Special Forces King

Chapter 209: blackmail


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The busy night has finally passed. All the grain in the warehouse has been loaded onto trucks and is being transported along the road to Meizhen. The trucks, ox carts, donkey carts, horse carts and wheelbarrows used to transport grain stretch for dozens of miles. The leader in front The truck has almost reached Shaqiao Gang outside Meizhen, and the truck behind it has just left Pu County.

At this time, some courageous residents began to open their doors and go to the street to watch.

When the two armies were fighting last night, and later when the Independence Brigade was loading food and supplies, the residents of the county hid in their homes and did not dare to come out. Even though they knew clearly that they were coming from the Chinese army, they still did not dare to go out because they could not be sure of fighting back. Will the Chinese military liquidate their crimes

After all, they had become obedient citizens of the Japanese army before.

Leng Tiefeng glanced at the residents peeping out on the street, walked up to Xu Rui and said, "Old Xu, is it time to withdraw our troops?"

The main purpose of attacking Pu County this time is to attract the attention of the Japs and relieve the pressure on the 59th Army on the Huaihe River front. The secondary purpose is to snatch food. Now that the goal has been achieved, counting the time, the Japs in Feicheng should also have known the news and reinforcements. Most of them are already on their way, so it’s time to leave.

"Retract the troops?" Xu Rui chuckled and said, "Why are you so anxious? The work is not done yet."

"The work is not done yet?" Leng Tiefeng couldn't help but froze when he heard this, "What other work is there?"

Xu Rui said: "I won't tell you before, but the Sino-Japanese war will enter a stalemate stage. Sooner or later, the Japanese will block our base area. We have to find a way to hoard some gold."

"Are you really planning to hoard gold?" Leng Tiefeng asked, "Where's the gold?"

"Well, all the gold is here." Xu Rui stood at the top of the city, gushing at the endless houses in the city, and said, "Even if there is no gold, it is acceptable to get some Yuan Datou."

Leng Tiefeng immediately realized that Xu Rui was planning to blackmail these gentry merchants in Pu County.

However, these squire and merchants deserved it. Who made them so active that they defected to the Japs

Xu Rui took out another booklet from his bag, handed it to Leng Tiefeng and said, "Take this list and invite all the respectable squires registered in it to the gendarmerie headquarters." After that, Xu Rui said Rui then ordered the Decepticons, "Tiger, go to the prisoner of war camp, capture two Japs, and send them to the Military Police Headquarters."

This booklet was seized from the Military Police Headquarters.

Leng Tiefeng and the Decepticons went separately.

(Dividing line)

Last night, Stanley Ho was worried all night long.

There is a reason why Ho Honghai is afraid, because he was the first Japanese to swear allegiance to the Japanese after the Japanese captured Pu County. Even Chang Delu, the chairman of the maintenance committee, and Qian Liufu, the chairman of the Pu County Chamber of Commerce, were the Japanese who joined him because of his help. Now that **** has come back, how can he be spared

Thinking of this, Stanley Ho really wanted to hang himself.

Tell me, why did **** call me back again? Why don't you say "Daddy"

At this time, the young boy Dui who was leaning behind the door panel and looking out suddenly shouted: "Shopkeeper, a large group of **** is coming towards our bank."

"What are you talking about?" He Honghai was startled when he heard this. When he realized what he was saying, he was about to crawl under the Eight Immortals' Table. However, he was too fat. He only got halfway through, and the Eight Immortals' Table was knocked over to the ground, and the melon skin hat on his head also fell to the ground. , He Honghai quickly picked up the melon skin hat and put it on his head, and then called Dumb to come over and cover the table for him.

Dui was about to come over and put the Eight Immortals Table on He Honghai's head, but the closed door was kicked open.

Immediately, a large group of soldiers with live ammunition rushed in and aimed their black guns at He Honghai, Dui and several other bank clerks. He Honghai and several clerks quickly raised their hands and did not dare to act rashly again. My dear mother, everyone. Master, can you move the muzzle of the gun

The leader was a tall and upright young officer.

This young officer is naturally Leng Tiefeng.

Leng Tiefeng looked down at Stanley Ho who fell to the ground and asked, "You are the boss of Hon Hai Bank, Stanley Ho, right?"

"Yes, yes." Stanley Ho nodded subconsciously, but after reacting, he quickly shook his head, "Oh no, no, no, no, I'm not Stanley Ho, he..." Stanley Ho stretched out his fat fingers and poked at random for a while, and finally Falling on the head of the little boy Dumb, he kept saying, "He is, he is Stanley Ho."

"The shopkeeper." Dumb screamed immediately.

Leng Tiefeng made a sound, waved his hand and shouted: "Take it away!"

Immediately, two soldiers rushed forward fiercely and lifted He Honghai up. He Honghai sighed and lowered his head, thinking that the ball was dead now.

