Special Forces King

Chapter 35: audacious in the extreme


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On the road, more than two hundred Japanese troops were marching slowly in an orderly queue toward Baoxing Town. [△网.]

Although Tachibana Koji only brought one infantry squadron to Baoxing Town, it was a strengthened squadron. In addition to three infantry squads, there was also a mortar squad.

Simply speaking in terms of the combat effectiveness of the Chinese and Japanese armies, such a strengthened squadron is enough to carry a full battalion of the Chinese Army without being at a disadvantage. Even if it faces a fully formed regiment of the Chinese Army, it is still capable of fighting. If you have enough strength, you can hold on for at least a few hours. This is why Tachibana Koji dared to bring only one squadron to Baoxing.

Tachibana Koji believed in his own judgment and firmly believed that the remnants of the temporary 79th Division had been disintegrated.

But when Tachibana Koji saw the dense bamboo forest in front of him, a hint of warning flashed through his heart involuntarily. At that moment, Tachibana Koji let out a soft sigh and stopped his strong horse.

Captain Kono, who was walking behind Tachibana Koji, also reined in his mount.

As soon as Captain Kono stopped, the Japanese column advancing forward also stopped.

(Dividing line)

On the hill.

Seeing the Japanese army suddenly stop, the veteran immediately became nervous.

The veteran said: "Why did the Japanese suddenly stop moving forward? Could it be that they discovered some flaw?"

Xu Rui said: "Don't be nervous, the little Japs are just a little suspicious. It's so dangerous to have a bamboo forest. It would be strange if the Japs are not suspicious. But don't worry, they won't find anything."

The old soldier snorted lightly and stopped talking.

(Dividing line)

Captain Kono came to Tachibana Koji and asked: "Captain, are you worried about an ambush in the bamboo forest ahead?"

Tachibana Koji did not say anything, but squinted his eyes and looked at the bamboo forest. He saw that the bamboo forest was very dense. It was already winter. The forest was covered with thick dead bamboo leaves. It was easy to hide several people in such thick dead leaves. And this large bamboo forest is enough to hide thousands of people.

Captain Kono added: "Captain, the vanguard team has conducted fire reconnaissance just now and found no abnormalities."

Seeing that Tachibana Koji still didn't speak, Captain Kono asked again: "How about sending a small team into the bamboo forest to search?"

However, Tachibana Koji still didn't speak. He just raised his wrist and looked at his watch. About five minutes later, Tachibana Koji suddenly smiled and said, "Open the way!"

Captain Kono said in astonishment: "Captain, are you no longer searching?"

"No need." Tachibana Koji said, "There will be no ambush in the bamboo forest."

Captain Kono said in surprise: "The captain was worried just now, why are he so sure there won't be an ambush now?"

"The reason is very simple." Tachibana Koji smiled slightly and continued, "If there is really an ambush in the bamboo forest ahead, if you are the commander of this ambush and see the imperial army suddenly stopped and stopped moving forward, you What judgment will be made and what reaction will be made?”

Captain Kono thought for a while and then said: "If I were the commander of the ambush, I would wonder if the imperial army had discovered any loopholes, and then I would order to take action in advance." At this point, Captain Kono had already sorted out Tachibana Koji After thinking about it, he said with sincerity, "The captain of the unit is wise, and I admire him for his humble position."

Tachibana Koji said: "This is nothing, it is just a summary of my many years of experience. When you fight more battles, you will naturally summarize your own combat experience."

"I dare not compare myself with the commander of the regiment for my humble position. The commander is a top student who graduated from the University of China and is also a member of the Saber Team. However, for my humble position, I only went to the Army Academy and my grades are only average." Captain Kono complimented Tachibana Koji and made a gesture to indicate it. The troops continued to advance.

The Japanese column standing on the road continued to move forward.

Five minutes later, the Japanese army gradually penetrated deep into the bamboo forest.

While Tachibana Koji was chatting with Captain Kono, he was still scanning the surroundings vigilantly. This was also a good habit he had developed over many years in the army, and he never relaxed his vigilance at any time.

This good habit soon brought luck to Tachibana Koji.

At a certain moment, out of the corner of his eye, Tachibana Koji suddenly noticed a faint red light flashing in front of him.

With many years of experience, Tachibana Koji immediately realized that it was the muzzle flash of a rifle when it was fired.

In an instant, Tachibana Koji reacted instinctively. He tilted his head to the right, and then felt a burning pain on his right cheek.

Tachibana Koji immediately realized that he had been shot, but fortunately it did not hit a vital point!

"The enemy is attacking, take cover quickly!" Tachibana Koji turned sideways, rolled off his horse, and turned around to remind Captain Kono to dismount and take cover, but it was already too late. Captain Kono had already been shot, and a bullet came directly from his It was injected between the eyebrows, penetrated the entire cranial cavity, and then came out from the back of his head.

Although the wound was not serious, Tachibana Koji knew very well that Captain Kono's brain tissue had been turned into a paste, and the man was too dead to die.

Then, Captain Kono fell down from his horse.

