Special Forces King

Chapter 23: Shocking ambush


When the special train barely passed the explosion point, Xu Rui pressed the detonator decisively.

The next moment, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the special train and the rails under the carriages, followed by a loud bang, and then the tremor of the earth shaking. The remnants of the temporary 79th Division were lying in ambush. Two hundred meters away, everyone was shaken to pieces by the huge explosion and strong shock wave.

It is completely conceivable how miserable the Japanese train at the center of the explosion must have been

In the violent explosion, the front of the Prince's train and the first carriage were blown to pieces. The entire carriage and the Japanese guards sitting in the carriage disintegrated and flew into the air. One of the steel blocks even rolled. It flew several hundred meters through the void and landed with a clang on the temporary 79th Division position, injuring a remnant soldier.

The dazzling red light flashed away, and then a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The huge explosion not only destroyed the front end of the Prince's train and the first carriage, but also shattered the nearly 50-meter-long railway track and sleepers into pieces.

Without the guidance and support of the rails, the last four carriages of the Prince's Special Train derailed immediately and rushed into the wilderness on both sides of the railway. Fortunately, the trains in this era were not very fast. Even the Prince's Special Train was only forty or fifty years old. kilometers, so even if it derailed, it did not capsize. It was more of a shock.

(Dividing line)

The Japanese on the prince's train were indeed frightened, including Fushimi Miya Toshihiko.

Fushimi Miya Toshihiko was used to the nightlife when he was in Kyoto. He would never go to bed before two or three in the morning every day. This habit could not be changed after arriving in China. When Xu Rui detonated the bomb, the little devil had just laid down Less than a short while after the rain, Fushimi Miya Toshihiko was just a little sleepy when he was immediately woken up by a huge explosion.

"What's going on? Where did the explosion come from?" Fushimi Miya Toshihiko stood up suddenly. However, before he could stand up completely, the entire carriage suddenly tilted over. Fushimi Miya Toshihiko was defenseless, and his whole body immediately Under the influence of the huge inertia, he hit the right wall of the carriage hard, his head hit the wall lamp, and his forehead was broken instantly.

This was not over yet. The carriage tilted and then changed direction suddenly. Through the shattered glass windows, Fushimi Miya Toshihiko could even clearly see the sparks from the violent friction between the carriage body and the rails. His body was also Under the action of inertia, it slid forward against the smooth wall of the carriage, and then slammed into the front door of the carriage.

After the collision, the derailed carriage finally came to a standstill.

The shocked Fushimi Miya Toshihiko sat up from the carriage and quickly called the security personnel.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" Colonel Yoshio Miyamoto, the captain of the guard, slammed open the car door and rushed in. Seeing the blood on Fushimi Miya Toshihiko's face, he quickly turned back and called the medical soldiers, "Medical soldiers, medical soldiers... "

"Leave me alone, I'm fine." Fushimi Miya Toshihiko pushed Yoshio Miyamoto away and said sternly, "Miyamoto-san, get out of the car quickly and have a look. What happened with the explosion just now?"

"Hai." Miyamoto Yoshio paused heavily, turned and left.

(Dividing line)

Xu Rui raised his gun, and the black muzzle of the gun was already aimed at the prince's special train rushing into the wilderness ahead.

"Don't even shoot, wait for my order!" Xu Rui lowered his voice and asked the remaining soldiers around him to calm down.

During Xu Rui's advanced studies at Nanjing Military Academy, he systematically studied the fire coverage theory and knew that the first wave of fire output has the most significant killing effect. After the wave, the effect of subsequent fire output will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the first wave of fire output The choice of timing particularly tests the commander's determination.

After a while, Japanese soldiers got off the derailed train one after another.

I don’t know whether these Japanese soldiers were confused because they were bombed, or because they had just arrived from Japan on the battlefield in China, so they were not very vigilant. After getting off the special train, they stood there with guns on guard. There was a second lieutenant who was a fool. He even tried to organize his soldiers, but was slapped in the ears by another captain.

However, the uniforms of these Japanese soldiers are obviously different from those in Wuxi, especially the equipment in their hands, which is actually a submachine gun. At this time, the Japanese infantry, even the most elite Guards division, is only equipped with 38 rifles. Obviously these Japanese were Fushimi Miya Toshihiko's bodyguards.

Xu Rui made a visual inspection and found that there were two teams of Japanese who got off the carriage.

According to the principle of keeping half of the troops concealed in the car and sending half of the troops to guard outside, and counting the Japanese soldiers in the blown-up carriage, Xu Ruixun calculated the size of the troops of Fushimi Palace Toshihiko's guard. The Guards of the Japanese Prince said at least. It also has two infantry squadrons, nearly a battalion in strength!

Licking his lips, a cold and stern look flashed across Xu Rui's eyes.

Two companies versus two Japanese infantry squadrons, this will be an unprecedentedly brutal battle. Maybe all the remnants of these two companies will be surrendered here, but even so, we must not retreat, as long as Fushimi can be killed Gong Junyan, even if all the remaining soldiers of the two companies were wiped out, it was worth it, and Xu Rui was worth it!

When the Japanese who got off the car passed two teams, another Japanese officer got off the car.

After the Japs got out of the car, the Japs around them all greeted him. Obviously, he was a high official!

The Japanese officer waved his hand, and the surrounding Japanese soldiers immediately dispersed and began to search and advance outwards.

