Special Forces King

Chapter 49: Jump sniper


Xu Rui didn't know that Xiaoluyuan Junsi had selected 20 elite Japanese soldiers to serve as vanguard soldiers, so his estimate was inaccurate.

After running wildly for more than half an hour, Xu Rui and the others did throw away Akita's large group of Japanese soldiers by five or six miles, but the vanguard team led by Oluhara Junsi was not pushed too far away!

At this time, 20 elite Japanese soldiers led by Xiao Luyuan had also followed into the woods.

Taking advantage of the cover of the bushes, Oluhara Junsi and 20 elite Japanese soldiers sneaked forward quietly.

Suddenly, Oluhara Junsi seemed to hear a strange sound in his ears. He immediately raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist. The twenty Japanese who followed behind him immediately dispersed with a huff.

Like Xu Rui, Oluhara Junsi's sense of hearing and smell are much sharper than ordinary people.

Oluhara Junsi keenly sensed that the small Nationalist Army unit was not far ahead.

Considering that this small unit of the Kuomintang Army has extremely skilled special forces, Junsi Oluhara did not dare to let the team of elite soldiers he temporarily selected get too close. The 20 top soldiers he temporarily selected were no match for this small National Army unit.

Oluhara Junsi immediately ordered 20 veterans to stay on guard, and then one person used the cover of bushes and wormwood to sneak forward quietly. Oluhara Junsi was still very confident in his own skills, even though At this time, he had lost his fortune, but this injury was not enough to seriously weaken his combat effectiveness.

After sneaking forward for about five hundred meters, Oluhara Junsi suddenly heard a faint sound of footsteps.

Although the footsteps were very faint, Ogawara Junsi still heard them very clearly, especially the rhythm. It was definitely not something that could be heard by animals or birds, it was Chinese soldiers!

Taking advantage of the cover of a cluster of bushes, Oluhara Junsi straightened up quietly.

Oluhara Junsi happened to be on a high ground with a very good view. About three hundred meters ahead, he saw a Chinese soldier holding a kettle and filling the stream with his buttocks. A ferocious smile immediately appeared on Oluhara Junsi's lips. If the opportunity arose, he would not mind killing a few Chinese soldiers.

Oluhara Junsi slowly pulled the bolt of the gun, then pushed the bullet to load the gun. Making sure that the clicking sound when pulling the bolt would not alert the Chinese soldiers 300 meters ahead, after pushing the bullet and loading it, Okahara Junsi slowly raised the rifle and locked the black muzzle on the already filled one in front of him. Water, the Chinese soldiers turned around and walked back.

(Dividing line)

"Lao Qi. The water is here."

Yang Dashu held the kettle and walked back bumpily.

The cold murderous intention suddenly arrived inadvertently.

As soon as Yang Dashu finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the silent forest.

The next moment, a dazzling blood flower suddenly bloomed on the temple area of Yang Dashu's right cheek. The blood splashed everywhere, and a lot of it even splashed on Hei Qi's face.

Hei Qi wiped his face subconsciously, and his hands were covered with blood.

Because the incident was so sudden, Hei Qi couldn't react immediately.

Yang Dashu staggered, and then fell straight down.

After Yang Dashu fell to the ground. He happened to be facing Hei Qi sideways, holding the kettle with both hands, and looking directly at Hei Qi with empty eyes, as if he was still saying to Hei Qi: Old Qi, the water is here.

His comrade who was still alive a moment ago fell in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Big tree!" Hei Qi exploded immediately, reaching out to grab the submachine gun placed at his feet and getting up.

"Don't move!" However, before Hei Qi could get up, Xu Rui held him down. Xu Rui held Hei Qi down and said again. "Don't move, don't show your head, this little devil is no ordinary devil!"

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Xu Rui knew that something was careless this time.

Ordinary devils wouldn't be able to catch up so quickly. It is even more impossible to get within a thousand meters without being noticed by him.

But the kid who just shot and killed Yang Dashu had already approached within 300 meters. Xu Rui just listened to the sound of the gun and roughly judged the distance. This kid could approach within 300 meters without being noticed by him. He was obviously not an ordinary person, and was most likely the Japanese paratrooper who narrowly escaped death in that reed swamp.

"Camp seat!" Hei Qi said with a ferocious expression. "The big tree died for me, I have to avenge him!"

Hei Qi was telling the truth. If Yang Dashu hadn't asked him for biscuits just now, he would have been the one who got up to fetch water. In this case, it would be him who died, not Yang Dashu.

Therefore, Yang Dashu died for him.

"I know." Xu Rui said, "Leave this little devil to me, you can't handle it."

"I don't care." Hei Qi said, "I must kill this little devil and avenge Dashu!"

After saying that, Hei Qi was about to get up again. Seeing that Hei Qi had completely lost his mind, Xu Rui slashed his neck with a knife without hesitation, and Hei Qi fainted with a groan.

Xu Rui didn't have time to waste words with Hei Qi, so he could only knock him out temporarily.

After slashing Heiqi unconscious with a knife, Xu Rui bent over and dragged him behind a big rock.

