Special Forces King

Chapter 48: Laws of the battlefield


About a squad of Japanese soldiers got into the inverted triangle ambush formation.

The night, rainy weather, and dense grass provided Xu Rui, Hei Qi, and Yang Dashu with excellent cover. One kid even walked up to Xu Rui's gun without even realizing it.

In the dark night, Xu Rui smiled ferociously and gently pulled the trigger.

In an instant, the light machine gun with a crooked handle pressed against Xu Rui's shoulder opened fire violently. The bright trajectories were like fireworks blooming under the night sky. The Japanese who were blocking the muzzle instantly fell into a pool of blood. In the middle, when the remaining Japs turned around quickly to implement counterfire, Hei Qi and Yang Dashu also opened fire at the same time.

Three crooked-handled light machine guns occupied the three corners of the inverted triangle ambush formation, each responsible for a 12° shooting angle, spitting firepower fiercely toward the middle. A dozen Japanese soldiers were instantly caught by crossfire without blind spots. Completely devoured, in just ten seconds, all fourteen Japanese in a class fell into a pool of blood.

Excellent tactics coupled with ferocious firepower, the power is amazing!

It wasn't until there was no more standing Japs in the ambush circle that Xu Rui, Hei Qi and Yang Dashu stood up from the grass, then walked into the ambush circle with crooked handles and refilled their guns for the fallen Japs.

In movies and TV dramas, there are often situations where soldiers from one side are injured and pretend to die, causing harm to the soldiers from the other side who step forward to observe. This is basically non-existent in actual combat, because in actual combat, the winning side will not give you anything after taking control of the battlefield. When you have the opportunity to fake death, no matter whether you are dead or alive, just fire a few shots first to ensure that the soldiers on the losing side are completely dead.

Yang Dashu and Hei Qi held the crooked handles and beat the dozen or so Japanese who fell to the ground into sieves, and then stepped forward to clean up the battlefield.

Seeing Yang Dashu bending down to pick up the crooked handle left by the Japs' advanced soldiers, Xu Rui quickly stopped him: "Stop it. You're not tired of holding two machine guns by yourself?"

Yang Dashu retracted his hand and said: "What a good machine gun, it would be a pity not to use it."

"Okay, hurry up and collect individual soldier rations, and then leave." Xu Rui said, while squatting down, opening a Japanese soldier's individual rucksack, and putting all the cans, biscuits, etc. in the rucksack. He put it into his satchel, then took off the Japanese soldier's armed belt and put it on his shoulder.

Xu Rui took a quick taste and didn't put too many things into his satchel.

It's not that Xu Rui can't take away these supplies, but it's just that it's not necessary.

With Xu Rui's skill, killing a few Japanese soldiers on the battlefield would be like killing a chicken, right

Therefore, no matter when and where, as long as there are Japs in Xu Rui, they will never be short of supplies. Since there is no shortage of supplies, why bother bringing so many supplies to burden yourself

Black Seven was fine over there. After filling up his backpack and shoulder bag, he no longer wanted more.

But Yang Dashu was not like that. This kid was born in poverty and had shallow eye sockets. After filling his own backpack and shoulder bag, he also got a kid's backpack and filled that backpack as well. , and then put two bulging backpacks on his back. The backpacks were still filled with grenades and ammunition, but there was nothing to eat.

Xu Rui said: "Dashu, you will kill yourself if you act like this, do you know?"

"No." Yang Dashu said with a smile, "This thing doesn't weigh much, I can carry it on my back."

Xu Rui shook his head and said nothing more, but he was thinking in his heart that he would still have to take some time and find an opportunity to teach these remnants about the laws of the battlefield, such as how to reasonably allocate physical energy? For example, how to overcome greed in sex? Another example is how to stay alert at all times on the battlefield

These battlefield rules may seem ordinary, but in fact they are lessons learned with the blood of martyrs. If you do not abide by these battlefield rules, you will pay the price in blood or even your life.

After just such a delay, the Japanese army caught up with them.

A dozen bright flashlights shone over it, making it look particularly eye-catching in the dark night.

Xu Rui quickly took Hei Qi and Yang Dashu and flew towards the southwest direction opposite to the veterans. As he ran, Xu Rui turned around and fired continuously at the Japanese pursuers behind him. Of course, due to the long distance, Xu Rui It was impossible to hit the target given the darkness, but Xu Rui didn't need to hit the target at all.

Xu Rui just wanted to attract the Japanese pursuers.

Soon, Major Akita rushed to the battlefield with the main force of the Japanese.

Seeing the dozens of top soldiers lying scattered in a pool of blood, Major Akita's facial muscles twitched violently twice.

Triangular ambush formation, triangular ambush formation again!

In the center of Wuxi City, Akita's infantry brigade once suffered heavy losses from the triangular ambush formation. An entire support team was wiped out by dozens of remnants of the Nationalist Army. This led to the tactical misjudgment of the commander Tachibana Koji. And transferred the main force of the regiment to the city center, and then gave the remnants of the temporary 79th Division time and space to break out.

Then, there were the tragedies of His Highness the Prince's death and Tachibana Koji's defeat.

However, despite being shocked, Akita was inevitably a little excited. From the triangular ambush formation in front of him, it was known that the commander of the Kuomintang Army who broke out from Wuxi with the remnants of the temporary 79th Division was among this small force. As long as he caught this guy , and the culprit who killed the prince was caught, and he achieved great success!

With this meritorious service, he is likely to be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Then he dropped the code and became the real captain of the 6th Infantry Regiment.

Akita licked his lips, and the expression in his eyes began to become hot.

