Special Forces King

Chapter 50: Escape


The moment he took out the gun, Xu Rui knew he had hit, and it hit his opponent's heart!

Although they were very far apart, Xu Rui's eyesight was very good, and he could clearly see the bright red blooming on the other person's left chest.

At that moment, Xu Rui sped up and rushed to the high ground where the little devil was hiding, and then rushed behind the bushes as fast as possible.

However, when Xu Rui rushed to the bushes where the Japs were hiding just now, he was surprised to find that except for a pool of blood near the bushes, there was not even a shadow of a ghost. The body of the Japs had disappeared!

Xu Rui immediately became alert and hid behind the bushes with a tactical roll.

Xu Rui never believed that this little devil could escape after being shot in the heart.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, there is more than one Japs tracked down, and the Japs he killed just now should have been carried away by another Japs.

Moreover, there might be more Japanese special forces ambushing nearby!

One special force has already appeared, how do you know there won't be a second one

Xu Rui has no one to pursue. After all, the main force of the independent battalion has escaped from the Japs. Their mission has been completed. There is really no need to get too entangled with the Japs. Besides, the Japs behind him are not strategic targets and are not worth it. He risked his life in exchange for it, which would be troublesome if a large group of devils got involved.

Xu Rui then bent over and returned the same way, and slapped Hei Qi awake again.

Hei Qi still remembered to avenge Yang Dashu, so he held the submachine gun and charged again.

"Okay, I have already killed that little devil." Xu Rui said coldly.

Hei Qi's body immediately froze there, then he squatted down and cried while holding his head in his hands.

It is difficult for people who have never served in the military to understand the camaraderie of comrades. The relationship between comrades, especially those who have been on the battlefield together and blocked each other's bullets, is truly transcendent.

Xu Rui did not reprimand Hei Qi, nor did he come to dissuade him.

Because Xu Rui knew that it was best to let Hei Qi vent his emotions.

At that moment, Xu Rui took off the two backpacks from his back, took only two grenades and put them in his shoulder bag, then bent down and carried Yang Dashu's body and walked deep into the jungle. The loyal bones were buried everywhere in the green mountains, but Xu Rui could not He would leave Yang Dashu's body to Little Japan, and he had to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to bury Yang Dashu.

Hei Qi howled a few times and followed.

(Dividing line)

Oluhara Junsi ran back with all his strength, but his steps became obviously staggering.

At this moment, Oluhara Junsi was most worried that the terrible Chinese soldier would catch up.

If that terrifying Chinese soldier really catches up, Xiao Luyuan believes that it will be impossible for him to escape from his clutches. Even if the 20 elite veterans 500 meters away arrive in time, they will not be able to escape from that terrifying Chinese soldier. He was saved by his hand, because only he knew how terrible this Chinese soldier's marksmanship was.

Jumping sniper, this Chinese soldier can actually jump sniper!

In jungle terrain or street fighting terrain, jumping sniper is simply an incredible skill!

Oluhara Junsi simply couldn't imagine how there could be such a heaven-defying soldier king in the Chinese military

Oluhara Junsi didn't want to believe it, but he had to admit that this Chinese soldier was even more terrifying than instructor Hans!

After running less than 400 meters, Oluhara Junsi felt that his vision began to become blurred and his steps began to become vague.

Okahara Junsi knew that this was due to blood loss. The wound on his left chest was losing blood rapidly. This wound was different from the previous wound on his arm. After being shot in his left arm, he simply covered it with his right hand. It was almost able to stop the bleeding, but now that the left chest was punched through, it was impossible to stop the bleeding.

"Puff!" After reluctantly running forward for less than fifty meters, Oluhara Junsi fell to the ground.

In fact, it's a miracle that Ogawara Junsi was able to run so far after being shot in the left chest.

This is also due to Xiaoluyuan's peculiar body structure. This little devil's heart is on the right side. Otherwise, if his heart was penetrated and he would die on the spot, how could he run nearly five hundred meters away

"Sir?" Two Japanese soldiers appeared in front of Xiaolu Yuanjunsi.

The two Japanese soldiers were surprised when they saw Oluhara Junsi's left chest, which was bleeding.

"Quickly, carry me to see Chief Akita." Oluhara Junsi held on and did not faint on the spot.

The two little devils did not dare to neglect, nor did they dare to lift Oluhara's body casually. They quickly cut down two small trees and tied them with canvas to make a simple stretcher. Then they carried Oluhara Junsi to Akita. Seeing that Oluhara was shot in the heart, Akita couldn't help but change his expression. He thought Oluhara was dead.

Okahara smiled reluctantly and said, "Don't worry, Akita-san, I won't die yet."

Akita's facial muscles twitched twice, and he didn't know what to say. He felt that Xiaolu was just comforting himself. Everyone who is on the verge of death hopes that he will not die, right

However, Oluhara did not explain, and said: "Akita-san, the small National Army unit in front is probably divided again. Now there are only three people left. One of them was killed by me just now, cough cough cough..."

"Nani, are there only two left?" Akita's face changed greatly when he heard this.

