Special Forces King

Chapter 66: Maintain the president


The translator wearing glasses also entered the gate, and behind him a Japanese war reporter with a camera hanging around his neck also followed. However, when the Japanese adjutant carrying the rank of second lieutenant and a group of guards behind him also wanted to When he entered the door, the Japanese Major stretched out his hand to stop him. 23us. com is the fastest updated

The Japanese Major said: "You stay outside."

"Hai!" The Japanese second lieutenant immediately paused.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese reporter raised his camera and took a picture.

Xu Rui looked on coldly, with a sneer on his lips.

The little devil is putting on a show, trying to create a people-friendly atmosphere.

Due to the limitations of the island nation, there have been almost no decent strategic masters in Japanese history. However, at the tactical level, there are some outstanding figures in Japanese history, and it can be said that there are many talents in modern times.

Because of this, the Japanese army's tactical execution capabilities are extremely strong.

So when the Japanese army switched from offensive operations to law and order, their style immediately changed.

During the offensive operations, the Japanese army's style was extremely barbaric. They committed burning, killing, looting, and other crimes. However, once the law and order situation was restored, the Japanese army's style immediately became strict. At least without definite evidence, they would not treat innocent Chinese again. If the common people are harassed, of course, exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes will only be a lot more.

Don’t believe it yet, Neji Okamura has a famous comment on this.

When Okamura Neiji was the commander of the Chinese Front Army, he used a famous standard to determine whether a certain area was controlled by the Japanese army, a guerrilla zone or an area controlled by the Eighth Route Army: if there are big girls and young wives everywhere on the street, it is a Japanese army. In the controlled area, if the older girls and younger wives see the Japanese troops and run away, it is a guerrilla zone. If the older girls and younger wives are not seen at all, then it is an Eighth Route Army-controlled area.

It can be seen that in the areas controlled by the Japanese army, the security is actually good. At least the older girls and younger wives do not have to worry about being raped by the Japanese for no reason.

No, the Japanese Gendarmerie in Wuxi have begun to try to show people-friendliness.

Xu Liufu let the little devil into the hall and quickly ordered the servant to serve tea.

The Japanese Major first bowed deeply to Xu Liufu and said in a very sincere tone: "Old sir, due to the needs of the war situation, the imperial army had previously conducted a mopping up operation against Baoxing Town, which caused harm to the people in the town. , I would like to express my apology to the old man and all the people in this town on behalf of the Empire of Japan."

The four-eyed translator quickly translated what the Japanese Major said.

Xu Liufu was a little at a loss. The little devil was actually being reasonable

Xu Liufu didn't respond, so the Japanese Major bent over and refused to get up.

It wasn't until Xu Rui coughed lightly that Xu Liufu finally woke up from a dream, quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Your Majesty's words are serious."

The four-eyed translator breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly translated. The Japanese Major then straightened up and said to Xu Liufu: "We Japanese like to be straightforward, so I have to speak directly. I heard that the old gentleman is talking about distance and distance." It will be beneficial to everyone if the old gentleman can come forward as the most respected elder in the country."

"President?" Xu Liufu's face changed slightly when he heard this. Aren't these traitors

If it were normal times, Xu Liufu would grit his teeth and admit it. As long as he could keep Bao Xing's peace, his personal honor and disgrace would be nothing, so what if he was accused of being a traitor? The problem is, there is a team of Nationalist Army stationed in his house now, and there is also a battalion commander of the Nationalist Army standing behind him. How can he dare to agree at this time

If he really agreed, wouldn't the Nationalist Army kill him

Xu Liufu felt like he was sitting on pins and needles at the moment, wishing he could run away.

Xu Rui knew that if he didn't express his position, Xu Liufu would not dare to agree to be the maintenance president.

At that moment, Xu Rui said: "Uncle, it's better for you to be the president of the maintenance committee than to let someone else be the president of the maintenance committee and then harm the villagers, don't you think so? Otherwise, you will agree, right?"

The Japanese Major turned to look at Xu Rui, and the four-eyed translator quickly translated Xu Rui's words.

After hearing this, the Jaap Major immediately showed a smile on his face. He nodded to Xu Rui pleasantly, then turned back to Xu Liufu and said, "Mr. Xu, your nephew is a smart man. He has already seen that the imperial army is actually coming." Saving the Chinese people and co-prospering Greater East Asia will only benefit both the Japanese and the Chinese."

After listening to the translation by Four Eyes Translator, Xu Liufu asked Xu Rui: "Really?"

"Dang!" Xu Rui said decisively, "Uncle is the most suitable candidate."

"Okay." With Xu Rui's approval, Xu Liufu felt confident, and immediately said to the Japanese Major, "I can agree to be the maintenance president, but I also have two conditions."

The Japanese Major said, "Mr. Xu, if you have any conditions, feel free to make them."

Xu Liufu said: "First, the Japanese army is not allowed to enter Baoxing Town to disturb the people without reason; secondly, considering that the Japanese army has caused considerable damage to our Baoxing Town, as compensation, the money and grain taxes should be reduced or reduced for at least three years."

