Special Forces King

Chapter 65: The picture is big


Xu Rui finally got a good sleep.

Speaking of which, it has been three days since Xu Rui traveled to this world. During these three days and nights, he has not slept a wink. It is absolutely impossible to say that he is not sleepy. After all, he is still a body of flesh and blood.

While sleeping, Xu Rui suddenly heard a sharp whistle.

As a soldier, during his almost mechanical military career over many years, he will naturally and unnaturally develop some habits that are difficult to change throughout his life. One of the most well-known habits is to hear the sound of bugles or whistles. People who have served in the military will always get up habitually because this habit has been integrated into their souls.

Almost as soon as the whistle sounded, Xu Rui, who was still asleep just now, immediately turned over and sat up, and then habitually started folding the quilt. Halfway through, he realized that this was no longer the original world, and now he also Not in a military camp, but in a fellow villager's home.

After reacting, Xu Rui just folded the quilt neatly and did not fold the tofu pieces.

It wasn't until Xu Rui folded the quilt that Hei Qi, Li Hai, Xiao Mao and Ah Fu, who were also sleeping on the floor, sat up in confusion and started to get dressed in a mess.

Xu Rui dressed up as quickly as possible, then picked up the rifle placed against the wall, opened the door and rushed out.

Xu Rui was the first to rush into the yard and saw He Shuya hanging on the neem tree in the yard and blowing a whistle.

Seeing Xu Rui coming out, He Shuya immediately put down his whistle and reported: "There are Japs in the camp, there are Japs!"

Xu Rui nodded, took two steps and then jumped up. He easily put his hands on the top of the three-meter-high courtyard wall, and then pushed it down. His whole grown body was as light as a swallow, and he climbed up. After standing on the top of the wall, I looked out from the top of the wall, and sure enough I saw a motorcade driving towards Wuxi on the road in the distance.

I counted two tricycles at the beginning and a truck at the back.

At this time, Hei Qi, Li Hai, Xiao Mao, A Fu, Jiang Nan, Cui Jiu and the members of the Rangers, as well as Yang Banan and his guards were also alerted and rushed out of the room one after another.

The host, Xu Liufu, was also alarmed and hurried out of the main room.

"Sir Xu, what's going on?" Xu Liufu said in panic.

"There are Japs, almost a team!" Xu Rui said in a deep voice.

When Jiang Nan, Cui Jiu, Yang Banan and others heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

There are more than fifty people in a Japs team. If the team is strengthened, there are even more than seventy people. However, they only have twenty people in total. They are completely at a disadvantage in terms of military strength. If they really fight against the Japs, they will have no chance. No chance of winning.

It's no wonder that Jiang Nan, Cui Jiu, and Yang Banan have not personally experienced the battle of the temporary 79th Division, let alone seen Xu Rui's power, so they came to this conclusion.

However, Jiangnan still held on to a bit of luck.

Jiang Nan asked: "Are the Japs passing by, or..."

Before Jiang Nan could finish speaking, Xu Rui said coldly: "I'm not passing by. The kid is obviously coming to Baoxing Town. By now, he has already turned onto the side road leading to Baoxing Town."

"What?" Jiang Nan lost his voice, "What can we do?"

Cui Jiu said in a deep voice: "I have no choice but to fight with the Japanese!"

However, Yang Banan suddenly rushed towards Xu Liufu, grabbed Xu Liufu's lapel, and asked sternly: "Tell me, did you secretly send someone to inform the kid? Did you attract the kid? Tell me, tell me. ah!"

"I, I, I, I..." Xu Liufu was completely confused, and he even forgot to defend himself.

"Traitor, I know it, I know it!" Yang Banan said, took out a Browning, put the black muzzle of the gun against Xu Liufu's head, and shouted sternly, "I'll shoot you!"

Only then did Xu Liufu wake up from a dream, and said anxiously: "It's not me, it's really not me, I didn't tell the truth..."

Yang Banan didn't believe it at all. He stretched out his hand and pulled the bolt of the gun with a click, and put the bullet into the chamber.

Then, before Yang Banan could shoot, Hei Qi hit him hard on the neck with the butt of his rifle. Yang Banan immediately fainted with a groan. When Yang Banan's five guards saw this, they were about to lift him up. The gun fired back, but Li Hai, Xiao Mao and Afu used submachine guns to hold them back. Facing the black holes of the submachine gun muzzles, the five of them no longer dared to act rashly.

Xu Rui jumped down from the courtyard wall and said to the five guards: "Take your officers to the cellar. You are not allowed to come out without my order. Otherwise, you will be killed immediately!"

The five guards looked at each other and helped Yang Banan away.

Xu Rui then said to Jiang Nan, Cui Jiu and the other six Rangers: "You'd better hide in the backyard and wait. No matter what happens in the front yard, don't come out!"

"What do you mean?" Cui Jiu immediately became unhappy when he heard this, and said loudly, "Don't think that you, the people who temporarily formed the 79th Division, are men. You need to know that our brothers in the Fuxing Society are not cowards. When it comes to fighting, we in the Fuxing Society It’s unambiguous, I told you, this little devil, our Fuxing Society will defeat them.”

Xu Rui stared at Cui Jiu, his eyes narrowed slightly involuntarily.

