Special Forces King

Chapter 55: Raise the star



Likou, the Japanese military station. △,

Akita wore only a shirt on his upper body, kneeling in the field tent with a dull expression.

Akita never expected that the pursuit and annihilation of the remnants of the 79th Division would have such an outcome. When he received a stern telegram from the front army headquarters, and when he learned that he had been chasing and killing the 79th Division for a whole day and night, The Nineteenth Division had actually crossed the Yangtze River from Fushan Town. He couldn't believe his eyes!

So cunning, the Chinese are so cunning, they lie!

While feeling emotional, Akita had to admit that he was not unjustly defeated in this battle.

What else is there to say? With the superior strength of three infantry regiments, they raided and annihilated a small Kuomintang army unit of only two to three hundred people. Instead of crushing it with overwhelming force, they were disgraced and lost by the opponent. Not to mention the strength of nearly a brigade, the opponent was able to break through calmly in the end.

The battle had reached this point, and Akita really couldn't find a reason to excuse himself.

"Keng..." Amidst the sound of cold metal friction, Akita slowly drew out his saber.

Although Akita's saber was not a saber given by the emperor, nor was it an ancestral samurai sword, but just a standard saber, Akita sharpened it extremely fast, and the blade even chilled his muscles.

Wiping the blade lightly, Akita couldn't hide the disappointment on his brows.

At this point, Akita can only maintain his final dignity by having a caesarean section.

If not, not only him personally, but also his descendants and the entire family will suffer shame and infamy.

The closed curtain was suddenly opened from the outside, and a major and two ensigns strode in. The two ensigns immediately separated after entering the tent. One stood on the right side of Akita, with his gun drawn, and the other One of them drew his saber, stood behind Akita with an eyeful gaze, and raised his saber high.

These three people came to supervise Akita's caesarean section.

"Akita-san." The major said indifferently, "You have delayed it for too long."

Akita raised his head and glanced at the major coldly. He first put the saber on his knees, then reached out to unbutton his shirt. Then he picked up his saber again, held the blade tightly with both hands, and pointed the tip of the saber at his lower abdomen. After brewing his emotions for a while, Akita suddenly retracted his arms, and the sharp knife tip pierced his abdomen.

When the blade entered his body, Akita's face immediately showed pain.

But this little devil was really cruel. He gritted his teeth and pushed in again, and the tip of the knife came out from behind him.

Not to mention that, Akita actually bit his back alveolus and turned the saber horizontally, and made two hard cuts to the left and right. This little devil actually used the saber to cut a blood cross on his abdomen!

"Long live the Empire of Japan, long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

After cutting a cross in his lower abdomen, Akita used his last strength to shout two slogans, then fell forward, put his head on the ground, and breathed his last breath.

It was actually a standard samurai caesarean ritual.

(Dividing line)

Cherev, the Soviet minister in China, excitedly found Colonel Stilwell, the US military attaché in China.

"Colonel Stilwell, have you heard?" Cherev couldn't hide the excitement on his brow, "Matsui Iwane has retired from active service, and the Central China Front has changed its commander before the battle."

"I heard about it." Stilwell said with a smile, "This is also an expected result."

Stilwell filled his pipe with tobacco as he spoke, and continued: "Iwane Matsui mobilized three regiments with nearly 10,000 troops, but they were unable to wipe out a few hundred people of the temporary 79th Division. The battle was completed. In this way, how can Matsui Iwane have the dignity to remain as commander of the Central China Front?"

"Who says it's not the case? After the news of the breakout of the temporary 79th Division spread, the Associated Press, Reuters, and Tass News Agency quoted the news immediately. Even the German Weekly Watch also ridiculed it and insinuated Hitler. We found an unreliable ally like Japan." Cherev shook his head and laughed, "The Japanese royal family and the Japanese government are really disgraced this time."

"Where are we? The fun has just begun." Stilwell struck a match and lit his pipe, then walked to the window with the pipe in his mouth, looked at the turbid Huangpu River outside the window and said to Cherev, "Cherev Sir, I wonder if you feel it, but I feel it anyway, a general star is rising from the eastern world?"

"General?" Cherev asked, "You mean the temporary commander of the 79th Division?"

"No, no, according to my information, Zhong Heng, the temporary commander of the 79th Division, was killed in the Battle of Wuxi, and the chief of staff of the temporary 79th Division was also killed in the battle." Stilwell waved his hand and said , "As far as I know, it was someone else who commanded the remnants of the temporary 79th Division to break out of Wuxi and create a series of miraculous battle deeds."

"Really?" Cherev said, "But I must admit that this person's tactical command ability is not bad."

"Not bad?" Stilwell said with a smile, "Mr. Cherev, please forgive me, even a top student who graduated from the Frunze Military Academy is not much better than this person."

Without waiting for Cherev to retort, Stilwell said: "This man can take two to three hundred remnants of the National Army with low morale and lack of equipment to take down the headquarters of the Japanese 6th Regiment in one fell swoop. He can take the ambush by surprise." Seeing Gong Junyan, he was able to lead his remaining troops to break out of the encirclement of tens of thousands of Japanese troops. If even this performance can only be rated as okay, I really can't imagine what excellence should be in your eyes. ?”