Looking at the corpses of Japanese soldiers lying on the ground, Oluhara Junsi was also secretly shocked.

The exchange of fire just now was very short. Judging from the sound of gunfire, the opponent only had one platoon left at most, but this platoon actually wiped out a group of vanguard soldiers in such a short period of time!

However, Oluhara Junsi quickly thought of the *** special forces he encountered before.

If there are three or four such special forces among the remaining soldiers of the temporary 79th Division, then it does not seem to be difficult to kill an entire group of elite soldiers in such a short period of time.

In view of the strong fighting power of the Chinese, sending ordinary elite soldiers can only lead to death.

At that moment, Ogawara Junsi said to Akita: "Akita-san, this small Chinese force is very effective in fighting. The general elite troops are no match for them. Therefore, I suggest you select a group of physically strong and outstanding marksmanship from each infantry squadron. , and veterans with excellent stabbing skills, I personally lead them to serve as the vanguard group."

Akita looked at Okahara Junsi's right arm wrapped in gauze and said, "Okahara Junsi, can you do it?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a skin injury." Oluhara Jun smiled. He really didn't worry about this small injury. As a special forces soldier, what he is best at is persisting in fighting under all kinds of extremely harsh conditions. , otherwise, why would he go to the Brandenburg Special Forces Training Camp for further studies

Oluhara Junsi said again: "Akita-san, time is tight, please choose someone quickly."

"Hai." Akita paused heavily, and immediately sent a messenger to call the four infantry squadron captains, and then asked the four squadron captains to recommend five veterans each. The twenty Japanese soldiers recommended by the four squadron captains , all of them are well built, and their marksmanship and stabbing skills are also really good.

Oluhara Junsi made a brief introduction and then disappeared into the night with twenty veterans.

Akita then led the main force of the 2nd Infantry Battalion in a hurry to catch up.

(Dividing line)

Xu Rui and the others neither left nor stayed, but held on to the Japanese without any hesitation.

The chase and escape lasted for more than four hours. The heavy rain stopped and it was almost dawn.

Xu Rui estimated the time. By this time, the veterans should have gathered the companies and platoons, and they were almost at Fushan. Their task of containing the pursuers had been completed.

Next, it was up to the three of them to try to escape.

Xu Rui ran with Hei Qi and Yang Dashu for half an hour, leaving behind the Japanese pursuers for at least five miles.

Seeing Hei Qi and Yang Dashu running so hard that they were almost out of breath, Xu Rui had no choice but to order a rest and rest his stomach first.

"Rest where you are for two minutes." As soon as Xu Rui finished speaking, Yang Dashu sat down heavily on the ground.

But Hei Qi gasped and said, "Battle seat, you and the big tree rest, I'll be on guard."

"Old Qi, there is no need to be alert." Xu Rui stretched out his hand to stop Hei Qi, "Hurry up and eat."

Xu Rui has extremely keen hearing, smell and intuition. If someone or a beast bullies someone within a thousand meters, Xu Rui will sense it. Even the Delta Special Forces, who are the best at sneaking, can hardly bully someone as close as a hundred meters. Not discovered by Xu Rui, so when Xu Rui is around, there is no need for sentries at all.

Hearing what Xu Rui said, Hei Qi also sat down.

Yang Dashu put the crooked pole at his feet, panting like a dog in the dog days of summer, and said to Xu Rui: "Camp, this run has exhausted me! Phew, no, I have to have a good rest. meeting."

Xu Rui glared at Yang Dashu and cursed: "I'll make you carry so many things, I'll exhaust you to death."

Yang Dashu smiled sarcastically, but subconsciously tightened his arms around the backpack in his arms. His expression was as if he was holding two stunning beauties in his arms.

"Give me a backpack." Xu Rui stretched out his hand and said.

"I can do it, camp seat." Yang Dashu also said that Xu Rui wanted to take away the backpack and throw it away, and quickly shook his head.

"Bring it here, you!" Xu Rui couldn't help but snatch the backpack filled with bullets.

"Campus, don't throw it away." Yang Dashu was very nervous and said urgently, "This backpack is full of bullets, almost a thousand, don't throw it away!"

"Look at your potential." Xu Rui said angrily, "I won't throw it away, so I can help you carry it, right?"

"How embarrassing is that?" Yang Dashu breathed a sigh of relief and said hypocritically, "Don't tire out the camp."

Xu Rui was stunned when he heard this. He didn't even bother to argue. What did this little burden mean to him? Back then, the standard for cross-country training for their Langya team was that each person had to carry a weight of fifty kilograms and march a thousand kilometers on foot in ten days, and they had to face various obstacles along the way, such as mountains, canyons, and rapids. etc.

Xu Rui tied the backpack he took from Yang Dashu to his back, took out a box of canned fish from the backpack, pulled it open with two strokes of his bayonet, then grabbed it with his hands and stuffed it into his mouth. The little devil's individual soldier rations are pretty good. In addition to canned beef, there are also various canned fish, which are high-calorie and high-fat foods.

Hei Qi also took out a pack of biscuits from his bag and ate it with relish.

Yang Dashu, however, was paralyzed. He searched through his backpack and backpack, but could not find a can of cans or a pack of biscuits. His backpack and backpack were all filled with ammunition.

At that moment, Yang Dashu said to Hei Qi with saliva on his face: "Old Qi, give me some biscuits."

Xu Rui said: "Don't give it to him. Let him starve. Let him only pick up ammunition but not rations."

Hei Qi handed over the empty kettle and said to Yang Dashu: "Go to the creek over there and help me get a pot of water, and I will give you a pack of biscuits."


Yang Dashu took the kettle and went away.