Special Forces King

Chapter 52: On the Songhua River


A dozen Japanese soldiers, holding bright bayonets, slowly pressed forward from dozens of meters away.

"The Japanese are coming up, company commander, company commander..." He Shuya instinctively shouted to the company commander, and then stood there stunned.

After shouting twice, He Shuya realized that the company commander had already died. Not only the company commander, but all the brothers in their entire company were dead, and he was the only one alive.

A look of despair appeared on He Shuya's young face.

Then, He Shuya jumped into the trench and picked up the only Czech-style light machine gun in the company.

"Little devil, I will fight with you, fight with you!" He Shuya roared at the top of his lungs, and the imitation Czech-style light machine gun in his hand also fired violently.

However, the dozen or so Japanese soldiers who were pressing forward were already lying down.

The bullets scattered the soil everywhere in the position, but they didn't even hit the little devil's hair.

"Squeak...boom!" A 50mm caliber high-explosive bomb screamed and flew over from a hundred meters away, then landed next to He Shuya and exploded with a bang.

The air wave generated by the explosion instantly overturned He Shuya to the ground. Fortunately, He Shuya was only overturned by the air wave, but was not killed by the high-energy fragments of the grenade. Therefore, He Shuya quickly stood up again and shook his head. After shaking off the sand and soil on his head and body, He Shuya dug out the Czech image from the scorched earth.

But unfortunately, that imitation Czech weapon had its barrel bent by the little devil's grenade.

He Shuya dropped the Czech imitation and picked up a Shenyang imitation Mauser 98 rifle next to it.

This is the Czech Mauser 98/22 infantry imitated by the Shenyang Arsenal. It is also the standard rifle of the Northeast Army. He Shuya raised the rifle and aimed at a Japanese soldier in front of him and pulled the trigger. However, the rifle clicked and no bullet came out of the chamber. After shooting, he opened the bolt and saw that the barrel of the gun was empty.

He Shuya threw away his rifle in a hurry, rushed not far away and pulled out another rifle from under a dead comrade, but unfortunately, the rifle was still empty.

The Northeastern Army has had a hard time since the day it entered the customs.

After the Xi'an Incident, the young marshal was imprisoned, and the Northeast Army became an orphan without a mother. All military supplies, weapons and ammunition were cut off. It was not until the Songhu Battle broke out that the Nationalist Government replenished the Northeast Army with a little military supplies. , and then drove them to the Songhu battlefield.

But after a few battles, the pitiful military supplies have long since bottomed out.

"Bullets, who still has bullets? Who the hell still has bullets?" He Shuya looked for several rifles in succession and found that the barrels were all empty. He also rummaged through the bullet bags on his comrades, and they were all deflated. He Shuya He slumped down in the trench, looked up to the sky and howled in despair, "Bullets, who the hell still has bullets, who still has bullets..."

No bullets were found, but He Shuya only found one grenade, just one.

However, the little devil would not stop because of He Shuya's desperate wailing, but instead speeded up.

Within a moment, a dozen Japanese soldiers with shining bayonets arrived at the position of the remnant company of the Northeastern Army.

Looking at the dozen Japanese soldiers who were already close at hand, He Shuya stopped wailing and quietly hid the grenade in his arms.

When a Japanese soldier saw He Shuya stretching his hand into his arms, he thought he was about to take out his pistol. When he raised his 38 cap and prepared to shoot, he was stopped by the leading sergeant.

The sergeant commander knew that it was impossible for a Chinese soldier like this to carry a pistol.

Sure enough, when He Shuya's right hand came out of his arms again, there was a harmonica in his hand.

At this point, He Shuya also knew that his life had entered a countdown.

He Shuya completely ignored the dozen or so Japs who were watching eagerly around him, and brought the harmonica to his mouth.

Then, the melodious and melodious harmonica sound sounded in the dense forest. Listening to this beautiful harmonica sound, a dozen Japanese soldiers lowered their guns in unison and began to listen carefully.

The Japanese Army Commander had no intention of stopping him, since this Chinese soldier couldn't escape anyway.

The moment the song played, He Shuya completely entered a state of selflessness. The hometown he had been dreaming about for the past six years appeared in front of him again. The vast and boundless Songnen Plain spread out in front of him. He Shuya seemed to be in a state of selflessness again. I smell the fragrance of soybeans and the fragrance of sorghum.

Hot tears flowed down He Shuya's cheeks uncontrollably.

My home is on the Songhua River in Northeast China,

There are forest coal mines there,

There are also soybeans and sorghum all over the mountains and plains.

My home is on the Songhua River in Northeast China,

There are my compatriots,

And the aging parents.

September 18, September 18,

From that tragic time,

Leaving my hometown,

Abandoned the endless treasure,

Wandering! Wandering!

The price is within the customs all day, wandering!