It’s you who’s waiting! A cruel smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Xu Rui's mouth, and then he gently pressed the trigger.

There was a crisp sound under the dark night, and a 6.5mm-caliber pointed copper-core bullet spun high, instantly passed through the two hundred meters of void, and accurately hit the Japanese officer's heart. It was dark, and the sight was not good enough. , Xu Rui didn't dare to hit the opponent's head with his hand, so shooting in the torso was the best option.

With a pop, a flower of blood burst out from the Japs officer's back, and he fell backwards.

Xu Rui's gunfire was an order. In the next moment, the remnant soldiers ambushing on the left and right sides opened fire one after another. More than twenty light and heavy machine guns and two hundred 38 guns opened fire fiercely, forming a dense formation in an instant. The crossfire network swallowed up more than a hundred Japanese soldiers standing on both sides of the Prince's train with guns on guard.

"Hit, hit me hard, you have ten minutes to shoot all the bullets!" Xu Rui ordered loudly as he fired.

In this attack, Xu Rui's two companies carried a full two bases of ammunition. However, even so, Xu Rui was not prepared to confront the Japs, because this time they surrounded a prince of the Japs. Once Once the news spreads, the surrounding Japanese soldiers will definitely send reinforcements frantically, so they won't have much time.

Ten minutes later, we must charge towards the Prince's Special Train.

(Dividing line)

Tachibana Koji was awakened from his sleep by the sound of rapid footsteps.

Quickly turning over and sitting up, Tachibana Koji saw Major Akita opening the curtain and walking in with a dark face.

"Captain!" Major Akita suddenly stood upright and said, "I just received an urgent call from the headquarters of the dispatched army. His Royal Highness's special train was ambushed by unknown armed forces in Baoxing Town, twenty miles east of Wuxi. The railway was blown up, and the prince's special train was also trapped due to derailment. The headquarters ordered us to fire reinforcements!"

"Nani?" Tachibana Koji was shocked for a moment and cried out, "The prince's special train was ambushed in Baoxing Town, twenty miles east of Wuxi? How is this possible? Didn't we already advise His Highness the Prince to cancel the trip and return to Shanghai? How could His Royal Highness’s special train appear in Baoxing Town?”

Major Akita shook his head silently. He was also puzzled about this point.

After they put forward their suggestions, the dispatched army headquarters did not raise any objections, which can be regarded as adopting their suggestions. Therefore, they had no responsibility for the attack on the Prince's train, but it made Major Akita confused. What's more, since His Highness insisted on the itinerary, why didn't he inform them in advance

If His Highness the Prince could inform them in advance, they would definitely do a good job of vigilance along the railway line in advance.

"Bagagaru!" Tachibana Koji cursed bitterly and shouted sternly, "Akita-san, assemble the troops immediately, all the troops in the entire regiment, and fire reinforcements to Baoxing Town, quickly, quickly, quickly!"

"Hai!" Major Akita paused heavily and turned around.

(Dividing line)

This shocking ambush in the small town of Baoxing not only alerted the entire Shanghai Condemnation Army of the Little Japs, but also alerted the agents of the Renaissance Society lurking in Shanghai.

Jiang Nan, the section chief of the Intelligence and Technology Section of Fuxing Society's Shanghai Station, immediately learned of the unusual movements of the Japanese troops in Shanghai.

After hearing the news, Li Hongsong, the Shanghai station director of Fuxing News Agency, immediately rushed back to the headquarters at No. 18 Jisi Feier Road. After returning to the headquarters, he went straight to the technical department.

Walking into the gate of the Information Technology Section, Li Hongsong saw the slim section chief Jiang Nan standing next to the news machine at a glance.

From a man's point of view, Jiang Nan, the chief of the Information Technology Department, is undoubtedly a beauty, and she is also a beauty with a beautiful country!

Jiang Nan's skin is as good as snow, her features are picturesque, and she has a proud figure. She is tall and graceful. A floral blue cheongsam may be ordinary on other women, but when worn on Jiang Nan, it immediately looks bright and extraordinary.

Li Hongsong has been coveting this subordinate for a long time, but he can only covet it because he knows very well that his subordinate has an extraordinary background and is definitely not something that he, a mere Shanghai webmaster of the Fuxing Society, can get his hands on.

"Jiangnan, the Japanese army in Shanghai suddenly made such a big move, what happened?" Li Hongsong suppressed the desire in his heart, walked to Jiangnan and asked in a low voice.

"It's not certain yet." Jiang Nan frowned slightly and continued, "But in the intercepted messages, the Japanese army repeatedly mentioned a location. It seems that something big happened there."

"Oh?" Li Hongsong's expression perked up and he asked, "Where is it?"

"Baoxing!" Jiang Nan said, "The Japanese army repeatedly mentioned Baoxing Town."

"Baoxing?" There is a reason why Li Hongsong became the webmaster of Fuxing Society's Shanghai station. At least he was very familiar with the terrain around Shanghai and Nanjing, so he immediately found the town of Baoxing after thinking about it for a while, and frowned at the moment. He said, "Baoxing is a small town twenty miles east of Wuxi. What big things can happen here?"

Jiang Nan shook his head and said: "We still don't know yet, we still need to continue monitoring."

Li Hongsong said: "Okay, then your technical department will continue to monitor the Japanese military's messages. If anything is discovered, you must tell me as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Jiang Nan stood up straight and saluted Li Hongsong.

Li Hongsong glanced greedily at Jiangnan's bulging chest and left.