Special Forces King

Chapter 71: Sniper


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Just when the independent battalion's machine gun platoon was designing an inverted triangle ambush formation, Shigeto Chiaki also arrived in the western suburbs of Nantong.

Oda Nobuyoshi, captain of the Second Taiwan Infantry Regiment, who arrived first and had already established an attack position in the western suburbs of Nantong, trotted up to Chiaki Shigefuji, paused and saluted: "Your Excellency, Commander."

Chiaki Shigeto returned the gift, then got off his horse and said, "Oda-san, how is the situation?"

Oda Nobuyoshi replied: "Your Excellency, Commander, in compliance with your order, the Second Regiment did not launch an attack rashly. It only ordered the artillery team to build a position outside the city with great fanfare. At the same time, it ordered the infantry brigades to enter the attack positions and launch a large-scale attack. situation, but judging from the reaction of the Chinese army, it seems that they do not intend to abandon the city."

"It seems that the Chinese army is not stupid. They know that we want to force them out of the city and annihilate them in the open area, so they simply stay in Nantong city and not leave." Shigeto Chiaki frowned, and then brought a few A combat staff officer and an orderly boarded a small dirt bag not far away, then raised their binoculars and began to observe.

From the field of view of the telescope, we can vaguely see the figures of many Chinese soldiers emerging from the ruins. Judging from the way they carry their shoulders and hands, it is obvious that they are repairing the fortifications.

Seeing this, Shigeto Chiaki's face became more and more gloomy.

If the remnants of the temporary 79th Division are really determined to engage in street fighting, it will undoubtedly be bad news for the Chongteng detachment.

Oda Nobuyoshi also followed the little bumpkin and said to Shigeto Chiaki: "Your Excellency, Commander, there is something I should say in my humble position that I don't know whether I should say?"

Shigeto Chiaki adjusted the focus of the telescope, pointed the field of view farther away, and said: "Tell me."

Oda Nobuyoshi said: "Your Excellency, Commander, according to the report from the forward observation post, the Chinese Army in Nantong has very few troops, only one battalion at best. Therefore, I think that there is no need for the main force of the main force to stay here. It is a waste of time. Let's stay." An infantry brigade is enough to solve the problem, at most we can add a cavalry brigade!”

Shigeto Chiaki put down the telescope, turned his head and looked at Oda Nobuyoshi coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Oda-san, do you mean that we should openly disobey the military orders of the front army headquarters?"

"Hai." Oda Nobuyoshi bowed his head heavily and said humbly, "I have made a mistake in my humble position."

But in his heart, Oda Nobuyoshi was full of curses: Shanshan Yuanren is still in the country, and he has no idea about the situation on the Chinese battlefield. What kind of bullshit order is this? The remnants of the Nationalist Army, which is less than one battalion, do they need to use an entire detachment to deal with them? This is simply a cannon to fight mosquitoes!

In other words, this is simply killing a chicken with a knife!

I have never seen a more ridiculous military order than this!

Shigeto Chiaki gave Oda Nobuyoshi a cold look. He could completely understand Oda Nobuyoshi's mood at this moment.

Because every moment the Chongteng detachment stays in Nantong, it will be further away from the supreme glory of capturing Nanjing. According to the current advancing speed of the Japanese army, as long as they stay in Nantong for more than three days, the battle to capture Nanjing will no longer have anything to do with them. , they will miss the greatest ceremony in the history of the empire.

You know, since the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, capturing the Chinese capital has been the ultimate dream of every samurai in the empire!

How many generations of Imperial warriors have fought for it all their lives, and how many generations of Imperial warriors have sacrificed their lives and shed their last drop of blood for it? Now, history has finally opened its door to the empire. The feats that many sages and ancient warriors have not completed finally have the opportunity to be completed in the hands of their generation of warriors. Can they not be anxious

Who is willing to miss such an opportunity to leave a mark in history

Even Shigeto Chiaki himself was very reluctant to miss such an eternal feat.

However, Shigeto Chiaki also knows that crushing the remnants of the temporary 79th Division is by no means a trivial matter, because it is related to the face of the empire and the imperial army, and more importantly, the glory of the royal family. If the remnants of the temporary 79th Division cannot be crushed, , the royal family will not spare Commander Shan Shan Yuan lightly, and Commander Shan Shan Yuan will never spare him lightly.

Therefore, no matter how unhappy he is, he must come to Nantong!

However, Shigeto Chiaki was not prepared to tell Oda Nobuyoshi this, because he knew very well that Oda Nobuyoshi was only thinking about the glory of capturing Nanjing at the moment, and anything he said was in vain. What's more, he didn't need to tell Oda Nobuyoshi this. As the captain of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, he only had to obey orders.

At that moment Chiaki Shigeto said: "Oda-san, start attacking."

"Hai." Oda Nobuyoshi bowed his head heavily, turned around and hurriedly got off the small bag.

Within a moment, the 12 75mm-caliber mountain artillery units of the Mountain Artillery Brigade directly under the Chongteng Detachment began to fire one after another, hitting rows of 75mm-caliber high-explosive bombs and sulfur bombs on the ruins of Nantong City. In a moment, Nantong Huge clouds of smoke and dust rose from the ruins of the city, and fires shot into the sky.

(Dividing line)

Before the bombardment by the Japs began, the officers and soldiers of the Independent Battalion withdrew into the air-raid shelter.

The outside of the air-raid shelter had been blown into a sea of flames, but inside the air-raid shelter there was silence.

