Special Forces King

Chapter 40: Special warfare contest


Xu Rui was about to leave when a buzzing roar suddenly sounded in the sky!

Xu Rui paused, and when he looked up hurriedly, he only saw thick clouds. The clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower, and fine snowflakes were still flying, so he could only hear a humming roar, but The aircraft fuselage is not visible. ▲∴,

"Weird?" the veteran frowned, "It's snowing, why are Japanese planes flying around?"

"If something goes wrong, it must be a monster." Xu Rui also frowned and was not in a hurry to go down and rest.

For some reason, Xu Rui had a vague hunch that this plane was probably coming towards them.

What Xu Rui was confused about was, in such a rainy and snowy day, what kind of ball could Little Japan's reconnaissance plane be used for

After about ten seconds, a blurry black shadow suddenly came out of the low clouds in front. Xu Rui hurriedly raised the telescope, only to find that it was a person!

The veteran also saw it at the same time, and shouted: "Paratrooperate! It's the Japanese!"

Parachute? Could it be special forces? Xu Rui immediately realized that this airborne Japs came with bad intentions. Ordinarily, the Japanese Army at this time did not have a special forces organization, but after all, Japan and Germany are allies. It is certain that a few non-commissioned officers would be sent to the German Brandenburg Special Forces for training. You have been trained in the camp, so you must not be careless.

At that moment, Xu Rui whispered: "Be careful and don't expose the target."

However, just as Xu Rui finished speaking, he saw from the field of view of the telescope that the Japanese paratrooper also raised a telescope and looked towards their hiding place, although the field of view of the Japanese telescope only stopped in their direction. It took half a second, but Xu Rui still noticed this extremely brief pause.

The veteran also noticed it and said in a deep voice: "He found us!"

"This little devil saw through our disguise at a glance. I'm afraid he is not an ordinary Japanese soldier. We must not let him land, let alone let him get close to Baoxing Town. Otherwise, the whereabouts of our independent battalion will be exposed, and this little devil will definitely attract A large group of Japanese." Xu Rui's lips curved with a strong murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice, "We have to kill him!"

The veteran measured the distance and said: "The distance is 2,200 meters, which is already beyond the 38-meter range. Plus, it's a windy and snowy day, so it's difficult to hit the target!"

"I know." Xu Rui said, "If you get close, fight!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Rui had already straightened up from the roof.

The veteran said worriedly: "Will the gunshots alert the nearby Japs?"

Although two Japanese alliances have passed, who knows if there will be a third alliance

If the third Jaap regiment happened to be passing nearby, the gunshots would definitely alert them.

"I can't control that much anymore! Kill this Japs first!" Xu Rui was keenly aware of the threat posed by this Japs.

"Okay, let's kill this Japs first!" The veteran said no more, slung the 38-meter cover on his back, then jumped forward against the roof, grabbed the eaves with both hands, and did a forward somersault. Light as a swallow, it fell to the ground.

In comparison, Xu Rui was much rougher than the veteran. He jumped off the roof of more than three meters high, then took a long step and took a detour to the left.

Xu Rui and Lao Laobao took off their stride and ran forward at the same time.

The top priority is to approach this little devil as quickly as possible. If he can get within 500 meters before this little devil lands, he will be dead!

It is not difficult for Xu Rui or veterans to hit floating targets within 500 meters.

While running, Xu Rui estimated the Jaap's descent speed. The result was that they could get within 500 meters before the Jaap landed!

In other words, this little devil is dead!

However, what happened next was completely beyond Xu Rui's expectations.

The little devil also obviously estimated that Xu Rui and the two would get within 500 meters before he landed, so he decisively took out a short knife and cut several parachute ropes. Once the several parachute ropes were broken, half of the intact parachute immediately collapsed. , the little devil's descent speed suddenly accelerated, and he fell to the ground like a meteor.

I**! Xu Rui immediately cursed angrily, this little devil is very alert!

Before Xu Rui and the others could get within a thousand meters, the little devil landed on the ground first, then rolled, and the figure of the devil disappeared among the wormwood.

Xu Rui climbed over the field stalks, jumped over the ditch, and rushed as fast as possible to the vicinity of the Japanese landing point.

As a soldier king, Xu Rui not only has excellent military qualities, but also has a keen intuition that is almost like a beast.

Xu Rui hid behind a large rock with a dent in the middle to ensure that he was not exposed to the opponent's gun. After listening for a moment, he knew that the little devil was no longer where he was, not even within a hundred meters.

After another two seconds, the veteran also arrived nearby. Seeing Xu Rui arriving before him from the flanks, the veteran's face looked very ugly.