After hiding Hei Qi, Xu Rui took off the rucksack on his back and Yang Dashu's back, folded the two rucksacks together and tied them tightly, and then tied them to his back. After tying the rucksacks, Xu Rui Rui immediately turned over and jumped up, bent down, and started to snake forward with the Sanba Gai in his hands. The wormwood, which was as tall as half a man, just covered Xu Rui's backpack.

(Dividing line)

Xiaoluyuan Junsi moved his limbs together, crawling in the wormwood like a snake. He quickly crawled behind another bush, then sat up under the cover of the bush and looked forward.

Okahara Junsi behaved cautiously this time.

Although the sniper point just now was in a better position and had a wider field of view, after firing a shot, Oluhara Junsi still moved here without hesitation, because Oluhara Junsi knew very well that the *** special forces opposite had It was so terrible that it was undoubtedly extremely foolish to stay where he was after shooting.

An excellent special forces soldier can identify the location by listening to the sound.

As soon as Oluhara Junsi poked his head out, he saw a sharp shaking in the grass on the opposite side.

Due to the cover of the wormwood bushes, Oluhara Junsi could only see the opponent's backpack.

But judging from the speed of the opponent and his position when he rushed in, Oluhara Junsi easily concluded that this was one of the *** special forces he encountered before!

A smile immediately appeared on Oluhara Junsi's lips, what a great opportunity!

For Toshimi Okahara, this is indeed a rare opportunity to snipe the opponent, because he is in the dark and the opponent is in the open, so he has the advantage of firing first.

When masters compete with each other, life and death often occur in an instant.

The advantage of firing first is undoubtedly a very big advantage!

Oluhara Junsi's gun immediately aimed at the backpack hidden in the wormwood.

Although the target is moving at a high speed and is still taking a snaking route, it is not difficult for special forces like Ogahara Junsi to lock the target. Soon, Ogahara Junsi has locked the target and calculated it based on the distance and wind. The ballistic margin was increased and the firing angle was corrected.

Then, Oluhara Junsi's right index finger gently touched the trigger.

At a certain moment, the rifle on his shoulder trembled slightly, and the bullet was discharged.

(Dividing line)

The first pass sound of a 38-meter bullet is twice that of a bullet.

So before the sound of gunfire could be heard, the bullet had already hit the second backpack on Xu Rui's back.

When there was a muffled sound from the backpack on his back, Xu Rui knew that the little devil had been fooled.

Due to the cover of the mugwort, the little devil could only see one corner of the top backpack, so he instinctively thought that the bottom of the backpack was Xu Rui's body, but in fact, there was another backpack underneath!

Almost as soon as the second backpack was hit, Xu Rui jumped up.

Jump sniping is just a basic skill in first-person shooter games.

But in actual combat, jumping sniping is a unique skill that only a handful of top snipers can master.

Especially in jungle terrain, jumping snipers can exert unimaginable power, because after jumping, the sniper's field of vision is no longer affected by grass or bushes, and he can quickly find and lock on the target.

The height of Xu Rui's jump was very low, and after his head barely passed the top of the wormwood, he quickly fell down again.

The advantage of low jumping is that it can shorten the time in the air and avoid being locked by the opponent. Under extreme circumstances, Xu Rui's vertical take-off height is more than 1.4 meters, and the time in the air is more than one second. Such a long time is enough for an excellent sniper. Lock him with your hands and fire two shots in a row before he falls.

Therefore, Xu Rui’s jump height is very low.

The airborne time has also been reduced to less than half a second.

However, this less than half a second in the air was enough for Xu Rui to find the opponent's sniper's position and lock it on.

Xu Rui quickly found the target and locked it. Then the moment his body fell, Xu Rui gently pulled the trigger. In an instant, a 6.5mm-caliber pointed copper-core bullet flew out from the muzzle of the gun and flew out in a short time. In less than half a second, it penetrated more than a dozen bushes and 300 meters of void, until it reached the bush where Xiaoluyuan was hiding.

(Dividing line)

"Jumping sniper!"

Almost the moment Xu Rui jumped up, Xiao Luyuan screamed in surprise.

Xiaoluyuan boasts of his excellent marksmanship, but he has yet to master the unique skill of jumping sniper. Even in the Brandenburg Special Forces Training Camp, as far as he knows, only instructor Hans can jump sniper!

Xiao Luyuan never expected that the Chinese soldiers on the opposite side could jump and snipe!

The huge surprise obviously affected Xiaoluyuan's reaction speed. Under normal circumstances, his reaction speed was o. 2 seconds, but this time it passed o. 3 seconds, and Xu Rui's entire time from jumping to shooting the bullet to the bullet flying in front of Xiaoluyuan was only 0 seconds. 5 seconds, in other words, Xiaoluyuan only has o. 2 seconds to dodge bullets.

In such a short period of time, even a well-trained special forces soldier would find it difficult to escape.

With just a pop, a blood flower suddenly bloomed on Xiao Luyuan's left chest. Xu Rui's marksmanship was really impressive. Whether it was a static sniper or a jumping sniper, within three hundred meters, he could hit wherever he pointed, without any luck! (To be continued.)