Special Forces King

Chapter 76: salute


The Fushan section of the Yangtze River is extremely wide. A dozen big men were divided into two groups, taking turns to paddle. It took them a full hour to finally approach the north bank. Fortunately, the entire river crossing process went smoothly, and there were no encounters in the process. The Japanese patrol gunboat, otherwise, the consequences would be really disastrous. [Read full text]

"Who, who is it?" The two boats had just docked, and a Japanese soldier jumped out of the grass on the riverside. The only thing he said was "password" in Chinese.

"Liuzi, it's me." Hei Qi recognized the Japanese at a glance.

"Brother Qi, it's you" Liu Zi also recognized Hei Qi and shouted excitedly.

When he saw Xu Rui again, Liuzi was even more happy and shouted: "Camp seat"

Xu Rui sighed, as the saying goes, you can tell when you see the slightest thing. Seeing that the security posts of the ** camp were placed on the edge of the Yangtze River, it was enough to prove that the entire Nantong city was still under the control of the ** camp, which in turn proved that , the Japanese camp was not severely damaged. It seems that the large-scale bombing during the day was just a bluff by the Japanese.

At that moment, Xu Rui patted Liu Zi on the shoulder and said, "Liu Zi, where is your battalion deputy?"

"Our battalion deputy just came here to check the sentry. He should be checking the west guard post now. But we only walked for a few minutes and we won't go far. I'll call the battalion deputy back right away." Liu Zi said to him. Xu Rui stood up and saluted the military salute, then ran away with the 38-meter cover in his arms.

Hearing that the veteran was nearby, Xu Rui asked Li Hai and Hei Qi to lead Jiangnan and Cui Jiu to the city first, while he stayed behind to wait for the veteran.

After a while, the veteran hurried over with a Sanba Gai on his arm.

After seeing Xu Rui, the veteran's eyes immediately surged with excitement, but this excitement disappeared in just a flash. Obviously, the veteran didn't want others to know his excitement at this moment, because this It would make him look weak in the eyes of others, and he didn't want to leave the impression of weakness on others.

A faint smile immediately appeared at the corner of Xu Rui's mouth.

Although the veteran concealed it well, Xu Rui was still keenly aware of it.

To be honest, Xu Rui is also very happy at the moment, because the veteran has done a good job.

However, the next moment, the smile on the corner of Xu Rui's mouth solidified again, and then he reprimanded the veteran: "Veteran, what did you do? Why are you still in Nantong? Why are you still in Nanyong? I wasn't with you at that time, so After you cross the river, will you go directly to Damei Mountain? Why don't you go?"

Xu Rui is really angry. Soldiers are like this. He can disobey his superiors' orders, start fights with others, and sometimes feel complacent, but if his subordinates dare to resist his orders, they will immediately become furious. Xu Rui is also a soldier. , is also not exempt from vulgarity, and is really angry about the veteran's disobedience.

The veteran remained silent and allowed Xu Rui to spray saliva on his face.

It wasn't until Xu Rui finished scolding that the veteran said calmly: "I also wanted to take the troops directly to Damei Mountain, but the Japanese refused to let us rest for one night in Nantong. When we wanted to leave the next day, we found that at least A regiment of Japanese soldiers has already surrounded us from the west and north, and if we try to leave, we will no longer be able to leave."

Xu Rui said persistently: "Why don't you just leave after a night's rest?"

"I can't walk anymore." The veteran responded calmly, "The brothers are all exhausted, and it rained all night before crossing the river. If you don't dry your clothes, you will get sick. Once you get sick, you will not be able to do anything. It's over." Then he said without being soft or hard, "Since I promised you, I must bring the entire army to Damei Mountain."

Xu Rui snorted lightly, agreeing with the veteran's explanation.

But Xu Rui also knew that what the veteran said was actually all bullshit.

The reason why the veteran did not leave, and the reason why the ** Battalion stayed in Nanyong and did not leave, was because of the veteran, because the officers and soldiers of the ** Battalion did not want to leave him, a cheap commander, even though he had only been less than three years since he became the commander of the ** Battalion. God, but the more than two hundred brothers in the ** camp have accepted him from the bottom of their hearts, trusted him, and loved him at the same time.

The creed of the ** battalion is not to abandon or give up. As a commander, Xu Rui will not abandon any of his subordinates. As subordinates, veterans, how can they abandon him as a commander? Veterans and others would rather be surrounded by Japanese soldiers than to abandon them. By swearing to the death until he, the commander, returns, he is practicing this creed with practical actions.

Therefore, Xu Rui cannot be blamed. If he continues to blame, he is denying the creed of never abandoning or giving up.

At that moment, Xu Rui snorted softly and said, "What is the situation now?"

The veteran said: "This is not the place for talking. Go to the headquarters."

At that moment, the veterans took Xu Rui to the headquarters in the air raid shelter.