There were only two Chinese soldiers left, and they entered this large mountainous area again. Now they were in trouble.

Oluhara coughed several times, which obviously affected the lung wound, and a lot of blood foam overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but he still supported Akita with force: "Akita-san, this soldier is not simple. Not only is he highly skilled, but his marksmanship is even better." They are outstanding, even I am no match for them, you must be more vigilant when searching in the mountains, cough cough."

"Hai, Oshigahara-san, you'd better stop talking now, so as not to aggravate the injury. Don't worry, we will definitely pay attention and be vigilant!" Akita paused heavily, and then ordered the two Japanese soldiers carrying the stretcher, "Hurry up, Chief Okahara." Send it to the rear, and then have the transport team send it back to the Suzhou Field Hospital, it must be fast!"

"Hai." The two Japanese soldiers nodded heavily and ran away carrying Xiao Luyuan.

Akita called the four squadron captains to him again, ordered the four infantry squadrons to move forward in a straight line, and entered the dense forest to conduct a dragnet-style search. Akita still had no doubts about Oluhara's judgment. Since the Chinese escaped in the forest* There are only two people left in the army, so there is no need to worry about being ambushed and they can conduct a dragnet search.

Akita is now starting to worry that loopholes will be left for Chinese soldiers to escape.

After all, the area of this forest is too large. From the map, it is dozens of miles in radius.

If he let the last remaining Japanese soldiers slip away, he would no longer be able to follow the clues to find the remnants of the temporary 79th Division, and he would not be able to report to the division headquarters and the front army headquarters. Commander Matsui Iwane would also There is no way to report to the royal family, and it will be him, the acting captain, who will be in trouble.

Who made the 6th Infantry Regiment the main force in this mopping up operation

As Akita followed the troops forward, he thought hard, should he report the latest battle report to the front army headquarters in a timely manner? The latest battle report was reported at midnight last night. At that time, the remaining troops of the temporary 79th Division had not yet been found. In other words, the front army headquarters still did not know that the temporary 79th Division had been divided.

Akita originally thought that he would wait until he found the remnants of the temporary 79th Division and then report it to the Front Army Headquarters, but who would have thought that before he could find the clue, this small Kuomintang Army unit that he had high hopes for would suddenly only There were only two people left, and they could escape at any time. Now the problem was serious.

After hesitating for a long time, Akita decided to report it.

(Dividing line)

Matsui Iwane stayed up until about three o'clock in the morning last night. He couldn't bear it anymore and went to sleep for a while. However, he only slept for less than two hours before the old devil got up again and returned to the war situation analysis room.

Chief of Staff Tsukada Tsugumi was not there, and the person on duty in the War Situation Analysis Room was Deputy Chief of Staff Akira Muto.

Seeing Matsui Iwane striding in, Muto Akira quickly put his feet back and stood at attention, paused and said, "Your Excellency, Commander."

Matsui Iwane waved his hand and asked: "Muto-san, can the 6th Infantry Regiment have the latest battle report?"

"No." Muto Zhang shook his head and said, "Since the battle report was submitted early last night, there has been no new battle report. They should not have caught up with the remnants of the temporary 79th Division."

"You haven't caught up yet?" Matsui Iwane's brows immediately tightened.

Matsui Iwane strode to the huge map posted on the wall.

Muto Akira also walked over and stood next to Matsui Iwane.

Matsui Iwane stared at the map and said: "The 6th Infantry Regiment submitted its last battle report at midnight yesterday, saying that the remnants of the temporary 79th Division had turned south and headed for Suzhou. Even if they were marching at normal speed, this time We should have arrived at Likou Town by now. Did the Hayata brigade that left Likou Town from Suzhou find any national troops passing through?"

"No." Muto Akira shook his head and said, "The Hayata Brigade just submitted the battle report, everything is as usual."

Matsui Iwane's brows became more and more frowned, and he said in a deep voice: "Immediately send a report to the 6th Infantry Regiment and ask them what they are doing and why they haven't caught up with the remnants of the temporary 79th Division yet."

As soon as Matsui Iwane finished speaking, a communications staff officer hurried in and reported: "Your Excellency, Commander, the latest battle report of the 6th Infantry Regiment!"

Matsui Iwane received the telegram and after reading it in a hurry, he became furious.

"Baga, Bagagaru, trash, a bunch of trash!" Matsui Iwane was furious, shaking his hands and throwing the telegram into the sky, and kicked over the table in front of him.

Muto Akira picked up the copy paper from the ground and saw what was written on it: The main remaining force of the temporary 79th Division was separated early this morning, and their whereabouts are unknown. The only small unit of two people fled into the dense forest near Likou, and the roundup is being stepped up! After reading this battle report, Muto Zhang's expression also changed. He had been busy all night, but all his work was in vain

It's here, but the temporary 79th Division is still allowed to escape

"Trash, a bunch of trash! Incompetent, incompetent!" Matsui Iwane was still roaring loudly.

Throughout the morning, the building where the Central China Headquarters was located echoed with Matsui Iwane's angry roar. All the staff members were trembling with fear and did not dare to take a breath.