However, what surprised Stanley Ho was that he was not taken to the execution ground. Although the two soldiers looked ferocious, they did not abuse him. They politely took him to the Japanese military police headquarters and moved him. He was given a chair to sit on, but He Honghai didn't dare to sit down, so he only sat on half of his buttocks.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen squires including Chang Delu, the maintenance president, Qian Liufu, the chamber of commerce president, and Wu Qiankun, the leader of the Qinglong Association, were also invited into the hall. Seeing He Honghai who was already there, they all came to consult. Looking at his eyes, He Honghai could only respond with a wry smile. He didn't know what was going on. [△网.]

After a while, more than a dozen of Pu County's leading figures basically arrived.

Looking at the soldiers with guns and ammunition on both sides, they were stunned and did not dare to whisper to each other.

After waiting for about a few minutes, they saw a young officer with an upright posture striding inside, and everyone quickly stood up to greet him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long." The young officer bowed to each other as soon as he came in, and said, "Let me introduce myself first. I am the newly formed Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, the captain of the Dameishan Independent Brigade, Xu Rui, I am very happy to meet you today to discuss the overall situation of the War of Resistance. Please take a seat, everyone, please take a seat!"

Xu Rui took the main seat with a golden sword, and everyone else sat down in vain.

Xu Rui was too lazy to be polite and went straight to the topic: "We have gathered everyone together today just for one thing. That's it. Our independent brigade is currently facing difficulties in funding. You see, it costs money to buy guns and ammunition, and money to eat." , buying uniforms for the soldiers also costs money, right? They ask for money everywhere, I really can’t open the door to this.”

Hearing this, Stanley Ho breathed a long sigh of relief. Don't you just want money? Money is easy to handle. How can you say this? If something can be settled with money, it’s not a problem! Just now, Stanley Ho was really worried that the police would shoot him without any reason, so what use would he have if he had a huge fortune

At that moment, Ho Honghai stood up and said with emotion: "At this time of national crisis, everyone has the money to contribute and the ability to contribute, and it is natural for us to participate in the anti-Japanese event. The captain will just give it a count."

Those who don’t know this say that Ho Hong Hai is really an anti-Japanese martyr.

"Happy!" Xu Rui heard this and patted the armrest of the Grand Master's chair and said, "I just like happy people like Shopkeeper He!"

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Ho Honghai quickly apologized, "You soldiers are fighting for the country and the nation on the battlefield. Businessmen like us should contribute our money and efforts. There is nothing much to say about this."

The other dozen or so squires also nodded in agreement and asked Xu Rui to count.

"Then I won't be polite." Xu Rui stretched out a palm and turned it over, "That's the number."

"Five thousand?" He Honghai said proudly, "Captain Xu, my family is willing to pay these five thousand, and the other families can pay as much as they are willing to pay. Please feel free to do whatever you want."

Xu Rui smiled and was noncommittal.

The soldier standing behind Xu Rui said: "Five thousand? How about sending beggars?"

He Honghai and a dozen other squires were startled. Both the soldier and the Siberian tiger were more than two meters tall. Standing behind Xu Rui, they looked like two black iron towers. The sense of oppression was too strong.

"Fifty thousand? This..." He Honghai licked his tongue and whispered, "It's not that I can't get it, but it just takes some time to get it together. I hope Captain Xu will forgive me for a while."

When he said this, Ho Hong Hai's heart was bleeding. If he wanted to raise the 50,000 yuan, his Hon Hai Bank would have to spread it to 10,000 yuan. This would really cost his life. This was a big deal. Ten thousand oceans, ten thousand oceans.

"Shopkeeper He Da is wrong, it's not 50,000." Xu Rui said happily, "It's 500,000, and it must be an ocean. Legal currency does not count. Also, the delivery must be clear before noon today! As for these five How to divide the 100,000 is your business, you can discuss it yourself, I only want the final result."

After saying that, Xu Rui stood up and prepared to leave.

"Captain, Captain Xu!" Several squires knelt down at that time.

For these money-hungry squires, kneeling down is nothing. For money, they are willing to sacrifice their own chrysanthemums. Of course, the premise is that Xu Rui is interested.

"Captain Xu." He Honghai said almost crying, "I really can't get half a million."

"Yes, Captain Xu, half a million is too much." Qian Liufu, the president of the Pu County Chamber of Commerce, also cried, "Please reduce the amount by any means, otherwise, one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand oceans! We will immediately Get it together!”

"That's right, one hundred thousand oceans, not legal tender. Let's go back and collect it now."

"Captain Xu, one hundred thousand oceans is the most. We can't take out any more."

"Yes, yes, even if you sell me, you won't be able to make a fortune."

Ho Hong Hai and a dozen other squires agreed one after another and insisted on one hundred thousand oceans.

Leng Tiefeng stood at the door of the hall, looking dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that these landowners and squires who had taken refuge with the Japanese could really extract money from them, and it was so rich.

You have to follow Leng Tiefeng's wishes and give it up as soon as it's good.

Xu Rui didn't, and said coldly: "It's only five hundred thousand, not a penny less!"

Qian Liufu immediately wailed: "Fifty thousand, you might as well kill me."

"Do you think I don't dare to kill people?" Xu Rui shouted sharply, "Here comes someone!" Mobile phone users please visit w to read for a better reading experience.