"Okay." Cherev also felt that what Stilwell said was completely reasonable. He shrugged and said with a smile, "I admit that this person's tactical command ability is indeed excellent!"

Stilwell added: "What I'm curious about is, where did the Nationalist Government find such outstanding military talents? What is certain is that the Nationalist Government's Central Military Academy and Army University have dull tactical thinking and backward teaching methods. It is absolutely out of touch with the world's military trends and it is absolutely impossible to cultivate such excellent military commanders."

Cherev said: "Did this person ever go to the Berlin Military Academy in Germany to study?"

"There are only a few people sent by the Nationalist Government to study in Germany, and there are well-documented records. This person is obviously not among them." Stilwell shook his head and said, "However, after you said this, I remembered One thing is, in fact, in addition to sending overseas students to Germany, the Nationalist Government also sent young military officers to the West Point Military Academy in the United States for further studies."

"The Nationalist Government once sent officers to West Point Military Academy?" Cherev asked, "Why didn't I know?"

Stilwell said hurriedly: "This is unofficial. The dispatching unit is the Tax Police Corps of the Eight-Country Bank. However, judging from the time, the first batch of trainees should have completed their studies and returned to China by now."

"Police force? What does this have to do with the temporary 79th Division?" Cherev said suddenly, "Speaking of which, there were quite a few KMT officers who went to our Frunze Military Academy to study in the early years. The temporary 79th Division The predecessor of the Ninth Division, the Seventy-ninth Route Army, also sent a group of officers there, and maybe this person is a student of the Youlongzhi Military Academy."

"Impossible, you Frunze people can't possibly teach such students."

"You're talking nonsense. Our U-Longzhi Military Academy is much better than your West Point Military Academy."

With different views, Cherev and Stilwell began another round of heated arguments.

(Dividing line)

Not to mention where Chefu and Stilwell were arguing, Xu Rui, the instigator of the dispute between the two, had already arrived at Yangjiajiao on the west bank of the canal.

The reason Xu Rui wanted to go to Yangjiajiao again was to pick up the platoon that Li Hai took away.

Xu Rui knew very well that although he had injected powerful seeds into the temporary 79th Division Independent Battalion, this seed had just sprouted. If he wanted this seedling to thrive, he must continue to water it, and the nutrients watered, It is to constantly instill in the soldiers of the Independence Battalion the idea of never abandoning or giving up.

Therefore, we must welcome back the platoon that Li Hai took away at all costs.

Even if there is only one person left in this platoon, he must be taken back.

Before Li Hai and the others left, Xu Rui told him that the main force of the independent battalion would be waiting for them in Baoxing Town.

But now the main force of the independent battalion has departed, and judging from the time, it will have almost crossed the Yangtze River, so he must go on a trip to bring back Li Hai and his platoon.

After bypassing Hejiajiao, we turned east and headed straight to Baoxing Town.

Along the way, Xu Rui relied on his almost beast-like keen intuition to predict danger in advance, avoided the Japanese search team in advance, and arrived outside the small town of Baoxing without any danger.

Xu Rui also discovered traces left by Li Hai and others at the entrance of the town, an abandoned German-made Schmeisser submachine gun.

Hei Qi picked up the abandoned German-made Schmeisser submachine gun from the ground, and said to Xu Rui excitedly: "The camp must be Li Hai and the others. The little devil's permanent division is not equipped with this thing. Mom, this bad guy Li Hai is really good, he actually brought back a platoon of brothers."

To be honest, before the troops were divided, few people believed that Li Hai could come back alive, let alone that he could bring his troops back to Baoxing Town.

After saying that, Hei Qi walked excitedly to the town.

"Wait a minute." Xu Rui grabbed Hei Qi and said in a deep voice, "There's a situation!"

"Is there anything going on?" Hei Qi immediately took off the 38 cover from his shoulder and held it in his hand. He Shuya, who was following Hei Qi, also immediately became alert.

Xu Rui closed his eyes, and his magical perception suddenly spread like a spider's thread.

After seven or eight seconds, Xu Rui's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he said in a deep voice: "There are less than ten people on the other side, and they are hiding in the big courtyard at the entrance of the town, and they hide their heads and hide their tails. They don’t look like little Japs, but Li Hai and the others have probably fallen into their hands, so I don’t know whether this group of people is an enemy or a friend.”

Hei Qi immediately shouted: "Old Mother Diurei, no matter whether he is an enemy or a friend, if you dare to touch someone from our independent battalion, ****!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Xu Rui's mouth inadvertently. After spending a short time with him, the officers and soldiers of the Independent Battalion, including Hei Qi, have been obviously influenced by him. Their personality and behavior are becoming more and more powerful. It even started to become a little unreasonable, but this is what an iron-blooded soldier should be like.

Xu Rui called Hei Qi and He Shuya to him again and whispered.

Then, the three people turned around and retreated, disappearing.

Less than half an hour later, it started to get dark.

Under the cover of night, Xu Rui, Hei Qi and He Shuya appeared on the north side of the town. Under the cover of the ruins of the town, they silently approached the back door of the compound from behind.



