased.

In any case, there should be no doubt that the opponent was Japanese, but Kenichi Shima did not completely relax his vigilance because of this, and his right hand was still holding the holster tightly.

"Which unit do you belong to?" Shima Kenichi said solemnly, "What mission do you come to Pu County to perform?"

"Bagagaru." The captain on the opposite side seemed to be irritated, and he cursed in anger, "We came here to help with good intentions, but we were stopped outside the city and refused to enter. This is how that idiot in Kameda entertains his friends. Really? But since we are not needed here, let’s go and clear the way!”

The captain cursed angrily and motioned for the convoy to turn around.

Kenichi Shima was a little busy, but he also vaguely guessed that this force should be the reinforcements that Chief Kameda managed to mobilize from the provincial capital to help defend the county town.

Sure enough, a sentry poked his head out of the watchtower and shouted loudly: "Sir, the captain just called from the Mei family ancestral hall. He just transferred a squadron from the provincial capital to Pu County."

Shima Ken was convinced, and quickly stepped forward and said: "Misunderstanding, it was just a misunderstanding."

The captain then snorted and said coldly: "Since it's a misunderstanding, why don't you give way quickly? We walked hundreds of miles of mountain roads to get here overnight. Do you plan to let us camp outside the city?"

"No, of course not, please come in." Shima Kenichi said with a smile on his face and motioned to let him go.

The dozen or so Japanese soldiers who had been waiting in tight formation immediately relaxed. Two more Japanese soldiers hurried forward and moved away the horses blocking the road. The captain waved his hand and shouted: "Open the way!"

Kenichi Shima wanted to please him and hurriedly ran to follow up so that he could arrange the reception.

Therefore, Shima Kenichi did not notice that after the convoy basically passed, six or seven Japanese soldiers got off the last truck and entered the circular barricade. A Japanese soldier guarding the circular barricade asked, What are you doing? You got a slap in the face from the second lieutenant opposite.

This second lieutenant was pretended to be Leng Tiefeng.

Leng Tiefeng slapped the Japanese sergeant in the face, and then cursed angrily in Japanese: "Idiot, our guards officers are not confident in your ability, so we are left to help defend the city gate!"

"Hai!" After receiving a slap in the face, the Japanese sergeant could only say "Hai" repeatedly.

Leng Tiefeng winked at the Mountain Leopard, the Decepticon and the other four veterans who were pretending to be Japs. Then he strode to the post and, in the name of calling the provincial capital headquarters, called the two soldiers guarding the post. The Japanese were also driven out.

After confirming that there were no other Japs lurking in the dark, Leng Tiefeng immediately signed to the dark place outside the city: Do it!

Because Sai Hongfu and Taohong were women, it would be easy for them to reveal themselves by pretending to be Japanese soldiers, so they were still five hundred meters away from the city. Xu Rui asked them to get off the bus early, and then quietly walked to the city gate under the cover of night. After Tiefeng gave the signal, Sai Hongfu immediately pulled back the bowstring, and then fastened three feather arrows on the bowstring.

The next moment, there was only a whooshing sound in the air, and the three Japanese soldiers immediately fell down, clutching their throats.

"There are enemies!" The remaining Japs were immediately alerted, and they all raised their guns and pointed their guns outside the city. Then, when all the attention of the dozen or so Japs were focused on the outside of the city, the real murder intention But it came from behind them. Almost at the same time, the Decepticons, Zuanshan Leopard and four other team members all took action.

The Decepticon was the quickest to strike. With just a light palm on the neck of the devil in front of him, the devil's neck bones were smashed into pieces by the dark force of the iron palm, and the whole person collapsed to the ground like a piece of dough.

Zhuanshan Bao was also quick to strike. He stretched out his hand to cover the mouth of the Japs in front of him, and then stabbed the Japs with the knife in his left hand between the third and fourth ribs on the left side of the Japs. The Japs' heart was instantly pierced and he only twitched twice. There was no more movement.