Until this time, Tachibana Koji had not thought about the worst. He had encountered a Chinese rout with good marksmanship and was just hiding from a distance to shoot coldly. It has to be said that Tachibana Koji, a little devil, was really too judgmental about himself. He was confident, but what happened next made Tachibana Koji unable to believe his eyes.

After the gunshots were fired, a flood of shouts immediately rang out from the bamboo forests on both sides of the road.

Immediately afterwards, the thick fallen leaves piled on the ground in the bamboo forest turned up one after another, and then Chinese soldiers emerged from the ground one by one, carrying Isshiki's German-made submachine guns and launched a charge. Tachibana Koji counted them roughly. , the number of Chinese soldiers who came out of the bamboo forest was at least two hundred, or even three hundred!

Tachibana Koji instantly realized that this was the remnant of the temporary 79th Division.

"Haga!" Tachibana Koji said angrily, "This is impossible, impossible!"

It's no wonder that Tachibana Koji was furious, because this was completely beyond his expectation. He never expected that the Chinese army ambushed the prince's special train and killed the prince. Instead of leaving, they actually dared to set up an ambush on the spot. An ambush of the imperial army who came to collect the body of His Highness the Prince!

That’s crazy, that’s crazy!

How audacious, simply audacious!

Isn’t the Chinese army afraid of a whole brigade or even a whole regiment

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now, Tachibana Koji only led one squadron!

Although Tachibana Koji was the captain of the regiment, he was not the direct commander of the Kono Squadron. The death of Captain Kono caused a brief chaos in the command of the Kono Squadron, but it was less than a minute of chaos, or even less than a minute. , but brought disaster to Kono Squadron!

The remaining soldiers of the temporary 79th Division launched a charge from a distance of about 200 meters. Before the Japanese army could make an effective response, the Chinese army had already approached within 150 meters.

One hundred and fifty meters, it has entered the effective range of the submachine gun!

More than two hundred submachine guns opened fire at the same time, and the first wave of firepower knocked down nearly half of the Japanese troops.

Only then did the remaining Japanese troops react. They either dispersed in a hurry to find cover, or squatted down and fired, or simply launched a counterattack regardless of the situation. However, in the face of the ferocious and abnormal firepower of the temporary 79th Division, all these were In vain, in less than two minutes, most of the Kono Squadron suffered casualties, while the casualties of the Chinese army were almost negligible.

Only less than half of the class's Japanese soldiers were left, and they retreated and huddled together, protecting Tachibana Koji in the middle.

Tachibana Koji knew that he would never be able to survive this time, but even so, this little devil still did not give up. He wanted to figure out one thing before he died in the battle. After Lin Feng died in the battle, he temporarily organized the Seventy-ninth Division. Who is commanding this remnant? If possible, he would be very happy to take this person and bury him with him.

Tachibana Koji held his saber tightly and shouted at the Chinese soldiers who were surrounding him with submachine guns: "I am the captain of the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Japanese Army, Tachibana Koji, and I want to talk to your commander!"

The veteran rushed to the front with a 38-gai with a bayonet, knocked down a Japanese with one thrust, then raised his gun to aim at Tachibana Koji and was about to pull the trigger.

Just now, he failed to kill Tachibana Koji with one shot, which made the veteran very embarrassed.

However, before he could shoot, a big hand stretched out from the diagonal stab and suppressed his right hand that was on the trigger. The veteran looked back anxiously, and it was Xu Rui.

Xu Rui said coldly: "Don't worry, let me ask him a few words."

After saying that, Xu Rui held the 38-style military thorn behind his back, pushed out the remaining soldiers in front of him, and walked out.

Tachibana Koji's cold eyes immediately fell on Xu Rui. The moment he saw Xu Rui, Tachibana Koji knew that he had been deceived by Lin Feng, and commanded the remnants of the temporary 79th Division to break out from Wuxi and attack the 6th Regiment It was not Lin Feng who was at the team headquarters and artillery position, but the guy in front of him. There was no reason, but Tachibana Koji firmly believed in his judgment.

"Is it you?" Tachibana Koji said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it's me!" Xu Rui replied coldly.

No one can understand the conversation between the two people, only the two parties involved.

"I must admit that you are a true master of tactics and the best among all the Chinese officers I have ever seen." Tachibana Koji slowly pulled out his saber and said, "You are even better than most officers of the Imperial Army of Japan. You must be outstanding. If I guess correctly, you must have studied in a Japanese or Western military academy."

"You are the worst commander I have ever seen." Xu Rui just stood there casually, completely unlike Tachibana Koji who acted like he was facing a formidable enemy, and said calmly, "Same low-level mistake, You committed it once or twice, and you committed it three or four times again. I really can’t imagine who else could be more stupid than you?”

Tachibana Koji was not irritated and said coldly: "If you think I will be irritated, you are wrong. The most important thing about our Shinto Muen-ryu is calmness of mind!"

"You overestimate yourself." Xu Rui said calmly, "There is no need to fight against someone like you."

"Very good." Tachibana Koji said, "Then let's have a one-on-one duel in samurai style." Mobile phone users please visit w for a better reading experience.