The veteran squinted his eyes slightly, silently calculating the time for the Japanese bombardment in his mind.

Five minutes later, the veteran's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, then he picked up the 38-meter cover that was lying at his feet and rushed out. When everyone reached the entrance of the air-raid shelter, he heard his cold and low voice: "Go to the battlefield." !”

According to the Japanese routine, infantry will be launched to attack soon after the artillery attack.

Of course, the first wave of the Japanese attack must be a feint. Its purpose is nothing more than to ascertain the troop deployment and firepower configuration of the Chinese army. After ascertaining the troop deployment and firepower configuration of the Chinese army, the Japanese artillery will conduct a second round. Artillery bombardment, and then the Japanese will invest more troops and launch a real offensive.

More than two hundred remaining soldiers stood up one after another and followed the veterans out of the air raid shelter.

The veteran was the first to reach the outer position. At this time, the Japanese shelling had just stopped. The smoke and dust and gunpowder smoke still filled the position. Looking up, he could hardly see the scene ten meters away.

Half a minute later, the smoke and dust that shrouded the defensive position gradually dissipated and became lighter.

When the veteran raised his binoculars to look again, he saw about a small group of Japanese men rushing towards him.

The Japanese's tactical literacy is really good. Even though they are still far apart, and they know that the Chinese army does not have long-range firepower, the Japanese still launch a wave-shaped skirmisher line early. The distance between the skirmishers is at least There are ten meters, and the Japs will never be able to huddle together and charge like the Kuomintang army did.

Although they are very reluctant to accept it, veterans must admit that the Kuomintang army is at a disadvantage compared to the Japanese in terms of equipment, logistics, training, and quality.

But so what? Their independent battalion is not an ordinary Kuomintang army unit!

Now, you might as well let the little devil learn what a real sniper is.

A true sniper, with the right terrain, one person can easily defeat an infantry squad!

The veteran put down the telescope, raised his right thumb again, and measured the distance. The distance was about one thousand meters, which was beyond the effective range of the 38-meter Gai. Then he grabbed a handful of fine sand and raised it in the air. From the distance of the fine sand, Based on the amount, we can basically know that the wind speed is about two meters per second, and the breeze has almost no impact on the trajectory of the bullet.

Then, the veteran raised the 38 cover and turned up the ruler.

After a short search on the battlefield, the veteran selected a Japanese officer walking on the right side of the skirmish line.

Due to the distance, the veteran could not clearly see the rank of the Japanese officer, but the woolen uniform on his body was enough to prove that he was at least a second lieutenant.

Die, little devil!

The veteran smiled ferociously, his right index finger gently placed on the trigger, and then he slowly pressed the muzzle down.

When the thousand-meter mark on the rear sight scale, the front sight and the Japanese officer in front were aligned, the veteran gently pulled the trigger. With a crisp "bang" sound, a 6.5mm caliber sharp point shot was fired. The first copper-core bullet roared out, and about a second later, the Japanese officer in the field of vision fell to the ground.

"Hit!" Heipi, who was lying next to the veteran, immediately shouted, "Deputy camp seat, what a great shot!"

The dozen or so remnant soldiers nearby were also very excited. Nimei, the battalion deputy's marksmanship is really impressive. He can actually hit a target from a thousand meters away. It's amazing!

This marksmanship is not inferior to that of Yingzuo.

I wonder if that Japanese officer was killed

The veteran pulled the bolt of the gun expressionlessly, loaded the gun, and then aimed at another Japanese. Although the Japanese did not wear a woolen uniform, he had a plaster flag on the bayonet with a 38-inch cap in his hand. Obviously, this little devil is the flag-bearer of this team, and the sniper target: the first is the command, and the second is the flag-bearer!

(Dividing line)

A thousand meters ahead.

The unlucky Japanese second lieutenant had fallen into a pool of blood and was screaming miserably.

"Medicine, medic!" A Japanese sergeant came forward to help the squad leader up, and found that the squad leader had been shot in the abdomen, and his intestines had leaked out. Judging from the situation, he was probably dead.

The medical soldier hurried over, but the Japanese second lieutenant pushed him away. It was no longer needed!

The Japanese second lieutenant had participated in the 128th Shanghai Anti-Japanese War five years ago. He was also a veteran of many battles. Knowing that he was hopeless, he grabbed the Japanese sergeant by the lapel and gritted his teeth and said: "Yamamoto-san, your marksmanship is Best, please be sure to kill that Chinese soldier, please..."

"Hai." Yamamoto bowed his head heavily.

"Be careful, that soldier's marksmanship is excellent, you must be careful." The Japanese second lieutenant struggled to sit up, patted Yamamoto's shoulder, and then fell to the ground with his head tilted, dead.

Yamamoto stretched out his hand and gently stroked the Japanese Lieutenant's face, and the Japanese Lieutenant's wide, angry eyes finally closed.

The next moment, Yamamoto raised his right hand and pressed forward hard, and the fifty or so Japanese lying on both sides got up one after another, crouched one by one, and rushed forward.

Yamamoto fell behind the queue and observed calmly.

The skirmisher line advanced about two hundred meters, and gunfire rang out again.

Another kid fell to the ground, and this time it was the flag bearer who was shot.

However, this Japanese flag-bearer was luckier than the Japanese second lieutenant. The Japanese second lieutenant was hit in the abdomen and suffered for a long time before he finally died. However, the Japanese flag-bearer was directly hit in the head and died on the spot!

The more than fifty Japanese soldiers who were advancing forward fell down again, their livers and gallbladders trembling. Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.