Which year, which month,

Only then can I return to my lovely hometown

Which year, which month,

Only then can we take back the endless treasure

Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad,


To get together happily

After playing the song, He Shuya took the harmonica back into his arms with tears in his eyes.

More than a dozen Japanese soldiers were still immersed in the beautiful music of the piano and could not recover, but He Shuya took out the grenade hidden in his arms without hesitation and ripped off the ring!

The next moment, green smoke puffed out from the wooden handle of the grenade.

"Baga, lie down quickly!" The Japs' sergeant commander reacted quickly and turned over to lie down.

However, before the Japanese Army Commander lay down, a crisp gunshot sounded again in the silent forest.

A sad flower of blood suddenly burst out from the right temple of the Japanese sergeant commander, and then a crooked roar rang out in the dense forest, and dense bullets rained down on him.

The dozen or so Japanese who were caught off guard were thrown to the ground one after another.

"Well, what's going on?" He Shuya couldn't help but be stunned.

When he came back to his senses, the grenade in his hand was about to explode.

He Shuya immediately let out a wolf howl, threw the grenade forward with his hands, and then turned over and lay down.

The grenade exploded in the air less than two meters away when it was thrown. The violent explosion instantly formed a huge shock wave, viciously knocking several Japanese soldiers at the center of the explosion to the ground. The explosion simultaneously produced hundreds of The fragments shot out in all directions, and the remaining Japs screamed and fell to the ground.

He Shuya was lucky enough not to be killed by the fragments, but he was knocked unconscious by the shock wave on the spot.

He Shuya didn't know what time was in the coma. He didn't know how long it took. He Shuya finally woke up from the coma. When he opened his eyes, He Shuya saw a little devil sitting in front of him, eating canned beef with his back to him. At this, He Shuya suddenly felt miserable, he was finished, and he was captured by the little devil.

The little devil heard the noise and turned around and asked He Shuya: "Boy, are you awake?"

He Shuya ignored it, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily because he smelled the aroma of beef. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had eaten beef.

"Are you hungry? Here you go." The Japs took out another can of cans from his bag and handed it over.

He Shuya licked his mouth and ignored the little devil, but he couldn't help but glance to the side not far away from the corner of his eye.

Less than half a meter away from He Shuya, a Japanese soldier was lying prone, with a 38-meter cover pressed down under his body.

He Shuya thought to himself, take advantage of the little Japs when he is not prepared, grab the bayonet and kill the Japs. Even if he cannot kill the Japs, he can kill himself with the bayonet. It is always ten thousand times better than being a prisoner.

So He Shuya's butt moved that way without leaving a trace.

"Don't you like canned food?" The Japs didn't realize it. He turned around and rummaged through his satchel and said, "It's okay. I still have biscuits here. I'll find them for you."

Seeing the Japanese man turning his back unpreparedly, He Shuya rushed forward to get the 38-meter cover.

But at this moment, a big foot stepped heavily on the bayonet, and even suppressed He Shuya's hand. Then a cold voice suddenly sounded from above his head: "Boy, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that his intention had been revealed, He Shuya immediately felt sick and frightened. He immediately hugged the man's thigh with his backhand and wanted to knock him to the ground. At the same time, he yelled loudly: "You bloody little devil! I will fight with you!"

However, what made He Shuya extremely desperate was that no matter how hard he tried, his thigh would not move at all.

The next moment, He Shuya felt that he was flying up. After landing, He Shuya felt that his whole body seemed to be falling apart and he could not get up again, but he did not feel any discomfort.

He Shuya was sure that he was not injured, but he couldn't exert any strength.

It was only then that He Shuya finally saw clearly the owner of that "thigh".

He was actually a Japs, and he was also a very big and tall Japs. Even in the Northeast, such big guys were rare.

At this time, the Japanese looking for biscuits from his bag also heard the noise and turned around.

Seeing He Shuya lying on his back and falling to the ground, the Japanese looking for biscuits asked in surprise: "What's going on at the camp?"

The big Japs glanced at He Shuya coldly and said: "This kid saw us wearing Japs uniforms and thought we were Japs. Not only did he want to sneak attack you, he also wanted to kill me."

He Shuya was dumbfounded when he heard this. What do you mean? Aren't these two Japs

But yes, the little devil only speaks chirping bird language, how can he speak Chinese

"This kid is quite bloody." The Japanese man looking for biscuits snorted at He Shuya, and then asked the big man, "At the camp, have all the Japanese soldiers around him been killed?"

"All done." The big man sat down next to He Shuya.

After listening to the conversation between the two, He Shuya was convinced that the two were not Japs, and immediately asked: "Are you not Japs?"

"What do you think?" The Japs looking for biscuits tore open the wrapping paper, handed over the dark chocolate biscuits, and said angrily, "If we were really Japs, would your kid still be alive? Can we still give you biscuits?" "

He Shuya scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.