Special Forces King

Chapter 75: bombing


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The entire sortie squadron was wiped out, prompting Shigeto Chiaki to make a wrong judgment.

Chiaki Shigeto instinctively believed that it was no longer possible to drive the Chinese Army out of the urban area by infantry attack alone. Artillery and aviation must be used to blow the entire urban area into a sea of fire, causing great damage and shock to the Chinese Army. Only then can it be possible to expel them from the urban area and then surround and annihilate them in the wild.

Shigeto Chiaki immediately ordered the artillery to start preparations for a second, larger-scale artillery fire. At the same time, he sent an emergency rescue telegram to the Central China Dispatch Army Headquarters, requesting tactical guidance from the aviation regiment.

A moment later, rows of shells roared and fell towards the city.

The next moment, huge clouds of smoke suddenly burst out from the urban area.

About half an hour after the bombardment, six Japanese Type 96 dive bombers flew over Nantong and dropped twelve heavy bombs. In an instant, more than a dozen huge mushroom clouds appeared among the ruins of the urban area. After the bombs were dropped, , twelve Japanese bombers swooped down again with ear-piercing screams, and carried out aimless and crazy strafing at the urban ruins.

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"Rumble..." Accompanied by a deafening roar, the entire air raid shelter instantly shook violently. It was as if a big earthquake had occurred. A large amount of sand fell from the top of the cave. Moreover, several small cracks appeared on the cave wall that was originally intact.

Li Yi looked up at the roof of the cave and said, "If I throw it away, it won't collapse, right?"

If this air-raid shelter collapsed, all the brothers in their battalion would be buried alive.

The veteran paid no attention to it and continued to rest against the cave wall with his eyes closed.

When the Japanese began the second round of shelling, the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion quickly withdrew to the air raid shelter. However, this wave of Japanese shelling was more violent than the previous one. It lasted for half an hour and was not over yet. Not only that, half an hour Later, bombers even flew to Nantong and dropped aerial bombs on the city.

Veterans can still tell the difference between artillery shells and aircraft bombs.

Because the effects of the explosion of a 75mm caliber artillery shell and a 500-pound or even 1,000-pound aerial bomb are completely incomparable. For example, the explosion just now was obviously a 500-pound heavy aerial bomb. Such a heavy aerial bomb would It can easily destroy a racecourse with just one blast, killing all creatures within the explosion range.

That is to say, the explosion points should be far away, otherwise the air raid shelter may really be blown down.

But even so, the veterans are not too worried. After all, the Japs are just an island country with few resources. They don’t have too many heavy bombs. Just throw a few and it will be enough. Besides, life and death depend on wealth and wealth. In heaven, if you really want to die, you will die no matter what. If you can't die, you won't die easily in battle.

After another ten minutes, the Japanese bombing finally ended.

The veteran stood up, wiped off the dust on his helmet and body, then turned around and smiled coldly at the more than 200 remnant soldiers squatting on the ground behind him, and said in a ferocious voice: "Brothers, it's time to get to work!"

After saying that, the veteran turned around and left with the 38 dumplings in hand.

Outside the entrance of the cave, there was thick gunpowder smoke and dust. The veteran's shaky figure quickly got into the gunpowder smoke and disappeared. Then, more than 200 remaining soldiers of the Independence Battalion stood up one after another, either holding Type 38 rifles or Holding the crooked handle or lifting the pheasant's neck, they rush out of the hole.

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Set the time back half an hour ago.

After several hours of rapid march, Xu Rui and his party finally arrived at Fushan Town at around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Because Fushan Town is a wharf on the Yangtze River waterway, and it is also the starting point of the Wu-Fu Line of national defense fortifications, it was heavily bombed by Japanese naval aviation and army artillery. The entire town was so devastated that it was almost impossible to find it. Only one intact building was found, and the entire dock was completely destroyed.

But the most pitiful people are the people of Fushan Town.

Except for those who abandoned their homes and careers and fled to the mainland, all those who stayed behind were poisoned by the Japanese!

When Xu Rui and others walked onto the Fushan Pier, they could still see corpses lying on the river beach that had not been washed away by the river. These corpses had been soaked in the river and were swollen. Among them were the elderly, women and children, and even some Qi Yuli's baby, the little devil's bestiality is simply outrageous.

Seeing these extremely miserable scenes, Junko Okahara couldn't help but shed tears.

Hei Qi, Li Hai, Cui Jiu and the members of the Rangers were all livid with anger.

"These beasts." Xu Rui said coldly, "One day, we will kill them all!"

"Listen to the camp!" Hei Qi suddenly pointed at Jiangbei and shouted, "There are gunshots, it seems to be Japanese soldiers!"

Xu Rui immediately raised the telescope, pointed it at the north bank of the Yangtze River and began to adjust the focus. After a while, the field of view of the telescope began to become clearer. He saw that Nantong City, across the river from Fushan, had been blown into a sea of fire by the Japanese. Due to the distance, It was too far away, so the explosion was not violent, but from the continuous flashes of fire, Xu Rui could imagine the brutality of the shelling.

"It must be our Independent Battalion." Li Hai shouted, "Our Independent Battalion is fighting with the little devil!"

Jiang Nan, Cui Jiu, and the six members of the Rangers looked at each other. The independent battalion seemed to be in a bad situation.