After listening to Four Eyes Translator's translation, the Japanese Major agreed without thinking.

The money and food for a mere town was nothing to the Japanese army, which had occupied almost half of China.

On the contrary, Xu Liufu agreed to be the maintenance president, which would bring a good demonstration effect to the entire Wuxi and even the entire Japanese-occupied area of Jiangsu, so the Japanese Major agreed wholeheartedly.

After lingering in Bao Mansion for half an hour, the Japanese left with satisfaction.

As soon as the Japanese went out, Xu Rui hurried back to the backyard.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I found that the backyard was tense and the atmosphere was very tense.

I saw Li Hai, Hei Qi, He Shuya, Xiaomao, and Afu all holding submachine guns in their hands, aiming their guns at Yang Banan and his five guards. Yang Banan and his five guards also They all raised their guns, and the bolts of both sides' guns were pulled open. What surprised Xu Rui was that Cui Jiu and the others also pointed their guns at Yang Banan and others.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Xu Rui said angrily, "You are full after eating, right?"

"Why don't you ask your subordinates first?" Yang Ba said, "Ask them, why do you have to stop us and prevent us from beating the little Japs?"

Xu Rui said: "The Japanese have left, let's play some ball."

"The Japanese are gone?" Yang Badan was stunned for a moment. What did he say

Could it be that the little devil was really not recruited by Xu, nor was he here for them

Xu Rui said coldly: "Now you should believe that Mr. Xu is not a traitor, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Yang Badan reacted very quickly. From the time when the Japanese came with great fanfare, to when they left with little fanfare, he quickly figured out the key. He immediately asked in a stern voice, "Captain Xu, are you and Xu Did he reach some ulterior agreement with the Japanese? I understand, did the man named Xu agree to be the chairman of the maintenance committee? "

Xu Liufu was sending the Japanese away to the backyard, and when he heard this, his expression changed.

Xu Liufu said anxiously: "Commander Xu, you have to testify to me. It's not that I want to be the maintenance president. This is for the sake of my fellow villagers. I really have never thought about being a traitor."

"Okay, you are really the leader of the Japs' maintenance committee. I'll shoot you, you bitch traitor!" Yang Banan said, then turned the gun and pointed it at Xu Liufu.

When Xu Liufu heard this, his face turned ashen.

Xu Rui stepped forward and stood in front of Xu Liufu.

Yang Banan glared at Xu Rui and said in a deep voice: "Why, Battalion Commander Xu still wants to protect this traitor?"

Xu Rui looked at Yang Banan coldly and said nothing, but was quietly sorting out his words in his heart.

Dialectics tells us that almost everything in this world is a complex of contradictions, and there is almost no absolutely right or absolutely wrong thing. For example, maintaining the president must be divided into two. For those who are willing to Those degenerate scum who are determined to help the Japanese oppress our compatriots will of course be killed without mercy!

However, for those who still have conscience in their hearts, but are forced to become the president of the president because of helplessness or to protect the villagers and reduce bloodshed and casualties, we must treat them differently. For such people, Suppression without screening is both unfair and undesirable.

An approach like Yang Banan's is pleasant, but it will seriously tear apart the compatriots.

The most basic fact is that the people pay money and food, and soldiers should protect the people when they are paid.

Now that the Japs have invaded, the soldiers have fled, but the common people cannot escape. What can they do? We can't live so hard that we all run away to fight the Japanese to the death, right? If all the Chinese people are really going to be wiped out, wouldn’t they be playing into the hands of the Japanese? Didn’t the beautiful and beautiful rivers and mountains really become the home of the Japanese

Therefore, the people can only save themselves, but how can they save themselves? You can only make a fool of yourself with the Japanese.

In the vast occupied areas, there are actually not many hard-core traitors. There are more people like Xu Liufu who had no choice but to protect the villagers and had no choice but to surrender to the little devils. Even those Japanese and puppet soldiers , the executioner whose hands are truly stained with the blood of his compatriots is also Liao Liaoji.

For this group of people, the Eighth Route Army's policy is also to fight for them with all their strength, rather than to suppress them with iron blood.

If the Eighth Route Army did the same thing as Yang Banan and suppressed civilians who had done things for the Japanese without any explanation, then they would never be able to gain a foothold in the occupied areas, let alone develop and grow! The Eighth Route Army was able to develop and grow because of the strong support of the people in the occupied areas. Can you say that these people are traitors just because they work for the Japanese

But after careful consideration, Xu Rui decided not to give any explanation, because he understood very well that people like Yang Banan only have black and white ideas, and there is no gray area. For these people, right is right. , Wrong is wrong, if you become the chairman of the maintenance committee to run errands for the little devil, then you are a traitor!

It cannot be said that Yang Banan's idea is wrong, but if we adhere to Yang Banan's thinking and fight guerrillas behind enemy lines, there can only be one outcome, and that is death!

So Xu Rui could only make a strong statement: "I'm not afraid to tell you that Mr. Xu is my distant uncle. I'm covering up for you today. What can you do!" (To be continued...)