To be honest, Xu Rui really didn't have a good impression of the Fuxing Society. Wasn't the Fuxing Society the later notorious military commander? Which agent of the Fuxing Society doesn't have his hands stained with the blood of the Communists? Even in the 38 years when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated most closely, the Fuxing Society never stopped attacking the underground party of the Communist Party of China.

However, Cui Jiu's statement just now made Xu Rui's perception of Fuxing Society slightly change.

No matter what, at least when facing foreign enemies, the agents of the Fuxing Society still behaved like men.

"The brothers in the Fuxing Society are all good, that's what they are." Xu Rui gave Cui Jiu a thumbs up and said, "But this time we won't fight the little devils."

"Don't beat the little devil?" Cui Jiu was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Just listen to me and ask the brothers from the Fuxing Society to hide in the backyard. If they really start fighting with the Japanese later, it won't be too late for all the brothers to come out to help, right?" Xu Rui said while adding Jiangnan, Cui Jiu and the Rangers under Cui Jiu rushed into the backyard, followed by Hei Qi and Li Hai.

Cui Jiu glanced at Li Hai and the other five people who were far away on the other side, and asked Jiang Nan: "Miss Jiang, where did this song by Xu come from? Why can't I understand it clearly?"

Jiang Nan gently lifted up a few stray strands of hair on his cheek and fell into deep thought.

Cui Jiu couldn't quite understand, but Jiang Nan vaguely guessed Xu Rui's intention.

Xu Rui's performance just now was enough to show that this group of devils was not coming for them. Yang Banan suspected that Xu Liufu had betrayed them and leaked their whereabouts to the devils, but Jiang Nan's judgment was consistent with Xu Rui's. She believed Xu Liufu would not inform the Japanese. Again, there are only a very small number of people who are truly willing to become traitors.

Therefore, this group of devils definitely did not come for them, nor did they even go to the countryside to clean up.

What's the sweep? Baoxing Town has been basically destroyed and people have fled, so what else can be done to clean it up? If the Japanese really want to raid, they should raid the surrounding countryside instead of rushing to the town.

From this, we can basically conclude that this group of devils are probably coming for the Xu family.

If nothing else, the little devil should have wanted to persuade Xu Liufu to serve as the maintenance chairman of Baoxing Town, and then Xu Liufu would come forward to persuade the fleeing people to return to Baoxing Town and restore the production order in Baoxing Town.

The little devil spent so much money to attack China not to rob, but to rule!

Therefore, after conquering the vast occupied areas, the next step for the Japanese is to form a maintenance committee and restore production order. Only by doing so will the vast occupied areas not become a heavy burden for the little devils. If order can be restored, the vast occupied areas will even It can also provide a steady stream of supplies to the Japanese.

The reason why Xu Rui decided to stay in the front yard was probably not to prevent Xu Liufu from becoming the maintenance president.

Xu Rui most likely planned to persuade Xu Liufu to agree to be the maintenance president. Then, the temporary No. 79 Division would have the opportunity to use Xu Liufu as their eyeliner, and even the Xu Family Courtyard would become the temporary No. 7 The 19th Division left the fortress in Wuxi. From now on, if the 79th Division is temporarily formed and takes action in Wuxi, it will be extremely convenient.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan couldn't help but reveal a faint smile.

This Xu Rui has a big picture! He is preparing to stay behind enemy lines!

(Dividing line)

Talking about Xu Rui, Xu Liufu came over and said with a sad face: "Sir Xu, I really didn't tell the Japanese..."

"Don't worry, uncle, I know you didn't tell the kid, and the kid didn't come for us." Xu Rui said, "If I guessed correctly, this group of kid should be here to find you."

"Looking for the old man?" Xu Liufu said blankly, "What are the Japanese doing looking for the old man?"

Xu Rui replied: "I think I want to ask you to serve as the maintenance chairman of Baoxing Town, and then you will come forward to call all the villagers back and restore the production order of Baoxing Town."

"Maintain the president?" Xu Liufu was stunned when he heard this.

While being stunned, Xu Liufu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the Japanese didn't come to kill people and set fires.

In this moment, the roar of motorcycles and cars, which triggered police, could be heard outside the Xu family compound, followed by the sound of squeaking brakes, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps, and then the door of the Bao family was banged by someone from outside. There was a bang and someone shouted: "Is there anyone? Is there anyone inside? Is there anyone?"

Xu Liufu was at a loss, and Xu Rui strode to the vestibule and opened the heavy door.

Appearing outside the gate was a Japanese officer with a straight posture, carrying the rank of major on his shoulders. Behind the major, there was also a translator wearing glasses.

Seeing the door open, the Japanese Major bowed slightly and took half a step back.

The four-eyed translator immediately stepped forward and said, "Taijun Xiaodao is here to visit Mr. Xu. I would like to ask, is Mr. Xu at home?"

"At home, at home." Xu Rui nodded repeatedly, then turned around and shouted, "Uncle, I'm looking for you."

Xu Liufu hurriedly came over with the train of his robe, bowed his hands first, and then made a sign of invitation to the Japanese Major with his hands raised: "Taijun Xiaodao, please come inside, please come inside."

The Japanese Major was not polite and entered the gate with his saber in hand.