"We have to cross the river immediately." Xu Rui put down the telescope and told Hei Qi and Li Hai, "Quickly find a boat!"

Hei Qi and Li Hai took one person each and immediately split up to find the boat. Xu Rui once again raised the telescope and paid close attention to Jiangbei through the telescope's field of vision.

Jiang Nan hesitated for a long time, and finally stepped forward to persuade: "Sir Xu, the current situation of the battle in Jiangbei is unknown, and the current situation of the Independent Battalion is unknown. Therefore, I suggest that you postpone crossing the river until the battle situation in Jiangbei is clear. Or if there is new news from Shanghai, it won’t be too late for us to cross the river..."

"Shut up!" Xu Rui yelled rudely, "Stay where you want to cool off."

Because he was anxious, Xu Rui no longer cared about other people's feelings, even if Jiang Nan was a girl.

Jiang Nan's little mouth immediately pursed, and he thought bitterly in his heart that if a dog bites Lu Dongbin, it doesn't know a good heart.

However, when she saw Cui Jiu trying to argue with Xu Rui, Jiang Nan immediately stopped Cui Jiu because she could understand Xu Rui's mood at the moment.

Time passed slowly in suffocating waiting.

Half an hour later, the faint roar of fighter planes suddenly sounded over Fushan. When everyone looked up anxiously, they saw two planes emerging from the clouds and roaring towards Jiangbei. The two fighter planes had plaster patterns painted on their wings. , there are two aerial bombs hanging under the belly of the aircraft, which are obviously the bombers of the Japs.

Although it was a bomber rather than a reconnaissance aircraft, Xu Rui still ordered it to be concealed.

A dozen or so people had just concealed themselves into the woods when several Japanese bombers appeared in the clouds. Without exception, these bombers all roared away towards the north bank of the Yangtze River.

"Even Japanese planes have been dispatched." Cui Jiu said in a deep voice, "It seems that the battle in Jiangbei is quite fierce."

As soon as Cui Jiu finished speaking, huge mushroom clouds rose up in Jiangbei, across the river from Fushan.

It was almost half a minute before a deafening explosion came from Jiangbei. Even though there was a Yangtze River and a distance of several kilometers, the explosion was so loud. It is completely conceivable that the person at the center of the explosion Nantong, what kind of scene should it be? Thinking of this, Jiang Nan's pretty face turned pale.

Cui Jiu secretly admired him. The little devil had created such a huge battle, which showed how difficult it was to deal with the temporary 79th Division Independent Battalion. However, there were more than 200 remnant soldiers in the independent battalion. He could force the little devil to a great extent. When it came to another large-scale bombardment and bombers dispatched to bomb indiscriminately, it was not in vain.

However, Cui Jiu felt that the Independence Camp might be doomed this time.

When the battle reached this point, Nantong was blown into a sea of flames. Even a mouse would be hard-pressed to survive, let alone the more than two hundred soldiers of the Independent Battalion? Cui Jiu wanted to go over and tell Xu Rui that the Independence Camp was definitely over, and we still didn’t need to go to Jiangbei. But looking at Xu Rui’s face, Cui Jiu didn’t dare to make a mistake after all.

After a few minutes, Li Hai, who was looking for a boat, came back.

"We found the boat at the camp, we found the boat." Li Hai said excitedly, "We first found the road sign left by the veteran outside the dock, and then followed the road sign to find a reed marsh. Sure enough, the veteran was in the reed marsh. There are a few boats hidden in it, let’s cross the river quickly, the veterans probably won’t last long.”

"Let's go!" After Xu Rui said that, he turned around and walked forward.

After a while, the group of people arrived at the reed marsh.

At this time, Hei Qi, Xiao Mao and Ah Fu had already rowed two small boats out of the reed swamp. Although the boats were small, they were enough for a group of people to cross the river.

It's a pity that the more anxious you are, the more God will work against you.

The two boats had just entered the fork of the river, and before they turned into the Yangtze River, a long "ang" whistle came from the river in the distance. When everyone looked up anxiously, they saw something unknown on the vast river in front of them. At that time, there were a few more black spots, and these black spots were still spitting black smoke into the sky.

"Gunboat!" Cui Jiu shouted, "It's the little devil's gunboat!"

"Fuck you!" Xu Rui immediately cursed and shouted, "Go back and hide!"

On the vast river, it is impossible for two small fishing boats to compete with the Japanese gunboats, because the Japanese gunboats are equipped with 75mm-caliber rapid-fire cannons. With just one shot, they can blow up Xu Rui's small boat. Turning into ashes, even though Xu Rui was the strongest soldier king, he was still beaten to pieces.

There was no choice but to quickly hide in the reed marsh.

After hiding for another two hours, the two Japanese gunboats swam on the Fushan section of the river for more than two hours before finally continuing to sail downstream amidst the long sound of the whistle.

By this time, it was getting dark.

Although the Japanese gunboats had not gone far, Xu Rui couldn't wait any longer. Xu Rui, Cui Jiu, Li Hai and Hei Qiu swung their oars hard, and the two small boats slid out like arrows. The reeds then followed the fork of the river into the Yangtze River, and then split the waves and sailed straight to the north bank of the Yangtze River. On the north bank, the sound of gunfire and cannons continued. Mobile phone users please visit w reading for a better reading experience.