To Xu Rui's surprise, he saw a few unfamiliar faces in the air-raid shelter, especially a burly man over two meters tall, which caught Xu Rui's attention.

The veteran introduced: "Yingzuo, let me introduce to you. This is the Deputy Wan Ying of the 67th Army."

"Sixty-seventh Army" Xu Rui's eyes narrowed slightly and then said, "General Wu Keren's troops"

Xu Rui has infinite respect for General Wu Keren, who died in the Battle of Songhu and died heroically for his country. It is countless martyrs like General Wu Keren who have supported the backbone of the Chinese nation. For such martyrs, No matter what kind of honorific you use, it's never too much.

Xu Rui immediately stood up to attention and saluted the tall man.

"Salute to General Wu Keren who died on the battlefield in Songhu"

"Salute to all the soldiers of the Northeast Army who died on the battlefield of Songhu"

"Salute to all the soldiers of the Northeast Army who are still alive and fighting bloody battles with the Japanese."

Following Xu Rui's slightly hoarse voice, all the officers and soldiers in the air-raid shelter stood up and saluted with their guns raised in the direction of Deputy Wan Ying and several other Northeastern Army officers.

Several Northeastern Army officers quickly returned the greeting.

Deputy Wan Ying did not return the greeting, but stared at Xu Rui.

After a while, Deputy Wan Ying suddenly squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, and began to cry bitterly. While crying, he yelled at Xu Rui with tears in his eyes: "You little thing, what are you doing? What are you doing? You just want to make me cry, you just want to embarrass me, right? I will remember you, morning and night I will torture you to death, torture you to death."

When Jiang Nan walked into the air-raid shelter, she happened to see this scene. She saw a man as tall as a mountain, crying like a child. She wanted to laugh, but found that she couldn't laugh at all. An inexplicable emotion overwhelmed her. She enveloped her, making her feel a sour nose. If she was not familiar with the history of the Northeast Army, it would be difficult to understand the big man's mood at this time.

Xu Rui ignored the tall man and turned his attention to the veteran.

The veteran asked Niu Dazhuang to take the map and spread it out, then pointed at the map and said: "Today at noon, a large Japanese army with more than 2,000 soldiers suddenly appeared in the western suburbs of Nantong. After receiving the warning, I immediately led the *** battalion to the north. We moved, but less than five miles out of the city, we encountered a Japanese cavalry squadron. After we dealt with this cavalry squadron, more Japanese cavalry and at least one large group of infantry had already followed. As a last resort, we had to retreat to Downtown.”

Xu Rui said: "In other words, there will be at least one unit of the Japanese outflanking them from the northwest."

"At least a regiment," the veteran leader added, "maybe even a brigade."

Xu Rui's eyes wandered around the map and asked: "To the east, have you found any Japanese?"

"No." The veteran shook his head and replied, "Just before you came, I just inspected the security position five miles to the east, and no Japanese were found."

Xu Rui said: "The devils are surrounding Sanque and want to drive us eastward."

The veteran said: "That's exactly what I guessed. After all, our combat power is there. If we fight in the street, even if the Japanese can win, the casualties will be very heavy. And if we can be driven out of the city, in the field battle If we are annihilated, the Japs will suffer much more casualties, after all, the Japs have absolutely superior artillery and tank troops."

After a pause, the veteran continued: "Furthermore, except for the dozen or so Japs who once deployed an infantry squadron to launch an attack, they have never deployed more than a squadron to launch an attack since then. Instead, they have only used artillery and aviation to attack Nantong city." The indiscriminate bombing was carried out with a clear intention to intimidate."

Xu Rui pondered for a moment and then said: "Let's do this. You first send people to capture a few survivors and ask which army of the Japanese is outside."

The veteran said: "The live ones are readily available. We caught a dozen of them this afternoon."

Xu Rui said: "Bring two of them up immediately, and I will interrogate them personally."

The veteran turned around and waved, and the two remnant soldiers turned and left. After a while, they escorted two Japanese soldiers, who were all tied up, into the air-raid shelter. The two Japanese soldiers had their nostrils turned upward and looked arrogant.

It’s true, we’ve become prisoners, what else can we be arrogant about

Xu Rui walked up to one of the Japanese and asked in Japanese: "What's your name?"

But the Japanese snorted from his nostrils, looked at the sky, and ignored Xu Rui.

Xu Rui raised a cold smile on his lips and said, "You'd better be smarter and answer whatever I ask you. Otherwise, I guarantee you will regret it, definitely."

"Baga Yalu." The Japanese scolded, "The imperial army will not surrender to the Chinese pigs."

"Yo Xi, I hope your mental will can be as strong as your mouth." Xu Rui smiled ferociously, then reached out and patted the devil lightly. The devil didn't know what Xu Rui meant at first. But soon, he felt a heartbreaking pain that spread rapidly from the place where Xu Rui had hit him to his limbs and eight meridians.