Xu Rui grinned happily when he saw it, "Boy, if I can't even defeat you, how can I claim to be the strongest special forces soldier in vain?" But to be honest, in the 2,000-meter sprint, the veteran was only two seconds slower than him. He was already very strong. At least in terms of sprint speed alone, he could kill most deltas in later generations, let alone seals.

Xu Rui then used sign language to tell the veteran to stay hidden.

This Japanese paratrooper is not easy to deal with, so be careful.

The veteran rolled skillfully and hid in a dense wormwood bush.

From Xu Rui's position, he could clearly see the veteran hiding in the wormwood. The veteran gestured to Xu Rui in sign language and asked about the next action plan.

Xu Rui did not act rashly.

Xu Rui didn't want to be the target of Japanese paratroopers.

Xu Rui first pulled out his 38 bayonet, and then took out a small mirror from his pocket and put it on the tip of the knife. This small mirror was a gadget that traveled through time and space with him. It was only used by special forces. He thought it would be difficult to put it to use again. , but never thought that it would be useful again so soon.

Through the small mirror, Xu Rui observed the terrain.

Soon, Xu Rui formulated an action plan.

Xu Rui put away his 38 bayonet and small mirror, and then spoke a series of tactical sign language to the veteran, telling him that there was a small hill behind him at six o'clock, about 400 meters away, and it was an excellent sniper point. The Japs are most likely hiding on that hill and have established a sniper point.

He also asked the veteran to take charge of the feint, and he continued to detour from the flank.

The veteran gave a thumbs up to indicate that he had received it.

Then, the veteran took off the Japanese-style steel helmet on his head, held a bayonet against it and poked his head out of the grass.

(Dividing line)

Four hundred meters away, there is a hill.

Because of running so fast, Oluhara Junsi's breath still didn't calm down.

As expected by Xu Rui, Junsi Xiaoluhara chose this hillock.

The reason why Oluhara Junsi chose this hillock is very simple, because it is the only commanding height within a kilometer radius, where he can monitor the surrounding movements and shoot well.

Xu Rui and Lao Laobing rushed to the vicinity of the landing point, and Xiaoluyuan Junsi also reached the hillside of Xiaoshanbao and established a sniper point.

This little devil is indeed cunning. He did not hide on the top of the mountain with the best shooting range, but on the right side of the mountain with a relatively narrow view. The light snow continued to fall, but it was still not enough to cover the weeds on the mountain top. The khaki military uniform worn by Oluhara Junsi blends in with the surrounding weeds, making it impossible to spot him unless he gets closer.

Just now, when Lao Lao Lao and Xu Rui rushed in from the front and the flanks, Oluhara Junsi saw them.

Just looking at the extremely skilled tactical movements of the veteran and Xu Rui, as well as the terrifying sprint speed, Xiaoluyuan Junsi was sure that these two Chinese soldiers were by no means ordinary Chinese soldiers. In terms of sprint speed alone, they were Brand The special forces of the Denburg Special Forces are also slightly inferior. These are two terrifying and powerful enemies.

However, Okahara Junsi will never be frightened by his enemies. The stronger the enemy, the higher his fighting spirit.

It's a bit interesting. Oluhara Junsi held the 38 rifle tightly, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect to encounter such Japanese soldiers as soon as he set foot on the Chinese battlefield, but it was a worthwhile trip. Just right. You can put the special warfare skills you learned from the Brandenburg Special Forces training camp to the test.

Actual combat is always the only benchmark for testing techniques and tactics!

Suddenly, a steel helmet slowly rose from the grass in front of him at twelve o'clock.

A slight smile appeared on Oluhara Junsi's lips again. Do you want to induce him to shoot and reveal his location

At that moment, Oluhara Junsi gently released his finger on the trigger. Chinese people, you think so beautifully. If you can't even see through this crappy trick, if you don't even have the most basic judgment, then I will How is it possible to successfully graduate from the Brandenburg Special Forces Training Camp with excellent scores in all subjects

However, the next moment, the smile on Oluhara Junsi's lips immediately solidified.

Because the moment he released the trigger, a figure sprang up from behind the big rock on the right like a ghost.

"Baga!" When Oluhara Junsi turned his gun sharply and tried to lock on the black shadow, it was already too late. The black shadow just flashed across a distance of at least six or seven meters and disappeared under the field stalk on the left. , if it were not for the moment of relaxation, this unobstructed distance of six or seven meters would definitely become the last journey of this Chinese soldier.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now, and Oluhara Junsi can only wait for the next opportunity.

Okahara Junsi's eyes were fixed on the field stalk, and he felt ashamed of being teased. Even though they were more than 400 meters away, and even though there was a field stalk blocking his sight, Okahara Junsi seemed to be able to Seeing the way the Chinese soldier lunged forward under the stalks, and the smile on his lips, at least he won the first round of the fight.

Although he lost one round and was even teased, Ogahara Junsi was not discouraged.